BLACK GOLD HOT GOLD The whole 20 year Viet Nam "war" from 1955 to1975 was an oil scam.



The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business

The whole 20 year Viet Nam "war" from 1955 to 1975 was an oil scam.

by Marshall Douglas Smith

In 1945, at the end of WWII, when the Japanese surrendered,
General Douglas MacArthur became the military Governor of Japan.
MacArthur's assistant was Laurence Rockefeller, one of John D's four
grandsons. Just before the Japanese surrendered, the US had been
preparing for a massive invasion of the Japanese home islands and had
stockpiled vast supplies of weapons and munitions on the island of
Okinawa. Enough weaponry to invade Japan. What ever happened to all
those military supplies?

With Vice-governor Laurence Rockefeller's assistance most of them
were sold to the leader of Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh, for something like
one US dollar and Ho's "goodwill." Why would Laurence do that? That
was US taxpayer property. Ho Chi Minh had been an ally to help fight
the Japanese during the war. But the Chinese had been an even greater
ally, so why didn't the weapons go to China? Those weapons might have
prevented Mao Tse Tung from taking over China just four years later if
they had been given to China. But that wasn't the plan. From where did
Mao get his weapons?

In the 1920's an insider secret became known to a few people. It
was published in an exhaustive world resources survey book written by
a renowned world-traveling geologist named Hoover, who later became a
US President. Not many copies were printed and few people read the
book. The secret was that one of the world's largest potential oil
fields ran along the coast of the South China Sea right off French
Indo-China, now known as Viet Nam. But in the 1920's the method of
deep sea oil drilling had not yet been developed. In 1945, the French
still held small oil-poor Viet Nam as a colony. Laurence knew about
Hoover's book and the off shore oilfields. The French could be driven
out if the Vietnamese nationals, lead by Ho Chi Minh, could be
supplied with weapons. Did the French know about this?

Laurence Rockefeller thought he could trick Ho Chi Minh by
offering him the weapons to drive out the French and then in return
Standard would take over the as yet undeveloped offshore fields. But
in 1954 when Vietnamese General Giap finally defeated and drove out
the French at Dien Bien Phu, Ho reneged on the deal. Since by then,
everybody including the French, the Vietnamese, the Japanese and the
Chinese had all read the same Hoover resource book and knew there was
a vast supply of oil off the Vietnamese coast. Many people have
wondered why the French have been so recalcitrant toward the US ever
since French President Charles DeGaul wanted to pull out of NATO in
the mid-1950's.

Ho Chi Minh would not let Standard Oil simply walk in and walk
off with all the Vietnamese oil. So as before, any country which owns
the oil is branded as "communist" since they hold the oil as
"community property" and won't allow private corporations, like
Standard, to develop the fields and steal the oil. In this case, young
American's themselves where "hired" directly to be the "fascists" to
go fight the Vietnamese "communists."

The whole 20 year Viet Nam "war" from 1955 to 1975 was an oil
scam. And all during the "war," Vietnamese General Giap fought the
Americans with weapons he got from Laurence for a dollar. Did you ever
wonder why the US, despite, greatly superior weapons, and the loss of
57,000 Americans and half a million Vietnamese, never won the "war?"
Ever wonder why the US President issued such strange "rules of
engagement" for the American troops that made sure they didn't win?
Ever wonder why Henry Kissinger, a personal assistant to Nelson
Rockefeller spent so much time in the Viet Nam/Paris Peace talks which
never went anywhere but simply dragged on for years. Maybe winning the
"war" wasn't part of the plan of the Empire of Energy. Maybe the
timing of the "war" was more important.

In the 1950's a method of undersea oil exploration was perfected
which used small explosions deep in the water and then recorded the
sound echos bouncing off the various layers of rock below. The
surveyor could then determine the exact location of the arched salt
domes which hold the accumulated oil beneath them. But if this method
were used off the Viet Nam coast on property Standard didn't own or
have the rights to, the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Japanese and
probably even the French would quickly run to the United Nations and
complain that America was stealing the oil, and that would shut down
the operation.

In 1964, after Viet Nam was divided into North and South, and the
contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident, several US aircraft carriers were
stationed offshore of Viet Nam and the "war" was started. Every day
jet planes would take off from the carriers, bomb locations in North
and South Vietnam, and then using normal military procedure when
returning would dump their unsafe or unused bombs in the ocean before
landing back on the carriers. Safe ordnance drop zones were designated
for this purpose away from the carriers.

Even close-up observers would only notice many small explosions
occurring daily in the waters of the South China Sea and thought it
was only part of the "war." The US Navy carriers had begun Operation
Linebacker One, and Standard Oil had begun its ten year oil survey of
the seabed off of Viet Nam. And the Vietnamese, Chinese and everybody
else around, including the Americans, were none the wiser. The oil
survey hardly cost Standard Oil a nickel, the US taxpayers paid for

In 1995, in a multi-hour BBC TV documentary broadcast about the
oil industry, the president of one of the oil companies, a spin-off of
Standard, stated, ".. It was quite a coincidence, that we finished our
offshore oil survey on the very last day of the war, just as the last
helicopter was leaving the roof of the embassy in Saigon." A

Fifteen years later, after North and South Viet Nam were unified
and all the dust settled and most people had forgotten about the
"war," the Vietnamese decided they needed some cash and would allow
offshore oil exploration. They divided up their coastal area into many
oil lots and let foreign companies bid on the lots, with the proviso
that Viet Nam got a cut of the action.

Oil companies from 12 countries put in bids. Norway's Statoil,
British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, even Russia, Germany and
Australia all put in bids. But when those countries drilled in their
oil lots they all came up with dry holes. Only the "American" company
had gushers and since 1990 has pulled billions of dollars out of their
Golden Dragon, Blue Lotus, and White Tiger oil fields in the South
China Sea off Viet Nam. Coincidence? Were they just lucky? Or did they
know something those other oil companies didn't?

