Dr. Jai Maharaj

Forwarded message from "CLG News" <>

Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government

24 Dec 2007

All items are here:

Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert

24 Dec 2007

After the United States has spent more than $5 billion in a
largely failed effort to bolster the Pakistani military
effort against 'Al Qaeda' and the Taliban, some American
officials now acknowledge that there were too few controls
over the money. American money was has been diverted to
help finance weapons systems designed to counter India, not
Al Qaeda or the Taliban, the officials said, adding that
the United States has paid tens of millions of dollars in
inflated Pakistani reimbursement claims for fuel,
ammunition and other costs. [Another $5 billion goes the
way of Project Bioshield, down the toilet and into the
hands of Bush's corpora-terrorists. Meanwhile: Medicaid
Funding for Schools Cut 23 Dec 2007 The Bush regime
yesterday eliminated about $700 million a year in Medicaid
reimbursements to schools, sidestepping an attempt by
Congress to block such a move.]

$785m US assistance due Pakistan in 2008 24 Dec 2007 US
Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia
Affairs, Richard Boucher has said that despite new
Congressional restrictions on the $50 million security
assistance to Pakistan, there will be no impact on the
supply of F-16 aircraft to that country. Boucher also said
that the release of $50 million out of a total of $300
million in counterterrorism aid is not subject to
certification but would be based on a report by the
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Pakistan success in
the War on of Terror and its 'democratic' development.

Pakistan agents 'staged escape' of terror suspect 23 Dec
2007 Friends of Rashid Rauf, the man wanted in Britain for
last years Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] plot to blow up
transatlantic airliners, believe that he did not escape
from custody last weekend but was kidnapped by Pakistans
military intelligence agency (ISI). They fear he may be
shot. Rauf was arrested in Pakistan in August last year at
the same time as 25 men were held in Britain after police
uncovered an alleged plot to blow up 12 airliners flying to
the United States from Heathrow and Gatwick. Since then,
Rauf has been held with other Al-Qaeda suspects in
Pakistan's highest-security unit in Rawalpindi until his

last weekend. The officers had allowed him to stop for
lunch at a McDonald's restaurant and later in the journey
permitted him to pray at a mosque. His handcuffs were
removed to allow him to pray freely... Hashmat Habib, Raufs
lawyer, said his client was being victimised because the
Pakistani authorities had been forced to drop all charges
against Rauf over the transatlantic flight plot.

Saudis biggest group of al Qaeda Iraq fighters: study 19
Dec 2007 Most al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] fighters in Iraq are
from Saudi Arabia and Libya and many are university-aged
students, said a study released on Wednesday by researchers
at the U.S. Army's West Point military academy. The study
was based on 606 personnel records collected by al Qaeda in
Iraq and captured by coalition troops in October.

Iraqi fighters display new weapons --Foreign forces in Iraq
are hoping that a much heralded drop in violence in Iraq
will continue into the new year.

However, in exclusive images obtained by Al Jazeera, it
seems fighters from the Islamic Front for Resistance in
Iraq (Jami) are merely biding their time and training hard
with an array of new weapons in order to drive foreign
forces out as soon as possible. Report by Hoda Abdel Hamid
24 Dec 2007 Deep in the groves north of Baghdad, a group of
fighters are shown on camera participating in an afternoon
workshop on the making and use of weapons. It includes a
step-by-step lesson on how to turn an old tank shell into a
roadside bomb. It took only 20 minutes to put together a
device powerful enough to blow up an armoured vehicle. Two
will destroy a tank, the instructors say.

Warnings Unheeded On Mercenaries In Iraq --Despite
Shootings, Security Companies Expanded Presence --State
Department has paid $2.4 billion for mercenaries in Iraq --
including $1 billion to Blackwater -- since 2003 24 Dec
2007 The U.S. government disregarded numerous warnings over
the past two years about the risks of using Blackwater
Worldwide and other mercenaries in Iraq, expanding their
presence even after a series of shooting incidents showed
that the firms were operating with little regulation or
oversight, according to government officials, private
security firms and documents.

Iraq cover-up claims: MPs call for inquiry --UK security
firm accused of failing to pass on intelligence to army in
Basra 24 Dec 2007 MPs called yesterday for a full
parliamentary inquiry into the British security company
ArmorGroup after allegations made about its operations in
Iraq by former employees. Two MPs have issued the call in
response to claims that an employee had been told to
withhold intelligence from the British armed forces and
that the company had exaggerated the numbers of its
employees on the ground.

Calls to probe Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 MPs have
called for a parliamentary inquiry into claims that a UK-
based security company deliberately withheld intelligence
from the British armed forces in Iraq. A former employee of
ArmorGroup is reported as claiming that the company's
"official line" was not to pass on information about
militia infiltration of the Iraqi police in Basra.

Firm rejects Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 A UK-based
security company operating in Iraq has dismissed claims it
routinely withheld intelligence from the British armed
forces. ArmorGroup described the allegations from Colin
Williamson, a former policeman it employed in Basra, as
"almost inconceivable".

Baghdad Bombing Kills Two, Wounds Six 24 Dec 2007 Two
people were killed and six others were wounded when a bomb
hidden inside a minivan exploded Monday near Baghdad's
governor office, the latest violence in holiday season in
Baghdad, Iraq capital. The explosive went off near the
heavily guarded Green Zone, which houses the U.S. and other
western embassies and Iraqi government.

