Bomb All Democrats And Republicans! Destroy Capital Hill! **** Them In The Ass And In The Mouth! Kil

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The Medical Community's Cheap Trick - What Is The Shank? -
Discoloration Of Sexaling Organs - Sexaling And Prayer Statements -
The Butt Hole Sexaling Organ And The Shank Sexaling Organ - Nerves -
Nerve Units As Living Beings, I.E., Creatures - Brains And Notational
Thoughts - Feeding The Organ Kiddies The Foods They Need - If We Were
Able To Be Born With "Owner's Manuals" For Our Body And Brains -
Duplicator Tests - Sexaling With Family And Friends - Massaging The
Butt Hole And Shank - Sending Hillary And Obama On Their Final Rides -
Explosives To Kill Hillary Clinton, Obama, George Walker Bush, Jr.
Barbara Bush, Jr. And All The Congressmen and Congresswomen, And All
The White House Staff, Etc. - A Note On Hillary Clinton, George Bush,
Jr., Barbara Bush, Jr., And A Number Of Other Lesbianists - What To
Do, Now? - Compliance With The General Terms Of Their Settlement
Agreements Persons Who Wish To Participate In The Former Sexaling
Program - Qualified Card Carrying Members - Zealot Updated: 23-06-07
Rev.d 20:50 PDT

The Medical Community's Cheap Trick

A cheap trick played on medical doctors and students, untill they meet
up with a human cadaver, is the cheap trick or lie that is perpetrated
by the medical establishment on students of the medical profession.

How students of the medical profession stay quiet, after learning the
truth, I do not know. It is a matter for each doctor to reflect upon,
and for each medical student to reflect upon, and come to a reasonable
answer for him self or for herself.

In other words, are they going to tell the truth or not. It recently
came to my attention that the medical community is foisting, or
purposely telling a lie to the public, with regards to the internal
organs of the human body.

In particular, a stomach is not made up of twisting, turning, guts, or
intestines, that go to one side and then downwards, and then side
ways, and so forth, as depicted in this particular picture, of the so-
called large and small intestines.

Please see, "Anatomy of the Large And Small Intestines"

A similar faked drawing of the tummy tube, or shank, the descending
colon tube, which is titled "intestines", along with a faked stomach
drawing, by the Lesbianists and their bogus 'medical' establishment,
can be found at:

Another bogus drawing of the abdomen and the supposed 'intestines',
can be found at,

These pictures, and all other pictures like it, are totally bogus.
There are no guts, bending and twisting to one direction, and then to
another direction, that eventually find an outlet at the poop hole in
the human body.

Chimps, apes, and monkeys may have these types of stomach 'tripe' that
is longish, twisting to one side or to another, going back and forth,
and then wrapping or folding down under other tummy tubes, and then
twisting in and then moving outwardsly, as chimps, apes, and monkeyes
live on banana foilage, twigs, seeds, hard shells, and other difficult
to eat, hard, rubbery, plant roughage, of one kind, or of another.
Some oselots may have this kind of tubeing, and so may many other
animals, but not the human being.

In the human being, there is in reality, no such guts or tripe
tubeing, and there is what is called a 'shank'. A shank is the human
being's tummy tube, or the desceding colon tube.

Your tummy tube descends from the front right side of the tummy, in
the near to upper to middle to near lower area or section of your
tummy, depending on the person. Some people, may have their tummy
tube, the ejector pipe, also called the descending pipe, a little
higher up, than other people. Some people may have their ejector pipe
a little lower than other people. That is not significant.

The muscles inside of the tummy, and surrounding the tummy, cause a
pushing motion, to eject the tummy food, that has made its way to the
back side of the inside of the tummy, and to the lower or middle area,
near the eject pipe, on the inside of the tummy. Once your tummy food
makes it there, the muscles begin to squeeze on it, and the muscles on
the inside and on the outside, squeeze on it, and force it up and out
of the ejector pipe, and down a chute, or the descension colon pipe.

The descension colon pipe goes in a nearly straight line, almost
perfectly straight, in some people, directly to the out put terminal,
which is the poop hole.

The intake for food and beverages from your lips, mouth, to your
throat, or food pipe to connect your mouth to the tummy, that
connector location is on the top side of the tummy, on the left side
of your tummy, as you face forward. There is a tiny amount of terminal
area, that's your stomach area, that is the terminal area, on the top
side of the tummy, that is to the immediate left of the intake tube
terminal entry way, itself. That means, there is a descending tube
from your mouth to your stomach, and it connectes to the left side of
your stomach, not all the way to the left, but nearly all the way to
the left side of the stomach, but on the top, generally, and in some
people's cases, it is a little down, from the top, less than an inch
or two from the top.

So the intake tube from your mouth sort of goes in to your tummy, from
the front of the tummy, a little lower than from the top side edge of
your tummy. The top edge of your tummy is located just about at the
same height as your titty nipples are located on the chest. The little
inwardsly pointing, dimple, in the middle of your chest, a very large
dimple, just above where the rib cage begins to open up and spread
apart and where the tummy muscle cavity can be felt, that dimple, or
inwardsly pointing cavature, or the caving inwardsly of the chest
bones in that area, some times slightly below, sometimes slightly
above that point, is where the tummy's top edge is found. The tummy's
top edge runs horizontally, more or less, across from one side to the
other. It does descend at the outer edges of the tummy, to form a
pouch system.

A bogus drawing of the Lesbianists' pretend 'esophagus' for all the
med school students to ponder over, and of a pretend tummy, which has
the connections on the back side, where they are not located, but on
the front side, where they are located, can be found at,

The tummy does not look like a cashew peanut, like in the drawing. It
is a pouch, and it is more oval in shape, kind of like a box, but a
little long or rectangular, some may say it is similar in shape to a
peanut, or to a raisin, or to a plumb, and it runs lengthwise from one
side to the other, with the narrow part of the oval running
horizontally. It is nearly a perfect, very slightly long, oval in

The descending colon pipe, your tummy tube, which goes nearly in a
straight and almost perfectly vertical, in many cases, direction, to
your poop hole, from the ejection outlet port of your tummy, which is
on the front side of the tummy, on the front right side, as mentioned
above is very long, and in some women, the tummy rests slightly higher
up, a tiny bit, to allow for a longer 'shank', or sexaling tube.

What Is The Shank?

The shank, if we look at the opening and entrance to the shank, the
butt hole entrance, the shank is a multiple duty, instrument. It is a
nearly straight tube, and it allows food to exhaust from the tummy
pouch. It also allows a dick to be placed up into it from the rear
upwards, and a dick can be very long, in some cases, and there for,
the tummy tube, or shank, is very long, and also, importantly, it is
generally straight in most women and girls and in lots of men and

Discoloration Of Sexaling Organs

If we look at the dick, or if we look at the scrotum, we will see it
is a darker, slightly discolored body instrument. The vagina is
slightly discolored, and so are the titty nipples. So are the lips,
the inside of the mouth, the throat inside, and in various other
places, depending on the person. The palms of the hands, the
undersides of the fingers, the soles of the feet, the toes, the ears,
the cheeks, and the underarms of people are all discolored to one
extend or another. The discoloration is an indicator of the fact that
these sense organs, or love making instruments, are major sexaling
instruments. The other organs of the body, are minor sexaling
instruments. All of them, are sexaling instruments when you activate
them, by massaging them, and by rubbing them, and so forth, and they
will begin to shoot off energies, and those energies will purify and
holyfy your life and clear up your karma and the karma of the people
around you as those energies will shoot out in all directions cleaning
up my universe, as they go zinging outwards. The energies will erase
your karma, over time, and if you pray with a prayerful minded
statement in mind, while sexaling, your karma that is related to that
prayer, that needs to be erased, will get erased, little by little.
For examply, "I pray that I will be able to have the good health and
prosperous life, that will allow me to live, comfortably, and without

Sexaling And Prayer Statements

The negative karma that you have, that would prevent you from living a
healthy life, that is also prosperous, and without distress, will
slowly, over time, get erased, as you make your statement, every time
you begin sexaling, or every time you begin a sexaling session. If
your sexaling sessions are going to go for days, say, three to eight
days, for instance, you might want to repeat the prayerful minded
statement, every eight to twelve hours, to fifteen, to thirty, to
fifty hours, or so, to 'freshen' it up, once every so often. The more
you freshen it up, the better it will work. The prayer will apply to
not only you, but to every one else who is sexaling, if you say, "I
pray that I and every one else will be able to have the good health
and prosperous life, that will allow not only myself, but all other
people, as well, to live without distress." This statement is a
bodhisatva minded statement, and it will produce better results.
Prayer statements said with others in mind, in addition to your self,
produce better results, as a general rule. Why is that? Because we
want to purify not only your karma, but every one's karma, and you get
extra points for thinking about every one else and their needs, as
well as your needs. Not only your self, but every person who is
sexaling, during the time you are sexaling, and during the time, you
continue or plan to continue sexaling, as one long sexaling session,
will benefit from this prayer statement.

The Butt Hole Sexaling Organ And The Shank Sexaling Organ

The butt hole is also discolored, in all human beings, and that is an
indicator that the butt hole is a sexaling organ.

The discoloration of the butt hole entrance, is an indication of the
fact that the butt hole entrance is a sexaling organ. If we look
inside the butt hole, we will notice that the entire length of the
'shank' is discolored, and therefore, the entire shank is a sexaling
organ. Sexaling organs are different in coloration, than the normal
skin coloration of the body.

The discoloration is due to the fact that there are a gazillion plus
tiny blood carrier veins and arteries, that are very tiny, so tiny,
you can not see them with today's 'current' medical microscope
technology that is in the hospitals and labs, used by doctors,
scientists, and lab technicians. These tiny blood 'capillaries' or
fluid flow ductways, are too small to be seen by a doctor's
microscope, or by a lab technician's microscope. These fluid flow
ductways, or capillaries, are all clustered together, in high
densities. When they cluster together, that is for a purpose.

They are clustered together in high densities to allow for fluids to
flow to the nerves in that area of the body to feed all the mouths in
the nerves of that area of the body. There are clusters of sense
nerves that are extremely dense, in all the sexaling organs. Where
there are high densities of sexaling nerve clusters, there are lots of
fluid flow ductways, or capillaries, and the area of the skin that is
visible to your eyes, will show a slight to moderate, to heavy
discoloration, due to all the fluids flowing through the area,
carrying food and nourishment.


Nerves are organs in them selves. The smallest nerve organ is a nerve
cell, perhaps. My memories are not very good, so we might find smaller
nerve organs, as my memories improve. A nerve cell has all the organs
in it, to allow it to function as a normal, living being. That means,
it is alive, and it thinks, and it cogitates, or mulls over thoughts,
and it considers, for instance, 'What am I going to do, now', and it
has lots of thoughts, and it stays busy doing lots of thinking, and by
doing lots of cogitating, and by doing lots of communicating with
other nerve cell organ kids of mine.

Nerve Units As Living Beings, I.E., Creatures

Nerves, just as nerve cells, form units, and as a unit, they form a
living being, or creature, and all of them have mouths, since all my
creatures have mouths, and they all need to be fed.

The sense nerves, the erotic nerves that are clustered together, need
to be fed the foods and nourishment that they need to be healthy and
fit, so as to be able to respond, to stimulus. They need to eat to be
healthy, so that they will then be able to respond when stimulus is
applied to that area of the body, where they are located.

Each organ in the body, has a brain, and a mouth, and a stomach, and a
poop hole, and a pee hole, and all the other organs they need to
survive with.

Some organs, maybe all of them, need to feel comforted by other
organs, i.e., creatures of the same kind as they are. Some organs like
to not only speak to other organs creatures who are like them, but
they also like to snuggle up to one and another, and they get cozy
with one and another, all snuggled up, suddenly, before any one new
it, pwoop, and they make a baby organ or creature who looks like mommy
and daddy.

Organ creatures of course can sexal, because if they could not, they
could not make baby organ creatures. Organs can sexal just like human
beings can sexal, but they sexal in their own particular ways. They
like to sexal, just like human beings like to sexal, and they also go
ouch, when some one or some thing pokes them, or *****s them, such as
the doctors needle at the doctor's office.

Each nerve cell is built with all the organs it needs to survive, and
each organ is built with all the organs it needs to survive. The
number of organs in the human body is almost limitless, but not quite
limitless, as you can still count them, all, if you have the time.

Brains And Notational Thoughts

Each organ is a living being, or creature, with a brain, and with
notational thoughts. Notational thoughts are memo types of thoughts,
such as about, 'oh, boy, that sure felt good', or 'golly, gee, I am
really bored'.

One notational thought, for instance, that is of use to you, is when
you are in need of water, and you begin drinking water, when you get
the feeling that you need lots of water, and you get a message to your
brain that you are in need for water, because you know you are low on
water, and almost out of it, well, the inspirational thought that
tells you, "keep drinking, keep drinking, you are too low on water"
that is an inspirational thought, that your tummy and its brain is
passing on to an area of your conscious mind, where you can then pick
it up, and then act on it.

There are many kinds of notational thoughts organs can have and organs
can pass on to our 'brains'. Organs, as living beings, also do lots of
chit chat with other organs, not only with the organs inside of your
own body, but also with the organs inside of the body in other
animals. Brains are brains, and they are very smart, if they are to do
the duty they are assigned to do, which requires them to be smart.
They are so smart, they spend a lot of their time, communicating and
chatting with other organs, to see if every one is alright, and to
find out what the latest gossip is. They can do many things, and that
is the topic for another time. But one thing they can do is talk to
each other. They have their own languages, they speak to each other
with. Did you know that? I bet you didn't. If you are a Lesbianist,
you may probably know this, as you probably studied about it, in your
school days. Some kids, five or six years old, study these things, on
planets, where education is up to the standard, that I set it at.

If we understand that brains are in every organ in the body, and some
organs, have multiple brains, almost all of them do, and if we
understand that they are able to communicate to each other, than we
can understand that the vagina is a living being, and it has a brain,
and it talks with other vaginas, in other women and in other girls.
The dick has a brain, too, and it talks with other dicks, and it talks
with vaginas, as well, when a vagina calls to a dick, and asks it

Feeding The Organ Kiddies The Foods They Need

We need to feed the body, many foods, not only tomatoes, potatoes,
asparagus, meat, and fruit, etc., but we need to feed foods to our
body for feeding the organ kiddies, the organ animals, the living
beings, or creatures with brains, called organ kiddies who are inside
of our body.

