Blue State Crime Out Of Control - MA Burglary Suspect Gets Robbed at Gunpoint Hours After Release


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Massachusetts Burglary Suspect Gets Robbed at Gunpoint Hours After Release
Saturday, December 29, 2007

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. - A burglary suspect who gave a false home address to
police after his arrest didn't count on one thing - getting robbed himself.

Police say 22-year-old Daniel Cabral was arrested Wednesday and charged with
burglarizing a University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth building. He was
arraigned and released until his next court date.

Hours later, he was robbed at gunpoint while walking home from a bar. He
reported the robbery to police, this time giving them his real address
instead of the phony address he reported earlier in the day, according to

Police arrested two suspects and a man accused of being an accomplice after
the fact. They also obtained a search warrant for Cabral's real address and
found computer equipment that had been taken from the UMass building as well
as power tools that had been reported missing from a local theater.

Cabral was released on his own recognizance. Police were not sure if he had
an attorney, and there was no telephone listing for him in New Bedford.