Bin Laden issues warning on Iraq, Israel



Bin Laden issues warning on Iraq, Israel

By SALAH NASRAWI, Associated Press Writer 28 minutes ago

Osama bin Laden warned Iraq's Sunni Arabs against fighting al-Qaida
and vowed to expand the terror group's holy war to Israel in a new
audiotape Saturday, threatening "blood for blood, destruction for
Most of the 56-minute tape dealt with Iraq, apparently al-Qaida's
latest attempt to keep supporters in Iraq unified at a time when the
U.S. military claims to have al-Qaida's Iraq branch on the run.
The tape did not mention Pakistan or the assassination of Benazir
Bhutto, though Pakistan's government has blamed al-Qaida and the
Taliban for her death on Thursday.
But bin Laden's comments offered an unusually direct attack on Israel,
which has warned of growing al-Qaida activity in Palestinian
territory. The terror network is not believed to have taken a strong
role there so far.
"We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the
(Jordan) river to the sea," he said, threatening "blood for blood,
destruction for destruction."
"We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine
as other Muslim leaders have," bin Laden said.
In Iraq, a number of Sunni Arab tribes in western Anbar province have
formed a coalition fighting al-Qaida-linked insurgents that U.S.
officials credit for deeply reducing violence in the province. The
U.S. military has been working to form similar "Awakening Councils" in
other areas of Iraq.
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said bin Laden's tape shows that al-
Qaida's aim is to block democracy and freedom for all Iraqis.
"It also reminds us that the mission to defeat al-Qaida in Iraq is
critically important and must succeed," Fratto said. "The Iraqi people
-- every day, and in increasing numbers -- are choosing freedom and
standing against the murderous, hateful ideology of AQI. And we stand
with them."
Several hours before the tape was issued, the top U.S. commander in
Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, said al-Qaida was becoming increasingly
fearful of losing the support of Sunni Arabs and had begun targeting
the leaders of the Awakening Councils.
Petraeus said al-Qaida attaches "enormous importance" to "these tribes
that have turned against them, and to the general sense that Sunni
Arab communities have rejected them more and more around Iraq."
"They are trying to counter this and they have done so by attacking
them," which is increasingly turning Sunnis against al-Qaida, he
Iraq's interior ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem Khalaf
claimed that 75 percent of al-Qaida in Iraq's terrorist network had
been destroyed in 2007, and gave some of the credit to the rise of
anti-al-Qaida in Iraq councils.
Petraeus said that despite a number of successes against al-Qaida in
recent months, the terror network remains "the most significant enemy
Iraq faces because it carries out the most horrific attacks."
In the audiotape, bin Laden denounced Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, the
former leader of the Anbar Awakening Council, who was killed in a
September bombing claimed by al-Qaida.
"The most evil of the traitors are those who trade away their religion
for the sake of their mortal life," bin Laden said.
Bin Laden said U.S. and Iraqi officials are seeking to set up a
"national unity government" joining the country's Sunnis, Shiites and
"Our duty is to foil these dangerous schemes, which try to prevent the
establishment of an Islamic state in Iraq, which would be a wall of
resistance against American schemes to divide Iraq," he said.
He called on Iraq's Sunni Arabs to rally behind the Islamic State of
Iraq, the insurgent umbrella group led by al-Qaida. Besides the
Awakening Councils, some Sunni insurgent groups that continue to fight
the Americans have rejected the Islamic State.
Bin Laden said Sunnis should pledge their allegiance to Abu Omar al-
Baghdadi, the little known "emir" or leader of the Islamic State of
Iraq. U.S. officials have claimed that al-Baghdadi does not exist,
saying al-Qaida created the name to give its coalition the illusion of
an Iraqi leadership.
"Failure to give allegiance to the emir after he has been endorsed
leads to great evils," bin Laden warned. "Emir Abu Omar would rather
have his neck severed than betray the Muslims ... Emir Abu Omar and
his brothers are not one of those who accept compromise or meeting the
enemy halfway."
The authenticity of the tape could not be independently confirmed. But
the voice resembled that of bin Laden. The tape was posted on an
Islamic militant Web site where al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, issues
the group's messages.
The tape was the fifth message released by bin Laden this year, a
flurry of activity after he went more than a year without issuing any
tapes. The messages began with a Sept. 8 video that showed bin Laden
for the first time in nearly three years. The other messages this year
have been audiotapes.
In an October tape, bin Laden sought to patch up splits between Iraqi
insurgent factions, urging them to unite with the Islamic State of
Iraq -- the insurgent coalition led by al-Qaida. He took a conciliatory
stance, chiding even al-Qaida's followers for being too "extremist" in
their positions toward other insurgents.
Bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri took a sharper tone in a Dec. 16
video, branding as "traitors" those who work with the anti-Qaida
tribal councils and calling for Sunnis to purge anyone cooperating
with the Americans.