What are we doing when we feed the body? We are supposed to be feeding
not only our face, loading food in that tastes good to us, and to our
sensibilities, but we are also supposed to be feeding the animals that
live in side of us, as well as, we are supposed to be feeding the
organ kiddies, who also need food to stay alive. We also need to be
feeding all of the other animals kiddies, the living creatures of
various kinds, that are living inside of our bodies. Most organ
kiddies are on a starvation diet, nearly, and they survive on nearly
only water. Some are lucky and get some pee and poopy juices from
animals that live inside of our bodies.

Most of the organ kiddies are not lucky, and they languish, from day
to day, with nothing to eat, and they hang on, and they do their best
to perform for us, but in the end, they are defeated by our not
feeding them, and they give out, and give up, and throw in the towel,
and say, "To hell with it. I don't care anymore." and with that, they
cancel their agreement to work with us, and they say good bye, and
they then slowly perish, and as they do, so do we. We perish because
we do not feed the organ kiddies in our bodies, and because we do not
feed the cell kiddies in our bodies, and because we do not feed the
amoebe kiddies in our bodies. If we feed them all, we would not die,
and they would continue to live, properously, and progenerate, or give
us babies, to take over the jobs of mom and pop, Sr., the first organ
kiddies in our bodies, who want to work with us, and who want to be
fed, while they work for us, when mom and pop, Sr. are near the end of
their run, that is their work life, and when it is time to call them
in to my Epcot Centers for them, for them to get their check up, and
repairs that they need, to their brains, and to their nervous systems,
and to relieve them of any undue or unwholesome stresses, nervous
tension, migraines, and so forth.

You might be thinking, "This is a joke", but it is not a joke. You are
completely wrong if you think this is a joke. If you feed the foods
that organ kiddies like to eat, to them, they will become alive with
activity, and they will work hard for us, and we will feel a new sense
of vitality, and we will regain our good humor, to some extent, as it
is a karmic issue here, as well, having a good humor, or a pleasant
personality, and when it is time for mom and pop, Sr., organ kiddies
to pass on the work load to baby Mac, and baby Sarah, organ kiddies,
Jr., they will pass on the work load to them, and Poppa and Momma will
retire and make their way, with assistance from their kids, and with
assistance from my kids, to my Epcot Centers for them.

This is a complex topic to discuss, and I won't try to discuss it in
full, obviously, as I am too stupid, and my brain is not working, and
I can't remember every thing about it, obviously. But, you should
know, that if you feed them the molds animals, the molds fruits and
gardens produce, and the funguses they like to eat, and that they
enjoy eating, and the other foods that they eat, from fermented mash,
made correctly, and from molded foods, and from molded breads, molded
chesses, properly cooked meats, and so forth, they will feed on the
animals in that food that you prepare for them, and you'll get
healthy, and they'll get healthy, and they'll live for three hundred
to eight hundred to fifteen hundred years, or more, depending on which
ones you are talking about, and they will work for you, with zest and
vigor, before it is time to hand over the work load to baby Mac, and
baby Sarah, organ kiddies, Jr.

If We Were Able To Be Born With "Owner's Manuals" For Our Body And

We are not born with an owner's manual for our body and brains, etc.
If we were born with one, we would be told that if we feed our body
properly, the body will last us forever, and we will be able to live
forever. This is the norm for the human body. It is not a 'dream' or
'hope', or 'wish'. It is merely the truth, and once you learn how to
feed your body, and all of the animals and creatures inside of your
body, you will begin to make all the animals and creatures inside your
body, happy, and they will begin to work for you, as they were
intended to work for you. They are all my worker animals, and they are
here to work for me. I have many worker animals, and we will learn
about all of them, and we will find those who we need to help us feed
our bodies properly, so that we can all live in the body that we were
born in, that is meant to last you forever, if your feed it and
nourish all of the animals in it, properly.

If you do not feed my worker animals in your bodies, the nutrients,
the animals and the plants animals and the foods that my worker organ
animals in your bodies like to eat, that will allow my organ worker
animals, and all of my other worker animals, to live with vigor and
tenacity, strength and good health, they will not work very well for
you, and in time, they will all perish, and so will you. I mentioned
my worker animals in the molded foods, molded fruits, molded citrus
fruits, fermented beverages, and so forth, that we will be making.
They are all there in those foods that we will make, and then use to
feed ourselves with, to then help feed all my worker organ animals, my
worker cell animals, and other worker animals, that are in your body,
and that need to be living in your body, working hard for you.

If you do not feed them the foods that they like to eat, they will not
live for long, and they will perish, and die, and that will be that,
and you will not have a chance for living more than a hundred or two
or three hundred years, in that body of yours, if your karma is good,
and if you were not being poisoned by the petro chemical industry, and
the chemicals industries, and by the foods manufacturing industries,
and by the pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. We will never hear
the Lesbianists admit that they are intentionally poisoning us, but
they are.

Once you find a way to survive on molded up, wholesome natural healthy
foods, with no pesticides, and on water that is not chlorinated, and
that is wholesome to drink, and after you learn the abc's of proper
eating, to feed every one in your body, as well as you, then you will
not die and you will begin to live forever.

The Lesbianists are afraid that you will learn to eat properly and
then, when you begin to get your diet together, not only for your self
but also for all the animals and organ kiddies in you, and for all the
cell animals in you, or cell creatures, who are smart living beings,
by the way, you will begin to be able to extend your longevity, and
then, in time, you will be able to live forever.

If you stop drinking the poisonous coffee in the office, as I've
explained about, previously, the Lesbianists make it with diesel
fuels, and with gasoline, and with kerosene, if you stop smoking the
poisoned cigarettes, if you stop using the plastics furniture, and
other plastics products, if you stop inhaling the gasoline fumes
kiddies that cause fibromyalgia, and fumes animals cause the sharp
pains in the body as the fumes animals eat up and destroy the organ
animals in the body discharging energies or electrical currents, as
they mate, and as they sperminate, and vagicate, or eject female
animal sexaling juices, like some jelly fish do, and like some deep
sea snakes, and worms, that are lit up, with pulsing lights in them,
when they mate, do. Fumes animals also cause arthritis, ligaments
problems and diseases, and other health problems. If you stop inhaling
the plastics fumes kiddies, which also give you fibromyalgia,
arthritis, etc., and kill brain cells, and cause brain rot,
Alzheimer's disease, and parkinson's disease, and a number of other
illnesses, and if you begin to eat properly, in accordance with the
proper rules for diet, that our body and brain owner's manuals would
explain about, if we were to be born with these manuals at the time of
our birth, then, you will begin to get healthy, and you will begin to
live forever.

So, good luck, and do not vote for Hillary Clinton, or any of the
other presidential candidates, and if you see them, give them a beaver
cheer, some people call it a 'Bronx cheer', and the noise you make
sounds like someone farting in their direction. That may sound
childish to say, but it is what the Lesbianists deserve as you are
being played for a fool, every day of your life, and you should snap
out of it, and do some thing about it, as soon as you and your friends
can get it together to begin sexaling, in the ways I've explained

Duplicator Tests

In a duplicator test, there is one strand of a piece of the body, and
you take that strand, and with medical and scientific technologies,
you attempt to make a copy of it.

Why do they make a copy of a strand of a piece of a human or ape,
monkey, dog, or cat, etc., body?

To test for various possibilities as to who the strand came from and
how the strand came from the source, and what has happened to the
person, if it was a person, if the person is no longer here to stand
in for himself or for herself, in the case of a missing person, for

What is meant by a strand of a piece of a human, etc., body. Usually,
a piece of flesh is a good place to start. A clipping from a person's
finger nails, can be duplicated, if the sample is tiny enough, and it
can be analysed, and then compared with an original shard or piece
from a person's finger nail, a known subject's finger nail, and then a
match up can either be made, or not be made.

Human blood cells can be duplicated and matched. Human skin tissues
can be duplicated and matched. Human organ tissues can be duplicated
and matched.

These matching tests are in fact, one example of a organ animal
giveing birth to a baby organ animal, or to a number of baby organ

I'm not sure what they call the test, in the laboratory, but that is a
duplicator test, in my vocabulary, and it should be a simple test that
all county, municipal, and other police medical technical labs,
forensics labs are capable of performing.

This example of a matching print from the one strand of a piece of the
body, is an example of organs animals, giveing birth to baby organ

Red blood corpuscles, are often tested, in this manner, I believe. A
corpuscle is an organ animal, and it will give the same results, and
you can make baby blood corpuscle organ animals.

A high school, or jr. high school science lab technician or teacher,
or in some school labs, including jr. college science labs, and
technical labs at medical technical schools, teaching assistants,
should be able to perform this test as it is a simple test to learn
how to perform, and even off duty police officers, are taught it, in
their free time, for fun, or for advancing their career. Licensed
Practicing Nurses (LPN's) generally know about this test, and so do
all doctors as well as your general medical school student, and two
year college, or four year college, nurses course students. Botanists
know or should know this test, and there are many professions where in
this test is common, such as in paleontology, the study of human
remains, bones, and so forth. I don't know what people on this planet,
understand a paleontologist (Note: 'paleo-entologist' I think may be
the correct spelling, but I'm not sure) as, but in my vocabulary, as
it is comming back to me, a paleontologist explores and investigates
old bones, fossilized bones, old grave sights, and so forth.

Elementary school students, and maybe some kindergarden school
students, in advanced kindergarden schools, such as in Japan, and in
Europe, and in different countries around the world, can do this test,
if their science lab teacher lends them the technical books, and tools
to take home, study, and then show the family and parents, how a
duplicator test is done. It's not a difficult test to perform, if you
can read, and if you know what a beaker is, and so forth.

This will give you a start for the search for proof as to whether or
not there are organ animals in the human body, and in all animal
body's and in all living being's bodies. It will provide proof that
organ animals, once you've identified them, can in fact give birth to
baby organ animals.

There are a number of types of duplicator tests, lab technicians
perform, in their day to day job routines, in medical labs, and the
duplicator tests are generally for making comparisons, of one type or
another, or for one reason, or another. They all give the same
results, they provide you with proof that organ animals do exist in
the body, and that organ animals do make babies.

Sexaling With Family And Friends

Sexaling with your family, relatives, trustable neighbors, and so on,
will help you to begin to erase your karma, if you begin your
wholesome, purifying, and holyfying sexaling with your family,
relatives, kin, trustable neighbors, and others who are trustable. As
you erase your karma, little by little, you will begin to get better
karma, and you'll begin to be able to get rid of these Lesbianists who
make fools of all of you, and who toy with you, one life after
another, as you go into my Epcot Center, and then come out again, as a
tummy baby to a tummy mommy and to a tummy daddy, on a fairly
predictable basis, meeting up with your former friends and colleagues,
over time, and then going through the six, or ten, or twelve, or
forteen, or sixteen, etc., years of schooling, each time you come out,
to lead a very short life span, with, once again, all of your organ
kiddies and other animals and living creatures in you, nearly starving
to death, the whole time you are out here, with your friends, playing,
golf, swimming, playing tennis, football, entertaining the
Lesbianists, and so on, until it is funeral time, and then back, once
more and into my Epcot Center, until a new tummy mommy and a new tummy
daddy, are waiting and ready for you to come out again.

This is not a joke, I need to repeat, and you should start thinking
about doing something to bring a stop to this abuse of your organ
animals and other living creatures in you, and to bring a stop to the
abuse of you, by the Lesbianists who will not tell you how to do any
thing that is good for you and that is good for your health.

Massaging The Butt Hole And Shank

If you work massaging the butt hole for a few hours, fluids will begin
to form, and the tissues of the shank, and of the butthole, will
become more pliant. They will become stretchable, and they will, after
a number of hours of massaging the butt hole, and the inside of the
butt hole, little by little, as you insert a dick up the hole, as it
gives way, and becomes more pliant, after a few hours, or so, it will
soon be able to become opened up completely, and a dick can then be
inserted and the shank then becomes a sexaling tube.

On the end of the dick, there is a 'pooper scooper', or head level
scoop pipe. The head level scoop pipe is the peculiar shape of the
dick at the tip of it. This shape allows you to insert the head of the
penis into the butt hole, and then take a wee wee, and then mush up
all the food that is stuck in the cavity, and after a little mushing
up of the food in the tummy pipe, or shank, you can then begin to
scoop it out, little by little, with one dick shovel head, after

After seven or eight dicks, to twelve to thirteen, or so, on the job,
pumping, and peeing, and scooping out the poop, and ejaculating, as
well, you can eventually scoop out most of the poop from the shank.
Some may remain near the top, so a few more pee pee's into the butt
hole, will help wash out the tummy tube, and it will become clear and
free of digested food matter.

The large and small, i.e., the meaning or intent of this paper, or
note, is to let you know that the poop hole is a sexaling organ, and
that the poop tube is a straight tube, and not a twisted up, bundled
up, chimpanzee, or oselot guts piping, or bear guts piping, or horse
guts piping, or pigs' guts piping, or cows' guts piping, as the
medical community, would like to have you believe, along with the
hoards of bible thumpers, who colluded with the Lesbianists of the
medical community, to keep you in the dark ages.

You are being played for a fool, every day of your life. If you can
allow the Lesbianists to make a fool of you, every day of your life,
and if that is alright with you, than go right ahead, and play their
game, and let things stay as they are, but if you are not willing to
allow them to make a fool of you, then you had better get busy,
sexaling, and so forth, as I've already told you what we need to do,
to help bring about the changes we need to make.

Sending Hillary And Obama On Their Final Rides

A vote for Hillary Clinton for president is a vote for stupidity, on
your part. A vote for Obama for president, is a vote for stupidity, on
your part. Now why doesn't somebody kill Hillary Clinton, or Obama, or
both. I just do not understand. Do you? I don't.

Next time you see Hillary, you can ask her if you can open up the
front of her chest cavity, and take a look inside to see if she has a
shank, as I described it, or if she has a twisting and turning, animal
type set of guts, like many animals do. I think you'll find that she
has a 'shank', and not a twisting, turning, animal set of guts.

All human beings have shanks, and not one human being has a set of
'animal' guts. Human beings have shanks for ****aling, that is, butt
****aling, but no one, except the Lesbianists, know about it, and as a
result, no one ever thinks about butt ****aling, as a type of sexaling
enjoyment, and a sexaling past time.

Explosives To Kill Hillary Clinton, Obama, George Walker Bush, Jr.
Barbara Bush, Jr. And All The Congressmen and Congresswomen, And All
The White House Staff, Etc.

Well, I have told you about many bombs you can make, on my web site,
and I suggest you begin to think more seriously about taking out
Hillary's cavalcade of automobiles, next time she is riding through
Washington DC. Or the next time you see Mr. Obama, please consider
blowing his cavalcade of cars and limousines, up and out of the upper
solar atmospheres, with the bombs you can make, as already explained
about, in my notes, on this bulletin board.

