Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life, Begins US Visit in Seattle


Patriot Games


Dalai Lama Begins US Visit in Seattle

Thursday, April 10, 2008

SEATTLE -- The Dalai Lama arrived in the United States on Thursday for the
first time since the recent turmoil in Tibet, serenaded by felow Tibetans as
he prepared to anchor an ambitious conference on compassion.

The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader came here a day after demonstrators
disrupted the Olympic torch run in San Francisco in a protest of China's
treatment of his people. The Dalai Lama will be attending a five-day
conference that begins Friday.

With the Dalai Lama in town, some community leaders said they expected
counter-demonstrations from pro-China groups.

But all was peaceful when he arrived at a downtown hotel Thursday, telling
local Tibetans who sang to him that he supports nonviolent demonstrations
but was saddened by the protests in San Francisco.

In Tibet, the recent protests against five decades of Chinese rule have been
the largest and most sustained in almost two decades. China has accused the
Dalai Lama of being involved in the uprising. The Tibetan leader has said
that he wants greater autonomy for the remote mountain region but is not
seeking independence.

Earlier Thursday, during a stopover in Japan, the Dalai Lama said he has
always supported China's hosting of the Olympic Games this summer, but said
Beijing cannot suppress protests in Tibet with violence or tell those
calling for more freedom in his homeland "to shut up."

He strongly denied Chinese allegations he and his followers have used the
run-up to the Olympics to foment unrest.

"Right from the beginning, we supported the Olympic Games," he told
reporters near the airport outside Tokyo. "I really feel very sad the
government demonizes me. I am just a human; I am not a demon."

Organizers of the five-day Seeds of Compassion conference in Seattle say the
Dalai Lama's visit is expected to draw more than 150,000 people.

The Chinese community in Seattle has been split by the Tibetan situation,
said Assunta Ng, publisher of the Northwest Asian Weekly, a local
Asian-American community newspaper. Ng said she wouldn't be surprised if
pro-China demonstrators show up at some of the events, and added that some
Chinese students plan to protest the politicization of the Olympics.

The conference will feature dozens of workshops on various subjects,
beginning with a panel discussion Friday with the Dalai Lama on "The
Scientific Basis for Compassion: What We Know Now."

Tickets for events involving the Dalai Lama have already sold out, according
to the conference Web site.

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels will present the key to the city to the Tibetan
leader and the University of Washington will present him an honorary degree.

The Dalai Lama fled to India after a failed uprising in 1959 in Tibet, but
remains the religious and cultural leader of many Tibetans. He was awarded
the Nobel Peace prize in 1989.

He was determined to attend the Seattle conference because of his commitment
to global peace, organizers said.

"He wants compassion for both sides, for the Tibetans, for the Chinese
brothers," said Lama Tenzin Dhonden, a Tibetan monk who spearheaded the
development of the conference.

After Seattle, the Dalai Lama is scheduled to speak at the University of
Michigan at Ann Arbor on April 19 and 20, then at Colgate University in
Hamilton, N.Y., on April 22.
You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

<> wrote in message
> You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

"Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life,
Begins US Visit in Seattle"

Seattle, WA. Blue State. Senators from Washington state are Maria Cantwell
(D) and Patty Murray (D).

"Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"

1) Its an embarassment just being a Blue State.

2) See below.

"Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"

"He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located
in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At the age of two the child, who was
named Lhamo Dhondup at that time was recognized as the reincarnation of the
13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso."

He never had a real job, never worked a day in his life.

So I guess its fitting and proper that the fraud, who never had a real job
and never worked a day in his life, would chose a BLUE STATE to begin his
BEGGING in America.

Any questions?
On Apr 11, 9:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

> "Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life,
> Begins US Visit in Seattle"
> Seattle, WA. Blue State. Senators from Washington state are Maria Cantwell
> (D) and Patty Murray (D).
> "Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
> 1) Its an embarassment just being a Blue State.
> 2) See below.
> "Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
> "He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located
> in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At the age of two the child, who was
> named Lhamo Dhondup at that time was recognized as the reincarnation of the
> 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso."
> He never had a real job, never worked a day in his life.
> So I guess its fitting and proper that the fraud, who never had a real job
> and never worked a day in his life, would chose a BLUE STATE to begin his
> BEGGING in America.
> Any questions?

Yeah...and what exactly is the Pope's employment history?
On Apr 11, 8:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

> "Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life,
> Begins US Visit in Seattle"
> Seattle, WA. Blue State. Senators from Washington state are Maria Cantwell
> (D) and Patty Murray (D).
> "Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
> 1) Its an embarassment just being a Blue State.

What is your definition of a "blue" state?

