Big Bertha Thing balloon


Tony Lance

Big Bertha Thing balloon
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
7K Web Page
Astrophysics net ring access site
Newsgroup Reviews including sci.optics

The "Monstre" Balloon

From the book
The Ingoldsby Legends
by the Rev. Richard H. Barham
Published by Richard Edward King,
88 Curtain Road,
London E.C.
Barbara Death
From Aunt Emma
March 6th 1921
(C) Copyright Tony Lance 1999
Distribute complete and free of charge to comply.

Big Bertha Thing welfare

29th April 1999
Operations Manager,
The Benefits Agency,

Dear Sirs,

Further to your letter of 28th April 1999,
regarding a list of questions, on the possibility of my working at all.

I will attempt to answer your questions, in order as listed in your letter.

1.I am not working, I am just pottering arround on the internet.
I last registered for course work with the Open University in
1997. This would have involved 6 hours work per week.
I could only manage half-an-hour per day, so totally failed
to do the work or complete the course. Not even one homework
assignment was completed.
In August 1997, I bought a second hand computer for 150 pounds
sterling, and was given free access to the Open University
computer along local telephone lines at a call charge of
1p per minute.
Since that time, I managed to build up a body of correspondence,
within the limits of half-an-hour per day mental or physical work.
In January 1999, this correspondence was transfered by me to my
web site; disabled.)
I have to pay 14 pounds and 9p per month for this site.

2.Nobody suggested it, it just happened.
3.My doctor does not know that I have a web site.
4.See answer 1 for description of my activities.
No job is being done, so no job description exists.

5.No employer exists or payments have been recieved.
6.I can think straight for half-an-hour per day.
The rest of the time is spent pottering arround.
I can do one side of A4 paper of mathematics
or computer work per day.

7.On any day free of a major shopping expedition,
I can do half-an-hour of original work and
about an hour of copy typing at non-typist speeds.

8.My principle interest is a 50 year scientific project,
which was started 30 years ago.
If I could spend 48 hours per week doing it I would.
However half-an-hour work and an hour pottering,
seems to be all I can manage and
at that not every day of the week.
Due to my condition, I asked Mrs. Pam S....,
a fellow Open University student to be the project archivist
for my work on the Open University computer.
She agreed and kept the archive of the correspondence
which is now on my web site. This is both an unusual
request and an unusually generous service
to a fellow student on incapacity benefit.

9.Zero income for as far as the eye can see.
10.Not applicable, zero wages or income.
11.August 1997 and is ongoing.

I trust that the above will put the internet feeding frenzy
of the newspaper hype into some perspective.

Thank you,
Tony Lance

Outlandish Astronomical Tables of Planets and Pluto
By Tony Lance Dip.Math(Open) 31st March 2008

Two computer Star Globes confirm below tables.
I Mysky Interactive Planetarium
II Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe PC CD-ROM
by Dorking Kindersley 2007 (Free from Dail Mail)

Hi there,
Did you never hear of straight up astronomy, as practiced by the Egyptians.
Starting at the last known all planet daylight event.
You take the first planet on the left and line it up due south and note the time.
You do the same for all of them and Pluto. Note date as well.
Take Pluto and move forward 496 years and line it up due south and note the time.
Work out the exact orbit by taking one set of Julian days from the other.
Work out all the orbits. Find the deviation from Pluto due south.
It takes Pluto 62 years to transit the quadrant. You have to fit all the planets
in the quadrant at one time during any point in time over the 62 years.
The duration of the event is a couple of months. Walk in the park!

The twenty following all planet and Pluto events, are all paired and so
are not unique. The historical fit, could be due to religious bias in the
computer star globe software. The classical case of cutting the cloth to fit,
was the apocryphal books of the bible. Judith is a goldsmiths nightmare.
It is a receipt for twelve portions of treasure sent to the Israelites.
An apocryphal receipt is a disgrace. Religion makes poor science.

Actual sunset event was from China looking due south. see XII
At 18:00pm for 14-24th December 2450 BC. (-2449)
This shows four planets visible to the naked eye.

