Benazir Bhutto Assassination Has CIA Written All Over It



Benazir Bhutto Had To Go to Protect American Oil Companies' Interest
In The Area. PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the Central Asian
pipeline and the government (ARMY) controls the success or failure of
Trans-Afghanistan pipeline wich will export Turkmen gas via
Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
markets. And, Butto had no control over the military ( AKA Pakistan's
President Pervez Musharraf,... the General in a blue suit.and personal
friend of Bush/Cheney.)


Unocal and other American companies like it are fully prepared to
undertake ... pipeline from the Central Asian republic through
Afghanistan TO Pakistan. ...

In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive
of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time
when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as
strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there
is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both
political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]

The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under
discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan's
unstable political situation.

Afghanistan: The Oil Behind the War
PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline

Whoever controls the Caspian region has a counterweight to the
Gulf--a way to strengthen control over all oil-producing states by
hooking up a new energy source to the world market.

The Caspian region's energy fields are landlocked--far from the
oceans. Exploiting the people and resources of the Caspian region
takes huge pipelines traveling hundreds of miles over mountains and
deserts. Whoever controls the pipelines controls the oil. And so
has been an intense fight over who will build these new pipelines and
where they will go.

If the pipelines go north through Russia to Europe, Russia will
reestablish control over the Caspian region and the European
imperialists will have a source of energy that the U.S. does not

If a major pipe goes west, from Baku in Azerbaijan, across Turkey to
the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan--then the U.S. expects to have
control over that oil and everyone who needs that oil.

If the pipes go south through Iran to its refineries and harbors, then
the U.S. containment of Iran is broken. And, in that case, the
Caucasus region becomes an inland extension of the Persian Gulf--not a
separate competitive region.

And, if a U.S.-built pipeline goes south through Afghanistan to
PAKISTAN, Russia loses control in the CARs, and the U.S. gains power
over those who use it--especially Pakistan and India.

Throughout the 19th century, the expanding Russian and British empires
fought over control of Afghanistan and Central Asia--in a colonial
contest for power that the British called the "Great Game." Today, oil
has become the focus of the "New Great Game" for the Caspian region.

The US government informed other nations of it's plan to invade
Afghanistan months before the 9/11 attacks

See Map
Alternate route
Friday, 27 December, 2002, 11:23 GMT
Central Asia pipeline deal signed

With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a
year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push
ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.

PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework
agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to
build and operate the pipeline.

The trans-Afghanistan pipeline would export Turkmen gas via
Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world

"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire;
and where they make a desert, they call it peace."

Benazir Bhutto Assassination Has CIA Written All Over It
by Andres Kargar
Thursday Dec 27th, 2007 11:57 PM

Imagine this scenario: a suicide bomber blows himself up to distract
and disperse the crowd while ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) snipers take
Bhutto down.

Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
around, making speeches and posing as a real threat to the US-backed
General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship.

Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
around, making speeches and posing as real threat to the US-backed
General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship. With the upcoming
elections (which will now face an uncertain fate), the US control of
the situation in Pakistan was quickly slipping away.

The Bush regime desperately needs Perviz Musharraf for its so-called
War on Terror. Pakistan's northwestern region of Wazirestan is the fig
leaf that supposedly hides the mythical Osama bin Ladin, the Taliban
fighters, Al-Qaeda, and any other potential "terrorists", thus
providing the Bush administration justification to milk the American
people out of billions of dollars for its crusade. This has only been
possible because of Musharraf and ISI's connections in the region and
the sealing of Wazirestan to outsiders, including independent

DESPITE the US government's claim that it had been seeking
reconciliation between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto, it should be
mentioned that the Pakistani people would never have accepted any such
reconciliation and collaboration.

Even though the situation seems much more chaotic after Bhutto's
assassination, now General Musharraf has the much needed pretext to,
once again declare martial law and postpone the elections indefinitely
or carry it out under martial law.

"Aunt Jemima" Rice Scripted Bhutto's Return then Left her
Unprotected .

The set up

Two months ago Secretary of State, Condi Rice, convinced Pakistan's
president and current dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to allow exiled
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto back into the deeply troubled country.

Rice also had to convince Bhutto it to come out of exile and go back
into public spotlight and the rough and tumble world of Pakistani
politics. She did so with a promise of US support and a shared power
structure agreement with Musharraf.

But after two attempts on her life, beginning almost the minute she
touched down in Pakistan, one might start to wonder if the former
Prime Minister wasn't set up from the beginning. Especially when you
consider Bhutto was sent there with no additional security.

