Black people. Can I say black people?


New member
Recognition of a cultural and systemic racism within a sect of society that is of a particular race is not in and of itself racist. Yes, I am writing about a group dominated by black people, a group that comprises the majority of the minority, and it feels annoyingly dirty. What is annoying about this is the implicit racist overtone in addressing a culture that identifies itself by virtue of its skin color. FUBU (for us by us). Inherently racist, yet socially acceptable because of an ugly history where the racism was on the other side, and dealt horror, rape, torture, and death. Nobody denies this. The black cultural acceptance of racism against non-blacks is deemed as birthright. It is a problem that is born of guilt's exploitation, and that is what I want to address... among other things.

This is pretty much a straw man argument, but I have dealt with it before so I will engage on principal. To try and vault the notion that blacks cannot be racist is ludicrous. The logic of the argument is that racism is at its core a power struggle, that it is a win or lose philosophy. Words are only effective if you are the winner, the one in power. It's a cool idea, and a great way to avoid looking inward, but an invalid argument. The problems with this are the nebulous term power, and the redefinition of racism to mean power struggle/war. It is a defeatist mentality. The term defeatist mentality is of defeatist mentality. It implies struggle, war. Wars do not cease until one side eradicates the other. Look at our status with the rest of the world. We went to Iraq once before... anyone remember why? We fought the North Koreans once before. Anyone remember why? We fought the Germans in the war to end all wars, and again in the second war to end all wars. We fought the together in all of these wars, including the civil war. If you remember, that was not a slave revolution. It was a white cultural revolution, imbedded in an argument about the independence of states from the government.

Some of what I am discussing is linguistic in nature, so I will say now that the Oxford English Dictionary is the de-facto standard on the language and I will not be accepting http://www.anything that argues with it. That is like trying to change the amount a pound weighs. Racism is one of those words that has a definition:

(Belief in, adherence to, or advocacy of) the theory that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, qualities, etc., specific to that race, especially distinguishing it as inferior or superior to another race or races; Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism based on this.

That does not mean that you have to stop believing in the notion that black people possess characteristics or qualities like heavy melanin in their skin. Recognizing the traits that define the races, that makes us genetically different on a molecular level is not racist. It is, in fact, necessary in order to define race; so as to determine if something is racist or not. Presuming that any actions are derived from these different features is racist.

Race/reIs/ noun.

I 1 A group or set, especially of people, having a common feature or features.

Power, on the other hand, has lots of definitions. What does power in society mean? If it means money... there certainly is wealth in the black community... if it means media influence... what is power? Who is empowered? Their culture has been commercialized... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I grew up in poor black neighborhoods and lived in some very shady areas. I've been to jail on more than one occasion for motorcycle related activity, for more than an overnight visit. I have lived in most major metropolitan cities, and a few other countries, and a few counties nobody has ever heard of. I have a broad spectrum of experience in a broad number of places. Including every chocolate city (Parliament) that made the most wanted list. St. Louis finally beat out Detroit this year for most dangerous city in America. GO CARDS!

I will need to define some terms.

Black people: Black people. Traditionally, descendants of African ancestry, but if you consider yourself black, I do too. If you consider yourself not black, and are genetically of African decent, you are arguing semantics and I don't like you already. I'm not racist, but I am anti-semantic (that's nerd humor).

Black culture: The culture of primarily black America. To not accept this culture does not make you less black, and accepting it doesn't make you more black... There simply is no other term that should be used to define it, because in truth it is fundamentally a racist issue amongst blacks. Most of black America subscribes to it... and by subscribes, I mean at worst engages in all negative aspects of it, and at best allows it to continue without visible protest for fear, among other fears, of being an "uncle tom". If you actively fight it, you aren't part of what black culture has become, but where it needs to go, and you have my full support.

Us, our, we: Anyone not part of black culture, regardless of skin color/ethnicity.

They, them: Members of black society who identify with black culture and find themselves in defiance of anything they see as not being "black enough". Black racists, who have indoctrinated a movement. Can I get a high yella witness?

