Better details!

Mr. President George W Bush

My name is Joseph R Loegering

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Please get this out! It is the Registered Immigrants under the direction of
the Communists, doing the Nazism in the USA!


Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

Many of us having been Captured, and Brainwashed, and Tortured, by our
Enemies, and have been and are being directly hit by a heavy Chemical
Warfare Attack, disgused as Medication, from our common Foreign and Domestic
Enemies of our Rights. And as I write they are engaged in a continuing
Nationwide Chemical Warfare Attack upon us all. My mind is right now still
healing from the damage that they caused by their secret takeover of our
Medical Systems, to produce a Nationwide Medical Fraud, wherefrom they
launched their Chemical Attack upon America!

But as an experienced Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Warfare Instructor
of the United States Army, I know just what to do to minimize the damage
from the Chemical Weapons disguised as Medicines, and recover from the Drug
Withdrawals, and recover from their Brainwashing, and regroup, so that we
can stand together and launch a Nationwide Counter Attack, and drive them
out of our Homeland!

I have healed enough to get my Photographic Memory back, that was targeted
by our common Enemies in this Nationwide Chemical Attack upon us, that our
Enemies have been secretly engaging in upon our US Soil for years. But now
that I have my Photographic Memory back, I can now remember the details of,
and the Interests and Activities, of them that are attacking us, and as a US
Army Veteran, I know just to do.

Our common Enemies that have invaded and are attacking our American
Homeland, are Neo Nazis working in our Medical Systems, and in our Courts,
controlled by Foreign Communists and Domestic Enemies of our Rights, who
have taken over our US Corporations, and our US Governments!

Details of our common Enemies Interests and Activities, outlined in this
attack against me personally, are being carried out in other Medical
Facilities, and in other Courts, across the entire Nation, and in every

The Enemy says,

"Behind the White Coat, there is a Black Coat!"

This is a statement from a Psychiatrist named Dr. Khoo, a Staff Doctor of
the New York State Rockland Psychiatric Center, that she made to her
captured Patients.

This statement by a Foreign Immigrant Doctor, was made to show her legal
authority from US Courts, given to Foreigners, to legalize their use of
forced Experimental Medical Treatment upon many unwilling Patients.

Many of these Foreign Immigrant Doctors, have invaded us and are taking over
our US Medical Systems, and are even teaching our US Doctors how to so
called diagnose a Patient, and experimentally find a Medication or
Combination of Medications, that will take control of their minds, so that
they can make us live by the Foreign Behavioral Standards, that they have
set for us to have to live by, or they will not let you out of the Treatment
Facility, and they will continue the Brainwashing, and Touchier, until you
bow to their will, and that standard is to be so sick, that you have to live
on Social Security Disability, instead of recovering from your Illness, or
instead of
improving your health and quality of life, and or instead of becoming more
productive in
life, if you are disabled!

They disguise this Foreign Agenda as an American Agenda, by saying that the
purpose of the Experimental Medical Treatment was to try to find a Drug or
Combination of Drugs suited for each individual Patient, that would make
their Minds conform to the Social Standards set by the US Courts and
Corporate America, whom they control.

I was one of Dr. Khoo's Patients, and even though I have six Neurologists
who have said that all the Medications that the Psychiatric Community is
using, is killing me, and to stop taking them, the Enemy controls the US
Corporations, to take control of our US Courts, so that they can force this
potentially deadly Experimental Type Medical Treatment upon you, over and
over, just like in Nazi Germany.

The US Neurologists and US Psychiatrists, who examined me extensively after
the One Year of forced Medical Treatment in two New York Psychiatric
Hospitals, say that the number of symptoms of my Organic Brain Damage, have
multiplied, and that the original symptoms of my Organic Brain Damage, are
now more prominent. They say that I should have never been treated with the
Psychotropic Medications used by the Psychiatrists, in the first place! This
was the same type Medical Diagnosis and Conclusion that a US Neurologist
came to in 1985, when he examined me to find what was making me more
dysfunctional, after my original brain trauma in 1982, and he plainly told
me, "Stop taking the Medications that the Psychiatrists gave you, they are
killing you!" But repeatedly under the influence of Foreigners, the Medical
Community and Legal Community will not stop forcing them on me, and will not
stop forcing them upon millions of others, deliberately to try to Bankrupt

