Bart police shoot oscar grant


New member
Now this ain't good at all!! :eek:

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New member
That cop should be charged. If the protest helps to achieve that more power to them. Although I don't know about any $25 mil... They should get something if he had a wife and kids, for his funeral expenses, etc. and maybe pain & suffering/wrongful death, but I don't know about 25 mil. Just sounds like their greedy lawyer wants to start off high for as much as he can get.


New member
I am only going to say this once and not delve into it, and not to say no action should be taken, but this officer made statements that he believed he was grabbing his TASER and grabbed his sidearm instead.

That said, there should be no excuse for this extreme amount of negligence and the officer should be accountable based on the actual account not what is the public outcry.

I personally have been against having the TASER if equipped on the same side of the duty belt as the sidearm. It should be either on the opposite hand or on a thigh holster to aleviate this type of thing. One of the things the average person will never understand is the effects of doing tasks in a high stress, physical situation. In that instance you lose fine motor skill and the grip of a gun if in the general vacinity of where a TASER may be located will feel no different than the TASER itself.

The record shows the officer didn't directly shoot the subject but the bullet hit the ground next to him and a fragment punctured a lung and he died.

That said, the incident is a gross negligence of either training or tactical knowledge during high stress situations and both the officer and the department should be held accountable if the officer wasn't in defiance of official policy.

On the other hand if he is not being honest about the TASER situation, even if he was drawing his sidearm, if there is a lack of training or dicipline, a negligent discharge can happen sometimes due to a sympathetic response. The officer has his gun in one hand grabs at something with the other and in a high stress situation will often squeeze with both hands. Again something the average person will never experience. And again not in defense as this scenerio also comes down to basic training and the fact that you always keep your trigger finger on the frame of the gun and out of the trigger guard, unless ready to shoot. In this scenerio, same thing. Gross negligence, but in both scenerios, and from what I've heard of the case, Murder is a wrong charge. Manslaughter maybe, as there isn't any evidence at this time the it was intentional, and I think the look on the young officer's face shows that.

My take, as a LEO.

I've learned that anyone who isn't will never understand, just as the average person including myself will never truely understand what it is like to be a soldier in combat.

Form your own opinions, if you hate cops anything I say won't sway you, nor if you just have a closed mind and can't see how this could be an unfortunate tragic accident.

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