Ban Length For People That Post Hacks?


Active Members
Okay so there needs to be a decision on what happens to people that post hacks.

As for me I believe that it should result in an Immediate Month Ban as it could get the website shut down... I banned the person that had caused all of this havoc earlier today for a month so I believe that's what the punishment should be.

but then again it is up to the Administrators.... Your thoughts?



Active Members
No, I say We use the custom infraction button.

Infraction name would be the type of post they made. I.e Hacking, Warez, etc

The length of time, I'd say should be on a 3 step system

3 days for the first, 7 days the second time, and a permanent ban the third. And I would give all staff permission to execute these, whether it's profile or post infraction

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