Better Dead and Red



The late Fidel Castro has issued an endorsement in the 2008 presidential
campaign, Reuters reports:

"The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket
could be Hillary [Clinton] for president and [Barack] Obama
as her running mate," he wrote in an editorial column on U.S.
presidents published on Tuesday by Cuba's Communist Party
newspaper, Granma.

At 81, Castro has outlasted nine U.S. presidents since his
1959 revolution turned Cuba into a thorn in Washington's
side by building a communist society about 90 miles offshore
from the United States.

Well, yes, by staying in power by force, of course Castro has "outlasted"
presidents who must face the voters and whose time in office is
constitutionally limited. We wonder how many obituaries for Generalissimo
Francisco Franco mentioned how many U.S. presidents that dictator had

London's Daily Telegraph notes that "the column attributed to Mr Castro--the
second published so far this week--made no reference to recent rumours that
the ailing leader had died or was dying." Obviously! Even commie editors are
shrewd enough to realize that if Castro's death was reported in a column under
his byline, it would be obvious he was using a ghostwriter.
"The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket
could be Hillary [Clinton] for president and [Barack] Obama
as her running mate," he wrote in an editorial column on U.S.
presidents published on Tuesday by Cuba's Communist Party
newspaper, Granma.

We are all interested in what a dead communist dictator has to say.

Trust your politicians, Do You?
If I were you, I'd think again on that one.