However, the State Department didn't offer her any personal
protection, even though they all knew that Bhutto's past history with
the Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda would make her an instant target.
Rice didn't even offer the services of private firms like Blackwater,
which the State Department routinely uses all across the globe to
protect important diplomats.

The results? An attempt on her life the moment she touched down in
Pakistan which killed 158 innocent civilians and another one this week
that did take the life of Benazir Bhutto. At least, one of the three
official causes of death took the life of the "last hope of Pakistan."

"Treason, which begins by being cautious, ends by betraying itself."
- Alphonse de Lamartine
On Dec 30, 7:28�pm, spammer <> wrote:
> Good thing we have the web loons to give us the "real" story.

spammer; Is that the best you can do? Why don't you offer your wisdom
in bringing us loons the true scoop? I'm sure you have the

"Every mind was made for growth, for knowledge, and its nature is
sinned against when it is doomed to ignorance."
---William Ellery Channing

By the way, Is it true that ignorance is bliss?
Let us loons know.--- please.
On Dec 30, 7:42 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 7:28�pm, spammer <> wrote:
> > Good thing we have the web loons to give us the "real" story.

> spammer; Is that the best you can do? Why don't you offer your wisdom
> in bringing us loons the true scoop?  I'm sure you have the
> "real"story.

Well, you already beat me to the most ridiculous post of the day.
On Dec 30, 6:25 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> Benazir Bhutto Had To Go to Protect American Oil Companies' Interest
> In The Area. PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the Central Asian
> pipeline and the government (ARMY) controls the success or failure of
> the
> Trans-Afghanistan pipeline wich will export Turkmen gas via
> Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> markets. And, Butto had no control over the military ( AKA Pakistan's
> President Pervez Musharraf,... the General in a blue suit.and personal
> friend of Bush/Cheney.)
> Unocal and other American companies like it are fully prepared to
> undertake ... pipeline from the Central Asian republic through
> Afghanistan TO Pakistan. ...
> In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive
> of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time
> when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as
> strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there
> is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both
> political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]
> The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under
> discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan's
> unstable political situation.
> Afghanistan: The Oil Behind the War
> PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
> Whoever controls the Caspian region has a counterweight to the
> Persian
> Gulf--a way to strengthen control over all oil-producing states by
> hooking up a new energy source to the world market.
> The Caspian region's energy fields are landlocked--far from the
> oceans. Exploiting the people and resources of the Caspian region
> takes huge pipelines traveling hundreds of miles over mountains and
> deserts. Whoever controls the pipelines controls the oil. And so
> there
> has been an intense fight over who will build these new pipelines and
> where they will go.
> If the pipelines go north through Russia to Europe, Russia will
> reestablish control over the Caspian region and the European
> imperialists will have a source of energy that the U.S. does not
> control.
> If a major pipe goes west, from Baku in Azerbaijan, across Turkey to
> the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan--then the U.S. expects to have
> control over that oil and everyone who needs that oil.
> If the pipes go south through Iran to its refineries and harbors, then
> the U.S. containment of Iran is broken. And, in that case, the
> Caucasus region becomes an inland extension of the Persian Gulf--not a
> separate competitive region.
> And, if a U.S.-built pipeline goes south through Afghanistan to
> PAKISTAN, Russia loses control in the CARs, and the U.S. gains power
> over those who use it--especially Pakistan and India.
> Throughout the 19th century, the expanding Russian and British empires
> fought over control of Afghanistan and Central Asia--in a colonial
> contest for power that the British called the "Great Game." Today, oil
> has become the focus of the "New Great Game" for the Caspian region.
> The US government informed other nations of it's plan to invade
> Afghanistan months before the 9/11 attacks
> See Map
> Alternate route
> Friday, 27 December, 2002, 11:23 GMT
> Central Asia pipeline deal signed
> With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a
> year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push
> ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.
> PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
> The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework
> agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to
> build and operate the pipeline.
> The trans-Afghanistan pipeline would export Turkmen gas via
> Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> markets.
> "To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire;
> and where they make a desert, they call it peace."
> --Calgacus
> Benazir Bhutto Assassination Has CIA Written All Over It
> by Andres Kargar
> Thursday Dec 27th, 2007 11:57 PM
> Imagine this scenario: a suicide bomber blows himself up to distract
> and disperse the crowd while ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) snipers take
> Bhutto down.
> Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> around, making speeches and posing as a real threat to the US-backed
> General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship.
> Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> around, making speeches and posing as real threat to the US-backed
> General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship. With the upcoming
> elections (which will now face an uncertain fate), the US control of
> the situation in Pakistan was quickly slipping away.
> The Bush regime desperately needs Perviz Musharraf for its so-called
> War on Terror. Pakistan's northwestern region of Wazirestan is the fig
> leaf that supposedly hides the mythical Osama bin Ladin, the Taliban
> fighters, Al-Qaeda, and any other potential "terrorists", thus
> providing the Bush administration justification to milk the American
> people out of billions of dollars for its crusade. This has only been
> possible because of Musharraf and ISI's connections in the region and
> the sealing of Wazirestan to outsiders, including independent
> journalists.
> DESPITE the US government's claim that it had been seeking
> reconciliation between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto, it should be
> mentioned that the Pakistani people would never have accepted any such
> reconciliation and collaboration.
> Even though the situation seems much more chaotic after Bhutto's
> assassination, now General Musharraf has the much needed pretext to,
> once again declare martial law and postpone the elections indefinitely
> or carry it out under martial law.
> "Aunt Jemima" Rice Scripted Bhutto's Return then Left her
> Unprotected .
> The set up
> Two months ago Secretary of State, Condi Rice, convinced Pakistan's
> president and current dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to allow exiled
> Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto back into the deeply troubled country.
> Rice also had to convince Bhutto it to come out of exile and go back
> into public spotlight and the rough and tumble world of Pakistani
> politics. She did so with a promise of US support and a shared power
> structure agreement with Musharraf.
> But after two attempts on her life, beginning almost the minute she
> touched down in Pakistan, one might start to wonder if the former
> Prime Minister wasn't set up from the beginning. Especially when you
> consider Bhutto was sent there with no additional security.
> However, the State Department didn't offer her any personal
> protection, even though they all knew that Bhutto's past history with
> the Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda would make her an instant target.
> Rice didn't even offer the services of private firms like Blackwater,
> which the State Department routinely uses all across the globe to
> protect important diplomats.
> The results? An attempt on her life the moment she touched down in
> Pakistan which killed 158 innocent civilians and another one this week
> that did take the life of Benazir Bhutto. At least, one of the three
> official causes of death took the life of the "last hope of Pakistan."
> "Treason, which begins by being cautious, ends by betraying itself."
> - Alphonse de Lamartine

