Blue State Pedophile Murderer: MA Bum Charged With Taking Girl, Killing Her


Patriot Games


Massachusetts Homeless Man Charged With Taking Girl, Killing Her
Sunday, August 05, 2007

WEYMOUTH, Mass. - Police charged a man with murdering a 7-year-old girl
taken from a relative's home in the middle of the night after they found her
body in his car early Sunday.

Police said Ryan Bois, 20, took the girl from a Weymouth home after she had
been dropped off for a sleep-over.

Police said they discovered the girl's body in the back seat of Bois' car
after they tried to pull him over at about 1:30 a.m. for driving erratically
in the Washington Street area of Weymouth.

Bois allegedly tried to flee, crashing the car into a taxi near the Quincy
shipyard. Bois took off on foot. The officer gave chase, releasing a police
dog that chased and held Bois until police could take him into custody.

Bois was arrested for motor vehicle charges and for threatening a police
officer with a knife.

Those charges were increased to murder after police said they found the
girl's body in the back seat of his car.

Police did not initially identify the girl, who lived in Weymouth, saying
all family members had not been notified.

Investigators said that Bois, who is homeless, was known to the family.

"We've been given information that there may be some kind of familial
relationship between Bois and the family," said David Traub, a spokesman for
Norfolk County District Attorney William Keating.

Investigator said the girl suffered trauma to the body, but declined to give
a cause of death or discuss any other possible injuries until after an
investigation by the medical examiner's office.

They were also investigating whether the car Bois was driving was stolen
from the family.

Bois was to be arraigned Monday in Quincy District Court.

Shots ring out at GOP fund-raiser
By Elizabeth Dinan
August 06, 2007 6:00 AM

PELHAM - Adam Bungert thought it would be "really cool" to fire 30
rounds through an Uzi because a lot of the video games he plays
simulate firing automatic weapons.

On Sunday, Bungert, vice president of the University of New
Hampshire's student Republican group, did just that at the Manchester
GOP's "machine gun shoot" fund-raiser.

For six hours on Sunday, the Pelham Fish and Game Club hosted the
shoot, where folks selected their weapons of choice from a menu of
machine guns and then, under strict supervision, pulled the triggers.

"I thought it would be more forceful," said Bungert after emptying a
clip of ammunition through an Uzi.

Bungert's father, Ed, and kid brother Zachariah also fired away,
before realizing their cash was going as fast as ammo through a
machine gun. The club charged $10 to park, the GOP charged $25 for a
shooting pass, and the Manchester Firing Lines gun club, which
provided the weapons, charged 75 cents a round.

So the Bungert men, like others, left the shooting range in search of
an ATM, then returned to shoot some more.

Weapons up for supervised grabs included the M-14, HK-33, M-16, a
Thompson, the GP WASR and a Sterling. A line formed for the Browning
Automatic Rifle with a bipod holding up the nose, which amateur
shooters lay prone behind and barely moved the trigger to fire 30-
caliber bullets in rapid downrange succession.

One of 20 "range officers" on hand, for safety and instructional
purposes, said the BAR was a weapon used in World War I, World War II
and in the Korean conflict, as well as one favored by outlaws Bonnie
and Clyde. A 20-round clip took just seconds to fire.

Londonderry state Rep. Al Baldasaro stopped by, but he wasn't
shooting. During 22 years as a Marine, he shot them all, he said. And
he was the lone attendee not wearing hearing protection, explaining
that his years of firing automatics had already damaged his hearing.

"I think it's beautiful to see all these people here today," said
Baldasaro over the rat-ta-tat-tat of automatic gunfire. "We have less
break-ins in our state than other states because there's a gun behind
the door. I taught my wife and kids to shoot."

Manchester GOP committee president Jerry Thibodeau manned the gate at
the outdoor range, with a semiautomatic holstered to his right hip and
an eye on all the cash his committee was taking at the door.

"It's been a steady flow of people," he said. "The Democrats can't do
this because it's against their principles. 'Thank you, Democrats.'"

Representatives for the Ron Paul for President campaign passed
pamphlets citing their candidate as a "friend of the Second

Inside the Fish and Game clubhouse, dealers peddled tables of
firearms, sighting scopes, knives and T-shirts with Second Amendment
messages. Second Amendment attorney Penny Dean was on hand
representing the Pelham club, as well as the Gun Owners of New
Hampshire group, a National Rifle Association affiliate working at the
state level.

Advanced media attention for the machine gun shoot was so far-
reaching, club officials decided at the last minute to ban media
photographers and provide their own sanctioned images from the event.
Club president John Errico said his group feared some media would use
their photos to present an anti-gun message.

