Blacks wrote history.


New member
The birth of humanity began in Africa, and spread eastwards. Negroid land colonisation came first.

Polynesians colonised the Pacific basin, and they were the first to master the oceans, and realise that the earth is round.

South American Indians, specifically the Mayans, mastered the known universe, devising the accuracy of our present calender.

Where were whites in this plan? They were grunting and cave-dwelling and trying to control fire.

The lamos. ;)



New member
Yet whites became dominant with such ease, while these others that you mention faded into obscurity.

The way I see it, this is going to go round and round with typical racial dogmas but I might as well jump in. Sigh. :(



New member
Yet whites became dominant with such ease, while these others that you mention faded into obscurity.The way I see it, this is going to go round and round with typical racial dogmas but I might as well jump in. Sigh. :(
They became dominant by using force to make money not intellect. Hardly something to be proud of. Just keep killing people and snatching their resources.

There is this funny thing said:

Once upon a time in Africa,

We paid no tax,

there was no crime,

there was no police,

there was no inflation,

there was no un-employment,

there was no Aids,

there was no poverty,

there was no corruption,

there was no debt-crisis,

there was no prostitution,

there was no divorce,




New member
We paid no tax,

there was no crime,

there was no police,

there was no inflation,

there was no un-employment,

there was no Aids,

there was no poverty,

there was no corruption,

there was no debt-crisis,

there was no prostitution,

there was no divorce,

You have no idea much much I agree to this. Trust me, there is no white man with more contempt for white society than me.

That said, it is ignorant to demonize one race and consider all others saintly.

I am not ashamed of being white

White civilization, despite its many injustices, has contributed greatly to this world.

Consider; philosophy, astronomy, science, medicine, literature, theatre... White contributions to these things are inumerable. While whites may not have been the origional innovators of these things, it is argueable to say that they redefined these things and gave them shape like no one else, leading to many of the marvels of the modern world.

That is not said out of arrogance and racial superiority, but out of pride. Every single human being should be proud of his heritage. But only a fool fails to recognise that injustices of his own people, and acknowledge the good in other races.

I do not feel guilty for being white.

Every race has things to be proud of, and things to condemn about its history. I refuse to have my race attacked for the actions of a group, or several groups, throughout history. And I cant respect a non-white who doesn't feel the same about his race.

Do you think that I, as a white man, am proud of say, slavery? Of course not.

But then virually every race has indulged in slavery, and if not slavery, something else equally horrible. Its worthy of notice that most africans sold to american and british slavers were sold by their fellow africans. Middle eastern cultures were privvy to slavery long before the white man. But then, whites are the only ones made to feel guilty for it.

I reject the tyranny of "white" society. Muslims the world over reject terrorism done in the name of their Faith. Israelies reject the warmongering of their nation. You cannot condemn a race by the actions of its members.

Every human being is capable of great inhumanity. Every human being is capable of great nobility. That is not specific to race.

We all have our greats. We also have our shadows.

I will not apologize for being white

All due respect to the author of this thread, but his post seems to me to be an ignorant attempt to make himself feel better at the expense of another, in this context a whole race specifically. That is very small.

Where were whites in this plan? They were grunting and cave-dwelling and trying to control fire.
An ignorant arguement, that can be used against for the opposite side just as effectively. ****, it could be used to fight for any point. That doesn't make it valid. Any child can make a statement without considering everything involved, and still be completly assured of their own justifiability.

Can you deny the great things that whites have done, in context? Or are those things overshadowed by dark deeds and unfortuante facts in history? In that case, would you consider every non-white to be a saint?

Respect your fellow man, no matter what his race. Praise him for his achievements, and do not let his vices blind you to your own.

I sigh to myself as I am about to submit this, knowing cries of "white supremacist" and "racist" are surely immenant. If only we could get past these pointless battles of "who is better", when, really, we are all equally flawed, but all equally capable of overcoming those flaws.

I am proud of being white.

But more importantly, I am proud of being human.

And thats what comes first.



New member
I suggest people read Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" for some insite on why Europeans dominated the world from the 15th through 20th centuries. Poverty, wars and pestilence has always been part of the human condition.


New member
And prior to the 15th century AD, it was blacks ruling the roost and making the discoveries. Makes me wonder where we whites will be soon. Speaking Chinese is almost a given.


New member
And prior to the 15th century AD, it was blacks ruling the roost and making the discoveries. Makes me wonder where we whites will be soon. Speaking Chinese is almost a given.
It will be a while. My son is brown anyways. The Chinese economy is miniscule compared to ours.



New member
And prior to the 15th century AD, it was blacks ruling the roost and making the discoveries. Makes me wonder where we whites will be soon. Speaking Chinese is almost a given.
Ha! Propably true. The only thing holding them back is communism, and even so they're rocketing their way up.



New member
Africa was a great place until Islam screwed it up.
Lol, your a ******* idiot.

Alexander the Great ****** up Africa.


I accidently voted the Africans, can someone retract that ? My mouse is ****** up.



New member
Alexander the Great ****** up Africa.
Really? I'd be interested in hearing how you came to this conclusion.

Personally, I think Africa got ****** by near-constant, pointless tribal wars. So I'd blame Shaka Zulu.



New member
Yes, the fact that we live in the best time to live in history is largely due to innovations of whites.


New member
Yes, the fact that we live in the best time to live in history is largely due to innovations of whites.
A tad arrogant to think that one's race had anything to do with the innovations that will be happened upon by any society with their feet firmly planted. The Americans did not get to the moon because they were white or because they grew up in America, they got there through investing the vast resources into that specific goal. If Indonesians had been in the same position 40years ago, with the same level of motivation and economic backing, than the result would have been essentially the same although perhaps a little faster or a little slower.

This connection between economy and political landscape is what keeps Politics and Economics forever connected.

Other factors, such as the appearance of a genius within a society, make fairly minuscule differences in the records of history compared to the greater organism of discovery and investment which they are a part of.



New member
A tad arrogant to think that one's race had anything to do with the innovations that will be happened upon by any society with their feet firmly planted. The Americans did not get to the moon because they were white or because they grew up in America, they got there through investing the vast resources into that specific goal. If Indonesians had been in the same position 40years ago, with the same level of motivation and economic backing, than the result would have been essentially the same although perhaps a little faster or a little slower. This connection between economy and political landscape is what keeps Politics and Economics forever connected.

Other factors, such as the appearance of a genius within a society, make fairly minuscule differences in the records of history compared to the greater organism of discovery and investment which they are a part of.

Please, stop posting political correctness ****. The fact is most of what makes the world so comfortable is due to the innovations of whites. An accident of history? Yes, but still a fact.

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