Thanks for notifying us about the most dangerous creature of all: the
suicidal Jihadist CIA agent. ROFL!
"spammer" <> wrote in message
> Good thing we have the web loons to give us the "real" story.

No kidding - what ever would we do without the paranoid nutters??
On Dec 30, 6:17 pm, "Spacy Bickerson" <> wrote:
> "spammer" <> wrote in message
> > Good thing we have the web loons to give us the "real" story.

> No kidding - what ever would we do without the paranoid nutters??

The loony conspiracy nut cases are coming out of the wood work again.
Raymond wrote:

> Benazir Bhutto Had To Go to Protect American Oil Companies' Interest
> In The Area. PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the Central Asian
> pipeline and the government (ARMY) controls the success or failure of
> the
> Trans-Afghanistan pipeline wich will export Turkmen gas via
> Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> markets. And, Butto had no control over the military ( AKA Pakistan's
> President Pervez Musharraf,... the General in a blue suit.and personal
> friend of Bush/Cheney.)
> Unocal and other American companies like it are fully prepared to
> undertake ... pipeline from the Central Asian republic through
> Afghanistan TO Pakistan. ...
> In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive
> of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time
> when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as
> strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there
> is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both
> political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]
> The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under
> discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan's
> unstable political situation.
> Afghanistan: The Oil Behind the War
> PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
> Whoever controls the Caspian region has a counterweight to the
> Persian
> Gulf--a way to strengthen control over all oil-producing states by
> hooking up a new energy source to the world market.
> The Caspian region's energy fields are landlocked--far from the
> oceans. Exploiting the people and resources of the Caspian region
> takes huge pipelines traveling hundreds of miles over mountains and
> deserts. Whoever controls the pipelines controls the oil. And so
> there
> has been an intense fight over who will build these new pipelines and
> where they will go.
> If the pipelines go north through Russia to Europe, Russia will
> reestablish control over the Caspian region and the European
> imperialists will have a source of energy that the U.S. does not
> control.
> If a major pipe goes west, from Baku in Azerbaijan, across Turkey to
> the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan--then the U.S. expects to have
> control over that oil and everyone who needs that oil.
> If the pipes go south through Iran to its refineries and harbors, then
> the U.S. containment of Iran is broken. And, in that case, the
> Caucasus region becomes an inland extension of the Persian Gulf--not a
> separate competitive region.
> And, if a U.S.-built pipeline goes south through Afghanistan to
> PAKISTAN, Russia loses control in the CARs, and the U.S. gains power
> over those who use it--especially Pakistan and India.
> Throughout the 19th century, the expanding Russian and British empires
> fought over control of Afghanistan and Central Asia--in a colonial
> contest for power that the British called the "Great Game." Today, oil
> has become the focus of the "New Great Game" for the Caspian region.
> The US government informed other nations of it's plan to invade
> Afghanistan months before the 9/11 attacks
> See Map
> Alternate route
> Friday, 27 December, 2002, 11:23 GMT
> Central Asia pipeline deal signed
> With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a
> year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push
> ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.
> PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
> The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework
> agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to
> build and operate the pipeline.
> The trans-Afghanistan pipeline would export Turkmen gas via
> Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> markets.
> "To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire;
> and where they make a desert, they call it peace."
> --Calgacus
> Benazir Bhutto Assassination Has CIA Written All Over It
> by Andres Kargar
> Thursday Dec 27th, 2007 11:57 PM
> Imagine this scenario: a suicide bomber blows himself up to distract
> and disperse the crowd while ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) snipers take
> Bhutto down.
> Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> around, making speeches and posing as a real threat to the US-backed
> General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship.
> Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> around, making speeches and posing as real threat to the US-backed
> General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship. With the upcoming
> elections (which will now face an uncertain fate), the US control of
> the situation in Pakistan was quickly slipping away.
> The Bush regime desperately needs Perviz Musharraf for its so-called