Like Dr. Khoo, and the Medical Staff of the New York State Rockland
Psychiatric Center, and Dr. Meckler, and the Medical Staff of the New York
City Saint Luke's Roosevelt Psychiatric Hospital, were convinced that they
could find a Medication, or a Combination of Medications, that would alter
the behavior, described by the false allegations of misbehavior, from the
CNN Corporation. It was the Medical Staff of the New York City Saint Luke's
Roosevelt Psychiatric Hospital, and CNN, that convinced the New York State
Superior Court to force treat me against my will. CNN called the Police on
me, and though the Police found that I had done nothing Illegal, Nancy Grace
of CNN and her diver convinced them to take me for a Mental Evaluation.

As an experienced Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, NBC Warfare Instructor,
of the United States Army, 2nd Battalion 13th Infantry, 8th Division
Pathfinders, who knows many secrets of many of our Enemies Methods of
Operation, and Strategies, I could be targeted by them just because of that,
but more probably because the Communist know that I have a Photographic

The more times you get Psychological Medical Treatment, the more dominant
the bad symptoms of both my mental illness and my brain damage appear!

After each Psychological Medical Treatment that I have received, each time
the bad symptoms went from being mild, then got worse with the next
treatment, and the next, till it drastically changes my speech accent in
whatever language I choose to speak, and I can taste and smell a chemical,
that makes my throat raw, and my voice so deep and raspy, that when I speak
it vibrates harmoniously with the quivering in the right lobe of my brain, I
am slowly dying, but by what? Is that a chemical commonly found in a
medicine? Or since all the medications practically erase my memory, are they
trying to erase the secrets that I know? Or is it a Poison? And if so, who
targeted me? It is a Poison, from a Communist development facility!

Though officially the title, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, NBC Warfare
Instructor, I emphasize it Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Warfare
Instructor, to point out Chemical Warfare Methods of Operation, and
Strategies of my Enemies. And in my files all Drugs are listed under
"Chemical Warfare!"

In our Intelligence Agencies, this is commonly known as a Soviet Communist
Psychological and Chemical Warfare Strategy for Breaking, and Brainwashing,
a Captured Solder.

The four Medical Facilities were all set up for US City Police to escort
people there for a Mental Evaluation, and for a Free Place to Stay, and Free
Forced Mental Medical Treatment. Where they would force treat me with the
exact same Psychotropic Drugs, even when I would scream, "When the last
Doctor gave me that Psychotropic Drug, I had such strong negative reactions
to it, don't give it to me!" But they all ignored that, and forced it on me
anyways! And many of them tried to point to the side effects of the
Medication, and say that those were symptoms of different Mental Illnesses,
repeatedly saying, "You are in denial of having a mental Illness, and you
are in denial of needing more Medication for it, but there are the

The Chemical causes the effect, "my voice suddenly changed to being deep and
raspy," and that being caused by a chemical commonly found in the Medicine,
but not listing that as a side effect of the Medicine, the brainwashers
point to the side effect of the medicine and say, "Your voice changed to
being 'deep and raspy,' that is a symptom of Mental Illness that requires me
to lock you up for further Medicines to cure that." Which results in more
money in the Pockets of "the brainwashers," at Tax Payer Expense.

The Chemical causes the effect, "all the medications practically erase my
memory," and that being caused by a chemical commonly found in the Medicine,
but not listing that as a side effect of the Medicine, the brainwashers
point to the side effect of the Medicine and say, "Your Memory changed from
Extremely Good to being, a sever memory loss, that is a symptom of Mental
Illness that requires me to lock you up for further Medicines to cure
that." Which results in more money in the Pockets of "the brainwashers," at
Payer Expense.

The Chemical causes the effect, "I can taste and smell a chemical," and that
being caused by a chemical commonly found in the Medicine, but not listing
that as a side effect of the Medicine, the brainwashers point to the side
effect of the Medicine and say, "smelling things that are not there, or that
other people cannot smell and taste, that is a symptom of Mental Illness
that requires me to lock you up for further Medicines to cure that."
Which results in more money in the Pockets of "the brainwashers," at Tax
Payer Expense.