Gunmen kidnap 14 members of Iraqi family: police 24 Dec
2007 [US] Gunmen posing as Iraqi security forces kidnapped
14 members of one family in the volatile Diyala province
north of Baghdad on Monday, police said. They said the
gunmen stopped a minibus carrying the 14 at a fake
checkpoint near the town of Muqdadiya, 90 km (55 miles)
northeast of the capital. Those kidnapped included women
and children, police said.

No let-up for Christmas for U.S. troops in Iraq 24 Dec 2007
Christmas Eve, late afternoon, and U.S. soldiers from 4th
Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment piled into their Stryker
armored vehicles for a patrol out on the streets of
Baghdad. This is the fifth Christmas that U.S. troops have
been out in Iraq, and commanders say the best way to keep
morale up is to keep moving.

US warns against early Iraq pullout 23 Dec 2007 The US
military commander in Iraq says progress has been made to
reduce the level of violence. But General David Petraeus
[Betrayus] said what had been achieved "remains tenuous and
is still fragile" and cautioned against speeding up the
withdrawal of US troops.

Highlighting that fragility on Sunday, attacks killed at
least five people, including a roadside bomb targeting an
Iraqi army patrol in Baghdad that left two civilians dead.

Troops needed in Afghanistan 'for at least 10yrs' 24 Dec
2007 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has arrived back in
Australia after a surprise visit to Australian troops in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr Rudd pledged an extra $110 million
to help rebuild Afghanistan and says Australian soldiers
will remain in the country for what he calls "the long

Spain's troops in Afghanistan as long as needed: minister
24 Dec 2007 Spanish troops will remain in Afghanistan as
long "as necessary," Spain's defence minister Jose Antonio
Alonso said in an interview.

Israel to spend $230m on defence shield 24 Dec 2007 Israel
is to spend $230 million over the next five years to
develop a defence shield against rockets and short-range
missiles. Israel's Security Cabinet has confirmed funding
for the project that has been dubbed "the Iron Dome."

Jeb Bush to arrive in Israel for private visit 23 Dec 2007
Two weeks before US President [sic] George W. Bush is
scheduled to arrive on his first visit to Israel as
pResident, his younger brother Jeb Bush is scheduled to
arrive Monday for a private visit.

Iran to seek bids for 19 atomic power plants: MP 24 Dec
2007 Iran said on Monday it rejected any preconditions for
talks with the United States, which suspects it wants an
atomic bomb, and a member of parliament was quoted as
saying Tehran planned 19 nuclear power plants.

Lawyer urges judge to open CIA tapes inquiry 21 Dec 2007 A
lawyer for a group of terrorism suspects held by the United
States told a court on Friday that trusting the Justice
Department with an inquiry into the CIA's destruction of
interrogation torture tapes would amount to putting the fox
in charge of the hen house.

Fragile Hicks faces torture of freedom 24 Dec 2007 David
Hicks's mental condition is so fragile that - only five
days before his scheduled release from jail - he suffers
from agoraphobia and retreats to the kind of solitary
confinement he endured for five years in Guantanamo Bay.

DHS to Finalize Satellite-Surveillance Plans 20 Dec 2007
After delaying a domestic satellite-surveillance program
for more than two months, Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff expects to finalize a new charter for it
this week, a move that attempts to quell civil-liberties
concerns and get the program back on track. Mr. Chertoff
also plans soon to unveil a cyber-security strategy, part
of an estimated $15 billion, multiyear program designed to
protect the nation's Internet infrastructure. The program
has been shrouded in secrecy for months and has also
prompted privacy concerns on Capitol Hill because it
involves government protection of domestic computer

Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops 23 Dec 2007 If
you're ticketed by Green Bay police, you'll get more than a
fine. You'll get fingerprinted, too.

If you're caught speeding or playing your music too loud,
or other crimes for which you might receive a citation,
Green Bay police officers will ask for your drivers license
and your finger. You'll be fingerprinted right there on the

Cheney accused of blocking Californian bid to cut car fumes
24 Dec 2007 The US vice-president [sic], Dick Cheney, was
behind a controversial decision to block California's
attempt to impose tough emission limits on car
manufacturers, according to insiders at the government
Environmental Protection Agency.

Probe of Calif. Fires Lays Most Blame on Power Lines --
Downing of Poles by Santa Ana Winds Renews Debate Over
Costly Option of Burying Electrical Cables 24 Dec 2007 When
the firestorms of October were finally extinguished and
hundreds of thousands of Southern Californians returned to
their homes, officials set out to understand how 21 fires
erupted in the span of just three days. A '10-year-old boy
confessed' to starting one fire. Two other fires were
attributed to arson. In an odd twist, a convicted arsonist
was discovered among the volunteers fighting fires in San
Diego County, but the man was not implicated in the October

Mission accomplished: U.S. gasoline prices rose in 2007:
survey 23 Dec 2007 U.S. average gasoline prices rose 8
percent, or 21 cents, in 2007 from the prior year, an
industry analyst said, as oil prices rose. The average
annual price for U.S. gasoline was $2.7878 in 2007, up from
2006's $2.5730, according to the Lundberg survey of about
7,000 U.S. gas stations.

Obama vows to get lead out of toys --Touts plan for
offshore testing, strict ban 24 Dec 2007 As holiday
shoppers hunted for safe toys Sunday, Democrat Barack Obama
touted his plan for tighter regulation of Chinese-made
toys, millions of which have been recalled. Obama said he
would test to find toys with lead-based paint and ban those
with even trace amounts.

Republican Romney picks up negative endorsement 23 Dec 2007
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has taken an
editorial drubbing from a small New Hampshire newspaper, at
a time when most newspapers close to the presidential race
are handing out endorsements. "Romney should not be the
next president," blared the Concord Monitor of tiny New
Hampshire state, where the third nominating contest for the
2008 US presidential race will take place on January 8.

Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World
hunger admits he got it wrong 18 Dec 2007 A claim that GM
technology is helping deliver higher crop yields in Africa
was wrong, the Government's chief scientist [Professor Sir
David King] has been forced to admit. Dr Richard Horton,
the editor of medical journal The Lancet said Sir David
took his faith in science into "the realms of totalitarian

Deadly Storm Leaves Dangerous Roadways 24 Dec 2007 Highways
were treacherous for holiday travelers Monday in the upper
Midwest in the aftermath of a blustery snowstorm that
blacked out thousands of homes and businesses and snarled
air travel. At least 11 deaths were blamed on the weekend-
long storm, which led to multi-car pileups that closed
parts of several major highways on the Plains.

CLG needs your support.

Or, please mail a check or money order to the CLG:

Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) P.O. Box 1142
Bristol, CT 06011-1142

Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible.

[Previous lead stories:] Troops needed for ten more years:
Karzai 21 Dec 2007 Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said
that his war-torn country will need foreign troops for at
least another decade. "I believe it will take another 10
years, at least 10 years," he told German newspaper Bild
when asked for how much longer the country will need German

U.S. commander in Iraq warns against faster troop
withdrawal 23 Dec 2007 The top U.S. commander General David
Petraeus [Betrayus] warned on Sunday against faster troop
withdrawal from Iraq because security process U.S. troops
made in the country remains "fragile." Petraeus said in an
interview with Fox news since 'insurgent' attacks and U.S.
troops casualties have been sharply reduced, the United
States is ready to withdraw five combat brigades from Iraq
by mid next year [just in time to help the GOP in the 2008

Turkish Jets Strike PKK Positions in Northern Iraq 23 Dec
2007 Turkey bombed and shelled Kurdish militants in
neighboring northern Iraq in the third of a series of
cross-border attacks in the past week that the armed forces
say have killed hundreds of fighters of the Kurdistan
Workers' Party, or PKK.

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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright )
2007, Citizens For Legitimate Government. All rights
reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald,