US Support of Israel's Brutal OPPRESSION of the Palestinians PRIMARY
MOTIVATION for 9/11 attack and earlier attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993 as well:

Video that gets to the Israel question:

Ron Paul March on New Year's Eve
Robert Chin wrote:
> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> news:tmAdj.3339$
>> Too bad Bush let him get away.

> LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't even
> know Where's Waldo.

As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
bathroom windows.

You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't
know exactly where bin Laden is?
"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> Too bad Bush let him get away.

LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't even
know Where's Waldo.
"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> Robert Chin wrote:
> > "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> > news:tmAdj.3339$
> >> Too bad Bush let him get away.

> >
> > LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't

> > know Where's Waldo.
> >
> >

> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
> bathroom windows.
> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't
> know exactly where bin Laden is?

He'd first have to learn how to make use of "the internets".
Richardson-Obama in 08 wrote:
> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> news:eBAdj.33101$
>> Robert Chin wrote:
>>> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
>>> news:tmAdj.3339$
>>>> Too bad Bush let him get away.
>>> LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't

> even
>>> know Where's Waldo.

>> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
>> bathroom windows.
>> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't
>> know exactly where bin Laden is?

> He'd first have to learn how to make use of "the internets".

He has people who zip him up and down.

You think he doesn't have people who can find bin Laden?
"Robert Chin" <> wrote in message
> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> news:eBAdj.33101$
> >
> > As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
> > bathroom windows.
> >
> > You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't

> > exactly where bin Laden is?

> THIS President can't go to the bathroom without help. He is a tool, a
> moron, and a clod. He is not a President as much as he is a
> mascot/figurehead/palatable face of the Right Wing. The nuts who hijacked
> the Republican Party wanted him to run for President based on
> "electability", not qualifications.
> IF this President had clue #1 about where Bin Laden was, but has not

> him in, it only proves he is a war criminal. It means he deems Bin Laden
> more valuable ALIVE so that he and his partners in crime can continue to

> the American people BLIND. That is war profiteering & murder.
> I prefer to think he is stupid. However, if Dubya IS evil enough to
> perpetrate such a crime, I hope he is brought to trial for it.

I totally agree except for the "palatable" part. I can't watch him for 3
seconds without feeling repulsed. He has that phony-baloney frat-rat vibe
about him.
spammer wrote:
> On Dec 29, 6:18 pm, Simpson <> wrote:
>> Robert Chin wrote:
>>> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Too bad Bush let him get away.
>>> LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't even
>>> know Where's Waldo.

>> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
>> bathroom windows.
>> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't
>> know exactly where bin Laden is?

> Since you idiots are so smart, why don't you just go and pick bin
> laden up ?

Sure... I'll just Google Earth his ass.
"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
> bathroom windows.
> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't know
> exactly where bin Laden is?

THIS President can't go to the bathroom without help. He is a tool, a
moron, and a clod. He is not a President as much as he is a
mascot/figurehead/palatable face of the Right Wing. The nuts who hijacked
the Republican Party wanted him to run for President based on
"electability", not qualifications.

IF this President had clue #1 about where Bin Laden was, but has not brought
him in, it only proves he is a war criminal. It means he deems Bin Laden
more valuable ALIVE so that he and his partners in crime can continue to rob
the American people BLIND. That is war profiteering & murder.

I prefer to think he is stupid. However, if Dubya IS evil enough to
perpetrate such a crime, I hope he is brought to trial for it.
Robert Chin wrote:
> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> news:eBAdj.33101$
>> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
>> bathroom windows.
>> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't know
>> exactly where bin Laden is?

> THIS President can't go to the bathroom without help.

He has help!