Viewed from China looking south. (Daylight events) Planets & Pluto
Move forward a day at a time,
with occassional one hour reductions for view. (see XI) 1-5 events

At 14:30pm GMT on 31st December 2450 BC. (-2449)
Until 11:30am GMT on 26th February 2449 BC.

At 13:13 on 31st December 1954 BC Abraham c1960 (fourteen generations) 490
Until 8:43 on 12th April 1953 BC. Canaan c1900

At 14:59 on 15th October 1459 BC Moses c1470 (fourteen generations) 490
Until 11:29 on 26th December 1459 BC. Exodus c1440

At 13:46 on 1st November 961 BC David c980 (fourteen generations) 490
Until 8.01 on 21st February 960 BC. RIP c971 BC

At 12:52 on 18th November 461 BC Babylonian Transmigration and (God 1)
Until 9:41 on 13th January 460 BC Counter-strike Pogrom of Ester (Ned 0)

Viewed from London looking south. (Daylight events) All Planets and Pluto.
Move forward a day at a time,
with occassional one hour reductions for view. (6 - 20 events)

At 15:31 on 6th November 2452 BC see X
Until 11:05 on 23rd February 2451 BC

At 14:41 on 27th October 1956 BC see IV
Until 11:31 on 27th January 1955 BC

At 15:40 on 20th December 1421 BC see X
Until 12:05 on 3rd March 1420 BC

At 15:41 on 12th October 957 BC see X
Until 11:33 on 13th January 956 BC

At 14:28 on 4th December 449 BC see X
Until 10:20 on 23rd February 448 BC

At 11:41 on 2nd November 23 BC see IX
Until 8:22 on 13th January 22 BC

At 13:06 on 10th February 78 AD see IX
Until 10:16 on 19th April 78 AD

At 15:18 on 9th June 451 AD see IX
Until 11:20 on 11th October 451 AD

At 16:05 on 4th August 477 AD see IX
Until 8:27 on 27th December 477 AD

At 15:30 on 4th September 985 AD see IX
Until 8:45 on 29th January 986 AD

At 14:21 on 24th October 989 AD see IX
Until 11:20 on 29th December 989 AD

At 13:54 on 1st September 1483 AD see VIII
Until 8:51 on 26th January 1484 AD

At 12:49 on 17th February 1522 AD see VII
Until 11:15 on 14th March 1522 AD

At 14:46 on 16th January 2021 AD see VI
Until 13:06 on 1st March 2021 AD

At 14:04 on 6th February 2024 AD see VI
Until 7:58 on 22nd May 2024 AD

Pluto viewed from London looking due south see III
as at 12:52 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826954
"24 Jan 1953 -1952 1008113 181159
"18 Jan 1457 -1456 1189271 181158
"13 Jan 0961 -960 1370430 181159
"08 Jan 465 -464 1551589 181159
" Year 1 AD 1
"02 Jan 0032 32 1732747 181158
"28 Dec 0527 527 1913906 181159
"22 Dec 1023 1023 2095064 181158
"17 Dec 1519 1519 2276223 181159
"25 Dec 2015 2015 2457382 181159

Neptune viewed from London looking due south see III
as at 9:09 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826953
" 5 Feb 1953 -1952 1008124 181171
"12 Feb 1457 -1456 1189295 181171
"20 Feb 961 -960 1370467 181172
"28 Feb 465 -464 1551639 181172
" Year 1 AD 1
" 7 Mar 32 32 1732811 181172
"14 Mar 528 528 1913982 181171
"22 Mar 1024 1024 2095154 181172
"29 Mar 1520 1520 2276325 181171
"17 Apr 2016 2016 2457495 181170

Uranus viewed from London looking due south see III
as at 11:17 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826953
"28 Dec 1954 -1953 1008085 181132
"27 Nov 1458 -1457 1189218 181133
"27 Oct 0962 -961 1370351 181133
"24 Sept 466 -465 1551482 181131
" Year 1 AD 1
"21 Aug 0031 31 1732612 181130
"15 Jul 0527 527 1913739 181127
"23 Jun 1023 1023 2094865 181126
"05 May 1519 1519 2275996 181131
"19 Apr 2015 2015 2457131 181135