End of forwarded message from "CLG News" <>

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy

The truth about Islam and Muslims

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lol. bush obviously thinks he can buy out islamists just the way got bought
out by big oil. i have heard there is mosque built by pakis right in dc
using bush's aid to pakis.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20071224Z1N9Ui9P4jk1i9A413fV8QV@UegAp...
> Forwarded message from "CLG News" <>
> Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert
> Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
> 24 Dec 2007
> All items are here:
> Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert
> 24 Dec 2007
> After the United States has spent more than $5 billion in a
> largely failed effort to bolster the Pakistani military
> effort against 'Al Qaeda' and the Taliban, some American
> officials now acknowledge that there were too few controls
> over the money. American money was has been diverted to
> help finance weapons systems designed to counter India, not
> Al Qaeda or the Taliban, the officials said, adding that
> the United States has paid tens of millions of dollars in
> inflated Pakistani reimbursement claims for fuel,
> ammunition and other costs. [Another $5 billion goes the
> way of Project Bioshield, down the toilet and into the
> hands of Bush's corpora-terrorists. Meanwhile: Medicaid
> Funding for Schools Cut 23 Dec 2007 The Bush regime
> yesterday eliminated about $700 million a year in Medicaid
> reimbursements to schools, sidestepping an attempt by
> Congress to block such a move.]
> $785m US assistance due Pakistan in 2008 24 Dec 2007 US
> Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia
> Affairs, Richard Boucher has said that despite new
> Congressional restrictions on the $50 million security
> assistance to Pakistan, there will be no impact on the
> supply of F-16 aircraft to that country. Boucher also said
> that the release of $50 million out of a total of $300
> million in counterterrorism aid is not subject to
> certification but would be based on a report by the
> Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Pakistan success in
> the War on of Terror and its 'democratic' development.
> Pakistan agents 'staged escape' of terror suspect 23 Dec
> 2007 Friends of Rashid Rauf, the man wanted in Britain for
> last years Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] plot to blow up
> transatlantic airliners, believe that he did not escape
> from custody last weekend but was kidnapped by Pakistans
> military intelligence agency (ISI). They fear he may be
> shot. Rauf was arrested in Pakistan in August last year at
> the same time as 25 men were held in Britain after police
> uncovered an alleged plot to blow up 12 airliners flying to
> the United States from Heathrow and Gatwick. Since then,
> Rauf has been held with other Al-Qaeda suspects in
> Pakistan's highest-security unit in Rawalpindi until his
> "escape"
> last weekend. The officers had allowed him to stop for
> lunch at a McDonald's restaurant and later in the journey
> permitted him to pray at a mosque. His handcuffs were
> removed to allow him to pray freely... Hashmat Habib, Raufs
> lawyer, said his client was being victimised because the
> Pakistani authorities had been forced to drop all charges
> against Rauf over the transatlantic flight plot.
> Saudis biggest group of al Qaeda Iraq fighters: study 19
> Dec 2007 Most al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] fighters in Iraq are
> from Saudi Arabia and Libya and many are university-aged
> students, said a study released on Wednesday by researchers
> at the U.S. Army's West Point military academy. The study
> was based on 606 personnel records collected by al Qaeda in
> Iraq and captured by coalition troops in October.
> Iraqi fighters display new weapons --Foreign forces in Iraq
> are hoping that a much heralded drop in violence in Iraq
> will continue into the new year.
> However, in exclusive images obtained by Al Jazeera, it
> seems fighters from the Islamic Front for Resistance in
> Iraq (Jami) are merely biding their time and training hard
> with an array of new weapons in order to drive foreign
> forces out as soon as possible. Report by Hoda Abdel Hamid
> 24 Dec 2007 Deep in the groves north of Baghdad, a group of
> fighters are shown on camera participating in an afternoon
> workshop on the making and use of weapons. It includes a
> step-by-step lesson on how to turn an old tank shell into a
> roadside bomb. It took only 20 minutes to put together a
> device powerful enough to blow up an armoured vehicle. Two
> will destroy a tank, the instructors say.
> Warnings Unheeded On Mercenaries In Iraq --Despite
> Shootings, Security Companies Expanded Presence --State
> Department has paid $2.4 billion for mercenaries in Iraq --
> including $1 billion to Blackwater -- since 2003 24 Dec
> 2007 The U.S. government disregarded numerous warnings over
> the past two years about the risks of using Blackwater
> Worldwide and other mercenaries in Iraq, expanding their
> presence even after a series of shooting incidents showed
> that the firms were operating with little regulation or
> oversight, according to government officials, private
> security firms and documents.
> Iraq cover-up claims: MPs call for inquiry --UK security
> firm accused of failing to pass on intelligence to army in
> Basra 24 Dec 2007 MPs called yesterday for a full
> parliamentary inquiry into the British security company
> ArmorGroup after allegations made about its operations in
> Iraq by former employees. Two MPs have issued the call in
> response to claims that an employee had been told to
> withhold intelligence from the British armed forces and
> that the company had exaggerated the numbers of its
> employees on the ground.
> Calls to probe Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 MPs have
> called for a parliamentary inquiry into claims that a UK-
> based security company deliberately withheld intelligence
> from the British armed forces in Iraq. A former employee of
> ArmorGroup is reported as claiming that the company's
> "official line" was not to pass on information about
> militia infiltration of the Iraqi police in Basra.
> Firm rejects Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 A UK-based
> security company operating in Iraq has dismissed claims it
> routinely withheld intelligence from the British armed
> forces. ArmorGroup described the allegations from Colin
> Williamson, a former policeman it employed in Basra, as
> "almost inconceivable".
> Baghdad Bombing Kills Two, Wounds Six 24 Dec 2007 Two
> people were killed and six others were wounded when a bomb
> hidden inside a minivan exploded Monday near Baghdad's
> governor office, the latest violence in holiday season in
> Baghdad, Iraq capital. The explosive went off near the
> heavily guarded Green Zone, which houses the U.S. and other
> western embassies and Iraqi government.
> Gunmen kidnap 14 members of Iraqi family: police 24 Dec
> 2007 [US] Gunmen posing as Iraqi security forces kidnapped
> 14 members of one family in the volatile Diyala province
> north of Baghdad on Monday, police said. They said the
> gunmen stopped a minibus carrying the 14 at a fake
> checkpoint near the town of Muqdadiya, 90 km (55 miles)
> northeast of the capital. Those kidnapped included women
> and children, police said.
> No let-up for Christmas for U.S. troops in Iraq 24 Dec 2007
> Christmas Eve, late afternoon, and U.S. soldiers from 4th
> Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment piled into their Stryker
> armored vehicles for a patrol out on the streets of
> Baghdad. This is the fifth Christmas that U.S. troops have
> been out in Iraq, and commanders say the best way to keep
> morale up is to keep moving.
> US warns against early Iraq pullout 23 Dec 2007 The US
> military commander in Iraq says progress has been made to
> reduce the level of violence. But General David Petraeus
> [Betrayus] said what had been achieved "remains tenuous and
> is still fragile" and cautioned against speeding up the
> withdrawal of US troops.
> Highlighting that fragility on Sunday, attacks killed at
> least five people, including a roadside bomb targeting an
> Iraqi army patrol in Baghdad that left two civilians dead.
> Troops needed in Afghanistan 'for at least 10yrs' 24 Dec
> 2007 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has arrived back in
> Australia after a surprise visit to Australian troops in
> Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr Rudd pledged an extra $110 million
> to help rebuild Afghanistan and says Australian soldiers
> will remain in the country for what he calls "the long
> haul".
> Spain's troops in Afghanistan as long as needed: minister
> 24 Dec 2007 Spanish troops will remain in Afghanistan as
> long "as necessary," Spain's defence minister Jose Antonio
> Alonso said in an interview.
> Israel to spend $230m on defence shield 24 Dec 2007 Israel
> is to spend $230 million over the next five years to
> develop a defence shield against rockets and short-range
> missiles. Israel's Security Cabinet has confirmed funding
> for the project that has been dubbed "the Iron Dome."
> Jeb Bush to arrive in Israel for private visit 23 Dec 2007
> Two weeks before US President [sic] George W. Bush is
> scheduled to arrive on his first visit to Israel as
> pResident, his younger brother Jeb Bush is scheduled to
> arrive Monday for a private visit.
> Iran to seek bids for 19 atomic power plants: MP 24 Dec
> 2007 Iran said on Monday it rejected any preconditions for
> talks with the United States, which suspects it wants an
> atomic bomb, and a member of parliament was quoted as
> saying Tehran planned 19 nuclear power plants.
> Lawyer urges judge to open CIA tapes inquiry 21 Dec 2007 A
> lawyer for a group of terrorism suspects held by the United
> States told a court on Friday that trusting the Justice
> Department with an inquiry into the CIA's destruction of
> interrogation torture tapes would amount to putting the fox
> in charge of the hen house.
> Fragile Hicks faces torture of freedom 24 Dec 2007 David
> Hicks's mental condition is so fragile that - only five
> days before his scheduled release from jail - he suffers
> from agoraphobia and retreats to the kind of solitary
> confinement he endured for five years in Guantanamo Bay.
> DHS to Finalize Satellite-Surveillance Plans 20 Dec 2007
> After delaying a domestic satellite-surveillance program
> for more than two months, Homeland Security Secretary
> Michael Chertoff expects to finalize a new charter for it
> this week, a move that attempts to quell civil-liberties
> concerns and get the program back on track. Mr. Chertoff
> also plans soon to unveil a cyber-security strategy, part
> of an estimated $15 billion, multiyear program designed to
> protect the nation's Internet infrastructure. The program
> has been shrouded in secrecy for months and has also
> prompted privacy concerns on Capitol Hill because it
> involves government protection of domestic computer
> networks.
> Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops 23 Dec 2007 If
> you're ticketed by Green Bay police, you'll get more than a
> fine. You'll get fingerprinted, too.
> If you're caught speeding or playing your music too loud,
> or other crimes for which you might receive a citation,
> Green Bay police officers will ask for your drivers license
> and your finger. You'll be fingerprinted right there on the
> spot.
> Cheney accused of blocking Californian bid to cut car fumes
> 24 Dec 2007 The US vice-president [sic], Dick Cheney, was
> behind a controversial decision to block California's
> attempt to impose tough emission limits on car
> manufacturers, according to insiders at the government
> Environmental Protection Agency.
> Probe of Calif. Fires Lays Most Blame on Power Lines --
> Downing of Poles by Santa Ana Winds Renews Debate Over
> Costly Option of Burying Electrical Cables 24 Dec 2007 When
> the firestorms of October were finally extinguished and
> hundreds of thousands of Southern Californians returned to
> their homes, officials set out to understand how 21 fires
> erupted in the span of just three days. A '10-year-old boy
> confessed' to starting one fire. Two other fires were
> attributed to arson. In an odd twist, a convicted arsonist
> was discovered among the volunteers fighting fires in San
> Diego County, but the man was not implicated in the October
> fires.
> Mission accomplished: U.S. gasoline prices rose in 2007:
> survey 23 Dec 2007 U.S. average gasoline prices rose 8
> percent, or 21 cents, in 2007 from the prior year, an
> industry analyst said, as oil prices rose. The average
> annual price for U.S. gasoline was $2.7878 in 2007, up from
> 2006's $2.5730, according to the Lundberg survey of about
> 7,000 U.S. gas stations.
> Obama vows to get lead out of toys --Touts plan for
> offshore testing, strict ban 24 Dec 2007 As holiday
> shoppers hunted for safe toys Sunday, Democrat Barack Obama
> touted his plan for tighter regulation of Chinese-made
> toys, millions of which have been recalled. Obama said he
> would test to find toys with lead-based paint and ban those
> with even trace amounts.
> Republican Romney picks up negative endorsement 23 Dec 2007
> Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has taken an
> editorial drubbing from a small New Hampshire newspaper, at
> a time when most newspapers close to the presidential race
> are handing out endorsements. "Romney should not be the
> next president," blared the Concord Monitor of tiny New
> Hampshire state, where the third nominating contest for the
> 2008 US presidential race will take place on January 8.
> Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World
> hunger admits he got it wrong 18 Dec 2007 A claim that GM
> technology is helping deliver higher crop yields in Africa
> was wrong, the Government's chief scientist [Professor Sir
> David King] has been forced to admit. Dr Richard Horton,
> the editor of medical journal The Lancet said Sir David
> took his faith in science into "the realms of totalitarian
> paranoia".
> Deadly Storm Leaves Dangerous Roadways 24 Dec 2007 Highways
> were treacherous for holiday travelers Monday in the upper
> Midwest in the aftermath of a blustery snowstorm that
> blacked out thousands of homes and businesses and snarled
> air travel. At least 11 deaths were blamed on the weekend-
> long storm, which led to multi-car pileups that closed
> parts of several major highways on the Plains.
> CLG needs your support.
> Or, please mail a check or money order to the CLG:
> Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) P.O. Box 1142
> Bristol, CT 06011-1142
> Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible.
> [Previous lead stories:] Troops needed for ten more years:
> Karzai 21 Dec 2007 Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said
> that his war-torn country will need foreign troops for at
> least another decade. "I believe it will take another 10
> years, at least 10 years," he told German newspaper Bild
> when asked for how much longer the country will need German
> troops.
> U.S. commander in Iraq warns against faster troop
> withdrawal 23 Dec 2007 The top U.S. commander General David
> Petraeus [Betrayus] warned on Sunday against faster troop
> withdrawal from Iraq because security process U.S. troops
> made in the country remains "fragile." Petraeus said in an
> interview with Fox news since 'insurgent' attacks and U.S.
> troops casualties have been sharply reduced, the United
> States is ready to withdraw five combat brigades from Iraq
> by mid next year [just in time to help the GOP in the 2008
> 'elections'].
> Turkish Jets Strike PKK Positions in Northern Iraq 23 Dec
> 2007 Turkey bombed and shelled Kurdish militants in
> neighboring northern Iraq in the third of a series of
> cross-border attacks in the past week that the armed forces
> say have killed hundreds of fighters of the Kurdistan
> Workers' Party, or PKK.
> Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be
> interested.
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> and add your name. Those who wish to be removed from the
> list can access the same link and click 'unsubscribe.'
> Please write to: for
> inquiries/issues/concerns with your subscription.
> CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright )
> 2007, Citizens For Legitimate Government. All rights
> reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald,
> Ph.D.
> End of forwarded message from "CLG News" <>
> Jai Maharaj
> Om Shanti
> Hindu Holocaust Museum
> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> The truth about Islam and Muslims
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may
> not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
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> copyright owner.
What's worse, the Pakis will one day use the US aid money to attack
the US, Americans and American interests -- if they aren't doing so