On Apr 11, 4:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Dalai Lama Begins US Visit in Seattle
> Thursday, April 10, 2008
> SEATTLE -- The Dalai Lama arrived in the United States on Thursday for the
> first time since the recent turmoil in Tibet, serenaded by felow Tibetans as
> he prepared to anchor an ambitious conference on compassion.
> The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader came here a day after demonstrators
> disrupted the Olympic torch run in San Francisco in a protest of China's
> treatment of his people. The Dalai Lama will be attending a five-day
> conference that begins Friday.
> With the Dalai Lama in town, some community leaders said they expected
> counter-demonstrations from pro-China groups.
> But all was peaceful when he arrived at a downtown hotel Thursday, telling
> local Tibetans who sang to him that he supports nonviolent demonstrations
> but was saddened by the protests in San Francisco.
> In Tibet, the recent protests against five decades of Chinese rule have been
> the largest and most sustained in almost two decades. China has accused the
> Dalai Lama of being involved in the uprising. The Tibetan leader has said
> that he wants greater autonomy for the remote mountain region but is not
> seeking independence.
> Earlier Thursday, during a stopover in Japan, the Dalai Lama said he has
> always supported China's hosting of the Olympic Games this summer, but said
> Beijing cannot suppress protests in Tibet with violence or tell those
> calling for more freedom in his homeland "to shut up."
> He strongly denied Chinese allegations he and his followers have used the
> run-up to the Olympics to foment unrest.
> "Right from the beginning, we supported the Olympic Games," he told
> reporters near the airport outside Tokyo. "I really feel very sad the
> government demonizes me. I am just a human; I am not a demon."
> Organizers of the five-day Seeds of Compassion conference in Seattle say the
> Dalai Lama's visit is expected to draw more than 150,000 people.
> The Chinese community in Seattle has been split by the Tibetan situation,
> said Assunta Ng, publisher of the Northwest Asian Weekly, a local
> Asian-American community newspaper. Ng said she wouldn't be surprised if
> pro-China demonstrators show up at some of the events, and added that some
> Chinese students plan to protest the politicization of the Olympics.
> The conference will feature dozens of workshops on various subjects,
> beginning with a panel discussion Friday with the Dalai Lama on "The
> Scientific Basis for Compassion: What We Know Now."
> Tickets for events involving the Dalai Lama have already sold out, according
> to the conference Web site.
> Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels will present the key to the city to the Tibetan
> leader and the University of Washington will present him an honorary degree.
> The Dalai Lama fled to India after a failed uprising in 1959 in Tibet, but
> remains the religious and cultural leader of many Tibetans. He was awarded
> the Nobel Peace prize in 1989.
> He was determined to attend the Seattle conference because of his commitment
> to global peace, organizers said.
> "He wants compassion for both sides, for the Tibetans, for the Chinese
> brothers," said Lama Tenzin Dhonden, a Tibetan monk who spearheaded the
> development of the conference.
> After Seattle, the Dalai Lama is scheduled to speak at the University of
> Michigan at Ann Arbor on April 19 and 20, then at Colgate University in
> Hamilton, N.Y., on April 22.

Oh, so now standing up the Chinese is wrong? How long ago were you
hating the Chinese? Bush tells you to like the Chinese and you do.
What a well trained tool you are.
On Apr 11, 9:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Any questions?

No. I didn't think you could come up with sn explaination that made
sense and you didn't let me down.

"Wes Penn" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 11, 9:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

>> "Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life,
>> Begins US Visit in Seattle"
>> Seattle, WA. Blue State. Senators from Washington state are Maria
>> Cantwell
>> (D) and Patty Murray (D).
>> "Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
>> 1) Its an embarassment just being a Blue State.
>> 2) See below.
>> "Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
>> "He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet
>> located
>> in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At the age of two the child, who
>> was
>> named Lhamo Dhondup at that time was recognized as the reincarnation of
>> the
>> 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso."
>> He never had a real job, never worked a day in his life.
>> So I guess its fitting and proper that the fraud, who never had a real
>> job
>> and never worked a day in his life, would chose a BLUE STATE to begin his
>> BEGGING in America.
>> Any questions?

> Yeah...and what exactly is the Pope's employment history?

College professor from 1951 to 1977.