Jupiter viewed from London looking due south see III
as at 15:31 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826954
"10 Nov 1954 -1953 1008038 181084
"28 Aug 1458 -1457 1189129 181091
"29 Jun 962 -961 1370232 181103
"19 Apr 466 -465 1551325 181093
" Year 1 AD 1
"07 Feb 31 31 1732418 181093
"24 Nov 526 526 1913507 181089
"08 Sep 1022 1022 2094594 181087
"10 Jul 1518 1518 2275698 181104
"19 May 2014 2014 2456797 181099

Neptune from London due south at 9:09 GMT see V
"28 Feb 465 -464 1551639 180804
"01 Mar 300 -299 1611907 60268
" 3 Mar 135 -134 1672175 60268
" 5 Mar 31 31 1732443 60268 180804
"11 Mar 526 526 1913248 180805
Uranus from London due south at 11:17 GMT see V
"24 Sept 466 -465 1551482
"24 Sep 382 -381 1582163 30681
"24 Sep 298 -297 1612844 30681
"26 Sep 214 -213 1643527 30683
"25 Sep 130 -129 1674207 30680
"25 Sep 46 -45 1704888 30681
"25 Sep 39 39 1735569 30681
Jupiter from London due south at 15:31 GMT see V
"06 Jan 54 -53 1701705
"10 Jan 42 -41 1706092 4387
"16 Jan 30 -29 1710481 4389
"20 Jan 18 -17 1714868 4387
"25 Jan 06 -5 1719256 4388
"30 Jan 07 7 1723644 4388
"03 Feb 19 19 1728031 4387
"07 Feb 31 31 1732418 4387
Pluto from London due south at 12:52 GMT see V
"08 Jan 465 -464 1551589
"05 Jan 217 -216 1642168 90579
"02 Jan 32 32 1732747 90579

Mars viewed from London looking due south (496 years) see I
as at 15:28 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826954
"13 May 1954 -1953 1007857 180903
"03 Jan 1456 -1455 1189622 181765
"28 Apr 961 -960 1370536 180914
"24 Aug 466 -465 1551452 180916
" Year 1 AD 1
"28 Feb 31 31 1732439 180987
"02 Jul 526 526 1913362 180923
"26 Dec 1021 1021 2094338 180976
"18 Jun 1519 1519 2276041 181703
"22 Nov 2014 2014 2456984 180943
Zero Fudge Factor

Mars viewed from London looking due south (264 orbits) see I
as at 15:28 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826954
"13 May 1954 -1953 1007857 180903
"24 Sep 1459 -1458 1188790 180933
"17 Mar 963 -962 1369763 180973
"16 Jul 468 -467 1550683 180920
" Year 1 AD 1
"23 Jan 29 29 1731673 180990
"28 May 524 524 1912597 180924
"15 Sep 1019 1019 2093505 180908
"30 Mar 1515 1515 2274500 180995
"01 Aug 2010 2010 2455410 180910

Saturn viewed from London looking due south see I
as at 15:59 GMT on the following dates:-
calendar Mysky Julian days
" Year 1 BC 0
"29 Jan 2449 -2448 826954
"23 Nov 1954 -1953 1008051 181097
"27 Sep 1458 -1457 1189158 181107
"09 Aug 962 -961 1370273 181115
"21 Jun 466 -465 1551388 181115
" Year 1 AD 1
"14 Apr 31 31 1732484 181096
"08 Feb 527 527 1913583 181099
"13 Dec 1022 1022 2094690 181107
"19 Oct 1518 1518 2275799 181109
"07 Sep 2014 2014 2456908 181109
Zero Fudge factor

From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:52:53 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 18:01:15 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 17:35:19 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:14:53 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:49:58 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 17:26:45 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 15:53:53 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:42:30 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,alt.astronomy
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:20:36 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:35:36 +0000
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: 10 body solar system daylight event
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:13:52 +0000

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