> War on Terror. Pakistan's northwestern region of Wazirestan is the fig
> leaf that supposedly hides the mythical Osama bin Ladin, the Taliban
> fighters, Al-Qaeda, and any other potential "terrorists", thus
> providing the Bush administration justification to milk the American
> people out of billions of dollars for its crusade. This has only been
> possible because of Musharraf and ISI's connections in the region and
> the sealing of Wazirestan to outsiders, including independent
> journalists.
> DESPITE the US government's claim that it had been seeking
> reconciliation between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto, it should be
> mentioned that the Pakistani people would never have accepted any such
> reconciliation and collaboration.
> Even though the situation seems much more chaotic after Bhutto's
> assassination, now General Musharraf has the much needed pretext to,
> once again declare martial law and postpone the elections indefinitely
> or carry it out under martial law.
> "Aunt Jemima" Rice Scripted Bhutto's Return then Left her
> Unprotected .
> The set up
> Two months ago Secretary of State, Condi Rice, convinced Pakistan's
> president and current dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to allow exiled
> Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto back into the deeply troubled country.
> Rice also had to convince Bhutto it to come out of exile and go back
> into public spotlight and the rough and tumble world of Pakistani
> politics. She did so with a promise of US support and a shared power
> structure agreement with Musharraf.
> But after two attempts on her life, beginning almost the minute she
> touched down in Pakistan, one might start to wonder if the former
> Prime Minister wasn't set up from the beginning. Especially when you
> consider Bhutto was sent there with no additional security.
> However, the State Department didn't offer her any personal
> protection, even though they all knew that Bhutto's past history with
> the Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda would make her an instant target.
> Rice didn't even offer the services of private firms like Blackwater,
> which the State Department routinely uses all across the globe to
> protect important diplomats.
> The results? An attempt on her life the moment she touched down in
> Pakistan which killed 158 innocent civilians and another one this week
> that did take the life of Benazir Bhutto. At least, one of the three
> official causes of death took the life of the "last hope of Pakistan."
> "Treason, which begins by being cautious, ends by betraying itself."
> - Alphonse de Lamartine

As weird as it might seem, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps some
government agency, ours or that of another country, had something to do
with it, when i heard the story of how the assassination was
accomplished - snipers, close-up shots, suicide bomber - all waiting for
her to get outside at a certain location, and prepared - prepared as if
they knew exactly where to wait and where to be - is the key here. No
happenstance occurrence, and insufficient security, when our country
might have - should have asked for or supplied the security. Add to
this the instigation of her coming out of seclusion by our own
government and then not protecting her. Additionally, the way president
bush's itinerary for the holiday was described on the radio version i
heard was interestingly put as though he were awaiting something to
happen and would be available. For the holiday, he was to leave
crawford, tx and came back north to the capital area, rather than stay
down there for the holidays as one might expect him to do.
Although i do not usually or ever hold to conspirator theories about it,
it sounded and was reminiscent of the kennedy assassination, similar,
which i just put at coincidental.
Now that we know our government is not above torture, confining anyone
who might be a suspect, shading the truth about WMD and things of that
nature, I would not be surprised if this gentleman's view turns out to
be correct or almost so, in that perhaps another government was
responsible and we knew about it, but did nothing to stop it.
I also do not find the president's expressions of dismay to be
sufficiently outraged to be convincing.
The only thing that works against this man's theory is that the country
has been thrown into turmoil. which does not help our side, but does
help al qaeda and taliban. Did they say they did this?
We did want elections, we are told, and musharaf has postponed them, so
again this works against calling this an action by our government. but
one never knows. cheney and bush have done some stupid things, and they
have another year to foul things up.
On Dec 30, 10:15�pm, Minerva <bluesmoke&> wrote:
> Raymond wrote:
> > Benazir Bhutto Had To Go to Protect American Oil Companies' Interest
> > In The Area. PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the Central Asian
> > pipeline and the government (ARMY) controls the success or failure of
> > the
> > Trans-Afghanistan pipeline wich will export Turkmen gas via
> > Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> > markets. And, Butto had no control over the military �( AKA Pakistan's
> > President Pervez Musharraf,... the General in a blue suit.and personal
> > friend of Bush/Cheney.)