After you blow them up into bits, and pieces, they will be fine, as
they will soon be coming out of my Epcot Center, as tummy babies, and
they will be two less threats to the ordinary and normal people on
this planet, for some time to come.

A Note On Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush, Jr., And A
Number Of Other Lesbianists

Before you blow up Hillary, find out if she is with us, on this, or
what. I think Mr. Obama is not with us, yet, but it may be the case
that Hillary Clinton, along with a lot of her friends, is now on
board, and she is hoping to set sail with the rest of us, but is not
quite able to break away from the Lesbianists' and their organization,
since she has been a friend with them, and a member of their
organization for umpteen millions, billions, trillions, and zillions,
plus years, since long before they ever even came to this planet, to
settle it. These people, Hillary Clinton, and a number of her friends,
are ready to make the change over, but lots of Lesbianists are not
ready to make the change over, and so Hillary Clinton is kind of
stuck, and so are all the other Lesbianists, who want to make the
change over, and who want to say good bye to their former

In any case, this planet is crawling with animal people of all kinds,
as I've mentioned, and it is a very unpleasant situation, and the
Lesbianists know this, as most of their membership has already been
eaten up by animal people, and there are many types of animal people.
Many of the animal people who ate up the Lesbianists below ground, are
walking around, as they imitate, or take on the form of human beings,
after they eat one. Not many of the original Lesbianists are still
alive, down below the surface of this planet, in their underground
cities, as I've recently learned, as most all of them, close to ninety
nine plus percent to nearly one hundred perecent of the Lesbianists
down below the surface, have already been eaten up. There are still a
lot of Lesbianists down below us, below the surface, but compared to
the numbers of them who were there, before, there are fewer, now.

What To Do, Now?

I thought my kids were ready, with an underground system of 'safe
harbors', but it seems there is a delay, and I'm not sure when the
delay will be resolved. Until it is resolved, I guess we are stuck
where we are. So, the only thing to do is to get the government to
make the needed changes, and to step up to the microphone, and
denounce the Lesbianists organization, by telling every one that it
exists, and that we will now build a one world, government. When the
politicians decide to do that, and when we begin building a one world
government, then maybe we will begin to see some resolvement to this

I have some more ceremonies to do, and I have a lot of time to wait,
till we see a resolvement to this situation. The additional ceremonies
will assist us in making a safe harbor, as far as I have heard, that
is fully integrated, and that has all the protection and safety
systems that will be needed. All the different components to the fully
integrated system, for covering our immense universe, all at the same
time, are not available, yet.

There is a lot to learn, about who else lives in our universe, and
about where my kids live, and about what my kids do for me, keeping my
universe running for me, along with a lot of other information, for
you to get and read, and then understand, about my kids.

As soon as the local, or federal governments around the world release
the software that will allow people to upgrade to the 'Managing My
Universe' software upgrade, from the databases, that are located in
the underground bunkers the Lesbianists used to use when they first
arrived, and when they were in the 'sexaling for a living' program,
which all of them were in, when they arrived. These databases are also
located on other planets where there are bunker systems, and where
there are communities of people, who are in the 'sexaling for a
living' program.

Also, once the 'Managing My Universe' program software is released,
and once people start using it, and once they set up their own
network, that it will run on, and once enough people are running that
software on their computers, we can have a partial soluition to the
problem of the animal people, as well as a partial solution to dealing
with Mormons, and Clerics, and Protestant leaders, who believe in
"Jesus Saves" and other such useless nonsense.

I think the Jesus Saves group, i.e., Christianity, the Mormons,
Protestants, Lutherans, Catholics, Presbyterians, and so forth, is
built on Islam, and on Judaism, or rather, on one of the schools of
Judaism, plus maybe some other things, made up, or grafted from other
religions that were primitive religions, such as Voodoo cults, and
worship of the dead cults, as well as other cults, and they were all
squished together, and the result was, "Christianity", but that was
after all of my teachings were clipped out of the two above mentioned
religions that I had taught.

In any case, not a one of them has a clue that sexaling is a
'purifying' activity, and women and their sexaling bodies are like
'purifying' engines, or washing machines, as I've mentioned before,
and men and their sexaling bodies, are also capable of becoming
'purifying' engines, and washing machines, though we all have our
karma, and it will be a while before we erase enough of our karma, to
make a difference, for some of us. That means, some people are better
able to sexal than others as their karma for sexaling is better for
sexaling than the karma for sexaling of others. We have a lot of karma
to erase before we all begin to pick up enough steam to get any where,
sexually speaking.

I think that is the general situation, for most, but there are some
people who are more gifted than others, and there are some people who
are, when it comes to their sexaling capabilities, generally speaking,

With the use of aphrodesics, fruits that we can grow, that must be
taken off the 'banned' foods lists, vegetables, nuts, and other foods
that also are useful aphrodesics, that must also be taken off the
banned foods lists, we will be able to make better progress. Sessame
seeds can mold up wheat bread to make a nice aphrodesic, from what
I've heard, and I will give it a try, one of these days, as I'm busy,
molding up a few other things, first, sort of for experimentation, as
this is all new to me. Peanuts supposedly, might be aphrodesic, once
you mold up wheat bread with them. I believe they have minor pain
killing properties, as well. Dark green garbanzo beans, sold in Indian
food markets, also mold up wheat bread and are useful as aphrodesics.
White bread is too poisoned to consider for use. Please use only whole
wheat bread, or a bread of fine quality. Do not use white bread or
normal white french bread, as the flour used in making them is treated
with bleaching agents, that are poisonous.

Compliance With The General Terms Of Their Settlement Agreements

In any case, we need all the laws changed, as I've mentioned about,
before, and we need the governments to form a united, single planetary
government, and we need every one to begin to get the information they
need, and the assistance they need to begin to cooperate with each
other, in science, and in agriculture, and farming, etc. We need to
ban pesticides, the use of petro-chemicals in the manufacturing
industries, the promotion of natural fibers, and natural oils for
manufacturing, and the switching over to non-polluting, hydrogen based
technologies, and so forth.

We also need the volumes of Greek literature released, as well as all
the other literature, that needs to be released, that the initial
settlers of this planet, were given, to use to set up their planetary
government, with.

When we start to see that these and all the other neccessary steps are
being undertaken, in an effort to accomplish them, we will be in a
better situation to begin to see a resolvement to this situation. The
Lesbianists do not like to be forced into doing things, but in this
case, there is no other way of getting these things done, and so if we
need to force them to get them to move off their fannies, and get
their butts in gear, than we will have to do just that.

We need the Lesbianists, and all the other groups of people on this
planet, who legally, or rather, legitimately settled this planet, but
who are not in compliance with the terms of their settlement
agreements, get into compliance, and the sooner they get into
compliance, the sooner we will have a resolvement to this situation.

Persons Who Wish To Participate In The Previous Sexaling For A Living

I have talked about the previous sexaling for a living program, that
people were signed up with, a long time ago, when they first settled
this planet. I mentioned the underground bunker systems, that my kids
still keep for eligible card carrying members. I suggested that there
might be people who died, and after they came back from the Epcot
Center, they no longer knew any thing about the 'sexaling for a
living' program, that they were affiliated with, and they forgot that
they were a valid card carrying member of the program.

Even though these people, may not remember that they were once in the
program, since they don't usually bring that information with them,
when they are tummy babies, in mama's tummy, these people, if they
wish to get back into the 'sexaling for a living' program, that they
were once a participant in, they may write a statement, and state that
they wish to get back into the 'sexaling for a living program'. They
need to sign it, and press their energies into it, just as I
explained, about, before. For example,


I, ____name____ would like to get back into the sexaling for a living
program, that I was an active participant in, previously, and that I
continue to belong to, as a valid card carrying member.

Signed: (signature)
Date: (Date)

Then, press your finger, or thumb, or elbow, or toe, or nose, or lips,
or palm into the paper you wrote, above your signature and date area,
and make sure you press in your energies, as well as you can, and that
should wake up my kids, and get their attention. When my kids have
verified that your request is legitimate, they will buzz you in, or
rather, teletransport you into the underground bunkers, that still
exist, in many places, on this planet, and under the surface of this
planet. These bunker systems exist on other planets, as well, and so
every one who is qualified, no matter where they are, and no matter
what planet they are on, can get back into the program, so long as my
kids authorize and approve their request for entry into the program.

This will get you started. You have to be certain, that you wish to
start off, again, and that you are sincerely interested in getting
back into this program, to sexal for a living, in accordance with the
rules and guidelines of the original program.

Once you are in the original program, now as a participating member,
you can begin sexaling for a living, and you can also, begin to study
about the new 'sexaling for a living' program, and the 'managing my
universe' program, and the other programs that are now available, in
the Gurkian Age. There are introductory courses for people who are not
familiar with the program, and your questions will be answered in the
seminar like introductory courses.

Once you decide to join with one or more of them and once you decide
to get into the Gurkian Age Religious Revolutionary Movement, and then
begin sexaling for a living, as you get fit, and healthy, by your
participation in these and other activities, as well, such as the club
activities, as I've mentioned about, before, so that you can sexal
more adequately, and robustly, for, eventually, days, then weeks, then
months, then for years on end, without tiring out, too much, and in
between sexaling activities, you will have lots of other activities,
such as the club activities, to vary the pace of your life, to make it
more interesting, and more engaging, by meeting with lots of people in
the clubs, and by learning about these people, and by sexaling with
them, once you've decided you would like to join, then you can switch
over to the new programs, in the Gurkian Age Religious Revolutionary
Movement, and get started when the facilities for them, are
constructed by my engineer kids, and by others of my children, who
will be helping them.

When we have all of the facilities needed, the new programs will open,
and you can switch over to the new programs and my kids will help you
with the paper work to transfer over your membership to the new
programs, in the Gurkian Age Religious Revolutionary Movement.

Qualified Card Carrying Members

Some of the people who I've mentioned before, such as Jodi Foster,
Jennipher Lopez, Madonna, Angelina Jo-li, Jack Nicholson, Angelica
Huston, many actors in the New York actors' guild, many members of the
west coast actors guild, and many members of actors guilds around the
world, and also, many members of dance troups, and dance guilds around
the world, singers, musicians, entertainers, members of the military,
members of law enforcement agencies, and so forth, many of these
people, and others, as well, are qualified as valid card carrying
members of the original sexaling for a living program, that the
initial members and follow up members of the out bound programs for
the settlers to this planet, were all a member of.

Even if you do not think that you could possibly have been a member of
one of those out bound settler's programs, you may have been one, and
if you write an affidavit, in the form as I've mentioned above, you
may find that in fact, you were a member of the out bound program of
settlers to this planet, or, you may find that you were a member of
one of the other out bound programs, to other planets, and you may
find that you are still a qualified, card carrying member who is
entitled to rejoin the sexaling for a living program, that you were
once a member of.

How is this possible? How can you still be a valid member, after all
this time? Well, it is just that we need to get you started, and so
these facilities, the underground bunker systems, that I've mentioned
about, before, are there, and I was told by my kids, that you can make
and sign a statement, or an affidavit, in the manner in which I
mentioned, above, and that will be all you need to do, to get back
into the program, you were once in. We are extending the time limit on
the previous sexaling for a living program, as a short term measure,
to help get things started up, again.


Joining the original program, applies to all valid card carrying
members, whether they currently know they are with an out bound
settler's group, or not. That means, that Ms. Hillary Clinton, can get
started up, again, as the time limit on the program has been extended,
and so can Mr. Bill Clinton, and so can Chelsea Clinton, and so can
all of the other people, who prefer to consider them selves as
'radicals', and they prefer the term, 'Zealot' as in, a person who has
a lot of zeal for living, to the term, 'Lesbianist'. So when you see
some one you might recognize as a possible 'Zealot' it is polite to
use the term, 'Zealot', and not use the term, Lesbianist, as
'Lesbianist' has too many negative feelings attached to it, and people
might start using it as a way to make others, angry.

You do not get points, for starting fights, or for getting other
people angry at you, for teasing them, and so forth. So, let's all
behave, and let's all get into the program, those of you who are
eligible, and let's go from there. If you have a friend, who might not
be eligible for the program, you can make an application to allow the
person into the program, and then my kids will approve it. The person
will then get accepted into the sexaling for a living program for the
out bound settlers.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

What Is Tin? - How Many Elements Animals Are There? - New Sciences -
Professional Moldists - My Working Children And Where Are They? -
Different Jobs For My Different Groups Of Children - Advantages To
Living In This 'Central Bus Station Terminal Building' Universe -
Getting Into Compliance Of The Outbound Settlement Program - The
Planetary Government And The Laws For The Citizens Of This Planet -
Sexaling Professionals - Wedding Arrangements - Informing The People
Of This Planet About The Terms Of Compliance - Building The
Infrastructure, And The Needed Facilities, Etc. - Molding Up Bread And
Metals Animals, Etc. - What Will Be Your Main Jobs From Now On? -
Getting Busy, Cleaning Up, In The Gurkian Age - Taking The First Steps
Towards Resolving Cooperation Issues - Air Raid Shelters And Play Time
'Fetish' Sexaling Underground Dungeons - Becoming Trusting And Loving
Friends With Each Other - Unflattering Love - The Importance Of
People's Rights To Freedom And Their Rights To Freely Choose The
Course And Direction Of Their Lives Updated: 28-06-07 Rev.c 16:51 PDT

What Is Tin

Tin ore is a metal ore, and it is found in cassiterite, as listed in
many books, and it is also found in iron pegmatites.

Iron pegmatites are its chief source for supply of this mineral ore.
It is like gold, or barium, or silver, and it is found in many

What is barium? It is a mineral that is found in steel ore, or iron
ore, and it is a tough metal, and it is very strong, with great
tensile strength.

What are pegmatities?

Pegamatites are large stones that contain mineral ores.

A pegamatite ore stone can be found in silver deposits, and in gold
deposits, and in many types of mineral deposits.

Pegmatites are generally found with quartz, or a type of quartz, that
is a pearly white in color.

It is a cluster of ores, of various types, and the ores can be any
thing from silver, to gold, to iron, to boron, or cadmium.

What is boron?

Boron is a chief component of the metal industry, and it is used for
making steel. It is found in iron deposits, and it is also found in
gold deposits. Boron is a chief component mineral ore found in iron
ore deposits.

What is cadmium?

Cadmium is also a chief component of the metal industry, and it is
found in large quantities, when found with silver ore, and with iron
ore, and with gold ore, typically. It is a shiny grey ore, and it is
very useful for making steel stronger.

The processes of melting tin ore out of cassisterite, is a difficult
process, but the Lesbianists use it to help confuse people about what
tin is. Tin is chiefly found in metal deposits, or metal bareing
loads, where there is much iron ore, and steel ore.