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

In article <47713a9b$0$5257$>,
"harmony" <> posted:
> lol. bush obviously thinks he can buy out islamists just the way got bought
> out by big oil. i have heard there is mosque built by pakis right in dc
> using bush's aid to pakis.
> (Dr. Jai Maharaj) posted:
> > Forwarded message from "CLG News" <>
> >
> > Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert
> >
> > Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
> >
> > 24 Dec 2007
> >
> >
> >
> > All items are here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Billions in Aid to Pakistan Was Wasted, Officials Assert
> >
> > 24 Dec 2007
> >
> > After the United States has spent more than $5 billion in a
> > largely failed effort to bolster the Pakistani military
> > effort against 'Al Qaeda' and the Taliban, some American
> > officials now acknowledge that there were too few controls
> > over the money. American money was has been diverted to
> > help finance weapons systems designed to counter India, not
> > Al Qaeda or the Taliban, the officials said, adding that
> > the United States has paid tens of millions of dollars in
> > inflated Pakistani reimbursement claims for fuel,
> > ammunition and other costs. [Another $5 billion goes the
> > way of Project Bioshield, down the toilet and into the
> > hands of Bush's corpora-terrorists. Meanwhile: Medicaid
> > Funding for Schools Cut 23 Dec 2007 The Bush regime
> > yesterday eliminated about $700 million a year in Medicaid
> > reimbursements to schools, sidestepping an attempt by
> > Congress to block such a move.]
> >
> > $785m US assistance due Pakistan in 2008 24 Dec 2007 US
> > Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia
> > Affairs, Richard Boucher has said that despite new
> > Congressional restrictions on the $50 million security
> > assistance to Pakistan, there will be no impact on the
> > supply of F-16 aircraft to that country. Boucher also said
> > that the release of $50 million out of a total of $300
> > million in counterterrorism aid is not subject to
> > certification but would be based on a report by the
> > Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Pakistan success in
> > the War on of Terror and its 'democratic' development.
> >
> > Pakistan agents 'staged escape' of terror suspect 23 Dec
> > 2007 Friends of Rashid Rauf, the man wanted in Britain for
> > last years Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] plot to blow up
> > transatlantic airliners, believe that he did not escape
> > from custody last weekend but was kidnapped by Pakistans
> > military intelligence agency (ISI). They fear he may be
> > shot. Rauf was arrested in Pakistan in August last year at
> > the same time as 25 men were held in Britain after police
> > uncovered an alleged plot to blow up 12 airliners flying to
> > the United States from Heathrow and Gatwick. Since then,
> > Rauf has been held with other Al-Qaeda suspects in
> > Pakistan's highest-security unit in Rawalpindi until his
> > "escape"
> >
> > last weekend. The officers had allowed him to stop for
> > lunch at a McDonald's restaurant and later in the journey
> > permitted him to pray at a mosque. His handcuffs were
> > removed to allow him to pray freely... Hashmat Habib, Raufs
> > lawyer, said his client was being victimised because the
> > Pakistani authorities had been forced to drop all charges
> > against Rauf over the transatlantic flight plot.
> >
> > Saudis biggest group of al Qaeda Iraq fighters: study 19
> > Dec 2007 Most al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] fighters in Iraq are
> > from Saudi Arabia and Libya and many are university-aged
> > students, said a study released on Wednesday by researchers
> > at the U.S. Army's West Point military academy. The study
> > was based on 606 personnel records collected by al Qaeda in
> > Iraq and captured by coalition troops in October.
> >
> > Iraqi fighters display new weapons --Foreign forces in Iraq
> > are hoping that a much heralded drop in violence in Iraq
> > will continue into the new year.
> >
> > However, in exclusive images obtained by Al Jazeera, it
> > seems fighters from the Islamic Front for Resistance in
> > Iraq (Jami) are merely biding their time and training hard
> > with an array of new weapons in order to drive foreign
> > forces out as soon as possible. Report by Hoda Abdel Hamid
> > 24 Dec 2007 Deep in the groves north of Baghdad, a group of
> > fighters are shown on camera participating in an afternoon
> > workshop on the making and use of weapons. It includes a
> > step-by-step lesson on how to turn an old tank shell into a
> > roadside bomb. It took only 20 minutes to put together a
> > device powerful enough to blow up an armoured vehicle. Two
> > will destroy a tank, the instructors say.
> >
> > Warnings Unheeded On Mercenaries In Iraq --Despite
> > Shootings, Security Companies Expanded Presence --State
> > Department has paid $2.4 billion for mercenaries in Iraq --
> > including $1 billion to Blackwater -- since 2003 24 Dec
> > 2007 The U.S. government disregarded numerous warnings over
> > the past two years about the risks of using Blackwater
> > Worldwide and other mercenaries in Iraq, expanding their
> > presence even after a series of shooting incidents showed
> > that the firms were operating with little regulation or
> > oversight, according to government officials, private
> > security firms and documents.
> >
> > Iraq cover-up claims: MPs call for inquiry --UK security
> > firm accused of failing to pass on intelligence to army in
> > Basra 24 Dec 2007 MPs called yesterday for a full
> > parliamentary inquiry into the British security company
> > ArmorGroup after allegations made about its operations in
> > Iraq by former employees. Two MPs have issued the call in
> > response to claims that an employee had been told to