> > Unocal and other American companies like it are fully prepared to
> > undertake ... pipeline from the Central Asian republic through
> > Afghanistan TO Pakistan. ...

> > In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive
> > of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time
> > when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as
> > strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there
> > is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both
> > political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]

> > The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under
> > discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan's
> > unstable political situation.

> > Afghanistan: The Oil Behind the War
> > PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline

> > Whoever controls the Caspian region has a counterweight to the
> > Persian
> > Gulf--a way to strengthen control over all oil-producing states by
> > hooking up a new energy source to the world market.

> > The Caspian region's energy fields are landlocked--far from the
> > oceans. Exploiting the people and resources of the Caspian region
> > takes huge pipelines traveling hundreds of miles over mountains and
> > deserts. Whoever controls the pipelines controls the oil. And so
> > there
> > has been an intense fight over who will build these new pipelines and
> > where they will go.

> > If the pipelines go north through Russia to Europe, Russia will
> > reestablish control over the Caspian region and the European
> > imperialists will have a source of energy that the U.S. does not
> > control.

> > If a major pipe goes west, from Baku in Azerbaijan, across Turkey to
> > the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan--then the U.S. expects to have
> > control over that oil and everyone who needs that oil.

> > If the pipes go south through Iran to its refineries and harbors, then
> > the U.S. containment of Iran is broken. And, in that case, the
> > Caucasus region becomes an inland extension of the Persian Gulf--not a
> > separate competitive region.

> > And, if a U.S.-built pipeline goes south through Afghanistan to
> > PAKISTAN, Russia loses control in the CARs, and the U.S. gains power
> > over those who use it--especially Pakistan and India.

> > Throughout the 19th century, the expanding Russian and British empires
> > fought over control of Afghanistan and Central Asia--in a colonial
> > contest for power that the British called the "Great Game." Today, oil
> > has become the focus of the "New Great Game" for the Caspian region.

> > The US government informed other nations of it's plan to invade
> > Afghanistan months before the 9/11 attacks

> >

> > See Map
> > Alternate route
> > Friday, 27 December, 2002, 11:23 GMT
> > Central Asia pipeline deal signed

> > With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a
> > year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push
> > ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.

> > PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the pipeline
> > The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework
> > agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to
> > build and operate the pipeline.

> > The trans-Afghanistan pipeline would export Turkmen gas via
> > Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> > markets.

> >

> > "To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire;
> > and where they make a desert, they call it peace."
> > --Calgacus

> > Benazir Bhutto Assassination Has CIA Written All Over It
> > by Andres Kargar
> > Thursday Dec 27th, 2007 11:57 PM

> > Imagine this scenario: a suicide bomber blows himself up to distract
> > and disperse the crowd while ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) snipers take
> > Bhutto down.

> > Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> > around, making speeches and posing as a real threat to the US-backed
> > General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship.

> > Benazir Bhutto was no angel, but she and Nawaz Sharif have been going
> > around, making speeches and posing as real threat to the US-backed
> > General Perviz Musharraf's continued dictatorship. With the upcoming
> > elections (which will now face an uncertain fate), the US control of
> > the situation in Pakistan was quickly slipping away.

> > The Bush regime desperately needs Perviz Musharraf for its so-called
> > War on Terror. Pakistan's northwestern region of Wazirestan is the fig
> > leaf that supposedly hides the mythical Osama bin Ladin, the Taliban
> > fighters, Al-Qaeda, and any other potential "terrorists", thus
> > providing the Bush administration justification to milk the American
> > people out of billions of dollars for its crusade. This has only been
> > possible because of Musharraf and ISI's connections in the region and
> > the sealing of Wazirestan to outsiders, including independent
> > journalists.