Because it is habit for the mind of a person suffering from Post Traumatic
Stress Disorders, to avoid thoughts that trigger an acute episode of the
disorder, I forgot to say why this false accusation of being Homeless is so
devastating of a thought for me to face straight up most of the time.

Well its like this, here I am with a job and an apartment, and my head
starts to hurt more frequent than normal, so I go to a Doctor, and they call
in a Physiatrist whom prescribes some Medicine to help me.

The next thing I know, I cannot function hardly at all! And when you stop
taking the Medication, the withdrawals put you in bed a few months while you
lose your job and apartment.

So then you manage heal enough to be able to find a new apartment and get a
new job, but the stress starts killing your head. So you go to a Doctor and
ask for help, they look at your records, and then force treat with the
Medication that previously devastated you, with the same results of not
being able to function hardly at all, and when you stop taking the
Medication, the withdrawals put you in bed a few months while you lose your
job and apartment again.

So how does a Doctor solve this problem of the Medication resulting in
Homelessness? He writes in your Medical records, "The Patient has a history
of repeated Homelessness, which is a symptom of this Mental Illness...
...that is treated with.' ..the same Medications that devastated you in the
first place,'" And they do not write in there that every time I had been
taken in for forced treatment, I was not Homeless, until the devastating
effects of the forced treatment took hold!

Again, that is part of the brainwashing strategy of my enemies, point to the
side effect of the forced Medication, and require more forced treatment to
cure that, and get another episode of Homelessness, at Tax Payer Expense!

And for me, the Chemical causes the effect, the near loss of a
Photographic Memory whereby I once could read and write real well! Are
they trying to erase from my mind what I know, so that I can no longer
prove Scientifically, that their claim of having a natural accruing Chemical
Imbalance, is a Myth?

For I forgot to tell you how I became an NBC Instructor. I was going to High
School while in the Army, and I was using my Photographic Memory to memorize
Chemistry Books, and my Lt. Timothy S Heinemann came in and was asking
questions to see if I was really absorbing it. Well he found that I was, and
Chemistry is the subject that I now have the most College credits for. But
back then when our NBC Instructor killed his wife, and we needed a
replacement right away, knowing that I learn fast by Photographic Memory,
one morning my Lt. asked me if I would do the Job. I said yes, and that
afternoon I stood an AGI inspection, as NBC Instructor. What surprised
Captain Black, our Company Commander at the time, it was the first time in
eight years that our Company passed an AGI Inspection on NBC, passing it the
first time through.

Now these Psychiatrists keep telling me that I have a natural accruing
Chemical Imbalance, and that is why they keep claiming that I need to be
force treated over and over. But as a Chemist, I say to them, give me a
blood test, that shows the quantitative and qualitative analysis of my
blood, and point out which Chemical Compound is at a point where it
Scientifically Qualifies as an Imbalance. But they cannot do that! They
just guess as to which Chemical Compound is causing the alleged Chemical
Imbalance, and hand you a Medication.

Now as a Chemist, Scientifically I can prove that taking their Medications
causes an Unnatural Chemical Imbalance, in my blood. This Unnatural Chemical
Imbalance not only causes many bad symptoms, that indicate that I am being
poisoned by it, the combined bad side effects of the Unnatural Chemical
Imbalance, repeatedly caused by repeating forced Treatment, repeatedly
results in Homelessness.

So, what if it is that the Enemy among the Medical Community and
Corporations can convince us that the capturing the Homeless and Medicating
and Brainwashing them, is a moral and just Solution to Homelessness that the
Governments should continue to allow? The US will go broke paying for
useless Medications and Medical Treatment, that is the Communist Plan to
Bankrupt America! They are treating tens of thousands of Homeless People,
against their will, or that are being tricked and bribed into taking these
Dangerous Medications every day, by offering them Social Security
Disability, and a place to live, and further financial Medication and
Treatment Support. And even if they had no Organic Brain Damage to start
with like I did, they will eventually develop a Chronic History of
Homelessness, just from the Unnatural Chemical Imbalance being forced upon
them by the Psychiatrists.

