Blue Screen- Dont know what to do!



Hello Everyone,

I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know what

to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 50

BCP1: FFFFFA90063598D0

BCP2: 0000000000000000

BCP3: FFFFF88004F667B7

BCP4: 0000000000000005

OS Version: 6_1_7600

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:



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I downloaded blue screen view and came up with this below I do not

know what all this problematic stuff means from bluescreenview.

062610-33181-01.dmp 6/26/2010 10:58:39

AM PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA 0x00000050 fffffa90`063598d0 00000000`00000000 fffff880`04f667b7 00000000`00000005 nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+13b970 x64 C:\Windows\Minidump\062610-33181-01.dmp 2 15 7600

062610-37299-01.dmp 6/26/2010 10:45:01

AM 0x00000124 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`050c7038 00000000`b2000040 00000000`00000800 hal.dll hal.dll+12903 x64 C:\Windows\Minidump\062610-37299-01.dmp 2 15 7600


ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+ef801 fffff800`02a4c000 fffff800`03028000 0x005dc000 0x4b88cfeb 2/27/2010

3:55:23 AM Microsoft? Windows? Operating System NT Kernel &

System 6.1.7600.16539 (win7_gdr.100226-1909) Microsoft

Corporation C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+13b970 fffff880`04ac2000 fffff880`055e5180 0x00b23180 0x4ac791b5 10/3/2009

2:02:29 PM


undisclosed wrote:

> Hello Everyone,


> I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

> months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know what

> to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you



> Problem signature:

> Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

> OS Version: 6.1.7600.

> Locale ID: 1033


> Additional information about the problem:

> BCCode: 50

> BCP1: FFFFFA90063598D0

> BCP2: 0000000000000000

> BCP3: FFFFF88004F667B7

> BCP4: 0000000000000005

> OS Version: 6_1_7600

> Service Pack: 0_0

> Product: 256_1


> Files that help describe the problem:

> C:\Windows\Minidump\062610-33181-01.dmp

> C:\Users\JT\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-53757-0.sysdata.xml


> Read our privacy statement online:

> 'Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows'

> (


> If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our

> privacy statement offline:

> C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt



> -----------------------------------------------------------

> I downloaded blue screen view and came up with this below I do not

> know what all this problematic stuff means from bluescreenview.



> 062610-33181-01.dmp 6/26/2010 10:58:39

> AM PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA 0x00000050 fffffa90`063598d0 00000000`00000000 fffff880`04f667b7 00000000`00000005 nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+13b970 x64 C:\Windows\Minidump\062610-33181-01.dmp 2 15 7600

> 062610-37299-01.dmp 6/26/2010 10:45:01

> AM 0x00000124 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`050c7038 00000000`b2000040 00000000`00000800 hal.dll hal.dll+12903 x64 C:\Windows\Minidump\062610-37299-01.dmp 2 15 7600







> ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+ef801 fffff800`02a4c000 fffff800`03028000 0x005dc000 0x4b88cfeb 2/27/2010

> 3:55:23 AM Microsoft? Windows? Operating System NT Kernel &

> System 6.1.7600.16539 (win7_gdr.100226-1909) Microsoft

> Corporation C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

> nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+13b970 fffff880`04ac2000 fffff880`055e5180 0x00b23180 0x4ac791b5 10/3/2009

> 2:02:29 PM



The "0x00000050 nvlddmkm.sys" tells you your Nvidia graphics driver

is falling over. Use your search engine with that as a search term,

to see examples of what other people have tried.

You can try a different driver.

Or you can review your hardware test strategy. For example, if

you build your own computer, use memtest86+ and Prime95 stress

test, to verify the CPU and RAM are properly adjusted and

stable. Some people never had a stable hardware platform to begin

with, and the symptoms can be one blue screen after another, with

different error messages each time. If you are seeing relatively

random errors, it could be a CPU/memory adjustment. If the errors

stay within nvlddmkm.sys, it is also possible the graphics

card is about to croak. If you have a super high powered

graphics card, it might even be overloading the PSU at

peak 3D play. In terms of hardware reasons, you've got a

few things to consider.

Before jumping to any conclusions, have a look at

all your bluescreen errors to date, and see if they're

random, or always the same error (i.e. always the same driver

file). That kind of info can help you choose a strategy to fix it.

BCCode: 50



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<undisclosed> wrote in message


> Hello Everyone,


> I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

> months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know what

> to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you



> Problem signature:

> Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

> OS Version: 6.1.7600.

> Locale ID: 1033


> Additional information about the problem:

> BCCode: 50

Have you / can you boot up in Safe Mode ?

Your not saying exactly where & when the Blue Scr. Crash is happening ?

You say it was working OK for some months.

Has anything been added or changed recently ?

Try unplugging everything thats not needed to start up.



(")_(") mouse (Me, I Guess Ram Memory Fault)
Blue Screen only happens on normal boot. Not safe mode. Also, I ran

the MemTest and there were no errors. However, after I normally booted

the laptop, it showed like little specks to the right of the screen and

then the screen went black. Here are some problems I have had.