Bungert, who wore a UNH Republican Committee T-shirt to the shoot with
the slogan, "The best party on campus," returned with cash to try
something different.

He and his family finished with a bang - the AK-47.
They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.
They cannot, or will not, offer shelter that is toxic fumes free.
They cannot, or will not, send the National Guard to leveled towns in
Kansas. (lack of remaining resources)
They cannot, or will not, catch Osama.
They cannot, and did not, even get Bad guy + nuse + gravity correct...
Execution of Saddam looked so unofficial it makes a wonderful tool for Al
Qieda recruitment.

They cannot, or will not, support getting health care for Americans.
They cannot, or will not, support medical benefits for veterans.
They cannot, or will not, tell the truth about Pat Tilman.
They cannot, or will not, go under oath.

BUT they can promote trigger pulling.
I think it is because under their leadership it shall be the last hope of
job occupation for our future generations.

In 2004 when everyone was chanting "4 more years", I was chanting "War for

I'd prefer better qualifications of Americans helping Americans, that
includes spending our tax revenue here.

NeoCons are fools who's effectiveness cannot even sustain an erect bridge.

I think NeoCons are put on this planet to prove that Greed will absolutely
defeat Human's capability of building adequate shelter.
What a detriment to the human species.

"Tom Sr." <> wrote in message
> Shots ring out at GOP fund-raiser
> By Elizabeth Dinan
> August 06, 2007 6:00 AM
> PELHAM - Adam Bungert thought it would be "really cool" to fire 30
> rounds through an Uzi because a lot of the video games he plays
> simulate firing automatic weapons.
> On Sunday, Bungert, vice president of the University of New
> Hampshire's student Republican group, did just that at the Manchester
> GOP's "machine gun shoot" fund-raiser.
> For six hours on Sunday, the Pelham Fish and Game Club hosted the
> shoot, where folks selected their weapons of choice from a menu of
> machine guns and then, under strict supervision, pulled the triggers.
> "I thought it would be more forceful," said Bungert after emptying a
> clip of ammunition through an Uzi.
> Bungert's father, Ed, and kid brother Zachariah also fired away,
> before realizing their cash was going as fast as ammo through a
> machine gun. The club charged $10 to park, the GOP charged $25 for a
> shooting pass, and the Manchester Firing Lines gun club, which
> provided the weapons, charged 75 cents a round.
> So the Bungert men, like others, left the shooting range in search of
> an ATM, then returned to shoot some more.
> Weapons up for supervised grabs included the M-14, HK-33, M-16, a
> Thompson, the GP WASR and a Sterling. A line formed for the Browning
> Automatic Rifle with a bipod holding up the nose, which amateur
> shooters lay prone behind and barely moved the trigger to fire 30-
> caliber bullets in rapid downrange succession.
> One of 20 "range officers" on hand, for safety and instructional
> purposes, said the BAR was a weapon used in World War I, World War II
> and in the Korean conflict, as well as one favored by outlaws Bonnie
> and Clyde. A 20-round clip took just seconds to fire.
> Londonderry state Rep. Al Baldasaro stopped by, but he wasn't
> shooting. During 22 years as a Marine, he shot them all, he said. And
> he was the lone attendee not wearing hearing protection, explaining
> that his years of firing automatics had already damaged his hearing.
> "I think it's beautiful to see all these people here today," said
> Baldasaro over the rat-ta-tat-tat of automatic gunfire. "We have less
> break-ins in our state than other states because there's a gun behind
> the door. I taught my wife and kids to shoot."
> Manchester GOP committee president Jerry Thibodeau manned the gate at
> the outdoor range, with a semiautomatic holstered to his right hip and
> an eye on all the cash his committee was taking at the door.
> "It's been a steady flow of people," he said. "The Democrats can't do
> this because it's against their principles. 'Thank you, Democrats.'"
> Representatives for the Ron Paul for President campaign passed
> pamphlets citing their candidate as a "friend of the Second
> Amendment."
> Inside the Fish and Game clubhouse, dealers peddled tables of
> firearms, sighting scopes, knives and T-shirts with Second Amendment
> messages. Second Amendment attorney Penny Dean was on hand
> representing the Pelham club, as well as the Gun Owners of New
> Hampshire group, a National Rifle Association affiliate working at the
> state level.
> Advanced media attention for the machine gun shoot was so far-
> reaching, club officials decided at the last minute to ban media
> photographers and provide their own sanctioned images from the event.
> Club president John Errico said his group feared some media would use
> their photos to present an anti-gun message.
> Bungert, who wore a UNH Republican Committee T-shirt to the shoot with
> the slogan, "The best party on campus," returned with cash to try
> something different.
> He and his family finished with a bang - the AK-47.
"owl" <> wrote in message
> They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.