I'm random white guy. Unless my leg is over a bike, I'm no different than anyone else. I don't speak with any "ethnic dialect"... even when black people are around. I see people do it. I will spare you what I would think of that, or anything else, if I were black, as there is no possible way for me to truly know, as I have not grown up black. I will say that I find it offensive and false. Nobody likes a kiss ***. The easiest way for me, personally, to identify members of "black culture", presuming they are not violating some social etiquette, is indeed by their manner of speech. This includes white kids from the suburbs. Everyone knows precisely who I am speaking about without having to describe any further, but I am going to. I am going to, because while everyone knows what I am saying, and I believe most of us agree, nobody says it except for those whom I do not want to be aligned with. Nobody says it but racists, because if you dare say it, you will be labeled as such. I defy that logic. You are not shielded from condemnation for anti-social behavior because those who would condemn you are afraid of being condemned. I am not racist, and do not need to justify my comments or quantify my "acceptance" of people not like myself. Nobody is like my self. I "accept" people who show themselves worthy of it. I spoke then as I speak now because even then I was not so hungry for social acceptance that I would pretend to be something that I am not, which is uneducated. Yes... that is the term for those unfamiliar with the language... and it is unacceptable. Somehow they have glorified ignorance. Black kids, in black neighborhoods who would dare try to speak correctly are mocked and bullied. "What? You think you betta den urrbody?" *** forbid they try to be. Does my attempt to mimic them just smack of racism to you? Why? Attempting to excel at anything other than physical activity is met with resistance from the culture.

This isn't the squeaky wheel, this is simply the norm. Not the old folks. They are appalled by the acceptance of gang culture within their own. The elderly blacks are not standing for this, they simply lack the strength or influence to fight it anymore. There is a complete loss of center, it took place in the 60's and 70's... when laws were enacted to end discrimination. They WON their battle, and lost the role of "******". There was a void then, a place from which to begin... but no direction. The role defined itself and continues to. They didn't fight so that you could become what you have.

There are ignorant, classless people of all cultures and races. I am focusing on this group because of their acceptance of this behavior. Their racism is masked behind impending condemnation for what ends up being REVERSE racism for non-blacks. That is what I will be accused of here... reverse racism against racist blacks. This is why I bother to define and prove out the definition of racist. I don't think there is a damned thing genetic about this argument. They do.



New member
It is unacceptable to choose to be ignorant.

It is unacceptable to speak in vulgar terms as loudly as you can.

It is unacceptable to speak at full or louder than full volume in movie theaters.

It is unacceptable to speak at louder than full volume when the person you are speaking to is next to you.

It is unacceptable to drink, smoke, or do drugs while pregnant.

It is unacceptable to have children you cannot afford.

It is unacceptable to carry children by a single appendage.

It is unacceptable to not take care of your children.

It is unacceptable to continue to have children you cannot adequately take care of.

It is unacceptable to expect the tax payers to take fiscal responsibility for child bearing decisions that they have no influence in making. The village is not raising your children, the other villages are paying for them, AND theirs.

It is unacceptable to have your mother be full time guardian of your children.

It is unacceptable to be a shadow in your childrens lives.

It is unacceptable to let your children run wild and unsupervised.

It is unacceptable to beat your children.

It is unacceptable to make vulgar comments to women you do not know.

It is unacceptable to sexually assault women.

It is unacceptable to beat women.

It is unacceptable to create a disturbance and then get an attitude when attention is drawn to you.

It is unacceptable to be overtly racist towards anyone who does not find your unacceptable behavior acceptable.

It is unacceptable to steal.

It is unacceptable to fight in public.

It is unacceptable to drive drunk.

It is unacceptable to deal drugs.

It is unacceptable to take pride in going to jail.

It is unacceptable to allow any of these things to take place without saying or doing something.

These things, on the surface, seem self evident. They aren't. Cultural acceptance of anti-social behavior will either destroy this country or bring us to civil war. That is the difference in this group, in my experience. People of varying cultures display this behavior, and it is of course equally unacceptable. The difference, and reason I address this, is because black culture gives itself a pass, and we give black culture a pass. If it bothers me, it is my duty to do something about it. This is one thing I am doing. Addressing it. Openly. We need to. If it bothers you, do the same.

If you are black, I beg of you...