And this continuing practice put me into a Position where I wrote this to
President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

"Mr. President and Mr. Vice President For our National Security read this
whole thing! . .To all Jewry and all Christendom and all Islam and to all

An actual appearance of a path in life, that many of us must decide whither
to take it for ourselves or not, has been forced to prematurely appear in
life for me, just because of all the US Psychotropic Drugs that have been
repeatedly forced upon me, against my will repeatedly, since 1982. This
repeated disrespect for my will, has brought the repeated suffering of all
these withdraws from them Psychotropic Drugs, again and again, during
the months that it takes to get off each of them Psychotropic Drugs, that a
Neurologist in 1983, had told me to stop taking them, because he said that
they were killing me! But many repeatedly chose another path for me against
my will, choosing to not allow me to have the Freedom to make that life
preserving choice for myself, as I still struggle against multitudes,
struggling for the Right and the Freedom, to chose the path of life for
myself, and for the Right and the Freedom, for others to able to chose the
path of life for themselves. So that now, having been repeatedly forced to
walk the path of bondage and death that they chose for me, the right lobe of
my mind has actually begun to quiver enough that I can feel it moving. My
vision is blurring in and out, and living alone, but being of a sound mind,
as appears prematurely in my life the path that I freely chose to take, as I
write a Living Will, so that if I am found near dead from a stroke, or any
other possible terminal life condition, it is my predetermined will, to
determine by the Freedom that I live inside the hollow of the God of
Abraham, to have any would be rescuers, withhold any and every heroic effort
that might prolong my life in a possible prolonged state of unconsciousness,
and or in a possible prolonged life, in a possible near unconscious and
possible miserable existence!

It is odd, that in life I have that right, to chose death, as an escape from
a possible prolonged life in a state of unconsciousness, and or in a
possible near unconscious and possible prolonged miserable existence, but in
life, I don't have the Freedom, to keep people from violating my Right to
chose for myself, and repeatedly forcing a prolonged conscious miserable
existence upon me, by forcing drugs upon me, that have repeatedly forced
many of my brain cells to die, and force what few reaming brain cells that
are left, to have to try to function against, and among a totally unnatural
chemical imbalance, forced upon me by US Psychiatrists, whose previous
repeatedly unwanted
actions upon me, now forces me to now have to exercise prematurely, my right
of a

Well, as my left arm begins to tingle, and I continue to write. Death seems
to be not at all terrifying, but them deceitful US Psychiatrists, and their
Psychotropic Drugs, that is a different story!

Before my death, I have chosen to predetermine my will that shall prevail
even after my death, until the day that the God of Abraham resurrects me
from among the dead, to reward me for my will that I have done in this life
and have committed unto him to bring to pass even after my death and I lay
among the grave.

Both in and after life, it is my will to win the hearts and minds of people
away from my enemies, who are encouraged to use the oppression that they
suffer, receiving it from some US People who rule over us, just to try to
justify themselves for supporting my nemesis Osama Bin Laden, behold, I am a
Son of Abraham also, and I suffer as great or even greater oppression from
them as you, but I could never support the actions of my nemesis Osama Bin
Laden, or the likes him, whom launch attacks killing the innocent, and the
guilty together.

Though in life just thinking of the oppression brought upon both you and my
fellow countrymen and myself by them, triggers an acute episode of my Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, and they often point to that and call me crazy,
and falsely diagnose me as having a dangerous illness, just to justify
themselves for locking me up, and experimenting with drugs upon me, drugs
that most of the time, I cannot even remember the name of the drug, until a
week or two after the painful and terrifying withdrawals that begin when I
get off any drug, forced upon me by Psychiatrists, that forced me to now
have to exercise, my right of a Living Will!

Behold Sons of Abraham, walk with me, thought I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the God of Abraham walks with
me even there, to show me the path. And I will stand with Him against my
damaged brain, and against my
mental disorder, and against the drug withdrawals, and castaway my fears, so
that I can write this thing out more clear, and if possible, bring down both
our common oppressors, and my nemesis and the likes of him, without violence
if possible, so come and walk with us. And become like the dirty eagle, and
fly high above the sea, and dive down into the sea to remove the dirty
feathers, and climb upon the sand and grow new feathers, and become a clean
eagle. For I find that while walking through the valley of the shadow of
death, that even if our common oppressors and enemies escape being brought
to the justice of man's laws, in the hollow of the hand of the God of
Abraham, I know that after the resurrection of the just, they will not
escape justice by his laws, when he resurrects them in the resurrection of
the unjust."