They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility. Then
the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million

> They cannot, or will not, offer shelter that is toxic fumes free.

Know idea what that means.

> They cannot, or will not, send the National Guard to leveled towns in
> Kansas. (lack of remaining resources)

That is the responsibility of the Governor of Kansas. Its starting to look
like you have absolutely no idea how things work in America.

> They cannot, or will not, catch Osama.

Cannot. Yet.

> They cannot, and did not, even get Bad guy + nuse + gravity correct...
> Execution of Saddam looked so unofficial it makes a wonderful tool for Al
> Qieda recruitment.

Dead is dead.

> They cannot, or will not, support getting health care for Americans.

Health care is each person's responsibility, unless you're a minor in which
case its your parent's or guardian's responsibility.

> They cannot, or will not, support medical benefits for veterans.

They already were. They still are. They recently drastically increased
funding for that.

> They cannot, or will not, tell the truth about Pat Tilman.

They already did.

> They cannot, or will not, go under oath.

Not in front of witch-hunting Socialist Democrats. I wouldn't either.

> BUT they can promote trigger pulling.

Whatever that means.

> In 2004 when everyone was chanting "4 more years", I was chanting "War for
> years"

Perhaps that's because you hate America and are a limp coward?

> I'd prefer better qualifications of Americans helping Americans, that
> includes spending our tax revenue here.

Yes, I agree, it would have been quite a different world if Clinton had done
his job and squashed Al Qaeda and rid Afghanistan of the Taliban.

> NeoCons are fools who's effectiveness cannot even sustain an erect bridge.

That is the responsibility of the legislature of the State.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.

> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility. Then
> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million
> unclaimed.

So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy around
their house.

Our broad scale response is weakened because we blow all our resources in
Don't know how you fail to understand this. It's profound.

> > They cannot, or will not, offer shelter that is toxic fumes free.

> Know idea what that means.

Shelters provided by FEMA were causing respiratory injury to the Katrina

> > They cannot, or will not, send the National Guard to leveled towns in
> > Kansas. (lack of remaining resources)

> That is the responsibility of the Governor of Kansas. Its starting to

> like you have absolutely no idea how things work in America.

According to you they should work just like Saudi Arabia. Royalty and
peasants... nothing in between.

Request was issued. Resources were again, depleted because the GOP felt it
necessary to hand all the tax revenue to Halliburton who is now fleeing the
It's too bad you don't care about the waste of your tax dollars.

> > They cannot, or will not, catch Osama.

> Cannot. Yet.

Stopped trying. President's quote "I don't now where he is, nor do I spend
much time thinking about it."

> > They cannot, and did not, even get Bad guy + nuse + gravity correct...
> > Execution of Saddam looked so unofficial it makes a wonderful tool for

> > Qieda recruitment.

> Dead is dead.

Yes and execution for his crime should have been carried out in the manner
of a country that has laws, because countries without laws are breeding
grounds for terrorism.

> > They cannot, or will not, support getting health care for Americans.

> Health care is each person's responsibility, unless you're a minor in

> case its your parent's or guardian's responsibility.

Yes and we are on track for becoming the worst in the world in health care
for our citizens.

> > They cannot, or will not, support medical benefits for veterans.

> They already were. They still are. They recently drastically increased
> funding for that.

Who recently increased funding ? Show me the URL.

Here's my example.

> > They cannot, or will not, tell the truth about Pat Tilman.

> They already did.

Really which time. When they claimed it was enemy fire.
Tell me were the demotions for a cover up ?

> > They cannot, or will not, go under oath.

> Not in front of witch-hunting Socialist Democrats. I wouldn't either.

There there you are demonstrating your extreme bias. Do you think any
deviation from fascism to be Socialism.

Is spending ANY tax revenue here in this country Socialism ?

> > BUT they can promote trigger pulling.

> Whatever that means.
> > In 2004 when everyone was chanting "4 more years", I was chanting "War

> > years"

> Perhaps that's because you hate America and are a limp coward?

Say it from Baghdad CHICKENHAWK.

I love America more than you do in that I believe in the constitution, and
our forefathers did not intend the United States to police the world.
You aren't angry about the wire taping, or this latest bullshit executive
order. The commander in cheerleading lacks the faculties to be the dictator
he drools over becoming.

Lots of money to be made paying defense contractors and post war
reconstruction companies. Just Ask Randy Duke Cunningham. Or better yet,

> > I'd prefer better qualifications of Americans helping Americans, that
> > includes spending our tax revenue here.

> Yes, I agree, it would have been quite a different world if Clinton had

> his job and squashed Al Qaeda and rid Afghanistan of the Taliban.