Quit accepting these things of your brethren. If you quit romanticizing anti-social behavior, you don't have to worry about the white, spanish, asian kids in black culture... they are just trying to be like you, because at their core they are afraid and want acceptance. Quit rewarding this behavior. Quit encouraging this behavior. Look three steps ahead. Understand that every time you let this happen, you perpetuate a stereotype we would ALL like to see vanish. You VALIDATE new reverse racism, which is not to say you justify it. It is infuriating to me that you have allowed your culture to be commercialized this way. All american cultures are commercialized, don't get me wrong... but they sell what is bought. In the end you are responsible for the package which glorifies gang violence. The gang problem is based in this cultural acceptance of anti-social behavior. This is a deep rooted problem. You have sold yourselves short, because you could, and for no other reason. Take back your dignity, and with it your future. Please. Coming from me, telling a black person how they should act in public is always met combatively. I do it. I do it because I can make people laugh generally; but YOU, as a black person, carry so much more power of change than I possibly could. I'm "the man", seemingly looking down on blacks. Regardless of the nobility of my intent, I will always be white. I will never truly be able to say anything without being looked at crossly. So look at this crossly, then do something about it, for OUR children's benefit.

If you just hate black people, don't address this thread, do not invalidate it. You are the seed of this. You are the worst offender. If there is a devil, you are the work of his hands.



New member
Oh my ***, post something original or at least give us a link to the **** you just placed in this post, Jesus H. Christ !





New member
What dust thou want now? Quit calling my name. I am a very busy man.
Not to bother you all mighty but we need you to smite thee cut and paste attitude one, oh graciousness.



New member
Posted by Ctrl:

If you just hate black people, don't address this thread, do not invalidate it. You are the seed of this. You are the worst offender. If there is a devil, you are the work of his hands.
So are you saying you hate ******s? Ohhh...your saying you don't hate ******s but you hate people that hate ******s and I bet they hate you because you don't hate ******s and you hate them for hating ******s.
I don't ******* hate *** **** dirty ******s either.



New member
I'm the source.

I posted it a few weeks ago on a sportbike website. A forum not really suited to it. This is why I found you. My normal handle is Ctrl Phreak, for obvious reasons I am Ctrl here.



New member
I'm the source.
I posted it a few weeks ago on a sportbike website. A forum not really suited to it. This is why I found you. My normal handle is Ctrl Phreak, for obvious reasons I am Ctrl here.
I hope you can still say black people. I'm running out of names for them. I refuse to call them *****'s or African Americans becuse they both seem offensive to me. ***** is a name reserved for blacks to call other blacks (Offensive) and not to many whites can point out the "*****" to someone with out getting into it. African American is reserved for whites to call blacks (again offensive). If they don't want to be just an American, well then **** them.

So I find blacks and whites are less offensive names.



New member
I agree with everything you said. This nation has gone from being the Great American Melting Pot to being the Tolerance Toilet .

What you find in black American culture.... that seems to be so original to them... is not. It is a product of taking the worse of the worse of every other culture in America and combining it into one subculture... because they had no culture of their own to cling to in order to feel like they have a culture that is their own.

They are fooling their selves and the rest of Tolerant America is enabling them to do so.

Many of the negative traits you mentioned were taken from the stereotypical part of Italian American culture. They also have taken some of the negatives from the Hispanic culture now... as well as... believe it or not... White American culture.

The reason people who exhibit the negative stereotypical traits of their own cultures have not totally taken over their cultures... is that these things are looked down upon by their own peoples.

That is to say... The vast majority of White Americans DO NOT accept people who strive to fit the mold of the stereotypical "White-Trash, got kicked out of the trailer park for fightin' with my daddy over who gets to **** my sister first, breeding without financial or moral responsibility as something that should be tolerated... much less GLORIFIED.

Italian Americans do not accept Italian people who strive to fit the stereotypical "Mafioso, badda-bing badda-boom, murdering and racketeering as a positive representation of Italian Americans.

Most Hispanic Americans do not accept other Hispanics who perpetuate the stereotype of the "lazy, dirty, ****-roach infested, high all the time, illegal alien" as a accurate portrayal of who and what Hispanic Americans are.

However... Blacks have incorporated ALL of these negative stereotypes into their own culture and not only are those of them who do these things supported and defended by the majority of their own black culture... They are tolerated glorified and even justified by all the other cultures as well.

Yes.. the same people who will reject these negative stereotypes in their own people will turn around and justify the same negativity in black culture.

Why? Well.. many say it's out of fear of being labeled a racist. I think it goes MUCH deeper than that.

Last week, where I work, One of the black boys was talking to me about a guy who used to work for me. The ex-employee was a young white guy who is educated and spoke intelligently in plain English dialect... unless he was speaking to the black kids. When he spoke to them he spoke like they do... or like he expected they would.

