Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Breakdown Conspiracy

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2006
New Zealand
Hey all, It's me Breakdown Conspiracy aka: l33tduck, Jona, Jonathon etc..
As you may know I have my own "Art" studio, I use my site just to host my "Arty" projects such as, music, movies, art. Ill use this journal to blog my personal, and studio stuff.
And to start this journal off...

Well these last few weeks of the school holidays have been great,
I got back from a week holiday with some friends, had great fun. And Ive also made a link banner for my site *like below* and ive been progressing on finishing the last 3 tracks on my album "Chord progression" that shall be out in feb or march. ive also started a two day a-week job "Pak 'n' Save" a supermarket they is very big on EVERYTHING! The works good i get $9.20 and hour (new zealand dollars), which is also the new minimuim wage.
I also work for my dad doing computer and telecomnications work, which is not glamorus, when im crawling under houses connecting wires.
But back to the album.. its taking me fricken ages to record apart for a song cause with my very amature recording gear (a single mic :D). but now i have finaly done it and it sounds great...4 days later :eek:. But doing all this has been a great lesson for me, now i feel what artists go LP writing TONs of chorus's for Somewhere I Belong.
But anyway, that my first entry
My two cents:

This is just my opinion, if you dislike it, tough. Go somewhere else.
I have a right. I respect people of all walks of life, but im getting fed up.

Ok this is about what i think of the current wrold status, eg: 9/11, Bush, America, Etc.
I know this is a harsh topic for my 2nd post but oh well.
Ok now ive been following the news, and etc about the "War in Iraq" and im really getting sick of it all. The Media and it seems every musician, thankfuly not LP, has got their opinion in this. The Media: They just give you the news that the companies will buy to show on air that people want to see, the bad stuff, the negative. And so thats why everyone is getting a one sided opinon about america, bush and everything else. Also take Michael Moore, and his movies and books, I have watch his stuff, and he just makes fun of the very goverment he lives under..and what, just to "get his point across" thus making money because his negative attitude and thats what people want.
Ok next GWB:
I actuly think he's good, of course their will be controversy eg: michael moore again, but what can he do, presidents in war time have always been controversial and disliked. Because they are tough and desperate times. He is also one of the few Presidents who qouted God and the Bible during his 9//1 speeches, and thats why he's also disliked. People dont wana hear about God or christianity, well not everyone but..,
they dont want someone to take a stand for what they believe in. Im honestly waiting till his term ends and someone else comes in and tries to be the "saviour" and a "do-gooder" and thus stuffs it up more. I saw a website the other day thatr was started by a twelve year old boy, who hates bush, I mean seriously, twelve years old!? How psycho is that? usualy kids his age just care about stuff like Xbox and Lego. But here he is wasting his life because he "hates" bush.

9/11 and "The War":
(the heating up begins. please do not ban me because of this topic ><)

9/11 was a sad day in our worlds history, over 3000 people were killed, out right, just because of some "religious act" frm a perverted religion, that had a grudge against the US. I know that alot of the memebers of the Islam community did not support those horrific attacks AT ALL, but it dosnt not change what these "extremists" did. This again brings me back to a stong point in this "rant"( LOL). America did not do a thing to the muslim's, well not considering previous battle, that i do not know much desert storm. But America was attacked OUT RIGHT, and i repeat, over 3000 killed, with no choice in the matter, no awarness some not even a negitive thought towards Islam. And then people say that Bush is bad for attacking afghanistan and Iraq, we were attackd 1st!!!! Dont you people understand!? This is not revenge but retaliation. I know its gone on for 5 years, but atleast so far "Mr. Saddam" is gone. Also I give credit to england for helping the US, they know what war is like, Eg: WW2, they were also attack out right, by their own islam people.
And now that america is in this war, islam it seems is caving in on itself, they're now killing their own people!? Also with the troops their, the last thing they wana hear is their country fight amogst itself, and protesting to bring its troops home, is those man and women did not want to fight in a war for their country they would not have join the armed forces. So the last thing they need to hear is depairing news frm back home. They want to fight, and to win this sad war that it has become.

My last opinion, AMERICA:

Yes it is the land of plenty, it is very fortuante, me a half american myself, am a great supporter of the US, even though i liv in NZ. I may not know the true stroies because i am not there, but i support them. the US is built on freedom, but the freedom has become too politicly correct! everyone has to make everyone else feel happy. And everyone dispises the US and makes note of their mistakes, but when a country is in trouble, they are like "please help me nations, please help me U.N." and because the US is a powerful nation they come to the rescue, and thus get blamed again.

Anways, thats me.
Its late and Im finished XD
Please peopleof the forums, do not get angry and get violent. this is my opinon.
if this becomes too much just lock this topic someone.
But ive said it all.
Peace out fo sho.
*high fives*
got ur point across very well adn i must say you sorta changed my view of certain things and i must thankyou for it. I never looked at it that way!
again you got ur point across easier then anything i've read before on a topic along the lines of these.
yea nice opinion..even though i dont agree with few of the stuff there it certainly convinced me of some things...well what can u do..the worlds going crazy...:(
ugur90 said:
yea nice opinion..even though i dont agree with few of the stuff there it certainly convinced me of some things...well what can u do..the worlds going crazy...:(
speaking of the world gone crazy...
...BDC could you please send me an mp3 of you song Crazy (Demo)? i cant get the song out of my head and i was wondering if you would be kindenoguh to share it.
Breakdown Conspiracy said:
w00t! my 3rd entry!
Just a short thing... I passed 3/4 exams!!! XD
I passed 2 Maths and a English, but failed Physics. LOL
Anywas, my paranoia can stop now.
well...congrats...I guess....
Hey all, Its been awhile, so I'd thought I'd update my journal.
Well, school has once again started, I am on my final year (7th form or year 13) and I cant wait to finish!
Then I can go to UNI and begin studying for my carrer! Also an update on my album, I have 6/7 tracks done so far, and there are 10 tracks for the album, hopefuly. And also I thought I'd release that "Mophende" or "fribby" on LPF, has a guest apperance on the intro for the album. And since I have posted last as you know CFTI ad XFS have been opend and I have proudly joined both. I also did some of the forum graphics on XFS, as well as that, there is a personal forum to discuss my works on XFS it is under the music forum.
One last thing, if you have a "bebo" account add me and I know its childish, but it give me something to do. XD