brief aspartame research review: Rich Murray 2008.02.10


Rich Murray

brief aspartame research review: Rich Murray 2008.02.10
Sunday, February 10, 2008
metabolic syndrome is tied to diet soda, PL Lutsey, LM Steffen,
J Stevens, Circulation 2008.01.22: role of formaldehyde and
formic acid from methanol in wines, liquors, or aspartame?:
Murray 2008.02.07

"But the one-third who ate the most fried food increased their risk
by 25 percent, compared with the one-third who ate the least, and
surprisingly, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome was 34
percent higher among those who drank one can of diet soda a day
compared with those who drank none.

"This is interesting," said Lyn M. Steffen, an associate professor of
epidemiology at the University of Minnesota and a co-author of the
paper, which was posted online in the journal Circulation on Jan. 22.
"Why is it happening? Is it some kind of chemical in the diet soda,
or something about the behavior of diet soda drinkers?""

"The diet soda association was not hypothesized
and deserves further study."
vinyl acetate, ethyl alcohol, or aspartame in womb increases later
cancers in adults with lifetime exposure in many studies, M Soffritti
et al, Ramazzini Foundation, Basic Clin. Pharm. Toxicol. 2008 Feb.:
Rich Murray 2008.02.07
folic acid prevents neurotoxicity from formic acid, made by body from
methanol impurity in alcohol drinks [ also 11 % of aspartame ],
BM Kapur, PL Carlen, DC Lehotay, AC Vandenbroucke,
Y Adamchik, U. of Toronto, 2007 Dec., Alcoholism Cl. Exp. Res.:
Murray 2007.11.27
details on 6 epidemiological studies since 2004 on diet soda (mainly
aspartame) correlations, as well as 14 other mainstream studies on
aspartame toxicity since summer 2005: Murray 2007.11.27
aspartame groups and books:
updated research review of 2004.07.16: Murray 2006.05.11
Souring on fake sugar (aspartame), Jennifer Couzin,
Science 2007.07.06: 4 page letter to FDA from 12 eminent USA
toxicologists re two Ramazzini Foundation cancer studies 2007.06.25:
Murray 2007.07.18
ASDA (unit of Wal-Mart Stores WMT.N) and Marks & Spencer
will join Tesco and also Sainsbury to ban and limit aspartame, MSG,
artificial flavors dyes preservatives additives, trans fats, salt
to protect kids from ADHD: leading UK media:
Murray 2007.05.15
Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) and coloring agents will
be banned from use in newly-born and baby foods, the European
Parliament decided: Latvia ban in schools 2006: Murray 2007.07.12
highly toxic formaldehyde, the cause of alcohol hangovers, is
made by the body from 100 mg doses of methanol from
dark wines and liquors, dimethyl dicarbonate, and aspartame:
Murray 2007.08.31

FEMA slow to safety test Katrina toxic trailers, Charles Babington,
Associated Press -- 1 ppm formaldehyde in air is about half the
daily dose from 3 cans aspartame diet soda and ten times the
1999 EPA alarm level for drinking water: Murray 2007.07.23

"Of course, everyone chooses, as a natural priority, to enjoy
peace, joy, and love by helping to find, quickly share, and positively
act upon evidence about healthy and safe food, drink, and

Rich Murray, MA Room For All
505-501-2298 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 new primary archive
group with 120 members, 1,516 posts in a public archive
how to send aspartame info to
Hawaii House of Representatives Health Committee
for 8 AM Friday Feb. 8 session: Rich Murray 2008.02.06
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Trojan saying: "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts..."

Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 2007; 37(8): 629-727. 98 pages
Aspartame: a safety evaluation based on current use levels,
regulations, and toxicological and epidemiological studies.
Magnuson BA, Burdock GA, Doull J, Kroes RM, Marsh GM,
Pariza MW, Spencer PS, Waddell WJ, Walker R, Williams GM.
Burdock Group, Washington, DC, USA.;

Aspartame is a methyl ester of a dipeptide used as a synthetic
nonnutritive sweetener in over 90 countries worldwide
in over 6000 products.