I asked the boy, "Why do you suppose he changed his dialect when he spoke to black kids?" The boy indicated that he took it as a matter of respect or admiration...

Me - "Right... this young white farm-bred guy who held a masters in criminal psychology had a HUGE amount of respect and admiration for uneducated b;ack teenage inner-city gang kids...

For some reason... I doubt that."

Him - "Well... what do you think it was?"

Me - "I can't honestly say I know for sure... but I can tell you this much about human psychology. The only time people will accept and adhere to lower standards in order to meet you on YOUR level... is when they truly believe you are not capable of being intelligent enough to ever meet them on their level."

The Don't expect as much from black society as we expect from our selves... because they can't help it... people are the most racist people on this planet. They enable, feed, perpetuate and then justify failure and self-defeat in the black community and they are 50% of the problem.

The other 50% has to go on backs of the people who are willing to accept that lifestyle for their selves and their children simply because it's easier than working your *** off to raise your kids right and move the **** out of the ghetto...

They KNOW they can... they just use the liberal they can't help it justifications of their lifestyle as an excuse not to do so.


Kryptonite Man

New member
I agree with everything you said. This nation has gone from being the Great American Melting Pot to being the Tolerance Toilet .
What you find in black American culture.... that seems to be so original to them... is not. It is a product of taking the worse of the worse of every other culture in America and combining it into one subculture... because they had no culture of their own to cling to in order to feel like they have a culture that is their own.

They are fooling their selves and the rest of Tolerant America is enabling them to do so.

Many of the negative traits you mentioned were taken from the stereotypical part of Italian American culture. They also have taken some of the negatives from the Hispanic culture now... as well as... believe it or not... White American culture.

The reason people who exhibit the negative stereotypical traits of their own cultures have not totally taken over their cultures... is that these things are looked down upon by their own peoples.

That is to say... The vast majority of White Americans DO NOT accept people who strive to fit the mold of the stereotypical "White-Trash, got kicked out of the trailer park for fightin' with my daddy over who gets to **** my sister first, breeding without financial or moral responsibility as something that should be tolerated... much less GLORIFIED.

Italian Americans do not accept Italian people who strive to fit the stereotypical "Mafioso, badda-bing badda-boom, murdering and racketeering as a positive representation of Italian Americans.

Most Hispanic Americans do not accept other Hispanics who perpetuate the stereotype of the "lazy, dirty, ****-roach infested, high all the time, illegal alien" as a accurate portrayal of who and what Hispanic Americans are.

However... Blacks have incorporated ALL of these negative stereotypes into their own culture and not only are those of them who do these things supported and defended by the majority of their own black culture... They are tolerated glorified and even justified by all the other cultures as well.

Yes.. the same people who will reject these negative stereotypes in their own people will turn around and justify the same negativity in black culture.

Why? Well.. many say it's out of fear of being labeled a racist. I think it goes MUCH deeper than that.

Last week, where I work, One of the black boys was talking to me about a guy who used to work for me. The ex-employee was a young white guy who is educated and spoke intelligently in plain English dialect... unless he was speaking to the black kids. When he spoke to them he spoke like they do... or like he expected they would.

I asked the boy, "Why do you suppose he changed his dialect when he spoke to black kids?" The boy indicated that he took it as a matter of respect or admiration...

Me - "Right... this young white farm-bred guy who held a masters in criminal psychology had a HUGE amount of respect and admiration for uneducated b;ack teenage inner-city gang kids...

For some reason... I doubt that."

Him - "Well... what do you think it was?"

Me - "I can't honestly say I know for sure... but I can tell you this much about human psychology. The only time people will accept and adhere to lower standards in order to meet you on YOUR level... is when they truly believe you are not capable of being intelligent enough to ever meet them on their level."

The Don't expect as much from black society as we expect from our selves... because they can't help it... people are the most racist people on this planet. They enable, feed, perpetuate and then justify failure and self-defeat in the black community and they are 50% of the problem.

The other 50% has to go on backs of the people who are willing to accept that lifestyle for their selves and their children simply because it's easier than working your *** off to raise your kids right and move the **** out of the ghetto...

They KNOW they can... they just use the liberal they can't help it justifications of their lifestyle as an excuse not to do so.
Logical. As always the liberal lunatics are the ones perpetuating this hyphenated American feldercarb, which is in and of itself racist and illogical.

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