I wrote that to the President and Vice President, because since the first of
these last four forced treatments, my old symptoms of PSTD, where I would
often find myself, pacing back and forth, caught thinking of a subject in my
mind, over and over, as I either uncontrollably giggle, or uncontrollably
cry, became more frequent, and more overwhelming! And during the many, many
months of terrifying and painful withdrawals from each Drugs series, I
suffer and display many more symptoms of Brain Damage, as the old symptoms
of my Brain Damage become more prominent!

I talk to the Doctors about these drugs, and they don't say anything
different than what is on the web about them. But I took and read what the
different websites say how that these Psychotropic Drugs effect people, and
the lists of the side effects for each one that they post. However from
having been forced treated with all these Psychotropic Drugs, (since
1982 when I got hit with a rock that gave me Organic Brain Damage, which
me neurological symptoms, such as in a Multiple Complex Seizure Disorder,
Migraine Headaches, becoming disoriented at times, and short term memory
loss, and an inability to coordinate what I can clearly think, with the
bodily functions necessary to fully carryout what I am thinking without
becoming so exhausted that I literally just fall asleep, and becoming numb
from the middle of my back down so that I cannot feel my legs well
enough to walk,) but none of those websites list as side effects, the
traumatic side effects that I have repeatedly experience from each of these
drugs, with exactly the same traumatic side effects for each drug each time
that they were forced on me. And none of these drugs produced any of the
results like they claim they will do. In fact, the list of conditions that
they have listed saying these drugs are good for treating, are almost
exactly a list of the traumatic side effects that I suffer from each drug.
Different Psychiatrist tried these same drugs on me over and over, one would
try High doses of each, another would try Low doses of each, and others
tried Longer or Shorter periods of forced treatment with each drug, with the
same results each time.

The Older Drugs that they used on me were Conventional Antipsychotics

chlorpromazine (Thorazine), fluphenazine (Prolixin), haloperidol
thiothixene (Navane), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), perphenazine
and thioridazine (Mellaril).

The Newer Drugs that they used on me were Atypical Antipsychotics being,

risperidone (Risperdal), clozapine (Clozaril), olanzapine (Zyprexa),
quetiapine (Seroquel), and ziprasidone (Geodon).Clozapine (Clozaril)

But like I said all these drugs produce Iatrogenic Illnesses, and can even
produce Iatrogenic Deaths, but they changed the Laws to Protect Doctors from
being held responsible by prosecution for causing such Iatrogenic Illnesses
and or Iatrogenic Deaths.

In other words, if they give a bunch of people too high of a dosage, or the
wrong combination of these drugs, and it kills them all, they cannot be held
responsible, just like in Nazi Germany.

Dr. Smith of the Kansas City VA, under the direction of a Foreign
Neurologist that I cannot remember his name, but it is in my Medical
Records, when against the findings of Previous US Neurologists, and began
treating me with Psychotropic Drugs that began making me become Psychotic
from the Drugs and the withdrawals from the time of the first treatment in
1999, on to the next forced treatment by a Civilian Facility in Chicago,
where I was escorted there against my will by Chicago City Police, without
being allowed to get an Attorney or going to Court. So as it was forced upon
me, I was forced to just have to put up with the Iatrogenic Illnesses,
produced by the Medications, long enough, just so that I could get out of
there and stop taking them again.

When they first give you these drugs, the Iatrogenic Illnesses that they
produce are so strong that you lose your wits so much, that you will not be
able to assist an Attorney with your defense, and the Prosecutor and Doctors
will point to the obvious symptoms from Iatrogenic Illnesses, but will say
that these symptoms that they produced by giving you the drugs, are the
reason that they need to hold you for longer forced treatment. They
force these drugs on you before allowing you to talk to an Attorney, or
allowing you to go to Court. The withdrawals from these drugs are much worse
than when they first started you on them.