The purpose of this investigation was to review the scientific
literature on the absorption and metabolism, the current consumption
levels worldwide, the toxicology, and recent epidemiological studies
on aspartame.

Current use levels of aspartame, even by high users in special
subgroups, remains well below the U.S. Food and Drug
dministration and European Food Safety Authority established
acceptable daily intake levels of 50 and 40 mg/kg bw/day,

Consumption of large doses of aspartame in a single bolus dose
will have an effect on some biochemical parameters,
including plasma amino acid levels and brain neurotransmitter levels.

The rise in plasma levels of phenylalanine and aspartic acid
administration of aspartame at doses less than or equal
to 50 mg/kg bw do not exceed those observed postprandially.

Acute, subacute and chronic toxicity studies with aspartame, and
its decomposition products, conducted in mice, rats, hamsters and
dogs have consistently found no adverse effect of aspartame with
doses up to at least 4000 mg/kg bw/day.
[ Humans are about ten times more vulnerable to methanol
(formaldehyde) toxicity than any animal. ]

Critical review of all carcinogenicity studies conducted on
aspartame found no credible evidence that aspartame is
Souring on fake sugar (aspartame), Jennifer Couzin,
Science 2007.07.06: 4 page letter to FDA from 12 eminent USA
toxicologists re two Ramazzini Foundation cancer studies 2007.06.25:
Murray 2007.07.18 ]

The data from the extensive investigations into the possibility of
neurotoxic effects of aspartame, in general, do not support the
hypothesis that aspartame in the human diet will affect nervous
system function, learning or behavior.

Epidemiological studies on aspartame include several case-control
studies and one well-conducted prospective epidemiological study
with a large cohort, in which the consumption of aspartame was

The studies provide no evidence to support an association between
aspartame and cancer in any tissue.

The weight of existing evidence is that aspartame is safe at current
levels of consumption as a nonnutritive sweetener.
PMID: 17828671

bias, omissions, incuriosity = opportunity, aspartame safety
evaluation, Magnuson BA, Burdock GA, Williams GM, 7 more,
2007 Sept, Ajinomoto funded 98 pages html [$ 32
781888262_content.pdf]: Murray 2007.09.15
Saturday, September 15, 2007 [ for full text ];;;;;;;;;;;

Herein I give selections from ASE, along with critical comments and
notes in square brackets, along with their 415 references.....

[ just the start of my critique... ]

[ The following critiques will be appreciated by the few who have the
tenacity to plow through the tedious mazes of red herrings, omitted
studies, incuriosity, bias, cursory dismissals, unexamined details,
ignored opportunities, spiced with sonorous PR spin:
"...the most tested food additive in history,"
"...used in over 6,000 products worldwide,"
"...approved by FDA, WHO, EU FSA,
American Diabetes Assc., etc,"
"...components are part of normal foods and metabolism in much
greater amounts,"
"...finally put to rest all the rumors on the Net, using a tiny
of allergic individuals to opportunistically impugn distingished
experts, who are valiantly protecting diabetics and the obese against
the ravages of sugar."
faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile:
Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok,
Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde,
formic acid, acetaldehyde, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging:
Murray 2004.08.08 2005.07.11
critique of aspartame review, French Food Safety Agency AFSSA
2002.05.07 aspartamgb.pdf (18 pages, in English), Martin Hirsch:
Murray 2004.04.13
safety of aspartame Part 1/2 12.4.2: EC HCPD-G SCF:
Murray 2003.01.12 EU Scientific Committee on Food, a whitewash
Mark Gold exhaustively critiques European Commission Scientific
Committee on Food re aspartame ( 2002.12.04 ):
59 pages, 230 references
J Am Diet Assoc. 2004 Feb; 104(2): 255-75.
Position of the American Dietetic Association: use of nutritive and
nonnutritive sweeteners. American Dietetic Association.
critique of aspartame review
by American Dietetic Association Feb 2004,
Valerie B. Duffy & Madeleine J. Sigman-Grant: Murray 2004.05.14