Steel ore is similar to iron ore, but steel ore is stronger than iron.

Iron is a little brittle, and with out the use of steel ore, and with
out the use of other ores, to stiffen it up, iron ore is a poor choice
for durable, pots, and durable cast iron statues as it will fragment,
very easily, and it turns to dust, if scraped with a strong hardened
steel knife blade.

The home hobbyist, or workshop metal smith, as seen on PBS, the small
sized smelting industry, as seen in a recent Las Vegas PBS program
that touched on metal smithing, makes a big deal out of white metal,
and that is iron, basically, the real brittle metal that comes in
through the metal smith's doors from people who own statues made of
iron. That brittle metal, if scraped with a knife, will start to
shatter, and fall apart, and the metal smith was saying, he could not
weld any thing to it, as it would just keep coming apart, layer after
layer. That is iron ore, and it is different from steel ore.

I suppose the Lesbianists' made up the periodic table of elements to
help confuse scientists, and it does not jive with reality, and the
metals animals minerals animals, elements animals, and other animals,
that we have in our environments. The Lesbianists periodic table of
'elements' does not help to describe the many types of 'elements'
animals and other animals that we find in our environments, under the
ocean, in the forests and jungles, under the ground, or in the
deserts, and so on.

How Many Elements Animals Are There?

There are so many elements animals, you will take many years to study
about them all, if you decide to study in depth about them. Maybe it
will take several hundreds of years, to learn about some of the things
about them. If you wish to study about all the mineral animals, metal
animals, elements animals, and other living animals that are in my
many universes, it will take you a far greater amount of time to study
about them all.

We will have courses for you to study about them, once we set up our
new civilization, and once we get around to setting up the many other
new civilizations, that will all be patterned after our civilization,
that we will be setting up, shortly, with the cooperation of the
Lesbianists, the Zealots, and their many other outbound planetary
settlement groups radical friends.

New Sciences

Elements animals are many types. There are thousands, and millions of
elements animals, if not more, maybe many times more, into the
kazillions, plus many times more, I think.

Just like animals on the ground, or in the ocean, or in the fresh
water lakes, or in the sky such as birds, or in the lagoons, or in the
swamps, and so forth, there are untold, countable numbers of different

However, the elements animals are very far greater in number, than the
animals we can see with our eyes.

Animals of all sizes, and some of them are very tiny, exist in huge
numbers, all throughout my universe.

Tree animals, and plants animals, we learned about recently, the
drafts babies, and the wedger mama's, they are in each and every
plant, and they are different from every other type of plant animal.

There are quite a large number or plants, and flowers, and bushes, and
sea weeds, though we don't see sea weeds too often, or kelp plants,
but there are lots of underwater plants, but perhaps not as many as
above ground plants, as we have destroyed our environments, and in the
ocean, the oceans are so polluted, not much grows in them, any more.

Elements animals are very large in number. So are molds animals. Molds
animals are very large in number, but who is there more of? I don't
know, but maybe with all the different types of molds there are, there
may be more molds animals, than there are elements animals, but it is
a close call, I think.

But maybe not, as there are so many types of animals in molds, maybe
the animals found in molds, are far greater than the number of animals
found in elements.

Anyway, I suppose molds animals, if we look closely at all the
different types of molds there are, with a microscope, will far out
number the number of elements animals.

Never the less, there are a far greater number of elements animals,
than the Lesbianists are going to let anyone know about.

Why is that? It's because they do not want to educate people about the
real world we live in. They want to keep us dumb, and stupid, so they
can laugh at us, or at least, as dumb and stupid to them, anyway, so
that they can laugh at us.

Well, it is a pretty unpleasant situation, here, because we have to
learn what science is, and we have to learn the real sciences, and not
the phoney sciences the Lesbianists teach.

My memories are not good enough to even begin to teach any thing, but
any way, we need some Lesbianists, such as George Bussey, or Clint
Eastwood, or Morgan Freeman, and Liz Taylor, and Mila Jovovich, and
Mrs. Barbara Bush, Jr., and Mrs. Barbara Bush, Sr., and Mr. George
Bush, Sr., and Mr. Ronald Reagan, and Mr. George Bush, Jr., and their
radical friends, to teach us the real sciences, along with the rest of
the Lesbianists, or Zealots, all of them.

Not a lot of them will want to comply, with that, but we can get some
of them to comply, if you make friends with them, and then invite them
to your houses, and sexal with them, and make them your best friends,
and your sexaling partners. The longer you remain friends, and the
longer you sexal with each other, the more compliant they will become
over time.

That's the best way to get the Lesbianists, or Zealots to become your
friends and then have them teach you stuff, about molds, and science,
that you didn't know about, before. As you learn about science, you
will learn about making molds, using different methods, and then you
can learn how to feed your body, and then you can learn how to feed
all the organ animals in your body, a proper diet, and then you can
live forever.

If your organ animals all get the foods they need, you will have many
happy animals inside of your body.

Professional Moldists

Lesbianists are all professional moldists, and they all have the
capability to teach people how to mold up any thing that is worth
molding up. They study for millions, and billions of years, and even
longer, in some cases. They get their professional degrees, and then
they qualify for the outbound settlers' program, and then they go off
to settle a new planet, that has not very long ago, recongealed, after
it was last smashed apart by a passing sun, or large planet, traveling
at a very high rate of speed as it smashed into it, or as it smashed
into something, such as another planet, or even a sun, nearby.

That can be very catastrophic, and not many people will survive, and
many planets in the vicinity, will shatter to pieces, when a sun or
large planet is hit by direct impact, by a large size planet, or
fragment of a large planet, or a sun, or fragment of a sun, traveling
at a high velocity, near or even past the speed of light.

The shock waves that go shattering out, in wave after wave, will
destroy every planet and sun, for a long ways around.

This happens, some times, and the planets and suns and moons, are
reduced to dust particles, and after some time, they begin to
recongeal, as they go spinning around due to magnetic waves that
affect them. After spinning in various formations of circular
movements, they eventually recongeal into numerous planets, and many
different sized suns. Lots of moons also form, and you have the birth
of a lot of new planets, that need settleing.

We always send out people to settle the new planetary systems that
need settling, who are most qualified, to establish and lead a new
civilization, that they must construct, as a part of their agreements,
for their being selected to settle the new planets.

This is how it is typically done, and so we get the best and the
brightest, and after their certification, they go out to settle a
newly formed area of planets that are habitatable.

We send out many groups, one after another, of highly qualified
people. Hulk Hogan was one of those people, who came in a different
group of people, but he is friends with the Lesbianists, and he
supports, more or less, what the Lesbianists are doing. There are a
lot of Hulk Hoagan's friends, who also came and settled this planet,
in one or more of the out bound planetary settlement groups.

We need Mrs. Barbara Bush, Mr. Hulk Hoagan, and all of their friends,
including Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Obama, to get into compliance with
the terms of their agreements, that they initially signed onto, and
penned their names to, so that we can get further aide from my

My Working Children And Where Are They?

My working children take care of the support work, once the settlers
in the out bound settlement groups are in agreement with the terms of
compliance, of their out bound planetary settlement program.

How this is done, takes some explaining, but it is fine to leave it as
it is, for now, as it will take a lot of explaining to do, to let you
know exactly how every thing in my universe is set up, and where all
my kids are living.

There are multiple dimensions to this universe, and I weaved together
this universe, in such a way as to support the activities of my kids,
and at the same time, support the activities of other groups of my
kids, living in different dimensions, and at the same time, support
the activities of us, living here, in this large universe of ours.
This is the central area for us to live, and we have a different job,
as it turns out, and that is to purify our universe that we live in,
for eternity, so that we can all live in all the universes I have
made. There are many universes, too small for you too see, as you are
just too big to possibly see them.

I also made many dimensions, and weaved every thing together, in such
a way as to support the religion that I am now going to teach to you,
over time, and that you are all going to learn about. You can decide
for your self if you wish to practice my religion or not, but your
practicing my religion, is essential for us to have a nice place to
live in, for eternity. That also includes all of my kids.

Different Jobs For My Different Groups Of Children

We have a lot of different jobs to do, my kids, and you, and to keep
every thing running smoothly, we must practice my religion, that I am
now begining to wake up to and learn about, as I come out of my
condition of amnesia, and that I am now begining to practice, in my

This is how I planned, it, with me waking up, and coming out of my
amnesia, and then, over time, introducing my self to all of you, as
you all begin to practice my religion.

We will be here for eternity, and it is our job to purify our
universe, and to erase the karma, that is a continuous problem, for
all of us. There is much we must understand about how my universe is
built, maintained, and run or managed. All of my kids make karma, and
to keep this universe running properly, we have to divide the karma
up, into manageable sizes for each one of us to bare. We are in the
best location, here in this universe that we live in, and it is our
responsiblity, because we it is our job, to keep our universe pure by
practicing my religion.

Advantages To Living In This 'Central Bus Station Terminal Building'

There are lots of advantages to living in this universe, the 'Central
Bus Station Terminal Building' universe, that my kids do not share
with us, as they live and work in their many, tiny 'Bus Station
Terminal Building Support' universes, to support what we are doing, in
this 'main' universe. There are lots of things that you can do in this
'main' universe, efficiently, and effectively, that you can not do as
well at, in the tiny universes that my kids live in.

The list is long, but one thing is, taking karma, and figuring out how
to deal with it, and then dealing with it, efficiently. Another thing
is, balancing out karma. We need to balance out karma, to keep every
one and every animal alive, thriving, and well, and we can effectively
balance out karma, in this 'main' universe, better than in the tiny
universes that my kids are living and working in.

With my religion, that we will begin, soon, to accept and practice,
some of us in our universe, and in time, more of us, and with my kids
practicing my religion, along with us, but in their support network of
tiny universes, and more needs to be explained about the support
network of tiny universes and what my kids are doing, as they work in
them for keeping things running smoothly and harmoniously, we will
effectively have a way to balance out karma, much better than ever

Practicing my religion is also good for erasing our karma, and we can
more effectively erase our karma, and keep things running smoothly,
for our 'main' universe, as well as for all of the many support
universes, that my kids are living in and working in, and that we need
integrated with our 'main' universe, to allow us all to live in this
very big universe of ours, which includes and is central to all of the
other many 'tiny' universes and central to all of the other living
areas, that goes on, beyond the walls of this universe, in all
directions for almost nearly infinity for all practical purposes, that
I have for all of my working kids to live in and work in, supporting
what we are doing in this universe and supporting, in an inter
networked and inter connected manner, what they are all doing, in
their universes, and living areas, as well.

My human being kids all have jobs, and so do all my worker animals,
and I have lots of working kids, and I have lots of worker animals of
all different kinds.

You and I, who are in this main 'Central Bus Station Terminal
Building' universes, are the only ones who do not have jobs assigned
to us. Therefore, we are all going to work, forever, from now on, at
practicing my religion, and this will be our primary job, for keeping
our universe running, and for keeping all of my kids universes and
living areas, running in proper order, as we erase the massive amounts
of karma that need to be erased and as we balance out the massive
amounts of karma that need to be balanced out.

This is a difficult and lengthy topic to discuss, and so I'll have to
leave it for another day. Sorry.

In any case, we all must have a job, all of my kids and I, and now, of
course, you are all going to join my kids, whether you like the idea
of it, or not, and begin working for me.

Getting Into Compliance Of The Outbound Settlement Program

Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Barbara Bush, Jr., Mrs. Barbara Bush, Sr.,
and all their friends are now going to have to get into compliance
with the terms of their aggreements for the outbound settlement
program. Once they do that, we can begin to get things started, for
the rest of eternity, with you practicing my newest religion.

This religion will take the best from each of my earlier religions,
that I taught, and combine all of the best of them, into this one.
There are also some other special features to this religion, and we'll
learn them over time.

In any case, we are going to place women in their rightful place,
above men, and we are going to place men in their rightful place,
below women. That's one of the main things that we are going to
achieve with this new religion. It was never a big issue, before, in I
think maybe most of my religions, if not almost all of them, where
women stood in relation to men.

Anyway, we are going to get an understanding of the fact that there
are two races of people, and one of them is the female race, and one
of them is the male race.

That's one of the primary things, that we are going to get
straightened out, now, with my religion, with out ever getting it
confused, again, for the rest of eternity.

In any case, we need all of the friends of Hillary Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, George Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush, Jr., George
Bussey, Mila Jovovich, Bruce Willis, and of Hulk Hogan, and of all of
the other people who came in the original outbound planetary
settlement groups, who are still here, and still alive, and who still
remember that they all have planetary settlement agreements to get
into compliance with.

Unless they do that, there is not much we can do, except wait around
until they finally do decide to get into compliance. They must then
take the neccessary steps to inform every one, about the facts of this

The Planetary Government And The Laws For The Citizens Of This Planet

Until they do that, we can not get much work done, as all the laws,
and the way the societies on this planet are set up, will not work for
us. Nudity and nakedness must be permitted, and so must public
sexaling. All forbiddance laws must be dropped, and all laws on
behavior, and the types of plants people can eat, and so forth, must
be all dropped.

The sets of laws that are the basis of the outbound planetary
settlement programs must be then instituted. The governments that the
Lesbianists have set up, must be dropped, and one planetary government
must be formed with those laws as the foundation for all of the
citizens of the planet.

Those are the first steps that we must take. After that, we will get
and have the needed arrangements, to set up my religion, globally, so
as to make it accessable to every one.

We are also waiting on the release of the software and operating
system, that I released to the FBI, through their twenty four hour a
day, audio and video surveilance of me, which I've talked about,
before. When that software and the operating system are released, we
can begin the 'managing my universe' program, and the 'sexaling for a
living' programs, that will then be instituted, after the Lesbianists
and their friends, get into compliance with the terms of their

Once they get into compliance, and once we get the software from the
tapes of the video surveilance, we will be able to institute the
'managing my universe' program, and the 'sexaling for a living'

Until then, there is not any hope for any meaningful change. So, until
then, please make friends with the Zealots, or Lesbianists, and their
friends, and become good sexaling partners with them, and get them to
teach you more about the real sciences, and about molding sciences,
etc., and make good relations with each other. It may take some time
to get their attention, and to get them to begin to accept your offers
and invitations to your homes, or to their homes, on occaision, for
sexaling sessions. After sexaling for several weeks, non stop, they
will all become more pliable, and more compliant, and they will begin
to loosen up, and then open up and talk about things, as you all begin
to learn to trust each other, and to treat each other with care,
consideration, and respect. You can then begin to build on your
understanding of each other, and your relationships with each other,
will begin to blossom.