Wake up

He is a tool, a
> moron, and a clod. He is not a President as much as he is a
> mascot/figurehead/palatable face of the Right Wing. The nuts who hijacked
> the Republican Party wanted him to run for President based on
> "electability", not qualifications.
> IF this President had clue #1 about where Bin Laden was, but has not brought
> him in, it only proves he is a war criminal. It means he deems Bin Laden
> more valuable ALIVE so that he and his partners in crime can continue to rob
> the American people BLIND. That is war profiteering & murder.
> I prefer to think he is stupid. However, if Dubya IS evil enough to
> perpetrate such a crime, I hope he is brought to trial for it.
spammer wrote:
> On Dec 29, 7:25 pm, Simpson <> wrote:
>>> Since you idiots are so smart, why don't you just go and pick bin
>>> laden up ?

>> Sure... I'll just Google Earth his ass.-

> Yup, just all mouth.

My beef is not with bin Laden.

My beef is with Bush.

Bin Laden used his own money to kill and maim.

Bush took mine and did the same.
"Robert Chin" <> wrote in message
> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> news:tmAdj.3339$
> > Too bad Bush let him get away.

> LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't even
> know Where's Waldo.

General Tommy Franks let Bin Laden get away at Tora Bora. He made a deal
with local tribes to block Bin Laden's escape and only put about 150
American troops on the assignment. Franks wanted Afghan troops to do the
heavy lifting, not Americans. Some kind of a cease fire agreement was made
and Bin Laden slipped out in the dead of night probably into Pakistan.

For this monumental ****-up, Franks was rewarded with command in Iraq and
Bush pinned a metal on him. It was the first of many screw-ups, false
starts, and poor planning that leads us not getting Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri
and other top Al Qaeda leaders, not finishing off the Taliban, Not securing
Afghanistan, and not finishig Iraq after five years.

Bush was at the helm for all of this time so he and Rumsfeld are the ones
untimately responsible for not getting or finding Bin Laden, or Waldo for
that matter and for all of the other screw-ups.
"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> Richardson-Obama in 08 wrote:
> > "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> > news:eBAdj.33101$
> >> Robert Chin wrote:
> >>> "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:tmAdj.3339$
> >>>> Too bad Bush let him get away.
> >>> LET HIM GET AWAY? Don't you mean "couldn't find him"? Dubya doesn't

> > even
> >>> know Where's Waldo.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
> >> bathroom windows.
> >>
> >> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't
> >> know exactly where bin Laden is?

> >
> > He'd first have to learn how to make use of "the internets".

> He has people who zip him up and down.
> You think he doesn't have people who can find bin Laden?

I don't think he has people who can find anybody or any THING, unless what
they're looking for is coated in either oil or gold. In virtually every
department of the federal government the career professionals have been
replaced by political hacks (like having the Justice Department run by a
handful of graduates from a Christian diploma mill who've never set foot in
a courtroom) and campaign contributors. The experience level across the
board has plummeted, as horse show judges and wet-behind-the-ears lackeys
have been brought in to run critical functions within the government. No, I
DON'T think he has people who can find bin Laden.

"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> Robert Chin wrote:
> > "Simpson" <> wrote in message
> > news:eBAdj.33101$
> >> As average world citizens we have access to satellite photos of our own
> >> bathroom windows.
> >>
> >> You don't think the President of the United States of America doesn't

> >> exactly where bin Laden is?

> >
> > THIS President can't go to the bathroom without help.

> He has help!

Thank goodness for that! Laura doesn't look like the diaper-changing type.

"Simpson" <> wrote in message
> He has help!
> Wake up

Wake up?

This is not an administration of competent people. They have totally
screwed up the intel that was in the channel that indicated that something
was going to happen. That "something" was 9/11.

They screwed up in Afghanistan, which no one wants to talk about because, to
borrow a phrase from a SMART show, it's not the "sexy, action" news.

They screwed up this war in Iraq, from making up a bogus reason to go in, to
amount of money stolen and or wasted, to the lack of post regime change.

They screwed up in the aftermath on Katrina.

They continue to screw up at the airports.

They've wrecked the economy and screw over the USA middle class.

They've squandered all of the goodwill this country built up in the 50+
years after World War II. Just be thankful if you ever have to travel
overseass that MOST citizens of the nations friendly to us are able to
seperatethe American people from this Administration. Quite frankly, a LOT
of our citizens aren't that smart. That is why this President got elected.

The only help this President has is there to enable him to continue to feel
good about himself all the while this country goes to Hell and his cronies
still us blind.