Blue State Monsters - Prisoner Kills Cellmate for Stealing Snack Cake


Patriot Games


Prisoner Kills Cellmate for Stealing Snack Cake
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - A man was sentenced to 25 to 65 years in prison
Tuesday for killing a cellmate he suspected of stealing his snack cake.

Benny Rochelle, 19, was convicted of second-degree murder last month for the
November 2006 death of 46-year-old Jose Estrada. Rochelle was in the Kent
County jail on a drug-related charge when prosecutors say he discovered his
Honey Bun snack cake was missing.

He dragged Estrada from the top bunk of his bed, sending him crashing
headfirst onto the concrete floor of their jail cell.

Estrada died two days after leaving jail.