Being Buried or Cremated?

buried coz if u get buried ull always have a memorial for everyone an urn is more of family remembrance only
yea i think muslims arent allowed to get cremation..neway i dont get the point of cremation neway...leaving the soul to peace is better..and if u get buried ur still in the earth and part of nature so i guess it makes more sense
cremate me, bury me, throw me overboard a boat with weights attached... I don't care. I'll be ****ing dead. I'm not gonna be alive to care so while i am alive i wont think of a proper answer hahaha.
I hadn't thought about this for a long time actually. but I want to be buried in the local graveyard where I used to live, where my grandfather is buried
Cremated? maybe. I don't wanna get like dug up fifty thousand years later (if Earth lasts that long) and get analyzed for the life of the "ancient world" by then.
Well some of them blow themselves up. So what about then?

Sorry, had to be said.
Good example!

they don't even get burried... I think

For example: A palestian suicide bomber detonates him in a israeli city... I'm sure they(Israelis) will collect the remains and send it to the family... I think they just clean up the mess and throw it away somewhere... not sure though.

dogfood FTW!
suicide bombing has nothing to do with being a real religious muslim. it's like saying hating jews is part of being a's just something some group of the people do
I'd want to be cremated. I've always hated the idea of a body-viewing (no offense to people who have done that sort of thing) And being buried in a wooden box in the ground doesn't make much sense. If I were to be buried, I'd want to be just thrown in a hole, worm food, so to speak. But that's just me. I'm kind of unceremonious in that way.

My grandparents were cremated, and I think it's a fine way of having a funeral. My grandma made ceramics, and we used her urn molds to make hers and grandpa's, so it has familial value. I wouldn't want to just buy some urn...

We've debated on what to do with the ashes. We wanted to spread my grandma's around her favorite tree, so that her ashes would be absorbed into the tree. But we all couldn't agree on that... I'd think that's what I would want for me though. Throw me into the ocean, or something epic like that.

But when you get right down to it, it's just a body. It really doesn't make much sense to fuss over it the way we do.

then again, humans have never been terribly rational beings.