Sexaling Professionals

The Zealots, and their friends are professional sexalers, so they can
teach you many things and secrets about sexaling, that you may not
know about. You will make good bed partners, and after some time, you
can learn lots of things. There are cures for herpes, of course, and
for genital warts, and for all venereal diseases, and so forth. These
Zealots, the Lesbianists, know all about them, as they had to study
all of that stuff, to get qualified and certified for the outbound
planetary settlement programs. You will also be able to learn proper
diet techniques so as to be able to feed your body, and all the organ
animals, and other animals, that are living in your body, and that you
need to feed. You can also learn proper skin care, health care, and
body hygene.

Wedding Arrangements

Currently, the way things are set up, with one person, a male, and the
other person, a female, getting licensed to marry each other, will not
work, under the new system. Thus it is neccessary to get into
compliance with the terms of the outbound planetary settlement
programs, so that the new laws will allow for multi person marriages.
Multi person marriages, I discussed, before. Women and girls need
multiple men and boys to sexal with, properly, as women and girls are
very capable sexalers, once they learn how to sexal properly. Multiple
person marriages will allow for mulitiple women and girls, and
multiple men and boys, to marry each other. The current laws must be
dropped, and the current governments must be disbanded. After that,
the new government and the new laws will allow for multiple person
marriages. Once multiple person marriages are allowed, after the new
government is set up, then the sexaling for a living programs, will be
instituted, as a part of the compliance terms.

Informing The People Of This Planet About The Terms Of Compliance

The Lesbianists need to inform every one about what the terms of
compliance are, and they had better get to that, soon. They must then,
with their many friends, who came after them, or along with some of
them, as they arrrived on this planet, by space carrier, or space
ship, begin to get their Lesbianists friends in all the governments of
the world, and their other friends in the governments of the world, to
comply and participate in setting up the one world planetary

The software and operating system software, have in them, access
capabilities to access data bases, to down load all of the
information, that is needed for every one to learn about and to begin
participating in all the new programs.

Building The Infrastructure, And The Needed Facilities, Etc.

Once you begin accessing the databases, and once you begin to study,
and learn about the new programs, my kids, who work in other
universes, and in other dimensions, will then begin to build and set
up the infrastructure, housing, food production facilities, medicine
production facilities, recreational facilities, academic facilities,
hospital facilities, prison facilities, and so forth, that will be
needed to further advance the programs every one will be required to
begin and will need to begin to participate in.

Once we get to that point, we will begin to be able to have a stable
society, with all of the new technologies that will be provided for
security, and personal safety.

Molding Up Bread And Metals Animals, Etc.

I said, before, that you need only a square inch or so of metal in
each one gallon of bread you are molding up. That may be a minimum,
but it is better to use more. If you are using a plastic container,
you can line the bottom of it, with aluminum foil, and you can line
the in side walls of the container, up to one half to two thirds up
towards the top, for better results.

Some molds animals like silicas. Some like quartz. Some molds animals
like tourquoise. And lots of them, like various mixtures of minerals
and metals, and elements animals, as well as other animals, we do not
know much if any thing about, who are hiding inside of rocks, and
stones. Anyway, we'll find out, in time, all about what molds animals
we are trying to make, and what they like to eat, and then we will
find the right types of rocks, ore rocks, mineral rocks, and other
types of rocks and stones, and we will provide them to the molds
animals, and funguses animals, so that they can get fed well. The more
well fed we feed them, with all of the many types of worker animals of
mine, the healthier they the molds animals and funguses worker animals
of mine will become. The more healthier they become, as we raise them,
in the containers we find to farm them in, when we are finished
farming them, and then when we eat them, the more healthier the organ
animals in us, will become.

The more healthier the organ animals in us become, the better able
they will be to make babies, and the more successful we will be at
prolonging our longevity. Our bodies are meant to last for eternity,
if we feed them with the right worker animals of mine, and all the
proper foods and nutrients they need to stay healthy. We have much to
learn about all of this, and the sooner you begin making friends and
making sexaling partners with the Lesbianists, and their radical
friends, the sooner you will be able to begin to understand how to
feed your bodies, properly, so that you can begin to live forever, and
so that you can begin thinking about working for me, in this main,
Central Bus Station Terminal Building that we are living in.

What Will Be Your Main Jobs From Now On?

It might take you awhile to decide to begin working for me, but the
sooner you decide, the better off we will all be, as we need all of
the wonderful sexaling energies you and your sexaling partners will be
helping to create, to fill up this universe of ours, and to fill up
all the many universes of my kids, and all the living areas of my kids
who live outside this 'Central' universe we are in, which is a very
big place, as I've mentioned about, before. It is very hard to fill up
this 'Central' universe we are living in, with all of the wonderful
sexaling energies, that will allow us to begin to breath, easier, once
again, and that we are starving for, and that we are currently
depleted of.

We will, though, over time, fill up this whole universe, and all of
the many other universes, and areas my working kids live in, with all
the needed sexaling energies animals, and other types of energies
animals, we do not understand too much about, and that we also have to
study about, one day.

My working kids are all doing their best, sexaling for a living, so
that they can erase their karma, and balance out their karma, in
addition to working at their main support jobs.

Those of us, you and I, in this main, 'Central Bus Station Terminal
Building' do not have any support jobs, so we will have lots of time,
for the 'managing my universe' programs, and for the 'sexaling for a
living' programs so that we can also erase our karma, and balance out
our karma, as well as erase all of the karma of my worker animals, and
also, help balance out all the karma of all of the worker animals of

That is your main 'job', from now on, sexaling for a living, as well
as working in the 'managing my universes' programs.

We will have lots of time to study about every thing we need to and
want to study about, so we can better understand the many things we
need to learn more about, so that we can appreciate what my working
kids are doing, to keep all of the many tiny universes, and all of the
living areas, as well as our universe, in proper working order so that
you can all live and work forever, as one big family of children.

There is much more to learn about, with regards to my family of
children, and about all the new human being kids we will be greeting,
and welcoming into our large family, as the ladies and girls begin to
bring them into our 'Central' universe, as tummy mommies, along with
the tummy daddies, and we will learn more about the many new working
kids of mine, that my working tummy mommies kids and working tummy
daddies kids, will be bringing into, and welcomeing and greeting as
they come into each of their universes and living areas, another day.
We will also be seeing many new worker animals of mine, over time, as
many, many new ones, of all types, will also be joining the working
force of my worker animals.

Getting Busy, Cleaning Up, In The Gurkian Age

It will take us a long time to get every thing into good order, and to
clean up our universe, and erase our karma, and balance out our karma,
along with my worker human being children, who are all busy, cleaning
up the many support universes that they live in, and cleansing their
karmic records, etc., and who are all busy, cleaning up the many
support living areas, that they live in, and cleansing their karmic
records, etc., as they begin to practice, more and more, my new
religion for the Gurkian Age that we are now in and at the begining

This may sound hard to believe, or 'fictious', but it is not
'fictious', and over time, you will learn all about every thing in
detail, and you will begin to get your selves grounded in reality,
more and more, as you begin to work in the 'managing my universe'
programs, and as you begin to work in the 'sexaling for a living'

Taking The First Steps Towards Resolving Cooperation Issues

Making friends and becomeing sexaling partners with the Lesbianists,
the Zealots, and with their radical friends, is your first step in the
correct direction towards resolving the difficulties we are
encountering, now, to some extent, because of the Lesbianists, and
their radical friends reluctance to cooperate. The more friends you
make and the more sexaling partners you make, the more the Lesbianists
and their radical friends will begin to 'cooperate' with you, in all
the ways that are important to resolve the cooperation issues, and non
cooperation issues, that are currently in need of resolving.

Air Raid Shelters And Play Time 'Fetish' Sexaling Underground Dungeons

People with underground air raid shelters, may wish to add on to them,
and expand their size to accomodate all the new friends from among the
Lesbianists, or Zealots, and their radical friends, who people with
underground air raid shelters, or other convenient places,
underground, such as play land dungeons, which some people who like
fetish sexaling, may have, will be inviting in to their underground
air raid shelters, for a long duration stay to have the Lesbianists,
or Zealots, and their radical friends, teach them about sexaling, and
teach them about molding, and the sciences that these people know
nearly every thing about. Almost one hundred percent of the course
work had to be completed, and in many cases, it was one hundred
percent of the course work that needed to be completed, to make them
an eligible candidate for an out bound planetary settlement program.

Becoming Trusting And Loving Friends With Each Other

As you invite these people into your homes, you will need proper
accomodations, such as extra rooms, and extra beds, and so forth, so
people with underground air raid shelters, and with underground fetish
sexaling rooms, or dungeons, will need to expand the size of these
underground rooms, so as to accomodate all of the guests they will be
inviting in, to meet and sexal with the family, the relatives, the
neighbors, and other trustable persons.

You can learn many secrets about sexaling, and you can learn a lot
more, than you would imagine, as all of these people were certified as
instructors for teaching sexaling techniques, judo and ai kido
techniques, as well as impromptu ninja type, assasin techniques, for
use in a pinch, to protect their lives. They were also certified to
teach molding sciences, and all the earth sciences, and planetary
science, all the math sciences, and so forth. They were also trained
in government sciences, nutritional sciences, medical sciences, and so
forth, so they could be all around, professional, well trained
persons. All this training was for the bright of the brightest, and
they spent many hundreds of thousands, and millions of years, and
billions of years, and some times, more, training and getting
certified in all the career sciences, as well as in fitness and health
sciences, that they needed to learn to set up a new civilization, with
a fully developed government, in accordance with the instructions and
requirements for that government, which was to be based on the same
pattern of government, where they trained to become certified
officials on the planet they were to settle, and in the galaxy they
were going into.

They were trained to be excellent leaders, and capable people, in
every sense of the word, to get and hold the attention of all late
comers, and to prevent the late comers from attempting to dislodge
them, from government, over some petty, dissatisfaction, about their
performance. Their performance issues were of major concern, so they
were highly over qualified, so as to make it clear to all late
commers, people who would be arriveing later, either as new additions
to the population, on the out bound planetary expeditionary settlement
program, or as tummy babies, to tummy mommies, and to tummy daddies,
who they all new they were going to become.

They are so well trained, they can teach you practically any thing,
not only with regards to medicine, government, the sexaling sciences,
and so forth, but even about the martial arts sciences, and ninja
sciences, and the techniques they learned, which they practiced, many
of them, diligently. They can do some very fancy martial arts and
ninja assasin tricks, if you ask them to, and they can be very
entertaining as some of them are very adept, or skilled at performing
these tricks, and secret martial arts attack and destroy skills. As a
rule, in the Lesbianists organization, any way, they are only allowed
to use those skills, in a life or death situation, so you should treat
them, well, and be courteous, considerate, and kind to them, and make
sure their stay is comfortable, and that they are well fed, and
offered only the best foods, and the best wines, etc. They will help
you to learn how to make good tasting wines, which are not only good
tasting, but also, good for you, which will help feed all the animals
in your bodies, including the organ animals, so that you can
regenerate and rejuvenate your bodies.

Of course, when they were in training, for the out bound planetary
expeditionary settlement program, when they trained in the martial
arts, and when they trained in the ninja sciences, they were
certified, and got their diplomas, as well. In the guidelines, they
are not allowed to use their ninja attack and destroy skills, or their
death threat level, response and offense to attack and destroy an
enemy, who might like to dislodge them, forcefully from government,
and perhaps kill them, if they could, to get them out of the way,
permanently, unless their lives are in danger.

So long as you do not threaten them, and make hostile remarks to them,
and so long as you remain courteous, careing, considerate, and kind to
them, and so long as the men and boys act in gentlemenly manners, and
so long as the women and girls act with lady like, polite manners, to
whom ever your guests are, you will certainly be able to get along
with each other, without any problems, at all.

They were trained in the sexaling sciences, and in the molding
sciences, and in all the academic sciences, so that they could also
offer educational programs to all of the new comers, whether tummy
babies, and off spring, the children of the members of the out bound
planetary expedtionary settlement program, or whether new members,
incoming from else where, who would like the additional academic

Try to get along as best as you can, and remember to be polite, and
talk politely, and be courteous, and make every effort to allow them
to enjoy the luxury of relaxing days and nights, fully sexaled, and
fully fed, and allow them to make lots of aphrodesics molds, and other
molds, as well as useful and tasty beverages, such as those they can
make with fruits, and juices, and molds of various kinds, which will
increase the amounts of nutrients in your body to help feed all the
hungry animals, and organ animals, and cell animals, and amoebes
animals, etc., who are all in your body, and who are all in need of

Remember too, to always test feed the drinks to farm animals, such as
pigs, hogs, goats, lambs, sheep, dogs, cats, and so forth, including
other animals, such as guinea pigs, mice, rats, ferrets, and wart
hogs, first, if your guests will not drink the beverages they make,
for some reason.

We want every one to remain healthy, and happy, and there should be no
toxic poisonings of the food and drink permitted, due to tricky
knowledge of poisons the Lesbianists, or Zealots, and their radical
friends, can make, with their knowledge of the molding sciences.

Make sure every one remains on the best of terms, and make friends
with them, after sexaling with them, for several weeks, or longer, and
when they begin to truly enjoy their stay with you and your family
members, and with you and your family's relatives, and with you and
your family, and so forth, and your neighbors who will be dropping in,
every day, hopefully, to enjoy extended sexaling sessions, for days,
and weeks, and even months, and even years, in lots of cases, as they
haven't had the chance to sexal very much, ever since they all came up
from underground, where they were living, and sexaling with all their
friends, all the time, for their 'tour of duty'.

The Lesbianists, i.e., the Zealots, and their radical friends, must
perform a 'tour of duty', every so often, to stay in good standing
within the organizations they belong to. They plan these tour of duty
trips to the surface of the planet, to engage the locals, the ordinary
folks, the dim witted folks or rodent population, as they call them,
well in advance of each tour of duty. We ordinary people, are the dim
witted folks, in their view, and they enjoy making fun of us, and
making fools out of us, as much as they can, for their amusement. We
shouldn't mind this, as every one needs to have fun, once in a while.
So be gracious hosts, and invite many of these people, freely into
your homes, and treat them almost as you would treat the members of
your family. Remember to sexal with each other, daily, as much as
possible, when time permits. Have lots of friends, and associates, all
trustable people, come to your homes, to meet your guests, your 'new'
family members, and have your trustable friends engage them in
pleasant conversations, and in lovesome sexaling. Lovesome sexaling,
is passionate sexaling.