Proof you will never hold Bush accountable for anything. What's your fiscal
benefit of his administration ?
Clinton hasn't been in office since 2000 and still you blame him.
Who originally Armed Osama ?

> > NeoCons are fools who's effectiveness cannot even sustain an erect

> That is the responsibility of the legislature of the State.

The Highway system is federal, and it is extremely rare the construction, or
repair of a freeway bridge, wouldn't involve federal money.

It's too bad you relish our selling out and neglect. How is that lining
your pocket ?

"owl" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46b760b2$0$12248$
>> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.

>> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility. Then
>> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million
>> unclaimed.

> So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy around
> their house.

The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The City/State
make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New Orleans spent
Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.

> Our broad scale response is weakened because we blow all our resources in
> Iraq. Don't know how you fail to understand this. It's profound.

That's life. The gov't lives on a budget. We don't have unlimited money.

>> > They cannot, or will not, offer shelter that is toxic fumes free.

>> Know idea what that means.

> Shelters provided by FEMA were causing respiratory injury to the Katrina
> Victims.

Nobody is forcing them to stay there.

>> > They cannot, or will not, send the National Guard to leveled towns in
>> > Kansas. (lack of remaining resources)

>> That is the responsibility of the Governor of Kansas. Its starting to

> look
>> like you have absolutely no idea how things work in America.

> According to you they should work just like Saudi Arabia. Royalty and
> peasants... nothing in between.

You sound like a fool, or maybe a teenager.

Learn how things work before you pop off in public and be seen as an idiot.

> Request was issued. Resources were again, depleted because the GOP felt
> it
> necessary to hand all the tax revenue to Halliburton who is now fleeing
> the
> country.
> It's too bad you don't care about the waste of your tax dollars.

You're wrong. Nothing requested by Kansas was withheld.

>> > They cannot, or will not, catch Osama.

>> Cannot. Yet.

> Stopped trying. President's quote "I don't now where he is, nor do I
> spend
> much time thinking about it."


>> > They cannot, or will not, support getting health care for Americans.

>> Health care is each person's responsibility, unless you're a minor in
>> which case its your parent's or guardian's responsibility.

> Yes and we are on track for becoming the worst in the world in health care
> for our citizens.

Not even close.

>> > They cannot, or will not, support medical benefits for veterans.

>> They already were. They still are. They recently drastically increased
>> funding for that.

> Who recently increased funding ? Show me the URL.
> Here's my example.

You cite is more than two year sold. What's wrong with you?

"The administration has proposed charging some veterans a $250 annual fee
for access to medical services provided by the Veterans Administration and
more than doubling the copayment for prescription drugs from $7 to $15. The
new fees would apply to single veterans making more than $26,000 annually
and married veterans making about $30,000 annually."

Since when will $250 break anybody? Since when will an $8 co-pay increase
break anybody?

And that was a PROPOSED change. Did you follow through to see if it went
into affect?

"In addition, the Bush administration budget would significantly reduce
federal support for state-operated veterans homes..."

State-operated. Did you miss that? NOT Federal, state-operated.

Here's a RECENT example:

>> > They cannot, or will not, tell the truth about Pat Tilman.

>> They already did.

> Really which time. When they claimed it was enemy fire.

The most recent time.

> Tell me were the demotions for a cover up ?

They didn't use the words "cover up" but its the same thing.

>> > They cannot, or will not, go under oath.

>> Not in front of witch-hunting Socialist Democrats. I wouldn't either.

> There there you are demonstrating your extreme bias. Do you think any
> deviation from fascism to be Socialism.

The only facism in America is perpetrated by the Socialist Democrats.

> Is spending ANY tax revenue here in this country Socialism ?

What taxes are you talking about? Do you even know the difference? Do you
know the difference between city, county, state and federal tax revenue?

>> Perhaps that's because you hate America and are a limp coward?

> Say it from Baghdad CHICKENHAWK.

I already did my military service. You?

>> > I'd prefer better qualifications of Americans helping Americans, that
>> > includes spending our tax revenue here.

>> Yes, I agree, it would have been quite a different world if Clinton had

> done
>> his job and squashed Al Qaeda and rid Afghanistan of the Taliban.

> Proof you will never hold Bush accountable for anything.

Only for HIS screw-ups. If Bush hasn't got Osama when his term ends it
willbe HIS screw-up.

> What's your fiscal benefit of his administration ?


> Clinton hasn't been in office since 2000 and still you blame him.

He had seven years and 14 failed attempts and failed to get Osama. Those
are the facts.

> Who originally Armed Osama ?

We did. He wasn't an enemy then. Did you forget that?

>> > NeoCons are fools who's effectiveness cannot even sustain an erect

> bridge.
>> That is the responsibility of the legislature of the State.

