Black islanders the new terrorists?

  • Thread starter It's Americans OR Democrats
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It's Americans OR Democrats

Good thing they'll all silly, bumbling idiots.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Four men have been charged with conspiring to attack
John F. Kennedy International Airport by planting explosives to blow
up jet fuel supply tanks and a pipeline, officials said.

Homeland Security sources said there is no current threat at the
airport and that the attack as planned was "not technically feasible."

The alleged plot did not target airplane flights.

"Anytime you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United
States. To hit John F. Kennedy, wow...they love JFK -- he's like the
man. If you hit that, this whole country will be in mourning. It's
like you can kill the man twice," one of the suspects said during a
recorded phone conversation, officials said.

The airport is named in honor of President John F. Kennedy, who was
assassinated in 1963.

At a Justice Department news conference Saturday afternoon, the
plotters were described as "a determined group" whose signature was

One of the four was arrested in the United States: Former JFK cargo
worker, Russell Defreitas, a U.S. citizen and native Guyanan, who was
arrested in Brooklyn, New York, according to a written statement from
the Department of Justice.

The other suspects were identified as Abdul Kadir of Guyana, Kareem
Ibrahim of Trinidad, and Abdel Nur. The United States plans to seek
extradition of the three men charged outside the United States.

Several law enforcement officials told CNN earlier that Kadir was a
former member of parliament in Guyana.

The Justice statement said the men began planning the assault on
January 6. A complaint alleges that the plot tapped into an
international network of Muslim extremists from the United States,
Guyana and Trinidad.

An official described the suspects as "al Qaeda wannabes."

In another recorded conversation with his alleged conspirators in May
2007, Defreitas compared the plot to attack JFK airport with the
September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, saying, "Even the Twin
Towers can't touch it. This can destroy the economy of America for
some time," according to Justice officials.

The plot was revealed when the planners tried to recruit a person who
was a law enforcement informant, sources said.

Rep. Peter King, R-New York, said law enforcement had had the plot
"under control" for some time. Another law enforcement official said
the plot was never fully operational.

"There is no credible intelligence to suggest an imminent threat to
the homeland at this time, and there are no adjustments to our
security posture being made as a result of this plot," a Homeland
Security official said.

"We consider this plot to have been credible with an intent to commit
acts of violence, but not yet fully operational," the official said.
In our last episode,
<>, the lovely and
talented It's Americans OR Democrats broadcast on alt.politics:

> Good thing they'll all silly, bumbling idiots.

So are all of Homeland Security's victims. Homeland Security cannot get a
handle on real Al Qaeda operatives in the US, if there are any, so they have
to set up morons and then knock them down to create the impression that
Homeland Security is not a bunch of incompetent political hacks, which is
what it is.

> Homeland Security sources said there is no current threat at the
> airport and that the attack as planned was "not technically feasible."

And Homeland Security has once again protected America from a threat that
did not exist, and by its own admission could not exist.

It is really very easy to do what Homeland Security does. You find three or
four losers, sitting around on a sofa, talking trash. They are all: "if I
had a gun," "if I had explosives," and "if I had a map of the place." It is
the easiest thing in the world to find such guys. Just about every place
in America that three or four guys get together those guys get all macho in
the mouth: sometimes it's about ex-wives or girlfriends, sometimes about
sports players or teams, sometimes it is the boss, and not too surprisingly
it is sometimes about the government. All you have to do is sort through
the guys to find the ones who are a little brown or a little too hairy and
who are not very fond of the US.

Then you send in an agent provocateur. We'll call him Bill. When a guy
says "If I had some guns ...," Bill says "I can get you some guns." When a
guy says "If I had some explosives ...," Bill says "I can you some
explosives." When a guy says "I don't know if my plan would work," Bill
says "Are you just a bunch of talk?" And when Bill has egged the guy on
enough, the guy finally says "Well, okay, I guess I'm willing to meet your
friends who have the guns/explosives/maps/plans." Then Bill says "You're
under arrest, you terrorist *******!"

This is the kind of situation real terrorists dream of creating. They know
they cannot take over America by flying a plane into the Pentagon or into a
few tall buildings. They do not even want to take over America. They want
America at war with itself, and the penny-ante intrigues of Homeland
Security are Al Qaeda's wet dreams.

Bush: if he didn't exist, Osama Bin Ladin would have to invent him.

Lars Eighner <> <>
Countdown: 596 days to go.
Why "War Czar"? That sounds like Imperial Russia!
Call it by the American term: "Fall Guy."