You can find their likes and dislikes, as to who or which type of
person, male or female, and so forth, each new guest likes to sexal
with, as a preference. Make sure that every one is compatible, with
each other, in terms of their sexaling preferences. As time goes by,
you will all begin to love one and another, and then the issues of non
cooperation, will fade into the past, and into ancient history, and we
will eventually get full cooperation, on all the points neccessary,
for then setting up a one world, planetary government, with their kind
assistance. They will be happy to teach to you the terms of
compliance, once you become cherishable, loving, and tendersome
friends with each other, as you sexal with each other, daily.
Tendersome means, loving and caring towards some one.

In time, when you have begun to break down the walls of hostility,
some of them may feel, for being guests, against their wills, some of
them, anyway, will never the less have some tiny amounts of hostility,
for your bringing into your homes these wonderful people, despite
their busy, daily schedules, and rigorous duties, or routines at work
and on the job, in government, or in the field of academics, and in
television, as news casters, weather reporters, anchor persons, camera
men and women, and stage and screen acting jobs, and stage hand jobs,
from police departments, fire departments, ambulance attendants,
doctors, lawyers, ad agency workers, and so forth, or in what ever the
work they are doing, during their tour of duty.

As you, the hosts, gradually break down the walls of antagonism,
unpleasant feelings, and hostilities some may feel towards you, or
resistant feelings that some may have, when you invite these people,
your new 'family' members, or guests, into your homes, as you sexal
with each other, the longer you sexal with each other, sooner or
later, you will begin to be able to love and trust each other.

When you are able to love and trust each other, and when there are no
residual hard feelings, or unpleasant memories left, when you all love
to snuggle and sexal with each other, having lots of fun and laugher
with each other, then you will want to begin to get the shopping lists
of delicious foods for them to eat, and you will want to get the
shopping lists for the items, that they will need, to make the
delicious molded foods, and the delicious snacks, given their
incredible know how on making delicious foods, and delicious snacks,
and delicious beverages, based on all their academic learning,
training, and teaching, that they acquired over the many long years of
study, public service and volunteer work they performed, to qualify
for the out bound expeditionary settlement programs.

In time, you will all be able to regenerate your bodies, look younger,
feel great, feel more fit, and your stamina for sexaling will have
improved, if you follow their advice and tips on how to improve your
sexaling methods, and your sexaling techniques. As you listen to them,
and learn from them, you can level up your sexaling sciences
knowledge, along with your sexaling skills. In time, you will also be
able to learn all about the molding sciences, and you can even have
them teach you some of their 'sneaky' tricks, that they know, that
could kill you, if they were allowed to mold up, any thing they wished
to mold up, without supervision.

Remember, a loving relationship is not the only thing needed to build
a trusting relationship. Understanding, respect, and careing for each
other, all go a long way towards helping you to deepen your trust with
one and each other, so that you can deepen your tenderness towards
each other, and strengthen your bonds of love, for each other.

Supervise carefully, every thing they do, and remember, if they will
not eat or drink what they make for you, you should test feed it to
the pets you have, as I've explained about, before, for several weeks,
as there are fast ways to poison people, and there are slow ways to
poison people.

This is a very difficult area to manage, but once your guests, your
new 'family' members, begin to show true love and affection, and
unflattering love for you, and for your family members, and for your
friends, etc., with respect for you, your family members, and for your
friends, along with care, consideration, and understanding, these
problems will become less of a threat to having a happy and mutually
cooperative, and prosperous relationship with each other.

Unflattering Love

Unflattering love, is a type of love, where you accept each other, for
who you are, with all your faults, and frailties, no matter what they
are. It's like a brother and sister relationship with each other, with
love and respect for each other, no matter what.

In time, you will develop your love relationship into one of
unflattering love and affection. When you have succeeded at that, then
the hazards, one may encounter, as hosts to your guests, may become a
tiny bit, less serious.

It takes many years of cooperative association, many thousands of
years, and then, even more, before you will develop any thing that is
worth while between you and your guests in so far as being able to
trust each other. So prepare well for the long term long haul journey
ahead of you, as it will take you millions of years, before your
guests, even begin to calm down, a little. People are very good at
hiding disatisfaction, and disgruntlement. They can linger, and they
will linger, until they find a way to express them selves. You need to
be cautious, at every moment, and suspect every thing that is in any
way, suspicious or ambiguous behavior. Even after billions of years of
mutual sexaling with each other, there may still linger hard feelings,
in some people, if not in many people, for having been forced to
experience, a sudden change in life and in a sudden change, forced
upon them, in life style.

The Importance Of People's Rights To Freedom And Their Rights To
Freely Choose The Course And Direction Of Their Lives

Being forced to cooperate is not a pretty issue and hard sentiments
will linger for a very long time, if not handled properly. Counseling
can help, but basic freedom is what is expected, and so until or
unless you give your guests, complete freedom, to act and think, and
do as they like, there will be problems and head aches for every one,
with minor issues, possibly causing, major catastrophes, such as an
early death and a visit to my Epcot Center, from an over dose of too
potent, lethally potent, molded up substances.

Freedom, denied to a person, is the worst thing that can happen to
some one. Until your guests can experience life, freely coming and
going, as they like, and as they choose, voluntarily helping you and
your family, and your friends, out of love and respect for each other,
to learn the sciences that you need to learn to allow you to feed all
the hungry animals inside of your body, and to feed all of the hungry
organ animals, and cell animals, etc., inside your body, so that you
can begin to live forever, you will experience difficulties in your
relationships with each other, that will now and then appear, and
cause possible problems for you, your family, your friends, and also
for your guests.

Freedom to choose is a basic right of all people. So let's all be kind
and loving towards one and each other, and over time, you will begin
to be able to loosen the restrictions on personal freedoms, and in
time, you will be able to do away with them, and dispense with them
all. This will be a major turning point, in your relationships with
your guests. When your guests can come and go, with unrestricted
access to your home, just as a sister or brother has, to their home,
and when your guests can freely choose what they wish to do, without
any coercive forces placed upon them, then you will be making a major
turn in the direction in which you all wish to go, towards a happy,
healthy, settlement, over past confusions. With this as a goal for
you, you should cooperate with each other, and make life as easy,
comfortable, and satisfying as possible for your guests, to minimize
their possible hostilities towards you for your forcing them to get
into a situation of cooperate or else. This is not a good thing, and
you will not get any cooperation, at all, if you approach your
relationship with each other, with that attitude, and with that
approach. A long, dependable, reliable, and mutually enjoyable,
sexaling history with each other, is the begining of a trusting and
loving relationship, that will one day lead to the loosening of
restrictions on personal freedoms.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

Molds And The Potential Dangers Of Potent Molds - Lima Beans And Molds
Types - Worker Animals Living In My Universe - Special Automobiles
That Travel Through Space - Bugs, Bugs, Every Where - Molds Grow In
Layers - What Do The Lesbianists Enjoy Doing? - Lesbianists Will Never
Tell You The Truth - Stopping The Lesbianists, Please Detonate And
Destroy All The Airports The U.S. Congress Members Use - New Releases
Of The Programs And Operating Software - Molds And Donor Bowl
Technology - How Plentiful Is Gold, Silver, Platinum, And Other So
Called "Precious Metals"? - Building An Underground Fortress, Or
'Playroom' - Molds And Donor Bowls - Technologies To Investigate Molds
Gardens - Long Distance Video And Audio Technologies - Managing My
Universes Software, Etc. Update: 03-07-07 Rev.b 19:09 PDT

Molds And The Potential Dangers Of Potent Molds

Sometimes, you may have a mold on the bread that you are molding up,
that may be too strong, and may need some trimming. As you mold up you
need to trim your molds. What is trimming a mold? You need to make it
more useful, by using various techniques, to make it edible, that is,

An eatable mold is what we want to make. We do not want to make a mold
that is too strong in nickle animals, or too strong in copper animals,
or too strong in iron animals, or too strong in stronthium animals.

What is stronthium? Stronthium, is a mineral that can be useful to
your health, and is useful, but if it is too potent, or too strong,
that is, if there are too many of my worker animals making gardens
with lots of stronthium in the plants, and bushes, etc., and the
number of gardens increases, and they my worker animals cover the
whole piece of bread with their gardens and forests of stronthium rich
plant life, then the piece of molded up bread, if you eat it, may make
you ill, and vomit, or you may get cold chills. If there is too much
stronthium, then you can even get seriously ill and die.

This is true with any molds gardens that my worker animals make. There
are secrets about how to make molds gardens, and how to get the right
number of worker animals, from the right sources, onto the piece of
bread that you are trying to mold up. Different worker animals from
different sources, will be busy making molds gardens, and you want to
try and get right combination of my worker animals onto your bread, so
that they can make you a nice salad of molds gardens of many different
and useful kinds so that your salad will be healthful for you to eat.

You need to know a little about molds, and what types of molds grow on
bread. You also need to know what types of molds grow if you put, for
instance, lima beans with bread, in a canister or molding pot, and the
pot is made of copper, instead of steel, or iron, instead of gold or
silver, or lead,

You have to study about molds, and you have to learn about all the
different molds. This can take many long years. You need also too
know, what in combination with what, will produce what molds.

Lima Beans And Molds Types

There are many millions of combinations that you can make. Lima beans
is one with bread. Lima beans grown in Peru is another. Lima beans
grown in Alaska, in a low lying valley in Alaska is another possible
combination. Lima beans grown in a snowy mountain village, in the
summer, but in a green house, with a hot springs water supply, and
geothermal, and hot water sulpher springs heating is another
combination. Lima beans grown in Siberia, in a snowy mountain village,
in the summer, in a green house, with a hot water supply, and geo
thermal, and hot water malaxacite springs heating, or iron sulphide
laden hot water heating, are two other possible combinations.

Worker Animals Living In My Universe

There are many millions of worker animals families in different parts
of the world, who will each work on different lima bean plants. The
worker animals all have different friends working with them. Many of
the workers are different all together, and maybe they came from other
planets, even, and settled on this planet, when they got a ride on a
person's pant leg, or on a person's shoe, when that person came to
this planet.

You can travel by air plane to different countries. You can also
travel by air plane, to some planets, if you know how to make an air
plane that will travel up and through the upper solar atmospheres, and
out into the areas between planets, at a fast enough speed, so that it
can pass through a dimensional barrier, and then in a different
dimension, it can fly wihout hitting objects, directly to the planet
the passengers wish to go to.

Special Automobiles That Travel Through Space

Some types of auto mobiles, which have special technologies, also
travel through dimenisional barriers, to other planets. They have the
technologies, to be able to get a lift, up and out of the planet's
gravity pull, and then out onto a platform, landing and take off
space. Once okayed for a take off, it can go to the next platform, and
then to the next platform, and it finally reaches the final platform,
and then it gets the okay to land on a planet, and it comes in, and it
lands on a landing strip, and then after passing security and customs,
it is free to drive to a person's house, or to an opera concert, or to
a theater to listen to a symphony concert. Lots of people travel this
way, in many parts of our universe.

When people, land, they bring all kinds of rubbish, with them,
including lots of air, from their lungs, and from inside their
automobiles. Inside the air, there are lots of tiny bugs, that crawl
around in the bronchial tubes. Inside the tummy, there are lots of
animals that crawl around in the tummy, and some of them, end up
getting pooped out, when you go to the bathroom.

Bugs, Bugs, Every Where

Lots of times, little bugs, of all kinds, may find their way into a
package of flowers for a girl friend, or chocolates for a boy friend.
Or some times, people exchange, rasberries, and strawberries, and
other types of edible foods, that are eaten, and pooped out, and then,
the remains are thrown out in the garbage can, and then later, the
trash company comes and picks up the trash, and they go to a compactor
site, and they make use of what they can recycle, and they mulch up
what they can mulch up, and they dismiss the items, they can not have
on their planet, that are toxic, or that are not allowed on their
planet, for one reason or another.

Many bugs travel from one planet, to another, in cars, in
strawberries, and in groceries, that people pick up on other planets,
and carry home, to their planet, to eat at their homes. This is
perfectly legal, and every one, knows about it, and they are all
laughing at me, because they all can read what I am typing, as I type.
They have the technologies to read directly what I am typing on my
computer, and that is nothing, special, as far as technologies go.

There are no laws that say they can not watch what I am doing, when I
am sleeping, or when I am in the shower, or when I am dressing, or
when I am typing, or when I am out side, walking to the store.

There are no laws on privacy, as privacy is a myth. We think we have a
right to privacy, but remember, all you girls and women were married
to all the men and boys in the universe. All you men and boys were
married to all the women and girls in the universe. You were all
sisters and brothers with each other, umpteen who knows how many
times. You were all fathers, and mothers, and you tummy mommies gave
birth to every person in our universe, all your sisters and brothers,
from previous lifetimes. All you tummy daddies, also shared in the
work with the tummy mommies. Every one knows every one else, and every
one has been butt naked with every one else, umpteen countless times.
So, privacy is not an issue, any more, as you all know what you each
look like, when you are butt naked, or sick in bed, or in the
hospital, and so forth.

Any way, many bugs travel from planet to planet, and there are lots of
bugs, that may have gotten here, from the past, as the Lesbianists
always have friends visit them, and their friends from other planets
bring gifts for them, and they bring lots of produce, and things to
grow, and this has been going on, since they got here.

How often their friends visit them, these days, I do not know, but
some times, in the past, they visited them, often, and they have
stopped, lately, as they do not want to get caught. They stopped about
fifty five years, ago, and before that, they often met on some secret
military bases, that all the soldiers on the base, are Lesbianists.

There are many military bases, that only Lesbianists are allowed to
join, and allowed to live at. The Lesbianists have them all over this
country, and all over the world, in fifty five places, approximately.
Some times, even now, the Lesbianists have guests who visit here, but
not too often. When they visit, they come in and land on the run ways,
and in secret places, where they can glide in, at night, in special
light carrier cruise ships, that practically glide in, from the parent
ship, waiting up above. When they land, they land very softly, and
quitely, and no one even wakes up.

They stay for a few days, to a few weeks, to five or so months, or
even longer. They are here, now, and many are in hiding, with the
Lesbianists, as guests of theirs.

They bring in bugs on their pants legs, and they bring in all kinds of
micro scopic animals, and even tinier animals, and you do not have the
technologies to see them, because they are so small, and because the
Lesbianists prevent the 'ordinary' people from getting the patents and
licenses, to build them, and they execute the patent owners, and any
others who are part of the company or companies, who wish to build the
microscopes, or other useful technologies, and that is that.

