Breaking Benjamin


Active Members
Yes, I know there are other threads about Breaking Benjamin, and I searched to see when one was most recently posted in, and that was back in April. So I figured I would make I new one. And the reason for the new thread is because, I was wondering if anyone had bought their new CD "Phobia", and if you had, what you thought of it before I went out and bought it. And if you haven't bought it, do you plan to?


New member
I bought all the songs on iTunes expect for one. Phobia is their best album to date, in my opinion. The songs are meaningful and the beats are great.

If i were to rate it, I'd give it a 8.5/10.



New member
I bought it, I like it a lot. I think its very different from their two older albums, more uhh sad lyrics. Not sure if its my favorite out of the the three[albums] though.

Shadowed Heart

New member
I think Blow Me Away is like the only song I've heard by them. FULL song. I've heard bits of some more. But I live them. =)


New member
I think Blow Me Away is like the only song I've heard by them. FULL song. I've heard bits of some more. But I live them. =)
Listen to So Cold & Simple Design.. rawr.



New member
The only album I have is "We are not Alone". I got really hooked on it. Then my friend uploaded Polyamorous (from their first CD) to my mp3 player, and I liked it as well.

I had no idea they released a new CD. :eek:



New member
I like The Diary of Jane and So Cold and those were two good songs. Haven't really heard of anything else by them.


Active Members
I bought the cd last night, so far I like it.. I like it better then their first CD, but right now I like the second CD the most.
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