If a person can get use to the Iatrogenic Illnesses, long enough, the
symptoms disappear, but if they forget to take a dose or two on time, for a
couple days, the symptoms will come back strong, and the person thinks,
"wow, I thought those drugs had no positive
benefit, but I see now that I am really sick, and need the drugs to stop the
symptoms." But that is what the Slave Masters developed these drugs for,
they then have a new Slave. And it does nothing improve the victims
functionality, or behavior, so these Homeless People and others that take
the Drugs willingly, just become Slaves by the Medication, owned by the Drug
Manufacturers and controlled by the Doctors, and the Police, and the Courts.

By the way the Psychiatrists and Neurologists that I am seeing now, say that
because I have extensive records showing that all these drugs caused me to
have obvious Iatrogenic Illnesses, and caused me to become more
dysfunctional, neither the Psychiatrists or the Neurologists, will allow me
to take any drugs at all. And I can actually think clearer
that way, and read and write better. And I am learning to control my Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder. And I am learning to overcome the lost functions
of my body, lost because of the Brain Damage that I have, and learning to
overcome the Seizures that I suffer, from the Multiple Complex Seizure
Disorder, that was cause by the original Head Trauma. I find all these
conditions are much easier to deal with, without any Medication at all, and
my mind seems to be healing faster that way, because I do not have to put up
with the side effects of the Medications.

This is a more complete list of Psychotropic Drugs that I was treated with,
where most of these drugs produce Iatrogenic Illnesses, or were totally
useless in helping my condition. But all the real bad Psychotropic Drugs
that I can remember taking are hear. There are others drugs that I was
taking that had bad side effects, but those were Anti-seizure Type
medications, and I don't have the list of those on hand right at the moment,
I will have to get that list from the VA.

Abilify(aripiprazole), Adderall (amphetamine), Ativan (lorazepam),.BuSpar
(buspirone), Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide), chlorpromazine (Thorazine),
Clozaril (clozapine), Concerta (methylphenidate),.Cymbalta (duloxetine),
Depakote (divalproex), Effexor XR (venlafaxine), Geodon (ziprasidone),Haldol
(haloperidol),.Klonopin (clonazepam),.Lamictal (lamotrigine),.Lexapro
(escitalopram),.Lithium Luvox (fluvoxamine), Paxil (paroxetine),
perphenazine (Trilafon), Prolixin (fluphenazine),. Prozac (fluoxetine),
Remeron (mirtazepine), Risperdal (risperidone), Risperdal Consta
(methylphenidate),.Seroquel (quetiapine), Strattera (atomoxetine),. Tegretol
(carbamazepine), thiothixene (Navane), thioridazine (Mellaril). Topamax
(Topiramate).trifluoperazine (Stelazine), Trileptal
(oxcarbazepine),.Wellbutrin (bupropion), Xanax (alprazolam),.Zoloft
(sertraline), Zyprexa (olanzapine)

Truly, those hooked on the Medications that do not improve their
functionality, and do not improve their ability to heal, and slow down the
healing process by their side effects, are just Slaves, being given Chronic
Iatrogenic Illnesses, so that they can be treated again and again, with
dangerous Medications that have no positive benefit, as they are just being
used by our Enemy among the Drug Manufacturers, and among the Doctors, and
our Courts, and our Corporations, to get our TAX Money, and Bankrupt

The Politicians, and the Rich, and the Big Corporations, that run the USA,
either have no idea of how much damage that they are actually doing to the
USA, as they continue destroying American Values, and American Justice, and
American People, or they are just turning their eyes to the damage, so that
they can continue to make Money off the Public with False Medical Practices,
and invasive International Corporate Practices.

So when there is Scientific proof of Organic Brain Damage, and obvious
symptoms of that, that makes it hard for a person to function, why are they
allowed to repeatedly cause more damage, by forcing drugs on you that make
you more dysfunctional, without having to actually run any True Scientific
Tests, to prove their Theories?

We have 21,000 Street Gangs having around 700,000 members besides a few
Million Drug Dealers, Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, Pimps, Prostitutes, and
Worse, and over 750,000 Homeless, and Multimillions of Registered and
Unregistered Aliens among whom some of the Unregistered Aliens are talking
about helping the Terrorists alike Bin Laden. Those Unregistered Aliens and
the Homeless and Drug Addicts are the intended target of our Enemy, by many
of the Registered
Aliens, among our Doctors and Legal System, the Registered
Aliens are the ones' doing most of the Nazism, by controlling our
Corporations and our Doctors and our Courts, to try to Bankrupt America.