These animals that are very tiny, are living all over this planet, and
there are millions of different families of tiny animals, that eat up
each other, on the lima bean root and root stalk, and on the stalk of
the plant, and there is much warfare on the plant, in very tiny

The out come, is there are many tiny animals, eating other animals,
and pooping and peeing wastes from their bodies. Their poopy materials
get into water and the air, and onto the roots of the plants, and onto
the stalks, and onto the leafs, and we have lots of different kinds of
tinier animals, that eat up that poopy material, and those pee
liquids, and they live on that stuff, just like pigs live on dung from
cows and from horses, and how flies live on dung from cows, camels,
horses, bears, dogs, cats, humans, and so forth. There are lots of
animals, we can not see, at all, because they are too small, and
because we do not have the microscopes, and the lenses, and viewing
technologies needed to see them.

The lima beans in different parts of the world, all have different
groups of animals living on them, when they are picked, and when they
go to market.

When you take the different families of animals living on the lima
beans, and you have a handful of lima beans, you can put them into a
container, that is lined with one or more layers of aluminum foil, and
then you can put into the container, rocks, gravel - if they are clean
- and pretty amethysts, quartz stones, agates, opals, garnets, and
other pretty mineral stones.

You then put into the container, some bread to mold up. Depending on
where your lima beans where growing, and depending on who was working,
from among my worker crews of worker animals, on the roots of the lima
bean plant, and on the lima beans, and in the leaves, and so on, you
will get different poopy materials, and different types of pee
liquids, and in the poopy materials, and in the pee liquids, there are
lots of other animals, that are very tiny, and difficult to see,
without the right technologies that will let you see them.

You can have millions of different molds gardens, from lima beans,
with bread, in a container, as a result of all the different crews of
worker animals that I have working in the soils, in the rocks, in the
air, in the water, in outer space, on each planet, and on the moons,
every where, with lots of them all mixed up, with one and another. The
different animals living in the rocks, or in the aluminum foil, or in
the walls or on the surface of the container, will also increase the
number and types of poopy materials, and of pee materials that mix in,
and help produce different types of molds.

There are so many possiblities, just with lima beans, there are more
than millions of molds that are possible. When you think, well, there
is also sessame seeds, and there are walnuts, and almonds, and pecans,
and cashews, and figs, and fruits of all kinds, and seeds, and
berries, and leafs, and roots of plants, and different plants, on
land, and in the water, in lakes, in streams, in seas, in oceans, then
you begin to see that the number of possiblities for different types
of molds, gets very high, as I have so many worker animals, working in
different places, they make me dizzy, when I think I would like to
count them all.

It takes too long, to count them, but the important thing is to know,
that there are many types of molds that can grow, just from lima

When one mold begins to grow, another mold also will begin to grow,
and so will many other molds begin to grow. One type of mold may grow
in one part of the bread, and other types of molds may start growing
in other parts of the breads, after you leave the lima beans, in the
container, just for a few weeks, and you make sure there is enough
humidity for the animals inside, to get some thing to drink.

You do not want to make my animal workers go thirsty, or they will not
work for you. So you have to learn how to be a gardener, if you want
to grow molds, properly. More over, you need to learn a lot about
tending plants. That is, tending the types of plants that grow in
molds gardens. Since there are so many molds that grow, you will need
a lot of time to learn all about being a gardener, for all the
different plants that grow in all the various molds gardens that grow.

You will also need to study about all the different kinds of animals
that live in the molds gardens. You will also need to learn, what
kinds of molds gardens will grow near other types of molds gardens, or
on top of molds gardens.

Molds Grow In Layers

Many molds gardens get over grown with other molds gardens, and they
grow in a double layer, one over the other. Sometimes, they grow in
three layers, and in four layers, and in five and in six, and in
seven, and in eight layers. They grow in many tens of hundreds of
layers, if you let them grow for a long time.

How many layers, can they grow in, well, it depends on how long you
want to grow them, the soil conditions, the growing conditions, the
humidity conditions, the weather and climate conditions, and on many
other factors.

I don't know how many, you can grow, if you really try to grow a lot,
but there may be quite a few of them, that will grow, and way to many
for any one to count, in lots of cases.

Some of the layers of molds may be alright to eat, depending on what
the molds are, but some of the layers may not be alright to eat. Some
molds layers are not useful for people to eat, because they are filled
with some molds gardens, that are better for tiny animals to eat. Some
molds gardens are better for large animals, like pigs and hogs, to

People can eat lots of molds gardens, but you have to study about
molds gardens, and about how different molds gardens grow with other
molds gardens, in one layer, after another, in a container, with
different types of rocks, under different conditions, on the different
types of bread, to know which ones you can eat.

Some molds gardens, will give people stomach aches, so it is good to
learn and know which ones give people stomach aches, and which ones
are safe to eat, rather than not know which ones are good for our
stomachs, and for our bodies, and are safe to eat.

We do not have any courses on molding sciences in our schools. This is
because the Lesbianists will not teach any one about molding sciences.
Why won't they teach any one about molding sciences?

Because, they enjoy living a long time, alone, by them selves, and
they like to watch us ordinary people, come and go, one life after
another, back again, then gone after eighty or ninety years, then back
again, then gone again, and they think it is funny that all the while,
we never catch on to what they are doing. They make friends, with
people who they like to make friends with, and they enjoy fooling
them, and dumbing them, or making fools of them, and they enjoy
finding out if the people they meet, were friends of theirs, in
previous life times, and they find out who they were, by checking in
special databases, they or their friends have access to, and then they
confirm whether they knew them or not.

Most of the time, they can already tell, once they meet them, and hang
around with them, for awhile, if they had known them or not, in
previous life times, as they know so well the persons they usually
meet, again and again, and the persons they've met so many times, who
they know all of the personal habits of, and the likes and dislikes
of, these people they used to know, that they can pretty much guess if
they know them or not, this time, when they meet them, and after
hanging around with them, for a little while.

What Do The Lesbianists Enjoy Doing?

They most of all, enjoy getting revenge on people who they dislike.
They enjoy going out with their old friends, and they enjoy fooling
them, and they remember the bad things their old friends, did once to
them, a long time ago, and they never forget these things.

The Lesbianists then enjoy kidnapping them, and then they enjoy
torturing them and their family members who they always knew as well,
in previous life times, and who they always had problems and
complaints with, as well, and they typically hated them as much as the
people who they bump into, and become friends with, and after
torturing all of them, then they enjoy eating them, and then they
enjoy killing them.

They enjoy being able to take all the properties, and all the land
that every one owns, making sure that they keep all the valuable
property, as far as they are concerned, in their hands. That usually
means, making as much of the land, public parks, national parks, wild
life conservation areas, indian reservations, BLM land, or other
publicly, or privately owned property.

They are a very foolish, stupid, fiendish, menacing, and evil group of
dangerous people, the Lesbianists, and we have to stop them, now, as
it is time for them to give up the game, and it is time for us to
force them to stop pretending and lying.

Lesbianists Will Never Tell You The Truth

They will never stop lying, no matter, what. You can threaten them
with death, all you want. That will not help, at all. They know how
things work in my universe, and they are not at all afraid of torture,
or death. The only way to stop them, is to either kill them all, or
you can kill most of them, take over all the jobs they had, and then
make friends with the ones who are left, after you finish killing as
many as you can.

You can start killing them, if you wish, by killing Hillary Clinton,
Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, the two George Bushes, the two Barbara Bushes,
all the congressional members of capital hill, who are Lesbianists,
and then all the important cabinet persons, of the White House, and
department heads of all the important departments of the U.S.
government. You'll have to kill most generals, admirals, and
commanders in the military, as most of the military leaders, with a
few exceptions, are Lesbianists. Many of the state National Guards are
nearly all Lesbianists, so you'll have to get rid of as many of the
commanding officers and soldiers of the National Guard as possible.

Stopping The Lesbianists, Please Detonate And Destroy All The Airports
The U.S. Congress Members Use

If you happen to be in Washington, D.C., please blow up Washington
National Airport, now named, after former President, Ronald Reagan.
That will make it hard for the Lesbianists to travel. They will have
to go to Dulles International Airport, or to another smaller one,
nearby, at one of the military bases. If you can blow up all of the
military bases in the area, and blow up Dulles International Airport,
as well, then you will make it difficult to travel for them, unless
you blow up the all the air ports, all around Washington, Baltimore,
Northern Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North
Carolina, Tennessee, and so on.

If you destroy all the air ports the Washington D.C. congressional
members use, then you will make life difficult for them.

Please, by all means, use the bomb formulas, that I have provided, and
blow up all the airports, and all the military bases that you can blow
up, and destroy the entrance guard shacks, and the run ways, and the
barracks at the military bases, and the munitions depots, and the
armories, where they keep many of their weapons stored.

You should also blow up the underground bunkers, where they have all
the sensitive equipment, that they use, to listen to the chatting of
Russian soldiers, and Russian housewifes.

While you are killing as many as you can, others can be making friends
with the Lesbianists who accept invitations to visit the families of
interested persons, who wish to learn sexaling techniques, in the
classrooms, provided by the families, in their underground air raid
shelters, and in their underground fun time dungeon play rooms. As
time passes, when you've killed enough of them, and when the ones
you've invited into your homes, have taught you every thing they know
about sexaling, and lots about what they know about molding sciences,
and other things of interest, for rejuvenating your bodies, for
enhancing your libido, and for feeding the organs animals, cell
animals, amoebes kiddies, and other animals in your bodies, you can
ask them to come another time, and then you can make sure they find
their way, to a new home, or apartment, as their old home or apartment
may no longer belong to them, or be there, as former neighbors may
have gotten rid of their old homes, since they were not available by
phone, and no one knew where they were staying, for so long.

It may take us several years, to make an effective change, to a dozen
years, or as long as twenty or even thirty years, to fifty years, or
more, but eventually, we will make the changes we need to make, so
that every one will get all information on the molding sciences, and
so that every one will be able to learn the secrets of molding
sciences, and the secrets of rejuvenating the human body.

New Releases Of The Programs And Operating Software

I am aware that, some people have a new copy of the operating systems,
and of the software programs. I recently had my kids release, to the
FBI and to the persons who are in charge of the audio and video
surveilance links on me, as far as I could confirm, a new upgraded
version of the operating system software and of the program software
package. If the current government will cooperate, and distribute the
software, then we can get the information on the molding sciences, and
on the rejuvenative sciences, to all of you, soon. If they will not
cooperate, then there is no alternative, but the ones that I've

Molds And Donor Bowl Technology

In donor bowl technology, you take a small container, about a gallon
or so in size, and line the bottom of the container, with one or more
layers of tin foil, and throw in a couple of rocks, that you know are
clean, and that look pretty. If they look interesting, like a pyrite
rock, with lots of different types of metals on it, and a little
quartz you can use that, and you can throw in tourqouise, or
malachite, or lapis lazuli, or a gold ring, necklace, bracelet, or ear
ring, or a silver ring or bracelet, etc., and you can throw in a nice
looking sterling silver spoon, that is not a cheap piece of garbage,
that has metal pieces flaking off of it, like some table forks and
table spoons, knives, and so forth, that come out of cheap, Taiwan or
Mainland Chinese factories, or out of factories in Korea, or Japan,
where the bottom line is all that matters, and find a good piece of
your grandmothers' silver ware, or some thing comparable, and don't be
stingy about silver ware, as silver ware is useless to your health, if
you do not eat with it.

Silver plates, copper plates, bronze plates, gold plates, even gold
plated metal plates, are all very good to use, and you'll find that
what one person calls aluminum, or pewter, or brass, may in fact be a
combination of ores, with many precious metals in it, despite the
imprint on the underside or bottom of the piece, indicating it is
sterling silver, or brass, or pewter, or whatever. We do not have the
technologies to tell one metal apart from another metal.

Our technologies are too primitive, and so you can not tell when you
have gold animals in your metal, in lots of cases, even if you have a
piece of pewter. I have many types of gold animals kids, and they all
get written off as slag, when the factories are melting down precious
gem stones that they mine in vast quantities, and no one uses it, and
it sits there, in the foundry yard, until the foundry yard goes out of
business, and then vandals may steal a piece, but if the Lesbianists
catch the vandals, they will kill them.

Workers try to take home a piece of pretty looking slag, or waste
metal, that is scraped off the top of the bowl of liquidy, heated
metal, because it is too light, as it is floating at the top. Well,
many types of gold float near the top or at the top, and so does
silver, and the steel is heavier, and so the top good stuff gets
swiped off, or scraped off from the top of the molten metal pot, and
it is dumped in the foundry yard, to sit there, and no one uses it.

Gold animals, and silver animals are as plentiful as platinum animals,
and lead animals, and copper animals, and iron, and steel animals.
There is no such thing as a 'precious metal" because they are all in
my universe, eating, and munching on each other, and on other types of
minerals animals, and on other tiny animals as well, and they make
babies just like every one else does.

There is no lack for want in the baby making departments, and so there
are just as many gold animals kiddies, as silver animals kiddies,
platinum ore animal kiddies, as there are iron ore animal kiddies, and
copper ore kiddies, and so on.

The reason the Lesbianists have their trick sales technique for
"precious" metals, is because they know you do not know any different,
and they know that you have not been educated, and they know that you
are not smart enough to figure out what is what, as you do not have
the technologies to investigate and determine who are my gold animals
kiddies, and who are my silver animals kiddies, and who are my
platinum animals kiddies, and who are my iron animals kiddies, and who
are my copper animals kiddies.

How Plentiful Is Gold, Silver, Platinum, And Other So Called "Precious

The Lesbianists hoarde the gold, and silver, platinum, and white gold,
and they make it look scarce, and they ban people from mining national
parks, and BLM recreational lands. The bureau of mines, has strict
controls, and limits on land you can mine on, and the Lesbianists, for
the most part, control all the useful land, and they do not let
'ordinary' people, get ahold of the useful land, and if an ordiary
person finds a useful piece of land, the Lesbianists end up killing
the person, and every one associated with the person, so that the
issue is no longer a topic of concern for any one, who knew the

You are too stupid, so they think, to figure out any thing, since they
have educated you in dummy sciences, that lead no where. Then they
complain how stupid you are and about how little you know. So they
spoof you, and they came up with the movie, the "Planet of the Apes",
and its sequels, and they were written using you as the character of
the 'ape', the common ordianary citizens of this planet, and the
common ordinary citizens on all the planets they control, where as,
they considered only them selves, the normal, "intelligent", human

They laughed at you, in your monkey suits, as they employed the
ordianary people of this planet as the actors and actoresses, to
portray the 'apes'. Many of the actors and actoreses, where former
Lesbianists, and they hate all of the former Lesbianists, as all
former Lesbianists got kicked out of their organization, and they know
who the former Lesbianists are, and they have beefs, or attitudinal
problems and complaints, with all of you, who were Lesbianists, before
you got trashed, grieviously tortured, eaten, killed, and with that,
you were kicked out of their organization by them.

