Billy Talent


New member
Ok. This is a band from Canada (toronto to be exact) so, probably,not alot of you have heard of them. But, let me tell you this, THEY ARE AWSOME!!

Check 'em out,and tell me what you think :D



New member
Billy Talent is an awesome band :D

I've heard Try Honesty,The Ex,River Below,Nothing to Loose & a few othr songs, but yes they are great :D



New member
I only heard people talking about them, but I checked out that website and heard some of the songs, that sounds really great :D probably I won't get the cd here in Portugal, I don't know, but I hope it'd be here, I'd definitely buy it.


New member
my friend was talking bout billy talent. i never heard of them before but i went to launch and saw some videos and theyre really good. thanks for sharing guys. :thumbsup:
i got their cd for my birthday,yay!i love their songs;

-this is how it goes

-try honesty

-the ex

-river below

-standing in the rain


-nothing to lose




New member
THe guys voice is....awkward but I like them. Anyone got any songs that you could post on here for us to share? :)
if you got windows media player you can do it on there... go to the "rip" option (it might be something different if you got the older version...

billy talent rock, i saw them live early last year :D , they were amazing, the singer is mad on stage lol

heres the ex for download.... if anyone wants anymore ask, cos i got the whole album, and some bonus tracks as well

The Ex

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