Blue State Bad Food, Again: Topps Meat Company Recalls Frozen Hamburgers After Six Illnesses Due to


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Topps Meat Company Recalls Frozen Hamburgers After Six Illnesses Due to E.
Coli Bacteria
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ALBANY, N.Y. - A meat company is voluntarily recalling some of its
hamburgers after a cluster of illnesses in the Northeast caused by E. coli
bacteria, officials said Tuesday.

At least six people have fallen ill in New York, and three were
hospitalized, officials said. All are recovering, the state Health
Department said.

The recall affects boxes of frozen hamburgers distributed by Elizabeth,
N.J.-based Topps Meat Co. Contaminated burgers were found in one victim's
home freezer by health officials, said agency spokeswoman Claudia Hutton.

Topps is "fully cooperating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make
sure all customers are informed and the potentially contaminated products
are properly disposed of," Topps spokeswoman Cortney McMahon said.

The recall affects 331,582 pounds of frozen beef patties that were
distributed in the New York City area and nationwide, the USDA said. They
carried the number "Est. 9748" inside the USDA mark of inspection, and were
produced on June 22, July 12 or July 23, the USDA said.

The recalled products included certain 10-pound boxes of Butcher's Best 100%
All Beef Patties; certain 10-pound boxes of Kohler Foods burgers; certain
10-pound boxes of Sand Castle Fine Meat; some 2-pound boxes of Topps 100%
Pure Ground Beef Hamburgers; and some 3-pound boxes of Topps 100% Pure
Ground Beef Hamburgers.

The USDA did not immediately return a call Tuesday night.

E. coli causes intestinal illness that generally clears up within a week for
adults but can be deadly for the very young, elderly people and those with
compromised immune systems.

Symptoms can include severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea and, in extreme
cases, kidney failure.

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