Bankers go before Congress today to defend bailout


New member
I can see it now... all that splainin' to congress why they deserved such huge bonuses. I'm hearing the people have been demanding that money back and demanding some answers. I demand the reinstatement of the guillotine .




Old Salt

New member
I can see it now... all that splainin' to congress why they deserved such huge bonuses. I'm hearing the people have been demanding that money back and demanding some answers. I demand the reinstatement of the guillotine ..

The guillotine is suppposed to be one of the most humane forms of execution. Why would you want that?


New member
Here it comes....

Precious metals lure investors as other markets stumble
7:06 PM, February 11, 2009

The stock market can only stare forlornly at the action in precious metals markets this year. Prices of gold, silver and platinum all have rallied to their best levels since at least September, while Wall Street struggles.

Precious metals lure investors as other markets stumble | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
The world knows that the "Spendulous Bill" will do nothing to help the economy, and more than likely will prolong the US New Depression, and as a result precious metals are kicking ***.

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