Blue State Pedophiles: Accused Child Molester Fails To Make Court Appearance


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Accused Child Molester Fails To Make Court Appearance

A 73-year-old accused of sexually abusing young girls and possessing child
pornography failed to show up for his court appearance in New London
Tuesday, prompting a judge to issue a warrant for his re-arrest.

Robert J. Sharp of 202 Westwood Park, Norwich, is a former Bible study
teacher and cab driver who has told police he has "a sickness in his head."
He is charged with first-degree sexual assault, fourth-degree sexual
assault, three counts of risk of injury to a minor, disorderly conduct and
possession of child pornography.

Sharp had been free on $275,000 bond. On Monday, when he failed to appear in
court, Judge Susan B. Handy called his existing bonds and set a new bond of
$610,000, cash or surety. A review of his court record shows he has a
history of sex crimes against children dating back to 1985.

In the most recent case, Sharp was charged last month with groping a girl
who was in his Bible study class beginning when the girl was 5 or 6 years
old. The girl disclosed the assaults to her pastor, who then contacted the
Department of Children and Families. A DCF social worker contacted Norwich
police, who interviewed the victim and prepared an arrest warrant. The girl,
now 14, said Sharp molested her over a period of several years, saying,
"This is our little secret" and "I love you."

They were both members of Biblical Ministries of Connecticut, an alternative
church group that met in Norwich's Mohegan Park during warm months and in a
leader's apartment in New London when it was cold. In September, Sharp
admitted to police that his "screwed-up mind" became attracted to the girl
and that he had started touching her inappropriately when she was 6 or 7. He
said the girl was curious and that he assumed she wanted him to touch her.
Sharp left the fellowship three or four years ago.

During his interview with police, Sharp said that in the 1980s he had been
the leader of a Groton fellowship and had volunteered to travel the country,
"spreading the fellowship word." He said that he had been caught
inappropriately touching a 4- or 5-year-old child in 1985 or 1986 while
stationed in Tucson, Ariz.

Another court file indicates that New London police charged Sharp with risk
of injury to a minor and disorderly conduct in September 2004 after a
9-year-old girl disclosed that Sharp, while working as a driver for Curtin
Livery Service, had touched her inappropriately while driving her to
appointments. Sharp applied for accelerated rehabilitation, a program that
enables first-time offenders to clear their record if they comply with a
probationary period. The case remains open, a likely indication that Sharp
did not successfully complete the probation.

In June, New London police had charged Sharp with possession of child
pornography. While investigating a complaint that Sharp had groped a young
girl whom he transported regularly in New London, police asked Sharp if he
had any pornographic material at his home. Sharp responded that he had "some
videotapes of females doing nasty stuff" and e-mails of nude 13-year-olds.
Police seized his computer and performed a forensic examination, finding 246
files containing images of pre-pubescent children, according to a his court

Accused Child Molester Fails To Make Court Appearance

A 73-year-old accused of sexually abusing young girls and possessing child
pornography failed to show up for his court appearance in New London
Tuesday, prompting a judge to issue a warrant for his re-arrest.

Robert J. Sharp of 202 Westwood Park, Norwich, is a former Bible study
teacher and cab driver who has told police he has "a sickness in his head."
He is charged with first-degree sexual assault, fourth-degree sexual
assault, three counts of risk of injury to a minor, disorderly conduct and
possession of child pornography.

Sharp had been free on $275,000 bond. On Monday, when he failed to appear in
court, Judge Susan B. Handy called his existing bonds and set a new bond of
$610,000, cash or surety. A review of his court record shows he has a
history of sex crimes against children dating back to 1985.

In the most recent case, Sharp was charged last month with groping a girl
who was in his Bible study class beginning when the girl was 5 or 6 years
old. The girl disclosed the assaults to her pastor, who then contacted the
Department of Children and Families. A DCF social worker contacted Norwich
police, who interviewed the victim and prepared an arrest warrant. The girl,
now 14, said Sharp molested her over a period of several years, saying,
"This is our little secret" and "I love you."

They were both members of Biblical Ministries of Connecticut, an alternative
church group that met in Norwich's Mohegan Park during warm months and in a
leader's apartment in New London when it was cold. In September, Sharp
admitted to police that his "screwed-up mind" became attracted to the girl
and that he had started touching her inappropriately when she was 6 or 7. He
said the girl was curious and that he assumed she wanted him to touch her.
Sharp left the fellowship three or four years ago.

During his interview with police, Sharp said that in the 1980s he had been
the leader of a Groton fellowship and had volunteered to travel the country,
"spreading the fellowship word." He said that he had been caught
inappropriately touching a 4- or 5-year-old child in 1985 or 1986 while
stationed in Tucson, Ariz.

Another court file indicates that New London police charged Sharp with risk
of injury to a minor and disorderly conduct in September 2004 after a
9-year-old girl disclosed that Sharp, while working as a driver for Curtin
Livery Service, had touched her inappropriately while driving her to
appointments. Sharp applied for accelerated rehabilitation, a program that
enables first-time offenders to clear their record if they comply with a
probationary period. The case remains open, a likely indication that Sharp
did not successfully complete the probation.

In June, New London police had charged Sharp with possession of child
pornography. While investigating a complaint that Sharp had groped a young
girl whom he transported regularly in New London, police asked Sharp if he
had any pornographic material at his home. Sharp responded that he had "some
videotapes of females doing nasty stuff" and e-mails of nude 13-year-olds.
Police seized his computer and performed a forensic examination, finding 246
files containing images of pre-pubescent children, according to a his court