[ Here's a useful list... ]

reference 42:
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 2002 Apr; 35(2 Pt 2): S1-93.
Aspartame: review of safety.
Butchko HH,
Stargel WW,
Comer CP,
Mayhew DA,
Benninger C,
Blackburn GL,
de Sonneville LM,
Geha RS,
Hertelendy Z,
Koestner A,
Leon AS,
Liepa GU,
McMartin KE,
Mendenhall CL,
Munro IC,
Novotny EJ,
Renwick AG,
Schiffman SS,
Schomer DL,
Shaywitz BA,
Spiers PA,
Tephly TR,
Thomas JA,
Trefz FK.
Medical and Scientific Affairs, The NutraSweet Company,
Mt Prospect, Illinois 60056, USA.;

Over 20 years have elapsed since aspartame was approved by
regulatory agencies as a sweetener and flavor enhancer.

The safety of aspartame and its metabolic constituents was
established through extensive toxicology studies in laboratory
animals, using much greater doses than people could possibly

Its safety was further confirmed through studies in several human
subpopulations, including healthy infants, children, adolescents,
and adults; obese individuals; diabetics; lactating women; and
individuals heterozygous (PKUH) for the genetic disease
phenylketonuria (PKU) who have a decreased ability to metabolize
the essential amino acid, phenylalanine.

Several scientific issues continued to be raised after approval,
largely as a concern for theoretical toxicity from its metabolic
components -- the amino acids, aspartate and phenylalanine,
and methanol -- even though dietary exposure to these components
is much greater than from aspartame.

Nonetheless, additional research, including evaluations of possible
associations between aspartame and headaches, seizures, behavior,
cognition, and mood as well as allergic-type reactions and use by
potentially sensitive subpopulations, has continued after approval.

These findings are reviewed here.

The safety testing of aspartame has gone well beyond that required
to evaluate the safety of a food additive.

When all the research on aspartame, including evaluations in both
the premarketing and postmarketing periods, is examined as a
whole, it is clear that aspartame is safe, and there are no unresolved
questions regarding its safety under conditions of intended use.
PMID: 12180494

ASE "6.3.1. Two-Year Bioassay Studies

Aspartame was first approved by FDA as a nonnutritive sweetener
in 1974, based on the toxicity studies that were conducted by
the Searle Laboratories.

Chronic toxicity studies with aspartame, and its decomposition
product, DKP, were conducted in mice, rats, and dogs.

A 46-week study with aspartame was also performed with hamsters.

Table 15 provides a summary of these studies.

The carcinogenic potential of these compounds is discussed
in the next sections.

Following the approval of aspartame, a formal objection was
submitted to the FDA (FDA, 1981) questioning the conclusions
from the rodent studies on aspartame conducted by Searle, and
proposing that aspartame may have the potential to cause brain tumors
in humans.

This objection resulted in FDA staying the regulation approving
the marketing of aspartame in 1975, and the establishment of a
Public Board of Inquiry to reexamine the studies submitted by
Searle to the FDA.

Prior to the evaluation by the Board, the 15 studies submitted by
Searle were thoroughly audited by the Universities Associated for
Research and Education in Pathology, Inc. (UAREP)
and by the FDA.

The findings of the UAREP, the FDA,
and the Public Board of Inquiry were considered and evaluated
by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, resulting in the issuance
of the commissioner's Final Decision that at projected levels
of consumption, aspartame would not pose a risk of brain damage
and will not cause brain tumors (FDA docket, 75F-0355, 1981)
(FDA, 1981).

This decision resulted in FDA vacating the stay of the original
1974 regulation.

Objections to the of the use of aspartame were again filed with the
FDA in 1983; however, the regulations approving the use of
aspartame was not stayed following these objections, as the
FDA stated that they failed to create sufficient doubt
about the safety of aspartame.

A response to the objections and a denial for a hearing was issued in
1984 by the Acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs (FDA docket
75F-0355 and 82F-0305) (FDA, 1984; Wurtman and Maher, 1987). "

[ In fact the FDA brought suit against Searle for its radically
improper scientific studies.

The industry won by persuading the FDA's two attorneys to let
the legal process languish.