And to make sure that we do not interfere with their Anti-American Agenda,
they are removing our ability to control our Government by Vote, and or by
making it impossible to get any true Redress, for any just Petition for
Redress of Grievances, in our lifetime.

They are both endeavoring to instate and support interests of Global
Corporations, at the expense of True American Values at home and abroad. And
to try to make their actions and goal look justified to the public, they hid
their intentions by sugar coating them with a fabricated set of Religious
Values, against others Religious Values, and brought divisions among the
American Religions, and the US Secular Society, and brought these same
divisions to the whole World.

They run both Political Parties, so that no matter which Party Member that
we elect to the Presidency, the real problems in America will not be solved.
Because though each Party may offer different methods, both Political
Parties are operating and endeavoring to
accomplish the same Anti-American Agenda.

Are we going to let the Lawyers and Judges and Politicians destroy our True
American Values, and take away our Rights, and not solve these problems, or
are we going to use our Rights, and solve these problems?

The US Society is being brainwashed into thinking that Politicians or Judges
or Lawyers can write Words on Pieces of Paper, that take away your Rights.
And they are being brainwashed into thinking that the Politicians or Judges
or Lawyers or Officers, are justified by their Pieces of Paper, for being
treacherous Bigots and Tyrants, called Traitors, Sinners, Infidels, or
Criminals, that allow and enforce such stupidity.

They do not have any legal grounds to stand on, when it comes to choosing
what Doctor, and what Medical Treatment, that you must or must not receive
by force!

In their so called Voting Ballot System, all the Polarized Issues only give
you a choice between two evils, and choosing the lesser of the two evils
restricts or takes away someone's Rights, and sets you up to have to make a
choice between two greater evils on the next Ballot. Our Right to be able to
Vote for what is True American Values, is done away with, by their ballot

So they write a Law or Regulation that restricts or takes away your Rights,
and scream, "You Voted for it, The Law allows us to get away with that
much!" But that is called, Fraud and Regulatory Tyranny!

All our Rights whither written in the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights
or not, are protected by the tone of our voice, and whatever demeanor is
necessary to enforce them. And at times that may mean we will be counted by
Government Officials and their Supporters, to be as crazy and criminal, as
the Regulatory Tyranny of King George the 3rd, counted George Washington and
his gang of Rebels. Defending our Rights from treacherous Bigots and
Tyrants, called Traitors, Sinners, Infidels, or Criminals, are the reasons
that we have so many names written on our War Memorials, and written on our
Civil Police Memorials. But many failed to continue to stand upon and fight
for what they died for.

The results being the Soviet Communist as Neo-Nazis, in our Corporations use
our Doctors to take over our State and Local Courts, to have the Politicians
get the Tax Payers to destroy our US Military and Citizens with useless
Medicines. So as an experienced registered informant of the Criminal
Investigations Department of the United States Army, I ask the President and
Vice President to file charges on the Psychotropic Drug Manufacturers, and
on those Prescribing the Psychotropic Medicines.

Are you confident that they will perform their Duty? When it comes to Health
Care, both Political Parties are on the same Communist driven Neo Nazi
Agenda, being bought out, by our Foreign and Domestic Enemies that took over
the International Corporations, and Local Corporations, so that they could
train or Educators, and control our Doctors and Courts. But what about the
Duty of the People of these United States?

It is up to every real American, to stand and stop America from continuing
down the path of Nazi Fascism. Trying to get US Politicians on any level of
our Governments to stop this, is futile, because the Enemies of our Rights
among our Corporations, just pay the Politicians off, and make an end run
around our Constitutional and Personal Rights, and set up their own Social
Behavioral Standards, and take control of our local Courts and local Police
Forces and local Medical Institutions, to force it upon us by Medicating us
with Dangerous Medications, and by Brainwashing us, because the different
levels of our US Governments, are directly controlled by the Corporations
and Businesses in your State and Local area.

So we must target the Corporations and Businesses in our States and Local
areas, to get them to understand, we are not going to allow them to make our
American Homeland, a Neo Nazi Nation.