- Screen flickered when booted

- Screen automatically turned black after windows loaded

- Ran MemTest, (No Errors), but specs showed up after windows booted

- Updated Nvidia Driver and nothing happened. Continued to have same


- Alert message opened- download missing driver for memory card

- Alert message opened- Install your video card driver

Tried to do both of these, but microsoft's help is not good at all and

always says that the solution could not be downloaded.

Need help asap!


undisclosed wrote:

> Blue Screen only happens on normal boot. Not safe mode. Also, I ran

> the MemTest and there were no errors. However, after I normally booted

> the laptop, it showed like little specks to the right of the screen and

> then the screen went black. Here are some problems I have had.


> - Screen flickered when booted

> - Screen automatically turned black after windows loaded

> - Ran MemTest, (No Errors), but specs showed up after windows booted

> - Updated Nvidia Driver and nothing happened. Continued to have same

> problems.


> - Alert message opened- download missing driver for memory card

> - Alert message opened- Install your video card driver


> Tried to do both of these, but microsoft's help is not good at all and

> always says that the solution could not be downloaded.


> Need help asap!

"little specks to the right of the screen" Hmmm.

Nvidia shipped a large number of defective GPUs, where the problem was

with the packaging of the integrated circuit. You could check to see

whether your generation of hardware is affected or not. There

are many stories about this issue, and this is just one news article

on the subject.

One of the cures, is application of heat to the product with the

defective GPU on it. At least one person took apart a PCI Express

video card, and baked it in a toaster oven, and claims to have

cured a video card problem. Similar efforts have been tried

with laptops as well. (Basically, run the laptop until the GPU

is boiling hot.) I can't recommend such a method, due to the

risk of ruining something else in the process. If the product

was repaired at the factory, they'd use precision equipment,

that could apply a controlled temperature profile while

re-soldering a new component. Doing the same thing with

a toaster oven (temperature = uncontrolled, and easily too high)

is just insanity. If your laptop has any warranty left, you'd be

much better off getting them to fix this mistake.

Testing the hardware with another OS, is another alternative

means of test. To give an example, I had a video problem

with my first computer (440BX chipset, ATI Rage video card

of some sort). Virtually any screen update activity in Windows

would "tip it over". After musing about the problem for some

time, and not making any progress, I tried booting a Linux

LiveCD. And the same damn thing happened. Linux would only

run for 30 seconds or a minute, before video problems would

crop up, and that would be it. By using two OSes, and testing

with both Windows and Linux, I was able to determine that the

machine with 440BX chipset, was infinitely stable (16 hours

Prime95 clean) with two sticks of RAM. If three or four sticks

were present, I'd have video problems. So there was something

wrong with an interaction between the AGP slot and the memory

controller (more likely a design defect, rather than defective

hardware). It probably wasn't the "Photoshop bug" (lack of

bypass capacitance on memory bus termination), because that

should have shown up no matter how much memory was present.

Try to test with two OSes. If you see problems with both, then

you know it is a hardware issue.

undisclosed wrote:

> Hello Everyone,


> I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

> months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know what

> to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you



Did it start happening after a Windows update, and new drivers for

equipment were installed causing problems?

Did you contact the computer manufacturer's tech support for help? They

can help you in this situation.
Big 666;1786875 Wrote:

> undisclosed wrote:

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

> > months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know

> what

> > to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you

> >

> >


> Did it start happening after a Windows update, and new drivers for

> equipment were installed causing problems?


> Did you contact the computer manufacturer's tech support for help?

> They

> can help you in this situation.

Yes. Right after windows started updating. And yes I believe

equipment could have caused problems. I hooked my HDMI up to my TV.

That was also a new change. I contacted POS HP and they said that I am

out of warranty. This is the last time they get my money. This is the

first time I ever called them for help and they said I am out of

warranty. As far as the article about the defective GPUs, I purchased

the laptop one month or two before the article was published which gives

me an indication that I might have a faulty Nvidia card. As of right

now, for some odd reason, the computer has ran for like over 2 hours

without shutting down. However, I do not have my HDMI hooked up nor any

other wires. But I want to run all my stuff to include HDMI. Also, it

seems cooler than normal, but when it was hot, it seemed to shutdown

frequently? Maybe my laptop is pregnant lol.

Any suggestions???


undisclosed wrote:

> Big 666;1786875 Wrote:

>> undisclosed wrote:

>>> Hello Everyone,


>>> I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

>>> months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know

>> what

>>> to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you



>> Did it start happening after a Windows update, and new drivers for

>> equipment were installed causing problems?


>> Did you contact the computer manufacturer's tech support for help?

>> They

>> can help you in this situation.


> Yes. Right after windows started updating. And yes I believe

> equipment could have caused problems.

I would say a driver was downloaded to the machine you don't know about.

And it may be causing the problem.

Did you check the Windows 7 View Installed Update List (off of Control

Panel/Programs and Features) to find out what software was updated on

your machine during the Windows Update?

> I hooked my HDMI up to my TV.

