Believe Me Director's Version Released


New member
Yes guys,

Laurent Briet and FortMinor+Brazil dropped the exclusive director's version of Believe Me's music video today.

Not much else to say, besides it offers some of the same things Faint's director's version does, but even more!

Check it out today.

Download it here!

Sources: Laurent Briet, FMMB (Mike Stanley)



New member
Well I was grounded for a week, so I missed that.

Then the mixtape, I went to bed at 6AM and ChesterChaz00 beat me to it.

That's why o_O



New member
Sorry, you have to have Quicktime 7. Go to to get it :D I had 6 and couldn't see it, but a good friend told me I needed 7.

The video is high quality, it's VERY nice. I love the chorus with Mike's face and the end drum/light smack :D Intro is cool too :O



New member
yup that´s true Mark!

i <3 teh quality of the video!I had like 2 other vids of Believe me but this one is teh best one!!!!It kicks ***:D:thumbsup:

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