Barack Hussein Obama Not A Uniter According To Senate Voting Record--Opposed Bi-Partisan Legislation


Tyrone Cannon

Barack Obama is a socialist, arguably the most radical leftist ever to
threaten to win the Democrat nomination. He would be to the left of such
past socialist and
populist candidates as Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy
Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore and John Kerry.

Obama promises "change". But offers only a rehashed liberal/socialist agenda
such as already been tried and failed in many other countries. As for
promising hope in uniting and reconciliation of disparate factions in
America Obama has opposed almost all Senate legislation put forth in a
bipartisan spirit of co-operation between
moderate Democrats and Republicans. Once again we see in Obama just another
run-of-the-mill, crass "liberal" politician with the same old, stale and

"Majority rule in democracies is a threat to
individual liberties". ---Erik Maria von Kuehnelt--
Kuehnelt-Leddihn described himself an
enemy of all forms of totalitarianism and collectivism.
Why does McCain refuse to deny that he's into pedophile action and a Satan
worshiping cannibal?

What is he hiding and why is rumored neoNazi sympathizer and Obama hater Sean
Hannity protecting him?

Why did he allow himself to be caught by the enemy and then decide to
cooperate with their demands, making him a bigger traitor than Hanoi Jane?

Why are the RNC concealing his mental instability when they were promenaded
parading it around for everyone to see only 8 years ago?

McCain is not the man for the job. He's a dangerous, senile and inept old
traitor who, due to his age, will probably not last 1 term before being
hospitalized and then sent off to a nursing home.

Even Limbaugh and Ann Coulter say they would rather support the Democrat than

"Moral nihilism is not the only central
feature of Naziism, but also
the common feature between it and
the Bush NeoCons".--scholar Hugh Seton-Watson.

Tyrone Cannon <> wrote:
> Barack Obama is a socialist, arguably the most radical leftist ever to
> threaten to win the Democrat nomination. He would be to the left of such
> past socialist and
> populist candidates as Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy
> Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore and John Kerry.
> Obama promises "change". But offers only a rehashed liberal/socialist agenda
> such as already been tried and failed in many other countries. As for
> promising hope in uniting and reconciliation of disparate factions in
> America Obama has opposed almost all Senate legislation put forth in a
> bipartisan spirit of co-operation between
> moderate Democrats and Republicans. Once again we see in Obama just another
> run-of-the-mill, crass "liberal" politician with the same old, stale and
> uninspired
> agenda.