Blue City Quagmire: ****** Scam Artist Rev. Al Sharpton Vows to Deny Chicago the 2016 Olympics


Patriot Games


Al Sharpton Vows to Deny Chicago the 2016 Olympics

Monday, December 10, 2007

A leading U.S. civil rights advocate vowed on Monday to wage a worldwide
campaign to scuttle Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games if the
city doesn't act quickly to stop what he characterized as "unchecked police

In a news conference outside Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's office, the Rev.
Al Sharpton said he would take alleged abuse victims on a world tour to talk
with Olympic Committee officials involved in selecting the host city if
Chicago failed to start implementing reforms at its scandal-plagued police
department by the end of December.

Sharpton, whose National Action Network group is based in New York and set
up a branch in Chicago this year, dismissed criticism he was an outsider
meddling in Chicago issues as he delivered a 10-point reform plan drafted by
his group.

"The world must know the kind of city this is if the world is being invited
to come into this city," he said. The host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics
will be picked next year.

Among the key demands in the Sharpton plan are stripping the mayor of final
say in the firing and suspension of officers accused of misconduct and
releasing the complete records of officers who have had repeated brutality
or abuse complaints filed against them by African-Americans.

"It is a continual alarm that we have heard since being in Chicago -- the
unchecked police misconduct," Sharpton said. "And in this climate, there
seems to be an almost denial by city officials and by those that should be,
in our judgment, dealing with this problem."

Neither the mayor's office nor the police department had any immediate


The police department in Chicago, the third-largest U.S. city, has been
under a cloud in recent years as a result of officer-involved shootings and
claims of police misconduct.

Last week, the city agreed to pay nearly $20 million to settle claims by
four African-American men who alleged they were tortured into murder
confessions, the latest in a string of costly and embarrassing settlements.

Earlier this year, three Chicago police officers were charged with
aggravated assault for allegedly beating four businessmen last December in
an off-duty melee caught on a bar's videotape.

Two months later, an off-duty police officers was caught on tape punching
and kicking a female bartender after she refused to serve him another drink.

The two incidents contributed to the resignation of the city's police chief
and the appointment late last month of former Federal Bureau of
Investigation official J.P. Weis as Chicago's top cop.

But Sharpton and other local activists blasted the appointment of Weis, who
is white, saying it was made without any input from with the city's minority