bow hunting


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2005
I know some of the posters here go hunting as I have seen a few photos. So, do any of you go out hunting with a bow ? And if so, do you think it would be possible to bring a wild boar down with a bow and arrow ?

Now, you don't need to tell me how dangerous a wild boar can be, hell, thats part of the excitement. I just want to know if its been done.

I've just bought a compound bow with a draw weight of 40 lbs. I'm a complete newby at this but I'm guessing thats enough penetration power.
Hit it in the leg NO run like hell. Hit it in a vital organ and get your picture taken.:cool:

Maybe you should practice on a pig first.;)
Don't go for a head shot ever. 40 lbs is a bit light on, but if you hit the chest and open a lung you can do it. Practice loading and firing very ****ing quickly, or shoot from a stand in a tree.

The one and only time I shot a boar with an arrow (compound 55 lbs) it was charging straight at me, and arrow opened up its forehead and it just kept coming.

If you want to actually hunt these ****ers on foot, have a very sharp machete in a shoulder holster, so you can do a Conan on the critter if your arrow fails to make the mark. Oh, and wear some ball protection, like a cricketer's ball-cup. :cool:

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40lbs. might be a bit light. How much do your arrows weigh? Hogs have a thick spot of cartilage behind the front shoulder, that has to be penetrated. In order to do it you should penetrate both lungs. This will kill the animal quickly. Where are you going to hunt boar? Ted Nugent has killed most of his animals with a 50lb compound.
When hunting any big game with a bow you should have someone backing you up with a rifle. Not only because they might charge you but you want to make sure you drop him. You don’t want to be traipsing around the woods looking for a wounded animal.
hopeUslide said:
40lbs. might be a bit light. How much do your arrows weigh? Hogs have a thick spot of cartilage behind the front shoulder, that has to be penetrated. In order to do it you should penetrate both lungs. This will kill the animal quickly. Where are you going to hunt boar? Ted Nugent has killed most of his animals with a 50lb compound.

They have been accidentally re-introduced in England. Google up (wild boar england). They were being farmed for the dinner table, and somehow escaped. More likely some animal liberation nuts released them during a raid.

I don't know what the arrows weigh. For now i've just ordered some cheapies from ebay.

Unfortunately its effectively illegal to hunt with a bow in the UK. So it looks like camo gear, creeping around the forest with my teeth blacked out.
A link to recent Boar sightings in the UK. These became extinct in the UK in the 13 th century , various attempts at restocking failed in medaeval times due to hunting pressure. Now it seems they are back to stay. AND, there are people who want to reintroduce wolves, bears and the lynx. All once indiginous British creatures.

So how the **** do you colonials cope with bears and stuff wandering around???
We hunt wild (feral) hogs here with compound bows but we always carry a side arm just in case the hog charges due to a bad shot. Never rely on just a bow.
And like builder stated, never go for a head shot. You might as well be shooting at a rock.
Hi Hope you slide

Your interest in arrow weight is valid. Here is an equation for working out kinetic energy-- the energy of motion. Stolen from the internet

Energy equation facts

Kinetic energy = 1/2 x mass x [velocity]2

Ek= 1/2 m v2

So, the Energy increases with increasing arrow-mass ie,the weight of the arrow. Thanks
slip_knot said:
Thats a magnificent hog you have there builder.


You don't think thats bulider with that bore do you?
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slip_knot said:
Thats a magnificent hog you have there builder.


You don't think thats bulider with that bore do you?
Thats what you call a quick google.
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Zukiman said:
We hunt wild (feral) hogs here with compound bows but we always carry a side arm just in case the hog charges due to a bad shot. Never rely on just a bow.
And like builder stated, never go for a head shot. You might as well be shooting at a rock.

Yeah man. We still need to set up that hog hunt that we were talking about. I'm not that good with a bow though, so I'd prefer a rifle. I do like bow hunting though as I think it takes a lot of skill.
Those broadhead arrows seem to be the best tool for the job. What weight do you guys recommend overall ? And is that with fibregass or carbon shaft?
slip_knot said:
Those broadhead arrows seem to be the best tool for the job. What weight do you guys recommend overall ? And is that with fibregass or carbon shaft?

These are the best on the market, for mine. Maximum damage. I wouldn't waste a carbon shaft in the bush. Glass is fine.

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Those screw in types seem better because they are heavier than the glue in types. So do the glass and carbon shafts come with the necessary hole pre-drilled ? Or do you have to sort that out yourself.

It seems quite a difficult job, as the allignment needs to be perfect, not the sort of thing I'd want to do with my old hand held drill !!!! I'll take a look for those on the net builder. I guess they are Australian made.
Slip-knot, right-click on the image, and it will show you the site the pic comes from. And yes, the pre-fab shafts come pre-threaded. That broadhead is called the "shuttle", for obvious reasons. The design overcomes one of the obvious flaws of the standard broadhead, while delivering maximum damage to the target.

That is, broadheads with only two "wings" tended to steer themselves if not perfectly aligned. Remembering that all arrows have spiral flights or feathers, the arrow should be spinning slightly in flight, rather than planing, as can happen with some flat broadheads.