> The Highway system is federal, and it is extremely rare the construction,
> or
> repair of a freeway bridge, wouldn't involve federal money.

The highway system WAS Federal. For decades it has been a shared
responsibility. The Feds provide most of the money and the States provide
all the decisionmaking.

> It's too bad you relish our selling out and neglect. How is that lining
> your pocket ?

You really should learn how things actually work before complaining about
how you think they should work.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.
> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility.

> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million
> >> unclaimed.

> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy

> > their house.

> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The City/State
> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New Orleans

> Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.

Show me evidence of that.
Why were you not offended when the president LIED stating "we had no way of
knowing the levy would break"
While dated footage showed him discussing that very topic.

> > Our broad scale response is weakened because we blow all our resources

> > Iraq. Don't know how you fail to understand this. It's profound.

> That's life. The gov't lives on a budget. We don't have unlimited money.

That proves my point. We spend the money over there (Iraq) so we crumble

> >> > They cannot, or will not, offer shelter that is toxic fumes free.
> >> Know idea what that means.

> > Shelters provided by FEMA were causing respiratory injury to the Katrina
> > Victims.

> Nobody is forcing them to stay there.

You are an idiot. They didn't Choose to live there. The have no
It is supposed to be shelter, not poison. Shame on you what compitence do
you expect ?

> >> > They cannot, or will not, send the National Guard to leveled towns in

> >> > Kansas. (lack of remaining resources)
> >> That is the responsibility of the Governor of Kansas. Its starting to

> > look
> >> like you have absolutely no idea how things work in America.

> > According to you they should work just like Saudi Arabia. Royalty and
> > peasants... nothing in between.

> You sound like a fool, or maybe a teenager.

Wow you could say that in any context. You cannot engage, you cannot
Most teenager can respond better than you.

> Learn how things work before you pop off in public and be seen as an


That statement cost you nothing too. I bet I could train a 5 year old to
say it too.
Failure to engage.

> > Request was issued. Resources were again, depleted because the GOP felt
> > it
> > necessary to hand all the tax revenue to Halliburton who is now fleeing
> > the
> > country.
> > It's too bad you don't care about the waste of your tax dollars.

> You're wrong. Nothing requested by Kansas was withheld.

Right I said Request was issued. Resources were again, depleted.

Witheld is your offered strawman. I'm not falling for it.

> >> > They cannot, or will not, catch Osama.
> >> Cannot. Yet.

> > Stopped trying. President's quote "I don't now where he is, nor do I
> > spend
> > much time thinking about it."

> Irrelevant.

Ok you proved you can type Irrelevant but lack a grasp of the words meaning.
AS IN: The news group participant, "Patriot Games" posted a single word
responce that was "irrelevant"

> >> > They cannot, or will not, support getting health care for Americans.
> >> Health care is each person's responsibility, unless you're a minor in
> >> which case its your parent's or guardian's responsibility.

> > Yes and we are on track for becoming the worst in the world in health

> > for our citizens.

> Not even close.

Then he graduated to a whole 3 word responce.

> >> > They cannot, or will not, support medical benefits for veterans.
> >> They already were. They still are. They recently drastically

> >> funding for that.

> > Who recently increased funding ? Show me the URL.
> > Here's my example.
> >
> You cite is more than two year sold. What's wrong with you?

Ok so you have enticed my curiosity.. do you have a more recent example ?

> "The administration has proposed charging some veterans a $250 annual fee
> for access to medical services provided by the Veterans Administration and
> more than doubling the copayment for prescription drugs from $7 to $15.

> new fees would apply to single veterans making more than $26,000 annually
> and married veterans making about $30,000 annually."
> Since when will $250 break anybody? Since when will an $8 co-pay increase
> break anybody?

Not the point. The point is it goes in the wrong direction. Highly
insulting considering what a precious resource veterans have been.
This is a failure to support the troops.

> And that was a PROPOSED change. Did you follow through to see if it went
> into affect?

Shows intent that is what I am refering to.

> "In addition, the Bush administration budget would significantly reduce
> federal support for state-operated veterans homes..."

> State-operated. Did you miss that? NOT Federal, state-operated.


> Here's a RECENT example:

So explain the relivance here ! Sure your example is more recent BUT

It is an example of:
"Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson pledged Monday to add mental
health services at more than 100 VA medical centers to fight resistance to
seeking help for depression and other illnesses."

1. This occured after the embarrasment of Walter Reed Medical Center

2. You are foolishly comparing the pledge of the Vetrans Affairs Secretary
with the Bush Administration Budget Proposal.
Your comparison is poor and irrelevant.

3. Remember in my last post I commented on your bias. You are now quoting Very predictable. What's next, quotes from Rush Limbaugh, Ann
Coulter, and Michael Savage ?

