Blue State Corruption: Ill. Gov's Office Rocked by Scandal, Again


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Ill. Governors' Office Rocked by Scandal

Thursday, November 8, 2007

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -- It might seem incredible that as a former Illinois
governor reports to federal prison, the current chief faces similar
misconduct allegations, from handing out state contracts as political
rewards to accepting money under suspicious circumstances. But this is

Democrat Rod Blagojevich, who won the chief executive's office five years
ago on a promise to clean up former Gov. George Ryan's mess, has wound up
besieged by accusations.

Two people already have pleaded guilty to federal charges in a shakedown
scheme that also ensnared one of the governor's closest fundraisers.

And federal prosecutors have acknowledged they are also investigating
"serious allegations of endemic hiring fraud" under Blagojevich.

Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association, blames
an arrogant political culture in Illinois where the philosophy is "take what
you can get."

"It's not about serving the people," Stewart said. "It's not even about
serving partisan interests. It's about enriching yourself and your friends."

A Blagojevich aide noted that prosecutors are examining all levels of
government, not just the state Capitol. The governor has not been charged
with any wrongdoing.

Ryan, a Republican, entered a federal prison in Oxford, Wis., on Wednesday
after the U.S. Supreme Court denied him bail while he appeals his April 2006
conviction on racketeering and fraud charges. The decade-long investigation
began with the sale of driver's licenses for bribes and led to the
conviction of dozens of people who worked for Ryan when he was secretary of
state and governor.

Blagojevich said he was different, declaring upon taking office in 2003 that
he would "shake up a system in Springfield that accepts corruption."

But Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a Blagojevich political confidant and friend, is
under indictment, accused of seeking campaign contributions from investment
companies in exchange for getting them business with a state pension fund.

In one case, the indictment claims Rezko demanded a company make a $1.5
million contribution to "a certain public official." That was Blagojevich,
according to a person familiar with the investigation, who spoke on
condition of anonymity because the probe is continuing.

The administration also has been accused of trading state jobs, appointments
and contracts for political contributions. And a friend whose wife had just
gotten a state job gave Blagojevich a check for $1,500. The governor said it
was a gift for one of his daughters, but he wasn't sure which one.

Also, federal prosecutors have subpoenaed records from Blagojevich's
political campaign fund, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Ryan's campaign committee was convicted of racketeering in 2003.

Taxpayers just shake their heads.

"Setting the bar at a level of honest, competent government should not be an
unattainable goal," said Rep. John Fritchey, a Chicago Democrat and
legislative leader on ethics issues.

Blagojevich spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff said Blagojevich signed tough ethics
legislation that created an independent inspector general, unlike what she
called the "puppet" who served Ryan as secretary of state and was convicted
of obstructing inquiries.

Blagojevich also is not the only one under the gun. Ottenhoff pointed to
recent convictions for improper political hiring at Chicago City Hall.

"In recent years, we've seen government at every level is under closer
scrutiny and we think that's good for the system," Ottenhoff said.

Former U.S. Attorney William Roberts, now in private practice, represented
at least two dozen people questioned in the Ryan case.

He said he has never seen "a more intense investigation" and doesn't see the
government easing up.

"One wonders why anyone who reads the papers would get within a mile of
questionable conduct," Roberts said.