boot time scan



Hi. I know, I know, this question has been asked, and answered...


On our two W2K boxes, I use Avast!Free, and that gives me the use of boot-time scanning whenever I want it -- just schedule it and restart. I don't use this often, but it reassures me 2 or 3 times a month.

On the daughter's laptop with W7x64 Home Premium I figured "Why not give Microsoft a go?" The reality is that virus-killers are more or less equal in results, and probably also in performance -- I've encountered a few malwares which Avast hadn't caught up with, but neither had Kaspersky... Submit the sample, and it's fixed on the next definitions update. So.

But what bothers me is serious. MSE is designed by the people who know Windows OS's inside out. Microsoft knows all the APIs backwards. What is the problem with boot-time scans? This isn't a matter of keeping up with the Joneses. Boot-time scans catch malwares before they start/are started, before the services and drivers they need are loaded.

Come on Microsoft, you can do better. To borrow Arnie Cunningham's famous words in Stephen King's "Christine": "Show me."


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