> >> > They cannot, or will not, tell the truth about Pat Tilman.
> >> They already did.

> > Really which time. When they claimed it was enemy fire.

> The most recent time.

This would prove the truth only comes out of them with continued oversight.
Yes they need to be watched. Lives depend on establishing the checks and
balances they have vigorously removed.

> > Tell me were the demotions for a cover up ?

> They didn't use the words "cover up" but its the same thing.

Pesky words.

> >> > They cannot, or will not, go under oath.
> >> Not in front of witch-hunting Socialist Democrats. I wouldn't either.

> > There there you are demonstrating your extreme bias. Do you think any
> > deviation from fascism to be Socialism.

> The only facism in America is perpetrated by the Socialist Democrats.

Here's where you really demonstrate your lack of knowlege. Fascism and
Socailism are on OPPOSITE ENDS of the scale. What is wrong with you ?

> > Is spending ANY tax revenue here in this country Socialism ?

> What taxes are you talking about? Do you even know the difference? Do

> know the difference between city, county, state and federal tax revenue?

Yes of course and large city projects like levies and bridges almost always
are supported by federal budget money.
Aren't you aware the largest reason for this is scale, and our greater
percent taxpayer contribution is to the FED.

So, if the FED finds only unproductive things to blow all the money on.
Like a cokehead president would spend on blow....
This invasion of Iraq created a region in the middle east that supports
terrorism far better then before our offensive.
This also means it is a distraction from the War on Terror. It also has one
beneficiary, defense contractors and Halliburton.

> >> Perhaps that's because you hate America and are a limp coward?

> > Say it from Baghdad CHICKENHAWK.

> I already did my military service. You?

Wasn't accepted due to medical condition. I think you should stand stronger
for your brothers.

> >> > I'd prefer better qualifications of Americans helping Americans, that
> >> > includes spending our tax revenue here.
> >> Yes, I agree, it would have been quite a different world if Clinton had

> > done
> >> his job and squashed Al Qaeda and rid Afghanistan of the Taliban.

> > Proof you will never hold Bush accountable for anything.

> Only for HIS screw-ups. If Bush hasn't got Osama when his term ends it
> willbe HIS screw-up.

Well He is at 0 for a lot of spent money and lives.

> > What's your fiscal benefit of his administration ?

> None.
> > Clinton hasn't been in office since 2000 and still you blame him.

> He had seven years and 14 failed attempts and failed to get Osama. Those
> are the facts.

And yet above you state Bush's quote is irrelevant.

> > Stopped trying. President's quote "I don't now where he is, nor do I
> > spend
> > much time thinking about it."

> > Who originally Armed Osama ?

> We did. He wasn't an enemy then. Did you forget that?

Regan did. We have a history of foreign involvement that cause future
Some say terrorism is the new war justification machine now communism has

> >> > NeoCons are fools who's effectiveness cannot even sustain an erect

> > bridge.
> >> That is the responsibility of the legislature of the State.

> > The Highway system is federal, and it is extremely rare the

> > or
> > repair of a freeway bridge, wouldn't involve federal money.

> The highway system WAS Federal. For decades it has been a shared
> responsibility. The Feds provide most of the money and the States provide
> all the decisionmaking.

The part you are leaving out is the Feds may not approve the funding.

> > It's too bad you relish our selling out and neglect. How is that lining
> > your pocket ?

> You really should learn how things actually work before complaining about
> how you think they should work.

You assume I don't know because my observations don't fit your agenda.
"owl" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46b88457$0$28634$
>> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
>> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.
>> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility.

> Then
>> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million
>> >> unclaimed.
>> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy

> around
>> > their house.

>> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The City/State
>> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New Orleans
>> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.

> Show me evidence of that.

Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know nothing

Here's a primer:

"Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the area,
including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of a major

"There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used by
meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet above sea
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> > news:46b88457$0$28634$
> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New Orleans.
> >> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility.

> > Then
> >> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200 million
> >> >> unclaimed.
> >> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy

> > around
> >> > their house.
> >> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The

> >> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New Orleans
> >> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.

> > Show me evidence of that.

> Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know

> about?
> Here's a primer:
> "Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the area,
> including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of a

> storm."
> "There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
> Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used by
> meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet above sea
> level
"owl" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46ba0e4f$0$29630$
>> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> > news:46b88457$0$28634$
>> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> >> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
>> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >> >>
>> >> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New
>> >> >> > Orleans.
>> >> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's responsibility.
>> > Then
>> >> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200
>> >> >> million
>> >> >> unclaimed.
>> >> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy
>> > around
>> >> > their house.
>> >> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The

> City/State
>> >> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New Orleans
>> >> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.
>> > Show me evidence of that.

>> Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know

> nothing
>> about?
>> Here's a primer:
>> "Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the area,
>> including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of a

> major
>> storm."
>> "There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
>> Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used by
>> meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet above
>> sea
>> level
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> > news:46ba0e4f$0$29630$
> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:46b88457$0$28634$
> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> >> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
> >> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New
> >> >> >> > Orleans.
> >> >> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's

> >> > Then
> >> >> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200
> >> >> >> million
> >> >> >> unclaimed.
> >> >> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a levy
> >> > around
> >> >> > their house.
> >> >> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The

> > City/State
> >> >> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New

> >> >> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER projects.
> >> > Show me evidence of that.
> >> Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know

> > nothing
> >> about?
> >> Here's a primer:
> >> "Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the area,
> >> including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of a

> > major
> >> storm."
> >>
> >> "There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
> >> Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used by
> >> meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet above
> >> sea
> >> level
"owl" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46bb11d0$0$16581$
>> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> > news:46ba0e4f$0$29630$
>> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> >> > news:46b88457$0$28634$
>> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >> >>
>> >> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> >> >> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
>> >> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New
>> >> >> >> > Orleans.
>> >> >> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's

> responsibility.
>> >> > Then
>> >> >> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200
>> >> >> >> million
>> >> >> >> unclaimed.
>> >> >> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a
>> >> >> > levy
>> >> > around
>> >> >> > their house.
>> >> >> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The
>> > City/State
>> >> >> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New

> Orleans
>> >> >> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER
>> >> >> projects.
>> >> > Show me evidence of that.
>> >> Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know
>> > nothing
>> >> about?
>> >> Here's a primer:
>> >> "Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the area,
>> >> including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of a
>> > major
>> >> storm."
>> >>
>> >> "There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
>> >> Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used by
>> >> meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet above
>> >> sea
>> >> level
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> > news:46bb11d0$0$16581$
> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:46ba0e4f$0$29630$
> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> >> > news:46b88457$0$28634$
> >> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >> > news:46b760b2$0$12248$
> >> >> >> >> "owl" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >> > They cannot, or will not, support Americans dieing in New
> >> >> >> >> > Orleans.
> >> >> >> >> They are their own responsibility. Then the City's

> > responsibility.
> >> >> > Then
> >> >> >> >> the State's responsibility. The Federal Gov't STILL has $200
> >> >> >> >> million
> >> >> >> >> unclaimed.
> >> >> >> > So in your world each individual shall be required to build a
> >> >> >> > levy
> >> >> > around
> >> >> >> > their house.
> >> >> >> The Feds provide the money to build/rebuild those levees. The
> >> > City/State
> >> >> >> make the decisions how, when, and by whom. In years past New

> > Orleans
> >> >> >> spent Federal taxpayer money earmarked for levees on OTHER
> >> >> >> projects.
> >> >> > Show me evidence of that.
> >> >> Why are you attempting to discuss something that you evidently know
> >> > nothing
> >> >> about?
> >> >> Here's a primer:
> >> >> "Emergency officials concede that many of the structures in the

> >> >> including newer high-rise buildings, would not survive the winds of

> >> > major
> >> >> storm."
> >> >>
> >> >> "There currently is no defense against a surge from a major storm, a
> >> >> Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale used

> >> >> meteorologists. Such storms can generate surges of 20 to 30 feet

> >> >> sea
> >> >> level
"owl" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46bc8233$0$30684$
>> The more important question is who would Jesus' FATHER bomb?

> So you are a Christian against Christ then, Aryan !

You're a fool.

>> But you aren't a Christian so that shouldn't concern you.

> I'm not the one discounting Jesus YOU ARE !

I don't discount Jesus, but I think His Dad is quite relevant.

>> > How would Jesus want you to hate other races Aryan?

>> You aren't a Christian so that shouldn't concern you.

> Aryans operating on hate, and worshiping war are NO authority on
> Christianity because they defy the teachings of Christ.

How would you know?

>> You FAILED to PROVE that she did not get everything she asked for.

> Did you PROVE she did get EVERYTHING, Aryan Pseudo-Christian against
> Christ
> ?

Yes, I did.

>> YOU have provided NO service to your country in ANY form. Just because
>> you're a ****** doesn't mean you have to wait for a special invitation.

> What war were you in Aryan?

Vietnam. Eight years.

> Your Aryan agenda has no place in this country.

Actually, its YOU who has not earned the right to be here.

> I am white...

No chance...

> have attached earlobes, blue eyes, and blond-to light brown
> hair. I could be you. I resemble the super race.

Wishing you were doesn't make it so.

> What color is your hair, and what color are your eyes.
> You could never be me.

