Battle Of The Gods


New member
I am creating this thread as a sort of 'battle dome' for the various gods to have thier dogma be heard concerning different issues...

--------------- EG---------------

A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should:

ALLAH: <muslim fills in a SHORT response here>

***: <Christians here>

Elohim: <Jew if we can find one>

Satan/Enki: <I'll provide this response>

At the end we can have a Poll to see who's teaching is most usefull etc....


First we must fill in who will be answering for each ***...

-I would like to nominate MJ as the Allah rep... rsvp if you're kewl with that..

-I would like to nominate PW as the *** rep... rsvp if you're kewl with that...

-I'm not aware of any jews, so If the position is not fill by the time it starts... sorry

-I will be answering for Satan since I'm sure no one else wants to...


I will wait to post question 1 untill we have rsvps from the other participants...



New member
im pretty particular to RA myself...tho i dont worship outright....I consider myself a non-practicing Wiccian..

I belive in their base philiosophy, yet i have never done any worshiping...

This base philosophy i have been instilled by my parents.

"An it harm none, do what thou wilt"

Yet no one in my entire family believes in wicca...But i firmly believe in it that of course wicca is my current matter how much i never got into it....ANd since wicca lets you technically choose your ***..I choose RA

So even tho my name wasnt stated in this debate...that is who i shall be speaking of...if this topic ever goes past this post that is!



New member
AIG, please remember that MJ has a brain. You do not. He is a much better choice.
Really? and since I have no brain,how will I remember? I didn't say they should choose me,I just said could I make a few posts.Ofcourse Fullauto won't choose me.BTW,could you do it,I really want to sit back and watch you get slammed,even by the satanist.



New member
You forgot dietists and aitheists

For Dietists...


For Atheists...


And I know Asmodai, IdiomaticLogic, and Silver Dragon are atheists.

I would like to represent Dietism, if you are "down with that".

Just out of curiosity, I predict the answers to "A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should:" will be

ALLAH: Kill them immediately!

***: Turn the other cheek.

Elohim: Slap them back

Satan/Enki: Hate them and wish them harm.

Wicca: Put a hex on them.

Deitist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Atheist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Budhist: Kick his ***.

Hindu: Ask him why he did it.



New member
Just out of curiosity, I predict the answers to "A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should:" will be
ALLAH: Kill them immediately!

***: Turn the other cheek.

Elohim: Slap them back

Satan/Enki: Hate them and wish them harm.

Wicca: Put a hex on them.

Deitist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Atheist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Budhist: Kick his ***.

Hindu: Ask him why he did it.



New member
Just out of curiosity, I predict the answers to "A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should:" will be
ALLAH: Kill them immediately!

***: Turn the other cheek.

Elohim: Slap them back

Satan/Enki: Hate them and wish them harm.

Wicca: Put a hex on them.

Deitist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Atheist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Budhist: Kick his ***.

Hindu: Ask him why he did it.
Hmmm consider this, out of the Muslim posters on this forum, have you ever heard ANY of them even remotely suggest that America should be bombed? No you say? hmmm why is that I wonder.

Now how many Christians (you being one of the leading ones among them MRIH) have advocated the bombing of the ENTIRE Middle East. I don't what definition of turning the other cheek you were brought up with, but bombing an entire region certainly doesn't seem like turning the other cheek to me.



New member
LOL!! He ratted on all the other people's religions.Come on now people,you see that this *******'s hate doesn't only stop at Islam.You have your proof.He dis-respected all religions but his.

Ps:IDIOT BOX this *******,people.You have a reason to do so now. :D



New member
Hehehe. I thought it was pretty funny. Though I might have to disagree with a few...I'll have to check on em first.

And no. I won't be puttin him in the idiot box, and I am pretty sure there are few other than you who will. You're on your own, kid.



New member
Hehehe. I thought it was pretty funny. Though I might have to disagree with a few...I'll have to check on em first.And no. I won't be puttin him in the idiot box, and I am pretty sure there are few other than you who will. You're on your own, kid.

You need 12 bux to idiot box someone :D

"dance puppets......"



New member
Just out of curiosity, I predict the answers to "A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should:" will be
ALLAH: Kill them immediately!

***: Turn the other cheek.

Elohim: Slap them back

Satan/Enki: Hate them and wish them harm.

Wicca: Put a hex on them.

Deitist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Atheist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his ***.

Budhist: Kick his ***.

Hindu: Ask him why he did it.
No, you have it just a little off...

ALLAH: Say there names, spit, then hijack their planes and run them into their buildings!

***: Yell at that person to be a christian and hand them fliers.

Elohim: Slap them back

Satan/Enki: Hate them and wish them harm, flip them off.

Wicca: Put a hex on them.

Deitist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his *** depending on type of day we are having.

Atheist: Ask him why in the **** he did, then kick his *** while, oddly enough, saying things related to Christianity like "Goddammit" and "Jesus H. Christ".

Buddhist: Invite them over for rice and tea.

Hindu: Refuse to eat any more food.

Hmmm consider this, out of the Muslim posters on this forum, have you ever heard ANY of them even remotely suggest that America should be bombed? No you say? hmmm why is that I wonder.
Now how many Christians (you being one of the leading ones among them MRIH) have advocated the bombing of the ENTIRE Middle East. I don't what definition of turning the other cheek you were brought up with, but bombing an entire region certainly doesn't seem like turning the other cheek to me.

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And to AIG... look what MJ says about apostacy, you dim-wit!

If a man rejects Allah by leaving the religion, this is an insult to the entire religion. You first reject them as friends, then, if they try and convince you, you kill them. They're a plauge to your well being and the well being of the nation you're in. They spread things like propoganda and make anti-Islamic diatribes, loosely based on weak/forged hadiths (example; Faith Freedom Internation,) and it is very underminding to the society. Then, you are faced with a choice:1.) Allow them to continue and pollute others minds,

- or -

2.) Ostracize them.

Two would be the most logical solution, correct? Well, yes. But there is a bigger picture. Even if you succeeded in forcing them out of your society, they will either attempt to return, or they will go, town to town, diluting further minds and really hurting the religion. So, the final choice... eradication. It is a last resort, but the only effective one. So, that's why they kill convert-outs.


New member
One thing I have noticed with M_J and most of the time you, MRIH, is that the posts are always backed with info and are intelligent.
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