Blue State Perverts - CA Prison Strip Searches Reviewed


Patriot Games


Calif. Prison Strip Searches Reviewed
Saturday, February 23, 2008

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California corrections officials on Friday said they
are investigating whether guards at a Southern California prison improperly
watched video of female inmates being strip-searched.

The investigation arose after the husband of an inmate, during a visit
earlier this month, noticed about six male and female guards gathered around
a video monitor in the reception area for prison visitors.

The black-and-white monitor showed female guards searching women in a nearby
room typically used for visitation.

"It's totally nude," said Rick Stachowicz, describing what he saw on the
monitors. "They're standing on their socks, reaching for the ceiling,
lifting up their breasts. I was trying to look and not look."

His wife, Christina, is in the California Institution for Women in Corona
for a probation violation. She was among the women searched Feb. 2, when he
said the guards were gathered around the video monitor.

"She's feeling progressively violated by it," Stachowicz said.

Under corrections department rules, strip-searches are to be performed in
private and are not allowed to be watched on a video monitor. Female inmates
also must be searched by female guards.

Stachowicz complained to prison authorities and received an e-mail Feb. 4
from Capt. Dean Borders, who was responding on behalf of prison Warden Dawn

"This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the
administration," Borders wrote. "We pride ourselves on being the model for
other female institutions to follow, and to have this occur in our visiting
area is unfathomable."

He apologized and said the matter was being investigated and that staff
would be dealt with appropriately.

Borders said the visiting room would no longer be used for strip-searches.
Since the complaint, inmates are being searched in restrooms or attorney
conference rooms that are not under camera surveillance.

The video monitor also was moved from a table in the public reception area
to a private office.

Corrections Department spokeswoman Terry Thornton said investigators have so
far found no indication of wrongdoing after getting statements from guards
and visitors.

The guards reported they only became aware that the images of the naked
women were being shown on the monitor after Stachowicz brought it to their

"No one was standing around watching this. It was 'Oh my gosh, the monitor
was on,'" Thornton said.

Stachowicz said he and his wife are considering suing the corrections
department even though prison officials say they have made changes. He
belongs to an advocacy group that lobbies for improvements in state prisons.

His wife was sentenced to prison last year for a probation violation and is
scheduled for release in several months.

The 2,100-inmate prison 37 miles east of Los Angeles is one of three women's
prisons in the state.