Breakthrough in Stem Cell research


New member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Harvard scientists announced they've discovered a way to fuse adult skin cells with embryonic stem cells, a promising breakthrough that could lead to the creation of useful stem cells without first having to create and destroy human embryos.

Link to article


Could this be the answer to our stem cell problems, or will the Xtian right block this potentially life saveing science too?

The only possible ***** they could have at this point is that fuseing the cells would actually be 'creating' life outside the womb... A job most often left to '***'... Silly, I agree, but I don't trust the Xtian right...



New member
I saw that article this a.m. Haven't had a chance to sit down and read the paper yet, but it does sound promising. Maybe it'll shut up Curious George finally.


New member
That article read like science fiction! It's amazing what we now know about the human body and even more amazing is what we have left to learn!! Would be interesting to be able to take the religious aspects (or at least abortion aspect) out of the equation. What would they ***** about then?


New member
I just wish they would quit bickering and put it to use. I also don't understand why they have such a problem with allowing people with no other hope to volenter for human testing. So much time being wasted for people who have no time to waste.


New member
Why ?? So they can cure all diseases and **** ?? End peoples suffering ?? Make us all live longer ??

Then what happens ??


We need disease to keep our population in check... **** the DNA research.





New member
Why ?? So they can cure all diseases and **** ?? End peoples suffering ?? Make us all live longer ??
Then what happens ??


We need disease to keep our population in check... **** the DNA research.


Yeah, so you say till the day one of your near and dear is in need of it.

Don't believe they can cure old age with it. But even if it got to that point we would have the same check and balance we have now...Money.

I'd be a Guinea pig on the off chance that it could help me, wouldn't do any more harm, and if not they could learn from me to help someone else. Just seems rational.



New member
Why ?? So they can cure all diseases and **** ?? End peoples suffering ?? Make us all live longer ??
Then what happens ??


We need disease to keep our population in check... **** the DNA research.


We could control it the same way we control animal population. Hunting you could have seasons by race, then you could get a male or female permit. Then when it's your season you move around very careful.



New member
We could control it the same way we control animal population. Hunting you could have seasons by race, then you could get a male or female permit. Then when it's your season you move around very careful.
Then there's bow season, rifle season, muzzle loader season........



New member
Then there's bow season, rifle season, muzzle loader season........
well ya... But trapping season will suck. You'll be at the bar and some hot chick will be hitting on you as a decoy, then they got you.



New member
well ya... But trapping season will suck. You'll be at the bar and some hot chick will be hitting on you as a decoy, then they got you.

I'd have to put an ad in the paper so I could shoot em from my deck.



New member
Why ?? So they can cure all diseases and **** ?? End peoples suffering ?? Make us all live longer ??
Then what happens ??


We need disease to keep our population in check... **** the DNA research.



Stem cell research has shown great promise in making paralasis a thing of the past. So its about alot more then just saving lives. As well its shown potential towards tissue regrowth for deformed and burned people along with an seemingly endlees variety of uses.

What gets me about the politics of stem cell research is the blatant hypocracy of it all. Mr Bush knows that abortion is legal and it happens. Fetus' are extracted everyday and thrown in the garbage. Even with this being the case, the fedaeral government will not allow these fetus' to be used in extremely valuable breakthrough research. If there were no fetus' to use then it wouldn't seem so bizzarre. But there are so why throw them away?

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