Born white. You're correct, I could never be you.

>> The quote "the army you want" DOES NOT appear in your cite. Are you

> That is Rumsfield's quote. It's common knowledge.

You lied.

> So when you lack common knowledge, you respond accusing others of Lying,
> Aryan idiot.
> I got this just googling "the army you want"

"As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you
want," Rumsfeld said.


You're dismissed.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "owl" <> wrote in message
> > "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> > news:46bc8233$0$30684$
> >> The more important question is who would Jesus' FATHER bomb?

> > So you are a Christian against Christ then, Aryan !

> You're a fool.
> >> But you aren't a Christian so that shouldn't concern you.

> > I'm not the one discounting Jesus YOU ARE !

> I don't discount Jesus, but I think His Dad is quite relevant.

You don't only discount Jesus, you defy him. Show me Jesus' endorsement of

> >> > How would Jesus want you to hate other races Aryan?
> >> You aren't a Christian so that shouldn't concern you.

> > Aryans operating on hate, and worshiping war are NO authority on
> > Christianity because they defy the teachings of Christ.

> How would you know?

Easy, because Jesus didn't teach racism. He didn't teach hate either.

> >> You FAILED to PROVE that she did not get everything she asked for.

> > Did you PROVE she did get EVERYTHING, Aryan Pseudo-Christian against
> > Christ
> > ?

> Yes, I did.

Not when you offered a quote of someone else from an entirely different

> >> YOU have provided NO service to your country in ANY form. Just because
> >> you're a ****** doesn't mean you have to wait for a special invitation.

> > What war were you in Aryan?

> Vietnam. Eight years.

Really so did you fight along side of minorities in that war.
Did you hate minorities even when they were fighting with you ?
So tell me how Vietnam was a useless war and a waste of our soldiers and
some Iraq is noble ?

> > Your Aryan agenda has no place in this country.

> Actually, its YOU who has not earned the right to be here.

Total BULLSHIT I am just as much as a citizen as you are, and your Veteran
status doesn't excuse
your anti-American Aryan Agenda.
You don't support the constitution which is what soldiers and patriots fight

> > I am white...

> No chance...

So you are like Bill Frist. Just as he conducts a neurological diagnosis of
Terry Shiavo via watching a VIDEOTAPE,
You presume to know my heritage by reading my text.
Does your dog talk to you too. Does it tell you to kill ?

> > have attached earlobes, blue eyes, and blond-to light brown
> > hair. I could be you. I resemble the super race.

> Wishing you were doesn't make it so.

Now your delusions will include you declaring you know what race I am.
Ever notice you will dictates outcomes that suit your agenda.
Other people are more interested in the FACTS rather than your will and

> > What color is your hair, and what color are your eyes.
> > You could never be me.

> Born white. You're correct, I could never be you.
> >> The quote "the army you want" DOES NOT appear in your cite. Are you

> > LYING?
> > That is Rumsfield's quote. It's common knowledge.

> You lied.

Nope provided a quote but I can see now you defy that which doesn't support
your agenda.
Including that Christianity should mean you should follow Christ instead of
defying him.

> > So when you lack common knowledge, you respond accusing others of Lying,
> > Aryan idiot.
> >
> > I got this just googling "the army you want"

> "As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army

> want," Rumsfeld said.

Yes and Rumsfield had from his appointment to BUILD the "army you want"
because his agenda has been known from the signed document.
This PROVES he was un-willing to prepare the soldiers with adequate armament

> Yes, YOU LIED.

Nope I proved the secretary of defense, having intent to invade Iraq SINCE
1998, was unwilling to prepare your brothers in arms for his preferred war
in Iraq.

This PROVES Rumsfield made decisions to cut costs that DIRECTLY resulted in
a greater number of US soldier casualties.

The NeoCons who always wanted to invade Iraq even cut taxes for the Rich
(estate tax, dividends tax), WHILE these taxes were needed for the Iraq War

This means the profits of the rich are more important to them than US
soldiers lives.

And by no coincidence Bush Quote "sometimes profit trumps peace".

YOU will never have a shred of Christianity until you stand for your
brothers in arms and you fight against the BUSH administration who treats
soldiers as worthless cannon fodder.

> You're dismissed.

Your are dishonorably deported anti-American Aryan.

On Aug 10, 11:20 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> You aren't a Christian so that shouldn't concern you.

The fact you are a hypocritical Christian is what concerns us, as it

You're a disgrace to Jesus.

-Tom Sr.
On Aug 12, 12:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Yes, YOU LIED.

Anytime Patriot Games says "YOU LIED" and quickly ends the argument,
it means the other person has won.

I know because he is so ****ing scared of me, I was the very first
person he killfiled.

-Tom Sr.