Bill Clinton bitches : Wife's Record Not Covered by theMEDIA......WHAT FRIGGIN RECORD DOES SHE HAVE



Bill Clinton: Wife's Record Not Covered

Dec 4 03:01 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer 63 Comments

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KEENE, N.H. (AP) - Bill Clinton said Tuesday that if reporters
covered the candidates' public records better, his wife's presidential
bid would be far ahead of her rivals.
During a campaign stop on behalf of his wife, New York Sen. Hillary
Rodham Clinton, the former president said he can't understand why so
much of the media coverage of the campaign ignores her experience--and,
without naming him, the relative lack of experience of her closest
Democratic rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

"One percent of the press coverage was devoted to their record in
public life. No wonder people think experience is irrelevant. A lot of
the people covering the race think it is (irrelevant)," Clinton said
to students at Keene State College.

Clinton referenced a study from the Project for Excellence in
Journalism that indicated much of the coverage of the race is
dominated by daily horse race reporting rather than about policy

"Sixty-seven percent of the coverage is pure politics. That stuff has
a half life of about 15 seconds. It won't matter tomorrow. It is very
vulnerable to being slanted and rude. And it won't affect your life,"
Clinton said.

Clinton also said his wife's bipartisan work in the Senate proves she
can accomplish her campaign's message of change, and that records
matter more than rhetoric. He said that when voters look at records
and accomplishments, they will see clear choices between the New York
senator and her rivals.

"I would pick her and be here if we weren't married," Clinton said.

Clinton recalled that this western New Hampshire town was the place he
first thought he stood a chance of winning his Democratic Party's
presidential nomination. He did not win the 1992 New Hampshire
primary, but his second-place finish helped him position himself as
"the Comeback Kid."

Hillary Rodham Clinton began the current campaign as the Democratic
front-runner, but now faces a tightening race here and in Iowa. Her
husband is one of several marquee surrogates trekking through snowy
New Hampshire. Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling planned to join
Republican Sen. John McCain on Wednesday. Oprah Winfrey planned to
join Obama on Sunday.


BOO HOO BILL....welcome to politics.

HILLARY has no record of every managing taxes or the finances of

she has NO experience for presidency like any Governor has.

Argue with the facts...

She does have experence being a BITCH.
Well, she can toss a mean ashtray.

Plus, when you need a lawyer to hide anything, she's your man.