I rewrote a Political Platform that I believe would stop this advance of
Nazi Fascism, if I could throw my name into the ring as an Independent, and
run for the Office of the White House, this would be my Platform.

Maybe some of the Politicians running for the White House can learn from the
platform that I would run on!

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

What do the people of these United States need to solve these problems that
we all face? Please respond in a sub post under a title of these titles, or
number a new sub tile, for your concern or grievance, and describe any
abuses that you have experienced or eye witnessed, and inform me with what
you think is needed to stop it from happening again, and describe how we can
redress your grievances!


1) Message Weekly Review

2) Freedom-Protecting the People's Right to control of our Government

3) Freedom-From Corporate Abuse and getting Real American Valued

4) Freedom-From Politician Abuse and getting Real Politicians

5) Freedom-From Court Abuse and getting Real Courts

6) Freedom-From Police Abuse and getting Real Police

7) Freedom-Protecting our Individual Rights

8) Freedom-Protecting our Family Rights

9) Freedom-From Fraud Health Care and getting Real Health Care

10) Freedom-From Homeland Drug Turf Wars

11) Freedom-From Homeland Cultural Wars

12) Freedom- From Homeland Security and getting Real Homeland Security

13) Freedom-From Military War on Terrorism and getting a Real War on

14) Freedom-Retirement Security

15)Freedom-From Education Reform and getting Real Education Reform

16) Freedom-From the Compassion Agenda and getting a Real Compassion Agenda

17) Freedom-From Corporate Control, and Really building the Economy & Jobs

18) Freedom-From False Environmental Conservation & Natural Resources
control, and getting Real Environmental Conservation & Natural Resources

19) Freedom-From a Government Controlled Media, and getting a Real Free
Press and Real Free Media

The #1 Reason both Veterans and Homeless people get Addicted to Street
Drugs, is that they are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorders.

Veterans mostly get it because of situations that we faced to defend all of
our rights from Foreign and Domestic Enemies.

Civilians get it mostly because of having to face situations that are set up
by Domestic Enemies of our rights.

We need a Two Front WAR, to target both the Foreign and Domestic Enemies of
our rights, and deregulate Laws that take away our Rights, to get the People
that are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, out of their grips.

And launch another Domestic Two Front WAR, one on Legal Medical Drugs that
make People Slaves, and the other on Illegal Drugs that make People Slaves.

And we need to set up two civilian programs to help the victims that are
caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Medications, and
Illegal Street Iatrogenic Medications, get out of it!

My own program works for me, if you like it, make it your own!

#1, Just say no to Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Medications, and Illegal
Street Iatrogenic Medications! (This same thing goes for those recovering
from Alcohol Abuse!)

#2 Avoid Government Agencies, or Programs, or Officers, Hospitals, or
Clinics, or Corporations, that require you to go through Mental Evaluation
and Medication as the Treatment, just to try to change your behavior, or to
you a place to stay, or to get a Job, or to get Social Security Disability.

#3, Find a place where the Slave Masters, and their other Salves will not
keep swaying you back into them two dead end streets, that lead to bondage
and death! (You People willing to take them is and help them, make sure that
they have what they need to live, especially three good meals a day, if they
can eat it, and clean clothes for the season, and personal hygiene type
things are important to improve their self-esteem, and a clean Environment.
And don't bash them with your Bibles, let the example of Love lead the way!
Build their self -esteem by letting them handle their own responsibilities
gradually. As they gradually heal over about 6 to 12 months, gradually work
them into handling more of their own responsibilities, and make sure it is
not to much for them to handle, or their minds will just drive themselves
deeper into Physiological Problems, and they will just end up sitting there
among a dirty environment doing nothing for themselves!)

#4, You People Recovering from the Substance Abuse, deal with what you are
able to, to survive. But don't take on too much yourself, get some new
friends willing to help, because your mind has been damaged, and trying to
deal with it before your mind begins its natural healing, and heals enough
to give you enough ability to handle it, you will just drive yourself into
more problems!

#5, You People Recovering from the Substance Abuse, this is really the first
step! Honestly turn to God in your heart for help! He and his uniquely
begotten Son will be right there helping!

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
to my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
face with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
Duty that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort
of defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!