> > withhold intelligence from the British armed forces and
> > that the company had exaggerated the numbers of its
> > employees on the ground.
> >
> > Calls to probe Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 MPs have
> > called for a parliamentary inquiry into claims that a UK-
> > based security company deliberately withheld intelligence
> > from the British armed forces in Iraq. A former employee of
> > ArmorGroup is reported as claiming that the company's
> > "official line" was not to pass on information about
> > militia infiltration of the Iraqi police in Basra.
> >
> > Firm rejects Iraq security claims 24 Dec 2007 A UK-based
> > security company operating in Iraq has dismissed claims it
> > routinely withheld intelligence from the British armed
> > forces. ArmorGroup described the allegations from Colin
> > Williamson, a former policeman it employed in Basra, as
> > "almost inconceivable".
> >
> > Baghdad Bombing Kills Two, Wounds Six 24 Dec 2007 Two
> > people were killed and six others were wounded when a bomb
> > hidden inside a minivan exploded Monday near Baghdad's
> > governor office, the latest violence in holiday season in
> > Baghdad, Iraq capital. The explosive went off near the
> > heavily guarded Green Zone, which houses the U.S. and other
> > western embassies and Iraqi government.
> >
> > Gunmen kidnap 14 members of Iraqi family: police 24 Dec
> > 2007 [US] Gunmen posing as Iraqi security forces kidnapped
> > 14 members of one family in the volatile Diyala province
> > north of Baghdad on Monday, police said. They said the
> > gunmen stopped a minibus carrying the 14 at a fake
> > checkpoint near the town of Muqdadiya, 90 km (55 miles)
> > northeast of the capital. Those kidnapped included women
> > and children, police said.
> >
> > No let-up for Christmas for U.S. troops in Iraq 24 Dec 2007
> > Christmas Eve, late afternoon, and U.S. soldiers from 4th
> > Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment piled into their Stryker
> > armored vehicles for a patrol out on the streets of
> > Baghdad. This is the fifth Christmas that U.S. troops have
> > been out in Iraq, and commanders say the best way to keep
> > morale up is to keep moving.
> >
> > US warns against early Iraq pullout 23 Dec 2007 The US
> > military commander in Iraq says progress has been made to
> > reduce the level of violence. But General David Petraeus
> > [Betrayus] said what had been achieved "remains tenuous and
> > is still fragile" and cautioned against speeding up the
> > withdrawal of US troops.
> >
> > Highlighting that fragility on Sunday, attacks killed at
> > least five people, including a roadside bomb targeting an
> > Iraqi army patrol in Baghdad that left two civilians dead.
> >
> > Troops needed in Afghanistan 'for at least 10yrs' 24 Dec
> > 2007 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has arrived back in
> > Australia after a surprise visit to Australian troops in
> > Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr Rudd pledged an extra $110 million
> > to help rebuild Afghanistan and says Australian soldiers
> > will remain in the country for what he calls "the long
> > haul".
> >
> > Spain's troops in Afghanistan as long as needed: minister
> > 24 Dec 2007 Spanish troops will remain in Afghanistan as
> > long "as necessary," Spain's defence minister Jose Antonio
> > Alonso said in an interview.
> >
> > Israel to spend $230m on defence shield 24 Dec 2007 Israel
> > is to spend $230 million over the next five years to
> > develop a defence shield against rockets and short-range
> > missiles. Israel's Security Cabinet has confirmed funding
> > for the project that has been dubbed "the Iron Dome."
> >
> > Jeb Bush to arrive in Israel for private visit 23 Dec 2007
> > Two weeks before US President [sic] George W. Bush is
> > scheduled to arrive on his first visit to Israel as
> > pResident, his younger brother Jeb Bush is scheduled to
> > arrive Monday for a private visit.
> >
> > Iran to seek bids for 19 atomic power plants: MP 24 Dec
> > 2007 Iran said on Monday it rejected any preconditions for
> > talks with the United States, which suspects it wants an
> > atomic bomb, and a member of parliament was quoted as
> > saying Tehran planned 19 nuclear power plants.
> >
> > Lawyer urges judge to open CIA tapes inquiry 21 Dec 2007 A
> > lawyer for a group of terrorism suspects held by the United
> > States told a court on Friday that trusting the Justice
> > Department with an inquiry into the CIA's destruction of
> > interrogation torture tapes would amount to putting the fox
> > in charge of the hen house.
> >
> > Fragile Hicks faces torture of freedom 24 Dec 2007 David
> > Hicks's mental condition is so fragile that - only five
> > days before his scheduled release from jail - he suffers
> > from agoraphobia and retreats to the kind of solitary
> > confinement he endured for five years in Guantanamo Bay.
> >
> > DHS to Finalize Satellite-Surveillance Plans 20 Dec 2007
> > After delaying a domestic satellite-surveillance program
> > for more than two months, Homeland Security Secretary
> > Michael Chertoff expects to finalize a new charter for it
> > this week, a move that attempts to quell civil-liberties
> > concerns and get the program back on track. Mr. Chertoff
> > also plans soon to unveil a cyber-security strategy, part
> > of an estimated $15 billion, multiyear program designed to
> > protect the nation's Internet infrastructure. The program
> > has been shrouded in secrecy for months and has also
> > prompted privacy concerns on Capitol Hill because it
> > involves government protection of domestic computer
> > networks.
> >
> > Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops 23 Dec 2007 If
> > you're ticketed by Green Bay police, you'll get more than a
> > fine. You'll get fingerprinted, too.
> >
> > If you're caught speeding or playing your music too loud,