> > DESPITE the US government's claim that it had been seeking
> > reconciliation between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto, it should be
> > mentioned that the Pakistani people would never have accepted any such
> > reconciliation and collaboration.

> > Even though the situation seems much more chaotic after Bhutto's
> > assassination, now General Musharraf has the much needed pretext to,
> > once again declare martial law and postpone the elections indefinitely
> > or carry it out under martial law.

> > "Aunt Jemima" Rice Scripted Bhutto's Return then Left her
> > Unprotected .

> > The set up

> > Two months ago Secretary of State, Condi Rice, convinced Pakistan's
> > president and current dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to allow exiled
> > Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto back into the deeply troubled country.

> > Rice also had to convince Bhutto it to come out of exile and go back
> > into public spotlight and the rough and tumble world of Pakistani
> > politics. She did so with a promise of US support and a shared power
> > structure agreement with Musharraf.

> > But after two attempts on her life, beginning almost the minute she
> > touched down in Pakistan, one might start to wonder if the former
> > Prime Minister wasn't set up from the beginning. Especially when you
> > consider Bhutto was sent there with no additional security.

> > However, the State Department didn't offer her any personal
> > protection, even though they all knew that Bhutto's past history with
> > the Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda would make her an instant target.
> > Rice didn't even offer the services of private firms like Blackwater,
> > which the State Department routinely uses all across the globe to
> > protect important diplomats.

> > The results? An attempt on her life the moment she touched down in
> > Pakistan which killed 158 innocent civilians and another one this week
> > that did take the life of Benazir Bhutto. At least, one of the three
> > official causes of death took the life of the "last hope of Pakistan."

> > "Treason, which begins by being cautious, ends by betraying itself."
> > � � � - Alphonse de Lamartine

> As weird as it might seem, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps some
> government agency, ours or that of another country, had something to do
> with it, when i heard the story of how the assassination was
> accomplished - snipers, close-up shots, suicide bomber - all waiting for
> her to get outside at a certain location, and prepared - prepared as if
> they knew exactly where to wait and where to be - is the key here. �No
> happenstance occurrence, and insufficient security, when our country
> might have - should have asked for or supplied the security. �Add to
> this the instigation of her coming out of seclusion by our own
> government and then not protecting her. �Additionally, the way president
> bush's itinerary for the holiday was described on the radio version i
> heard was interestingly put as though he were awaiting something to
> happen and would be available. �For the holiday, he was to leave
> crawford, tx and came back north to the capital area, rather than stay
> down there for the holidays as one might expect him to do.
> Although i do not usually or ever hold to conspirator theories about it,
> it sounded and was reminiscent of the kennedy assassination, similar,
> which i just put at coincidental.
> Now that we know our government is not above torture, confining anyone
> who might be a suspect, shading the truth about WMD and things of that
> nature, I would not be surprised if this gentleman's view turns out to
> be correct or almost so, in that perhaps another government was
> responsible and we knew about it, but did nothing to stop it.
> I also do not find the president's expressions of dismay to be
> sufficiently outraged to be convincing.
> The only thing that works against this man's theory is that the country
> has been thrown into turmoil. which does not help our side, but does
> help al qaeda and taliban. � Did they say they did this?
> We did want elections, we are told, and musharaf has postponed them, so
> again this works against calling this an action by our government. �but
> one never knows. �cheney and bush have done some stupid things, and they
> have another year to foul things up.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

RE: The only thing that works against this man's theory is that the
country has been thrown into turmoil. which does not help our side,
but does help al qaeda and taliban.

With or without the death of Bhutto, Pakistan was already in turmoil
and if Bhutto had been elected (which was probable) the country, which
is run by the military would really have been in turmoil. Besides, it
is a fact that many in the military already support al Qaeda and the
Taliban. Pakistan is America's Achilles' heel in that part of the
world and we may have to abandon our plans for the oil to be exported
from there. If it was not for the oil export problem, the United
States would not be in Afghanistan nor interested in Pakistan.

Unocal and Bridas Woo the Taliban for Oil Pipeline Project

This has been going on since 1992- Who would get the oil
Unocal expresses suport for Taliban takover, saying it makes pipeline
project easier. Unocal later says it was misquoted.

The Principal Players: Unocal | Bridas (Bridas has since merged with
BP Amoco Argentina

Unocal sets up office in Kandahar; Bridas does likewise in Kabul.
Taliban announce criteria for awarding contract: The company that
starts work first wins.

Unocal President John Imle baffled by statement.
Unocal says peace is necessary for construction of pipeline, otherwise
the project could take years.

