Blue State Pedophiles - NY DJ Accused of Sharing Child Porn Instructional Video


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N.Y. DJ Accused of Sharing Child Porn Instructional Video
Friday, April 18, 2008

NEW YORK - A New York disc jockey has been accused of sharing an
instructional video showing how to sexually abuse children.

The case was referred to the Queens district attorney's office by police in
Illinois who said they found two child porn videos in an Internet
file-sharing program the DJ was using in February.

Police say one video shows a 4-year-old girl having sex with a man and the
other gives advice and examples on how to sexually abuse minors.

Prosecutors say the 29-year-old wedding and party DJ from the Ozone Park
neighborhood is charged in a criminal complaint with possessing and
promoting child pornography. They say he was arraigned Thursday and held on
$100,000 bail.

The DJ would face up to seven years in prison if convicted.