In order to cover for the fact that the Viet Nam "war" was a
"phoney" war with the Vietnamese branded as "communists," and the US
as a country having no intention of winning, the US would need to
withdraw as soon as the oil survey was done. A reason would be needed
to explain the withdrawal. In the late 1960's Standard recruited large
numbers of idealistic youth who were against the war and the military
draft. The oil companies supplied them with monetary assistance and

Those oil-backed and organized youth became the large anti-war
demonstrations of the 60's and 70's. Almost none of the demonstrators
knew they were being used. Most people still believe the "war" ended
because of the strong US sentiment against the "war," and President
Nixon's withdrawal plan was a reaction to the demonstrators. There is
too much information which explains the strange relationship between
Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, the Nixon withdrawal plan and
the resulting Watergate incident and Nelson's rise to power to become
Vice President after Nixon resigned, so I will explain that later.

So it appears there are many oil companies but they are, in fact,
all under one controlling marketeer, BP also known as Standard Oil,
which sets the world price of energy. Ever wonder why President G.W.
Bush wanted to open up new drilling in Alaska? There is a vast new
undeveloped oil field discovered in 1989 around and under the Caspian
Sea in central southern Russia. This one oil field is larger than any
other field ever discovered. This oil could be sent out through the
Siberian Pipeline to the Arctic Sea, then down the Alaska Pipeline, as
is the Black Sea oil. Something would need to account for the greatly
increased and continuous flow of oil in the Alaska pipeline.

New drilling in Alaska, whether oil is found or not, could be
used to explain why so much oil is still coming from the Alaska
pipeline. Nobody ever mentioned that the North Slope Alaska oil
fields, around the Duck Island Western Facility, operated by BP, were
running dry and that was the reason why new drilling was needed. Maybe
because its not true. Nobody ever mentioned that the Prudhoe Bay
Eastern Facility, just a mile or so east of Duck Island, also operated
by BP, at the very top of the Alaska Pipeline is a harbor. Maybe
nobody wanted you to know.

And exactly where is this new freshly discovered mother of all
oil fields in southern Russia? In a province called Chechnya. Is it
any wonder the Chechens wanted to become an independent state? Is it
any wonder there had been an ongoing ten year war between the Russian
and Chechen troops. Did the Russians "brand" the Chechen rebels as
"communists" because they want to keep their own oil? Most Russian
mothers have no clue why their sons were sent to die in Chechnya. The
same was true of the many Russian mothers whose sons died in
Afghanistan. And also the very same is true of many American mothers
whose sons died in Viet Nam.

The vast new oilfield under Chechnya, by itself, could meet the
world's needs for energy for several hundred years. This new oil
supply was far more than could be handled by the aging Trans-Siberia
and Alaska pipelines. With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the
Russian oil could then be marketed directly. A new overland transport
method needed to be built. An obvious and short method would be to
build a pipeline westward from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea and
then existing oil tanker ships could take the oil across the Black
Sea, through the narrow Bosporus channel at Istanbul, Turkey to the
Mediterranean Sea and then on to the rest of the world.

There was only one problem with that route. The older Russian oil
fields around the Black Sea still produced enough oil to create a
daily traffic jam of tanker ships through the narrow Bosporus channel.
That long channel is barely wide enough in some places for two ships
to pass each other. The Turks live in constant fear of an ecological
disaster caused by an oil tanker accident on the very doorstep of
Istanbul, which surrounds the channel.

The Bosporus Channel was already beyond the safe limit for tanker
traffic so the massive supply of new Chechen oil could not be shipped
that way. Seven other long pipeline routes had been proposed in the
1990's. All of them required reaching the Mediterranean Sea by going
through politically unstable regions such as eastern Turkey, Syria or
Lebanon, all of which are areas of unrest and open to terrorist
attack. None of those routes were viable.

In 1995 a seemingly safe and short alternative route was
discovered to get around the unsafe overloaded Bosporus Channel in
Turkey. The oil tankers on the Black Sea, instead of going south
through the narrow Bosporus, would turn northward up the wide Danube
River toward Europe. But then at Belgrade, in Serbian Yugoslavia the
tankers would make a quick left turn up a tributary river, unload the
oil, and with only a short 50 mile pipeline could reach the large
Mediterranean seaport of Tirana, Albania and then on to the world. It
looked cheap and easy. And where would that short pipeline be built?
Across a small province called Kosovo. If only Kosovo could be placed
under some international control to eliminate terrorist attacks and
ensure a safe pipeline.

The US Air Force tried to put Serbia and Kosovo under NATO
control in 1999. It almost worked. But, Albania was unlike all the
other old Yugoslavian ethnic states which had been client states of
the USSR under the dictator Tito. Albania, alone in that region, had
been a client state of China since 1949. The Chinese had long used
Tirana, Albania as a European opium and heroin shipping point, in an
operation far larger than the "French Connection" in Marseilles. The
Albanians still maintain ties with China.

The Chinese, did not want to see large amounts of new energy
supplies flowing to the west under BP-Standard control. The Chinese
supported and used the "ethnic-Albanian rebels," since the breakup of
Yugoslavia in the early 1990's, to ensure continuous unrest in the
whole region around Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia, and thus no
pipeline. Ever wonder why the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was
"accidently" bombed and obliterated in 1999? The US Air Force claimed
the old street maps their pilots were reading didn't show the Chinese
Embassy. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not
always. Within a year the Empire of Energy would find an alternative.
To most Americans and to the rest of the world that alternative would
look like a very strange Presidential election.

(End of Chapter Three)

Chapter one

Chapter two