Boys suck throw rocks at them


New member
That's my philosophy on things right now. Me and my man do nothing but argue and it's really emotionally and physically draining to me. I really want us to get along, but the every time he has the ***** (mainly due what "I've done wrong") he tells me that he wants me to change but at the same time he doesn't want me to change. Then he goes on about how we should just be better off as friends. This has been happening for about a month now and I am ready to turn around and agree with him about being friends. Then he says he has this condition that he exaggerates the most tiniest things. I've told him to respect the fact that I am still under my parents control and he hasn't. Because all he has one big problem with my parents and how they've placed boundaries on me. I mean, only my mum knows about him, cos we don't wanna tell my step-dad just yet. And today's latest stunt. He's gone outta town at the last minute and we were supposed to go swimming today, because he had be called out of the last minute to check out this car he wants. We've compromised on a lot of things and I am in a personal battle in myself. One side of me says that yes, he's not respecting you, you should leave him, and the other one just doesn't want to let go of him.

Do you think I am pushing my luck of trying to make a relationshup work with this guy?



New member
1) Please don't insist people throw rocks at boys, I'm a boy and I've had enough rocks hit my face in the past and it doesn't tickle

2) If he's not respecting you that should be taken into account

3) If you still love him, think everything through, take as long as you need. If he can't wait then does he really deserve you?



New member
I feel I'm in the situation with my Gf atm.

She is constanty doing what her parent say and is only aloud out until 8.30pm 3 days a week.

Yeah it's a pain and has caused little tiffs among us.

However, if he is skipping time with you and not being bothered is it worth it?

Yet I do feel frustrated with my gf when she goes I can't come out because my mom won't let me...

I often ask myself...

'Well does she love me enough to just walk out?'

'Will it always be like this?'

And it leads to many horrible thoughts. Maybe he does love you but is just annoyed at the fact he might not be accepted by your parents. And that then becomes hard for him, you and both of you as a couple.

I personally would talk to him about it, or maybe surprise him by telling your step dad and saying your happy and prove to your rents that he is trustworthy...

I don't know your exact situation but I would take him over your house and introduce him. What's the worse that could happen o_O



New member
I don't mean to be all psychological but it seems that he has GAD.....somewhat. I mean, do you really want this to go on? Do you want to deal with his (forgive me for saying this if it offends you) bull ****. I don't think any girl deserves any man like that at all.

And like Peterdea, i don't think you should through rocks at boys......cuz knives are BETTER!!!!!! MUCH BETTER :D :) :rolleyes: :mad: . joking.

But yeah, think about what you want to do and check if is worth it if you end up staying with him. But also make sure what the consiquence because every choice we make has a bad side to it.



New member
throw rocks at me and i can guarantee you rocks will come RIGHTTTT back

we all have our bad moments,if hes any worth it im sure itll work out



New member
try leaving him. if he has this exaggeration problem then he should be able to fix it himself. remember that youre not his doctor, unless of course you act to him like one. :) and dont you think hes just trying to scare you by suggesting only being friends ? and he MUST understand that youre not as free as him. *if he's really serious with you then he must be able to do that*

then dig deeper into your feelings. are you still happy with this ? if you realize you only get hurt more and more, then maybe you should start weighing out your options. :thumbsup:

PS: him being like this doesnt mean that boys (collectively speaking) are like him. ;)

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