BlackBerry outage affects millions for third day [updated]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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After having initially said the issues were resolved following one day of service interruptions, millions of BlackBerry users across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and even some areas in South America still find themselves without access to the Wen or messaging services for the third consecutive day. Research In Motion confirmed earlier that a bug on a Blackberry server was responsible for <a href="">knocking millions offline on Monday</a>, and the Waterloo, Ontario-based smartphone maker elaborated on Tuesday that the continued interruption was caused by <a href="">a core switch failure</a>. RIM now says the outage has caused a large backlog of data that must be cleared before service can return to normal. No firm timeline has been issued.
UPDATE: Our inbox is starting to get hit with reports of service interruptions in the U.S. as well. Is your BlackBerry not working this morning? Leave us a comment below and let us know.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report