If you are a man with a vagina, and nine times out of ten, many of you
still have a vagina, though some of you have worked off the karma, to
have a vagina, such as you men and boys with normal genitalia, as you
all had vaginas, all of you, because of the karma you had, killing
females, led to that, and some of you worked off your karma, enough,
and balanced out your karma enough, for you to lose that vagina you
originally had, you were probably a Lesbianist.

Maybe almost every one of you, were at one time or another, a
Lesbianist. There are not many people in my universe, except perhaps
for me, who was not a Lesbianist, in the past.

If you are a woman with a dick, or with one that has been cut off when
you were a young baby, because of the doctors advice to your parents,
though some of you worked off that karma, as well, and balanced it
out, etc., you were probably a Lesbianist, in the past, before they
trashed you, killed you, grieviously tortured you, ate you, killed
you, and with that, you they kicked you out of their organization.

It's the same case for females, as it is for males, almost every one
of you, but there are a few exceptions, were a Lesbianist, in the
past. The exceptions are the little, tiny people, who live in the
abominated zones, in the pumpkin piggy patches, as I've mentioned
about, before. There are other exceptions, but I will not go into
them, now, because once you start studying in the 'Managing My
Universe' program, you will learn all about who did what, and who
ended up where, and so forth. In any case, that is some thing you can
look into, later on.

Building An Underground Fortress, Or 'Playroom'

So the nice thing for you to do, would be to make friends with every
one, and that goes for the Lesbianists, as well. You should all invite
the Lesbianists into your underground rooms, and caves, and culled out
work rooms. Culled out means, cut out of the face cliff, or cut out of
the wall, or rock wall, or cliff, along side a river, or an ocean, or
along a steep mountain face. Culled out work rooms, are not hard to
make, but you need to know something about explosives, and blasting,
and then, deconstructuring the surface of the cliff face, safely, so
that you can little by little, safely, cut out, or cull out, a study,
a garage, a work room, a tennis court, a bowling alley, and so forth
that you can enjoy under your main piece of property, if you happen to
live above a very high and large, solid, granite, or lime stone, etc,
rock cliff, far above a lower valley, or river below, or very far
above the level of an ocean, or sea, below, and off and aways a little
bit, from where your property is located.

Once you begin making an underground, fortress, or play house, if you
are a specialist, in explosives, and in architectural engineering, and
geological engineering, or if you can get some friends together, who
with your combined talents, can manage to cull out an underground
fortress or play room, then you can build one, and you can later,
after you have installed cold water piping, and drainage, safely,
along with installing the electrical power generating facilities
you'll need, to keep electrical company employees from snooping
around, then you can invite your friends over, and have a block party,
with trustable friends, and then you can invite some of the
Lesbianists over, and make sure they understand that they are there as
guests, on a temporary, but long term stay to teach you all about the
molding sciences, and all about sexaling, and so forth, since they are
all gifted instructors.

You could always get every one on your block, if they are all trusted
friends, to set up a power grid, underground, using the electricity of
every one, on the block, to power the underground play room, that you
and all your friends will enjoy building. That way, if you build it
right, and if you do not raise the suspicion of the power company's
meter reader, or meter inspector, or any one else from the power
company, who has upkeep maintenance work, to perform, from time to
time, then you can safely put in a grid, and hook every one into it,
so you can all share in the costs for the mutually enjoyed underground
playhouse, along with all the sexaling entertainment, that you will
all be able to enjoy, with your many friends, and with their many
trusted friends.

Molds And Donor Bowls

With regards to molds and donor bowl technologies, after you've got
your container set up, with a few layers of tin foil or so, on the
bottom and sides of the container, and rocks and gem stones, etc., in
the bottom, you can use that as a collection bowl, and go around and
investigate the molded up breads that you have, and you should have
between thirty of forty types of molded up breads, or more, to select
from, and when you see some thing, interesting, after a few weeks, to
a month, or more, you can pick out an interesting piece of bread, with
lots of molds, or with just a few molds, and then you can combine six
or eight of the different molded up breads, from six or eight
containers, and then just place each slice of molded up bread in the
'donor bowl' container, and then, give it a few days to a week, to get
leveled out.

Leveled out means, that the molds on each piece of donor breads, will
each spread from one to another of the pieces of bread, and then
you'll get a proliferation of molds, on all of your breads, and with
lots of molds, it is generally safe to experiment, with a little piece
of a corner of a piece of bread. If you cut off a tiny enough piece,
you probably will not get too sick, if it is too potent for you to

Try out the different molded up breads, and some may taste gentle, and
tasty, and others may not taste to much to your liking, but after a
while, you'll get to learn, what types of molds may cause problems
with your body, and what types of molds will not cause problems with
your bodies, and what types of molds to avoid eating, and what types
to enjoy eating.

Molds will continue to grow, one over another, and one day, even
though the molds may not be nice ones for you to eat, after a few
weeks, and after a few tricks, such as placing those molded breads in
with cherry juice, wine, or with sugary water, or with honey, or with
fruit juices, fruits, milk, or sour cream, yogurt, or honey and cream,
you can get the molds to grow, different molds, that will be more
useful to you, and more tasty. There is a lot to study, about molds,
and how to farm them, tender them as if they were your gardens, and
cultivate them. The Lesbianists know all the secrets about all of
this, so we need to convince them to give up the game, and start

When you are examining, and sampling your molded up breads, jot down
in a note book, accurately as possible, after you've described them to
your self, the molds, and every thing about them, and give them names,
and take photos of them, and keep a note book, for instance, with the
pictures in them, and your notes, so that you can remind your self
about what you saw growing, and what you learned about each one.

Technologies To Investigate Molds Gardens

If we had the technologies to investigate the molds, with a powerful
enough microscope, that employed the proper technologies, and some
computer software programs can be written by persons who know how to
write them, and you can attach and adjust a lensing camera to your
computer, you can take photos of the molds, and with the write
computer program, once it is written correctly, it will be able to do
many things, that you did not expect it could to.

They become very complicated to learn about all the technologies
involved, but you can get some hints, from Sony, or Pioneer, or
Mitsubishi, who have all invested much money into telephoto lenses,
and video cameras, and they know all about the technologies that are
needed, at least they have them, as classified material, in their
documents storage rooms, and you can get copies, if you know the right
people, and then you can write your software program, after studying
all about the technologies involved, and after you've figured out what
technologies are needed, and how to duplicate them, with your computer
programing skills and your adeptability.

Adeptibility is a person's being able to know, intuitively, almost,
after a lot of study, what it is you need to do, to get the results
you want.

Once you put together the software program, you can have your friends
use it, and give you input as to how to improve it.

A lot has to do with different types of energies, and how to send them
out of the computer, and how to recieve them, back into your computer,
and then how to decode them, to get the dramatic effects of being able
to see through walls, or hard surfaces, that you never knew you could
see threw. A lot also has to do with your ability to make a lensing
system, which allows for viewing far away objects, as well as
magnifying them, quite a number of times, all while keeping the
clarity of the object in focus. You need to be able to light up the
object, no matter how far away it is, and no matter how tiny it is,
and you need to be able to get the light and imaging back into your
camera, or into another camera, or into another pickup input device, a
chip on a circuit board, such as an infared circuit board, and then
how to drive that energy up, so that it is useful to you, and so that
it will brighten up the image, that you recieve, back to your
computer, once it has been picked up by your computer's infared
reciever device.

It is a little tricky, to get every thing right, but with the
technical input the Sony scientists, JVC Japan scientists, Mitsubishi
scientists, Cannon, Nikon, and Fujitsu scientists, and paper copier
company scientists of Dae Woo, and others, it will not be long before
you can put together a computer program, that will sufficiently do
what you would like it to do, and that is, investigate the tiny worlds
where little worker animals of mine, go about their daily work.

You can even develop similar technologies to see other people, on
other planets,if you are adept enough. You can even develop the
technologies to be able to see other people on planets that are on the
other side of a lot of obstacles, between you and them.

They have many technologies out there, that allow them to see you, and
wave at you, but you don't have the technologies to see them, and call
them on a video link up, and say hi to them.

You'll need some kind of tracking system technology. To track some
one, you need to find a type or types of light energies, and possibly
other types of energies, that allow you to bend them.

You also need to be able to pin point those energies, and keep them
pin pointed, and on target. You then need to know the technologies
involved so that you can lock those energies onto your target. If you
can find the types of energies needed, you can get them to lock onto
your target, and then they will bend, as you stay on target, and you
can get a two way refractor system set up, and the light will come
bouncing back to your infrared like energy tracking diode, or whatever
it is you use, and you'll be able to lock onto people, far away, as
their planet spins, and moves, and as our planet spins and moves, and
you will be able to stay on target, and then you will be able to see
them, and track them.

You need these pin pointing, and tracking technologies to track the
little worker animals, who work for me, as well. You may need a number
of other technologies, as well, to make it work, properly, but with
help from JVC, Panasonic, Pioneer, and other technical scientists, you
should be able to get it to work, without too much difficulty, if you
are good at using your brain for these types of fun projects.

You also need to develop the listening capablities, and audio
transmission capabilities, but that is not hard, because if you can
develop the video transmission technologies, you can easily use your
brains, and then, with thoughtful investigation, and research, and
with some consulting with the scientists at Bell & Howell, Honeywell,
Phillips, and other companies, they all have the information you are
looking for, and they can all provide it to you, if you know the right
people to ask for assistance at getting to it.

Long Distance Video And Audio Technologies

Rand McNally has already developed the technologies, for this type of
software, and so has Phillips Engineering, Hawthorne Publishing
Company, and a few other companies, as well, and if you know the right
persons, you can find copies of it, and you can get it to work on your
home computer, if your computer will run this software. I don't know
what format they have programed their software in, but Fortran, or
Pascal, and a few others, I think they have used. If you know what to
do with it, after that, or if you know some one who would know what to
do to get it running, you can invite your friends, and all of you can
get the software set up, and then you can distribute it, among trusted

Eventually, after you have put all the right technologies together, of
if you should be so lucky as to get a copy of one of the systems that
the companies mentioned, and perhaps others, as well, have already
developed, but are not distributing, because the Lesbianists who run
the companies, will not allow it, you'll be able to have long distance
phone calls with people, far away, on other planets, and you'll be
able to see and maybe even speak with practically anything in my
universe, if not every body, if you are interested in seeing and
speaking to them. The majority of people, nearly, have these
technologies, so you'll be able to meet and speak with at least, those
people who have the technologies that can interface with the
technologies, that you develop.

There are also data bases, here and there, and you can learn from the
many friends you can make, in our universe, and from the Lesbianists,
how to access them, with the right permissions, and codes, if you can
get either the Lesbianists to cooperate with you, or if you can get
the people you meet as you go sky surfing, to cooperate with you, and
ask them to use a translator program, to help translate their language
into your language, so you can hear them in your language.

They have the technologies to be able to decode the languages we speak
on this planet, but setting up the software programs to decode their
speech, is a little too difficult, as it takes many years to put
together, that kind of a system.

Managing My Universes Software, Etc.

If if you get a copy of the 'Managing My Universe' program software,
that has the 'Sexaling For A Living' program explained, and many other
programs, also explained, in depth, along with lots of useful
information, you'll be able to get lots of help, and there are even
programs that do these things for you, and you won't even have to
worry about making the programs, because all the programs you need to
be able to do all the above noted things, and much more, are all
included in the software programs selections, for your use, once you
join the 'Managing My Universe' program, and once you join the
'Sexaling For A Living' program, and once you swear in, and promise
that you will sexal for a living, in accordance with the guidelines
for the 'Sexaling For A Living' programs.

It's the new way my kids and I hope you will enjoy earning a living,
in the future, as soon as we can get started, with the cooperation of
those who have the software programs that I recently had my kids send
off to them, using the video and audio surveilance systems, and the
work force, they have in place.

The FBI, the White House, Jeb Bush, George Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush,
Jr., George Bush, Sr., Barabara Bush, Sr., former general Swartzkoff,
former general Colin Powel, Secretary Mike Johanns, Secretary Dirk
Kempthorne, Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales, Secretary Robert M. Gates, Secretary Elaine Chao, Secretary
Margaret Spellings, Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Secretary Samuel W.
Bodman, Secretary Mary E. Peters, Secretary Michael O. Leavitt,
Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Secretary Michael Chertoff, Secretary
Jim Nicholson, Secretary Alphonso Jackson, Richard B. Cheney, Joshua
B. Bolten, Rob Portman, Ambassador Susan Schwab, Stephen Johnson, John
Walters, and others who are Lesbianists working for the President of
the United States, will all know where you can get the software, and
so please give them a call, and see what they have to say. Your state
senators will also all have the software, or at least, they will know
where you can get a copy of it. So please try speaking to them, before
you busy your self, speaking with the other people, who are just
Lesbianists stooges, who are just sitting in their chairs, like on
holiday, just thinking who they are going to **** over next, when,
where, and how, before they eat them, while they are alive, and then
kill them.

I wouldn't waste my time, too much with them, as they are not very
cooperative, because they are all hard core Lesbianists, and they will
not budge or flinch an inch, or admit to anything. They will lie, lie,
lie, and lie, and that is all they will ever do, or so it seems.

The people on CNN, and on all the major networks, are also all hard
core Lesbianists, with few exceptions. These Lesbianists will also
just lie, lie, and lie, and they will never get any where near the
truth, about nearly anything. They will give you the weather, but that
is about all they ever tell you, that is truthful, one hundred
percent, or nearly one hundred percent, since they even lie about
things to do with the weather, as I noted before, since they call the
industrial pollution in the sky, apple meyer, and that is a chemical
haze yopu can see hanging over L.A., and Las Vegas, and New York, they
helped to cover the planet with, with their petroleum industries
technologies, so as to poison your health. They know all the sciences
needed to keep them from dying, but they will not teach you the
correct sciences, to help keep you from dying, as they enjoy watching
all the people they hate, and who they enjoy killing, now and then,
suffer. And they joke about you, and they call you, 'rodent rat

They made a movie, the "Planet of the Apes", inspired by you, as they
see it, and they continue to mock you, and toy with you, as some kind
of chess game piece, and they will continue their silly games, until
you are dead and gone, and then they will wait for your return, from
my Epcot Center, which I have explained, about, before.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry Institute
johnfrancisayres @
Google Groups NewsGroup:
Yahoo Groops NewsGroup:

John Francis Ayres
5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

(702) 894-9518
The preceding message was prepared and approved by the Dennis Kucinich
for President committee.
"SwampMidget" <> wrote in message
> The preceding message was prepared and approved by the Dennis Kucinich
> for President committee.

That's as truthful as anything you've ever posted. Your hatred of truth is
only exceeded by your hatred for the Constitution, and the USA.