> That was also a new change. I contacted POS HP and they said that I am

> out of warranty. This is the last time they get my money. This is the

> first time I ever called them for help and they said I am out of

> warranty. As far as the article about the defective GPUs, I purchased

> the laptop one month or two before the article was published which gives

> me an indication that I might have a faulty Nvidia card. As of right

> now, for some odd reason, the computer has ran for like over 2 hours

> without shutting down. However, I do not have my HDMI hooked up nor any

> other wires. But I want to run all my stuff to include HDMI. Also, it

> seems cooler than normal, but when it was hot, it seemed to shutdown

> frequently? Maybe my laptop is pregnant lol.


> Any suggestions???



You should take the computer to a reputable computer repair shop and

have them look at it for the overheating and computer shutdown, as that

is a serious problem.
<undisclosed> wrote in message


> Big 666;1786875 Wrote:

>> undisclosed wrote:

>> > Hello Everyone,

>> >

>> > I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

>> > months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know

>> what

>> > to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you

>> >

>> >


>> Did it start happening after a Windows update, and new drivers for

>> equipment were installed causing problems?


>> Did you contact the computer manufacturer's tech support for help?

>> They

>> can help you in this situation.


> Yes. Right after windows started updating. And yes I believe

> equipment could have caused problems. I hooked my HDMI up to my TV.

> That was also a new change. I contacted POS HP and they said that I am

> out of warranty. This is the last time they get my money. This is the

> first time I ever called them for help and they said I am out of

> warranty. As far as the article about the defective GPUs, I purchased

> the laptop one month or two before the article was published which gives

> me an indication that I might have a faulty Nvidia card. As of right

> now, for some odd reason, the computer has ran for like over 2 hours

> without shutting down. However, I do not have my HDMI hooked up nor any

> other wires. But I want to run all my stuff to include HDMI. Also, it

> seems cooler than normal, but when it was hot, it seemed to shutdown

> frequently? Maybe my laptop is pregnant lol.


> Any suggestions???



> --

> djskillz06

Unfortunately, warranty doesn't mean how many times you haven't called, but

how long you've owned the laptop. I wish it was based on how many times I

haven't called; my HPs would never have been out of warranty :)

Do a search on Google/Bing and HPs site and see if there are any recalls for

your make and model of laptop. Check on Nvidia's site also. Some of the

links Paul provided may also give you some kind of recourse. If there's a

recall based on your chipset, you may be able to get it fixed for free or

very cheap. Unfortunately, laptop troubleshooting by professionals is mostly

counter cost effective since a lot of the time it'll cost you almost as much

as a new laptop would.


SC Tom
"undisclosed" wrote in message


> Big 666;1786875 Wrote:

>> undisclosed wrote:

>> > Hello Everyone,

>> >

>> > I am running windows 7 and I have been on windows 7 for at least 2

>> > months. However, I am getting a blue screen error and do not know

>> what

>> > to do. Please provide some input to a solution. Thank you

>> >

>> >


>> Did it start happening after a Windows update, and new drivers for

>> equipment were installed causing problems?


>> Did you contact the computer manufacturer's tech support for help?

>> They

>> can help you in this situation.


> Yes. Right after windows started updating. And yes I believe

> equipment could have caused problems. I hooked my HDMI up to my TV.

> That was also a new change. I contacted POS HP and they said that I am

> out of warranty. This is the last time they get my money. This is the

> first time I ever called them for help and they said I am out of

> warranty. As far as the article about the defective GPUs, I purchased

> the laptop one month or two before the article was published which gives

> me an indication that I might have a faulty Nvidia card. As of right

> now, for some odd reason, the computer has ran for like over 2 hours

> without shutting down. However, I do not have my HDMI hooked up nor any

> other wires. But I want to run all my stuff to include HDMI. Also, it

> seems cooler than normal, but when it was hot, it seemed to shutdown

> frequently? Maybe my laptop is pregnant lol.


> Any suggestions???



> --

> djskillz06

You just mentioned this about hot, I haven't noticed that in the thread

before. It is possible you have a cooling problem. Intake port dirty/dusty,

fan dirty/dusty, fan going bad and etc. If the airflow is blocked or the fan

quits the power supply can get hot and cause voltages to change, which can

cause a BSD. Some graphic cards have processors that run so hot they require

a cooling fan on their processor, if the same problem occurs with them then

you can get a BSD from the video card. One other thing, and I know you

probably know this, but you need to ensure you don't operate a laptop on a

soft surface, like on your bed or pillow. This can let the laptops air

intake ports get covered and will cause a laptop to run hot. I suggest you

check all ports to ensure they are clean and dust-free and you can hear fans

running. On my HP laptop the cooling fan doesn't run all the time, I guess

it has a thermal switch or it could have a fan on the video processor that

kicks on and off, listen on yours to make sure you get a fan noise at some

time and that the noise is just air movement, not a grinding or growling

type noise, if you hear the latter then the fan is bad. If you get another

BSD, check at that time for fan noise.

I agree with posters that say it sounds like a driver problem since it

happened when you upgraded, but it could be a coincidence as well.

