border patrol


New member
Did anyone see a story about two border patrol agents being shot trrough the legs while on duty. This happened in arizona this past week. with this in mind something that has been passed by the senate is a cafta bill. this is to open our borders to central american free trade? It actually is going to open borders so that we can al freely pass from south america to canada. Part of the bill calls for intregation of security to control terrorist threats to the USA,Mexico and canada more or less making this simply North America instead of being three individual countries. I wonder who has plans to be ruler of this new country


New member
I'm actually all for it, **** half the population of Mexico is here already, might as well, and I do believe that it WOULD help protect our borders better, the only thing about it is adjusting for the economy impact... shouldn't be a prob though if we invade CANADA and blow them off the ******* map first.





New member
Canada is your friend. Invade at your own peril. ;)

phreakwars, why would you want to invade Canada? It's full of Canucks.

It's a bit like Australia invading New Zealand. Why would we? We've already got half the population of NZ living here now. There's a very old joke that goes something like this.

Will the last person to leave New Zealand please turn out the lights? :cool:



New member
Canada is your friend. Invade at your own peril. ;)
phreakwars, why would you want to invade Canada? It's full of Canucks.

It's a bit like Australia invading New Zealand. Why would we? We've already got half the population of NZ living here now. There's a very old joke that goes something like this.

Will the last person to leave New Zealand please turn out the lights? :cool:
I would invade because they are TOO LIBERAL.





New member
So they are leaning too far to the left?

As I've said somewhere else in GF, the libs in OZ are on the right.



New member
So what about invading France? LOL Then again, most of Canadians are French anyways. Liberal City in both areas.


New member
That might not be such a bad idea. We're all pretty much one big country anyway. People come and go as they please..I don't think the "Borders" do much good to prevent it in the first place. We might as well go for it. :eek:


New member
I say postrol every square inch of both borders with unmanned aerial vehicles that can detect the slightest amount of heat and network in with watch stations every 10 miles... When a UAV finds something, it sends in a pic and the GPS and starts a track on it reporting the new position every 15 seconds... When the report is confirmed, send out a squad of Humvees to kill every man woman or child in the offending party... Then take the bodies and dump them at the nearest checkpoint of the offending parties country! After 2-3 thousand dead bodies get dumped on the mexican side of the border, the crossings would slow to a trickle.... much more managable! Same goes for Canada

Bottm line: Patrol your border, Because you don't want us doing it for you!


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