The new deal on the pipeline was signed on 27 December 2002 by the
leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan and in 2005 Asian
Development Bank submitted the final version of feasibility study
designed by British company Penspen. Since the United States military
overthrew the Taliban government the project has essentially stalled;
construction of the Turkmen part was supposed to start in 2006, but
the overall feasibility is questionable since the southern part of the
Afghan section runs through territory which continues to be under de
facto Taliban control.

Taliban at Yale and Afghanistan Pipeline linked?

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, the former Taliban ambassador-at-large who
is now studying at Yale, also played a cameo role in Michael Moore's
"Fahrenheit 9-11" cleverly constructed propaganda attack against
President Bush. John Fund of the Wall Street Journal has noticed this
coincidence in recollecting the interview he had with Mr. Hashemi
during the ambassador's visit to the United States in 2001.

A controversy has arisen over why the State Department has allowed Mr.
Rahmatullah permission to enter the United States to attend Yale,
instead of putting him on a terrorist watch list. Less attention has
been given to what Mr. Rahmatullah was doing in the United States in
2001 and why the State Department allowed him entry at that time.

The issue of the pipeline does not go away. Right now, a controversy
is brewing over the proposed Iran-Pakistan pipeline as well as the
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline, which is a proposal back
on the table. U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, in his recent
visit to Pakistan, commented in relation to both pipeline projects
that: "The security situation in Pakistan needs to be improved as it
is an impediment to investment. Until there is an improvement,
substantial foreign investment is not possible." Clearly, this was
positioning for President Bush's stopover in Pakistan on his way back
from signing the nuclear power deal with India. But then-U.S.
Ambassador to Pakistan Ryan Crocker told the press that the United
States would not stop the Iran-Pakistan deal.

We might well ask how Condoleezza Rice and John Bolton plan to impose
costly sanctions on Iran at the Security Council if our State
Department ambassadors are already giving the "wink-wink" approval to
the Iran-Pakistan pipeline. Or, maybe the cost of getting Pakistan to
hunt harder for Osama bin Laden is to turn a blind eye to any energy
profits Pakistan might derive by working with their neighbors, the
mullahs in Iran.

War on Terrorism or Oil War? See the Map of the Pipeline!

The pipeline is planned to take gas from Turkmenistan through
Afghanistan to Pakistan, and possibly on to India.The $2.5-billion
pipeline is known as the Central Asian Oil Pipeline Project. Pakistan
is the key to the United State's plan to get the oil to American
markets and may have to make a deal with the Taliban afterall.

For more information from EIA on Afghanistan, please see:
EIA - Country Information on Afghanistan

Links to other U.S. government sites:

2001 CIA World Factbook - Afghanistan

U.S. State Department Travel Warning on Afghanistan
U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet -- Afghanistan
U.S. Geological Survey - Afghanistan Natural Resources Map

The following links are provided solely as a service to our customers,
and therefore should not be construed as advocating or reflecting any
position of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) or the United
States Government. In addition, EIA does not guarantee the content or
accuracy of any information presented in linked sites.

The Islamic State of Afghanistan
Afghanistan Online
Washington Post: World Reference -- Afghanistan
University of Texas at Austin: Afghanistan Information
Afghanistan - Roads and Airports Map
ReliefWeb - Map of Afghanistan's Provinces
Afghanistan Today
Afghan Network
On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:15:18 -0500, Minerva <bluesmoke&>

>As weird as it might seem, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps some
>government agency, ours or that of another country, had something to do
>with it...

Muslim conspiracy theories are fun aren't they? Rather difficult to
disprove. Even more fun is spewing fabrication on the Internet, huh?

What is sad is that bin Laden and crew are motivated by perhaps the
grandest conspiracy theory of all time. A true whopper of a lie. It
was originally started by Sayyid Qutb and his book Milestones.

Another narcissistic IDIOT islamo-fascist has committed suicide for
the muslim cause by murdering Bhutto. Are you joining in with Harry
Hope in rejoicing over the (hirabah) martyrs death?
On 30 Dec 2007, Zeno wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:15:18 -0500, Minerva <bluesmoke&>
> wrote:
>>As weird as it might seem, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps some
>>government agency, ours or that of another country, had something to do
>>with it...

> Muslim conspiracy theories are fun aren't they? Rather difficult to
> disprove. Even more fun is spewing fabrication on the Internet, huh?
> What is sad is that bin Laden and crew are motivated by perhaps the
> grandest conspiracy theory of all time. A true whopper of a lie. It
> was originally started by Sayyid Qutb and his book Milestones.

> Another narcissistic IDIOT islamo-fascist has committed suicide for
> the muslim cause by murdering Bhutto. Are you joining in with Harry
> Hope in rejoicing over the (hirabah) martyrs death?