> > or other crimes for which you might receive a citation,
> > Green Bay police officers will ask for your drivers license
> > and your finger. You'll be fingerprinted right there on the
> > spot.
> >
> > Cheney accused of blocking Californian bid to cut car fumes
> > 24 Dec 2007 The US vice-president [sic], Dick Cheney, was
> > behind a controversial decision to block California's
> > attempt to impose tough emission limits on car
> > manufacturers, according to insiders at the government
> > Environmental Protection Agency.
> >
> > Probe of Calif. Fires Lays Most Blame on Power Lines --
> > Downing of Poles by Santa Ana Winds Renews Debate Over
> > Costly Option of Burying Electrical Cables 24 Dec 2007 When
> > the firestorms of October were finally extinguished and
> > hundreds of thousands of Southern Californians returned to
> > their homes, officials set out to understand how 21 fires
> > erupted in the span of just three days. A '10-year-old boy
> > confessed' to starting one fire. Two other fires were
> > attributed to arson. In an odd twist, a convicted arsonist
> > was discovered among the volunteers fighting fires in San
> > Diego County, but the man was not implicated in the October
> > fires.
> >
> > Mission accomplished: U.S. gasoline prices rose in 2007:
> > survey 23 Dec 2007 U.S. average gasoline prices rose 8
> > percent, or 21 cents, in 2007 from the prior year, an
> > industry analyst said, as oil prices rose. The average
> > annual price for U.S. gasoline was $2.7878 in 2007, up from
> > 2006's $2.5730, according to the Lundberg survey of about
> > 7,000 U.S. gas stations.
> >
> > Obama vows to get lead out of toys --Touts plan for
> > offshore testing, strict ban 24 Dec 2007 As holiday
> > shoppers hunted for safe toys Sunday, Democrat Barack Obama
> > touted his plan for tighter regulation of Chinese-made
> > toys, millions of which have been recalled. Obama said he
> > would test to find toys with lead-based paint and ban those
> > with even trace amounts.
> >
> > Republican Romney picks up negative endorsement 23 Dec 2007
> > Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has taken an
> > editorial drubbing from a small New Hampshire newspaper, at
> > a time when most newspapers close to the presidential race
> > are handing out endorsements. "Romney should not be the
> > next president," blared the Concord Monitor of tiny New
> > Hampshire state, where the third nominating contest for the
> > 2008 US presidential race will take place on January 8.
> >
> > Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World
> > hunger admits he got it wrong 18 Dec 2007 A claim that GM
> > technology is helping deliver higher crop yields in Africa
> > was wrong, the Government's chief scientist [Professor Sir
> > David King] has been forced to admit. Dr Richard Horton,
> > the editor of medical journal The Lancet said Sir David
> > took his faith in science into "the realms of totalitarian
> > paranoia".
> >
> > Deadly Storm Leaves Dangerous Roadways 24 Dec 2007 Highways
> > were treacherous for holiday travelers Monday in the upper
> > Midwest in the aftermath of a blustery snowstorm that
> > blacked out thousands of homes and businesses and snarled
> > air travel. At least 11 deaths were blamed on the weekend-
> > long storm, which led to multi-car pileups that closed
> > parts of several major highways on the Plains.
> >
> > CLG needs your support.
> >
> >
> >
> > Or, please mail a check or money order to the CLG:
> >
> > Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) P.O. Box 1142
> > Bristol, CT 06011-1142
> >
> > Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible.
> >
> > [Previous lead stories:] Troops needed for ten more years:
> > Karzai 21 Dec 2007 Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said
> > that his war-torn country will need foreign troops for at
> > least another decade. "I believe it will take another 10
> > years, at least 10 years," he told German newspaper Bild
> > when asked for how much longer the country will need German
> > troops.
> >
> > U.S. commander in Iraq warns against faster troop
> > withdrawal 23 Dec 2007 The top U.S. commander General David
> > Petraeus [Betrayus] warned on Sunday against faster troop
> > withdrawal from Iraq because security process U.S. troops
> > made in the country remains "fragile." Petraeus said in an
> > interview with Fox news since 'insurgent' attacks and U.S.
> > troops casualties have been sharply reduced, the United
> > States is ready to withdraw five combat brigades from Iraq
> > by mid next year [just in time to help the GOP in the 2008
> > 'elections'].
> >
> > Turkish Jets Strike PKK Positions in Northern Iraq 23 Dec
> > 2007 Turkey bombed and shelled Kurdish militants in
> > neighboring northern Iraq in the third of a series of
> > cross-border attacks in the past week that the armed forces
> > say have killed hundreds of fighters of the Kurdistan
> > Workers' Party, or PKK.
> >
> > Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be
> > interested.
> >
> > Those who'd like to be added to the list can go here:
> >
> >
> >
> > and add your name. Those who wish to be removed from the
> > list can access the same link and click 'unsubscribe.'
> > Please write to: for
> > inquiries/issues/concerns with your subscription.
> >
> > CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright )
> > 2007, Citizens For Legitimate Government. All rights
> > reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald,
> > Ph.D.
> >
> > End of forwarded message from "CLG News" <>
> >
> > Jai Maharaj
> >
> >
> >
> > Om Shanti
> >
> > Hindu Holocaust Museum
> >
> >
> > Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> >
> >
> >
> > The truth about Islam and Muslims
> >
> >
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> > o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
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