Beaner Serial Rape Suspect Arrested in AZ, Linked to Attacks by DNA


Patriot Games


Arizona Serial Rape Suspect Arrested, Linked to Attacks by DNA
Sunday, January 13, 2008

CHANDLER, Ariz. - A suspect in the sexual assaults of several young girls
in Chandler has been arrested and police said Saturday that DNA positively
links the man to the case.

Santana Batiz Aceves, 39, was booked into a Maricopa County jail in Phoenix
on 25 counts of kidnapping, sexual assault and trespassing in connection
with the assaults that began in June 2006, police announced at a news
conference. They said the most recent attack linked to the case occurred
June 8 on a 14-year-old girl.

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Police had been searching for months for a man who raped four girls and
attempted to assault two others in the Chandler area.

All of the victims have been girls between the ages of 12 and 15, according
to authorities.

Chandler Police Chief Sherry Kiyler said Aceves is an illegal immigrant who
was deported twice for drug charges in California in 1999 and 2003.

Authorities said Aceves worked as a heavy equipment operator and lived in
the area of the sexual assaults for the last 18 months.

Police said all of the attacks occurred within a two-mile radius of the
suspect's rented home, which is located between two junior high schools.

It was not immediately known if Aceves had legal representation yet. A
person who answered the door at Aceves' home Saturday declined comment.

Kiyler said detectives working a saturation patrol Friday morning in the
area of the most recent assault spotted a man who matched the description of
the suspect and who was driving a white 2-door car that also matched a
police description.

The man was released after being questioned, but officers later got a
warrant to search his home and obtain his DNA.

He fled when they approached but was captured and the DNA obtained, Kiyler
said. That DNA test came back early Saturday with a positive match for
several of the sexual assaults.

"We are convinced that this suspect ... is responsible for the multiple
assaults in our jurisdiction," Kiyler said. "We are relieved that our
community is now a safer place."

Most of the attacks happened in the early morning hours and targeted young
girls after adults in the homes had left for work.

One happened in the evening while the girl's grandparents were outside.
Other attacks are possible but have not been formally attributed to the same

Police in Chandler and surrounding cities had been warning young girls and
their parents about the rapist since early in 2007. Public forums were held
at local schools and a reward of up to $50,000 was posted for information
leading to his arrest.

Police described a careful assailant who stalked his victims and their
families to identify when the young girls were most vulnerable. He would
then strike quickly and apparently had his escape well planned.