God of Jesus Christ (1978)
Daughter Zion: Meditations on the Church's Marian Belief (1983)
"Schauen auf den Durchborten" - The Theological Basis for a Spiritual
Christology (1984) (English title Behold the Pierced One, Ignatius, 1986)
The Ratzinger Report ISBN 0-89870-080-9 (1985)
Dogma and Preaching (Franciscan Herald, 1985)
Feast of Faith: Approaches to a Theology of the Liturgy (Ignatius, 1986)
Principles of Christian Morality (Ignatius, 1986)
Journey Towards Easter: Retreat Given in the Vatican in the Presence of Pope
John Paul II (1987)
Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology
(Ignatius, 1987)
Eschatology - Death and Eternal Life, Volume 9 in the series: Johann Auer
and Joseph Ratzinger, Dogmatic Theology, ISBN 0-8132-0633-2 (The Catholic
University of American Press, 1988)
Mary: God's Yes to Man : Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter : Mother of the
Redeemer (Ignatius, 1988)
"In the Beginning...": A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and
the Fall (Our Sunday Visitor, 1990)
To Look on Christ: Exercises in Faith, Hope, and Love (Crossroad, 1991)
Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year (Ignatius,
The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood (Ignatius, 1993)
A Turning Point for Europe?: The Church in the Modern World-Assessment and
Forecast (Ignatius, 1994)
The Nature and Mission of Theology: Essays to Orient Theology in Today's
Debates (Ignatius, 1995)
Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today (Ignatius, 1996)
Gospel, Catechesis, Catechism: Sidelights on the Catechism of the Catholic
Church (Ignatius, 1997)
Salt of the Earth: an interview with Peter Seewald ISBN 0-89870-640-8
(Ignatius, 1997)
Catechism of the Catholic Church: Corrigenda (1998)
Ad Tuendam Fidem - to Protect the Faith (1998)
Milestones: Memoirs 1927-1977 (Ignatius, 1998)
Many Religions, One Covenant: Israel, the Church, and the World (1999)
The Spirit of the Liturgy (2000)
Introduction to Christianity, revised ed. (Ignatius, 2004)
God and the World: A Conversation With Peter Seewald (Ignatius, 2002)
God Is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life (Ignatius, 2003)
Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief And World Religions (Ignatius, 2004)
Way of the Cross at the Colosseum on Good Friday 2005, Introduction, and
Meditations and prayers on the 14 Stations of the Cross.
The End of Time?: The Provocation of Talking about God (2005)
Pilgrim Fellowship Of Faith: The Church As Communion (Ignatius, 2005)
On the Way to Jesus Christ (Ignatius, 2005)
God's Revolution (Ignatius, 2006)
Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures (Ignatius, 2006)
Values in a Time of Upheaval (Ignatius, 2006)
God is Love (Deus Caritas Est), First Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI ISBN
1574557580 (2006)
Jesus of Nazareth ISBN 0385523416 (Doubleday, 2007)
The Apostles ISBN 978-1592764051 (Our Sunday Visitor, 2007)

Any questions?
"Johnny Lobster" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 11, 8:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > You are going to have to explain your subject line, if possible.

>> "Blue State Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life,
>> Begins US Visit in Seattle"
>> Seattle, WA. Blue State. Senators from Washington state are Maria
>> Cantwell
>> (D) and Patty Murray (D).
>> "Embarassment - Dalai Lama, Never Worked a Day In His Life"
>> 1) Its an embarassment just being a Blue State.

> What is your definition of a "blue" state?

Since we just had mid-term elections the definition is based on Senators. 2
Dems = BLUE, 2 Republicans = RED, 1 of each = PURPLE.

Beginning In November, (and lasting until the next mid-term election), the
definition is based on the Presidential Election.
<> wrote in message
> On Apr 11, 9:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Any questions?

> No. I didn't think you could come up with sn explaination that made
> sense and you didn't let me down.

Everybody else figured it out fine, what's that say about you?
"This is your brain on Fox News." <> wrote in message
> On Apr 11, 4:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Dalai Lama Begins US Visit in Seattle
>> Thursday, April 10, 2008

> Oh, so now standing up the Chinese is wrong?

Of course not!

> How long ago were you hating the Chinese?

About 50 years ago. I've NEVER liked the Chinks!

> Bush tells you to like the Chinese and you do.

Bush didn't tell me. Have you been drinking lunch again?!

> What a well trained tool you are.

Well, you got that part correct.

Tibet needs an elected non-religious civilian gov't, NOT another version of
an Ayatollah.

China needs to BUTT OUT.
<> wrote in message
On Apr 11, 4:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Dalai Lama Begins US Visit in Seattle
>> Thursday, April 10, 2008

>Cool... Patriot Games now supports chinese genocidal communist Maoists

B u l l s h i t !!
On Apr 11, 10:19 am, wrote:
> On Apr 11, 4:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >

> > Dalai Lama Begins US Visit in Seattle

> > Thursday, April 10, 2008

> > SEATTLE -- The Dalai Lama arrived in the United States on Thursday for the
> > first time since the recent turmoil in Tibet, serenaded by felow Tibetans as
> > he prepared to anchor an ambitious conference on compassion.

> > The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader came here a day after demonstrators
> > disrupted the Olympic torch run in San Francisco in a protest of China's
> > treatment of his people. The Dalai Lama will be attending a five-day
> > conference that begins Friday.

> > With the Dalai Lama in town, some community leaders said they expected
> > counter-demonstrations from pro-China groups.

> Cool... Patriot Games now supports chinese genocidal communist Maoists
> (!!!)

What did you expect? Autocratic controls, no civil rights, business
before's practically a right wing utopia.