I don't doubt for a minute that Musharref is a US marionette and
that the CIA runs Pakistan.
On Dec 31, 4:22�am, "Non-TweedlePug Voter" <>
> On 30 Dec 2007, Zeno wrote:
> > On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:15:18 -0500, Minerva <bluesmoke&>
> > wrote:

> >>As weird as it might seem, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps some
> >>government agency, ours or that of another country, had something to do
> >>with it...

> > Muslim conspiracy theories are fun aren't they? �Rather difficult to
> > disprove. �Even more fun is spewing fabrication on the Internet, huh?

> >

> > What is sad is that bin Laden and crew are motivated by perhaps the
> > grandest conspiracy theory of all time. �A true whopper of a lie.. �It
> > was originally started by Sayyid Qutb and his book Milestones.

> >

> _.22Baby_It.27s_Cold_Outside.22
> > Another narcissistic IDIOT islamo-fascist has committed suicide for
> > the muslim cause by murdering Bhutto. �Are you joining in with Harry
> > Hope in rejoicing over the (hirabah) martyrs death?

> I don't doubt for a minute that Musharref is a US marionette and
> that the CIA runs Pakistan. �- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

(CIA-run) Pakistan helped al-Qaeda set up shop in Afghanistan: US


Pakistan helped al-Qaeda members launch their operations in
Afghanistan in the 1990s and even secretly ran a major training camp
used by Osama bin Laden's terror network, according to US intelligence
documents made public here.

The documents, produced by the Defense Intelligence Agency in the fall
of 2001 and declassified in a censored version this past week, also
indicate that legendary Afghan guerrilla commander Ahmad Shah Masood
may have been killed two days before the September 11 attacks because
he had learned something about bin Laden's plan and "began to warn the

In its secret dispatches, obtained under the Freedom of Information
Act by the National Security Archive, a non-profit research
organization here, the DIA warns that the documents represent only raw

They nonetheless paint a complex picture of factional rivalry, in
which Pakistan had tried to use the Taliban and al-Qaeda to promote
its influence in war-torn Afghanistan -- only to eventually lose
control over both of them.

"Taliban acceptance and approval of fundamentalist non-Afghans as part
of their fighting force were merely an extension of Pakistani policy
during the Soviet-Afghan war," said one of the DIA dispatches among US
government agencies after the September 11 attacks but before US
troops began their operation to root out the Taliban in Afghanistan.

It said Pakistani agents "encouraged, facilitated and often escorted
Arabs from the Middle East into Afghanistan."

To make them a more viable fighting force, Pakistan even built a
training camp located outside the Afghan village of Zahawa, near the
border between the two countries.

According to the DIA, the camp, target of a US missile strike, was
built by Pakistani contractors funded by the Pakistan Inter-Services
Intelligence Directorate (ISI), and protected by a local and
influential Jadran tribal leader called Jalalludin.

"However, the real host of the facility was the Pakistani ISI," said
one of the documents, which added that this arrangement raised
"serious questions" about early ties between bin Laden and Pakistani

The US military fired a volley of cruise missiles into the camp in
August 1998 in retaliation to the terrorist bombings earlier that year
of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that left 257 people dead.

Protected by Bush Pakistan and 9/11

CIA = ISI (Pakistani intelligence) = al Queda

On October 1, 2001, did the FBI uncover evidence that Lt. General
Mahmood Ahmed, the Director of the Pakistani Intelligence Service (the
ISI) authorize the wiring of $100,000 to Florida to Mohammed Atta
(supposed hijack ringleader of the 911 attack) through Omar Saeed
Sheikh (an alleged ISI agent)?

Why did only a single US press outlet, the Wall Street Journal
website, mention this connection in the editorial section (James
Taranto writing) on October 10, 2001, saying it was an "internet only"
story - when in fact it was a major story reported at great length in
the main line Indian press?

Does this mean that Al-Queda was used as a tool by members of the
American government in the same way that they used the Mujahdeen
against the Soviets in Afghanistan?
On Dec 30 2007, 11:58 pm, wrote:
> On Dec 30, 4:25 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> > Benazir Bhutto Had To Go to Protect American Oil Companies' Interest
> > In The Area. PAKISTAN will be the terminus for the Central Asian
> > pipeline and the government (ARMY) controls the success or failure of
> > the
> > Trans-Afghanistan pipeline wich will export Turkmen gas via
> > Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world
> > markets. And, Butto had no control over the military ( AKA Pakistan's
> > President Pervez Musharraf,... the General in a blue suit.and personal
> > friend of Bush/Cheney.)


> You are WAY off base...
> Bhutto was the US's plan-b.

You have documented details of this plan-b?