Soon, the attorneys inexplicably found peasant, prosperous futures
in the industry's networks.

Similar adroit exercises in corporate realpolitik were led by the CEO
of Searle, none other than that modest American hero,
Donald Rumsfeld, who used Reagan's victory to immediately
manipulate the FDA's approval by a brand new Commisioner,
Arthur Hull Hayes, in July, 1981, of aspartame in dry foods,
and then in beverages two years later, whereupon the fortunate
Commissioner, troubled by hints of political corruption, found
a gracious post with the industry's PR agency.
aspartame history Part 1/4 1964-1976: Gold: Murray 1999.11.06
aspartame expose 96K Oct 1987 Part 1/3: Gregory Gordon,
UPI reporter: Murray 2000.07.10
revolving door, Monsanto, FDA, EPA: NGIN: Murray 2002.12.23
Florida office 888-628-7362
2001 9th Ave, Suite 301
Vero Beach, FL 32960
phone: 772-562-3900 fax: 772-562-3908
Additional office, Orlando, FL

Selecting the Right Product Strategy is the Key to Success(c)

focused expertise

Burdock Group's team of consultants, comprised of recognized
experts, will work with you to deliver real-time support and
practical solutions for safety assessment
and regulatory compliance -- on time and on budget.

experience counts

Burdock Group has submitted more successful GRAS
Notifications than any other consulting company

All GRAS Notifications were successful
No Notifications were rejected or underwent withdrawal

2nd Food Safety Technology Forum 2007 in Shanghai, China
on Aug. 28-29
Burdock Group Scientific Presentations at IFT 2007
Burdock Group presents mini-seminars at IFT 2007 FoodSmarts
Food Expo
Dr. Burdock and Dr. Carabin present at the 4th Annual Inventages
Summit June 5-7 in Great Exuma, Bahamas
Dr. Burdock and Dr. Griffiths present at the 23rd International Feed
Industry Symposium May 20-23 in Lexington, Kentucky
Dr.Burdock attends the June 19, 2007 Dietary Supplements
Stakeholder Forum in Bethesda, MD
Dr. Burdock attends the CHPA/CRN Adverse Event Reporting
Seminar in Bethesda, MD on June 20, 2007
Dr. Burdock attends the National Toxicology Program (NTP)
Board of Scientific Counselors meeting on June 22, 2007
in Research Triangle Park, NC
Dr. Matulka attends the June 26-28, 2007 CSL/JIFSAN Joint Symposium
on Food Safety and Nutrition: Nanotechnology in
Foods and Cosmetics

About Us
a cohesive team of single-source solutions

Formed over a decade ago in response to the need for the safety
assessment of flavor ingredients, Burdock Group has grown to
include experts from across the spectrum of toxicology and
regulatory affairs.
We offer our clients -- including many industry leaders -- technically
rigorous, comprehensive safety and regulatory management of their

Our primary office in Vero Beach, Florida, houses the largest
segment of our staff, as well as our extensive library and other
essential support services.
Our state of the art video equipment allows for important
face-to-face meetings, thus avoiding the time and cost of travel.
Our computer network operates via a "T-1" connection to ensure \rapid
data transfer with our virtual private network (VPN)
maintaining security.

Burdock Group staff includes scientists at the forefront of their
fields, as well as regulatory experts and project managers. Burdock
Group offers the highest quality consulting services for the safety
regulatory issues facing the Food and Beverage, Dietary Supplement
and Cosmetics and Personal Care Industries.
Together, we form a cohesive team
that offers single-source solutions for your business's safety
assessment and regulatory needs.

Industry-funded study calls aspartame safe
Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:58PM EDT
By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A review of 500 studies conducted
over a quarter century has turned up no credible evidence that the
widely used artificial sweetener aspartame is unsafe, industry-funded
research released on Tuesday showed.

A panel of American, British and Dutch experts rejected the notion
that aspartame causes cancer, seizures, neurological damage or
learning problems, or contributes to obesity.

The panel did conclude that some people might be prone to
headaches after consuming it.

The group did not conduct original research but assessed existing
studies on the safety of aspartame, first approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration in 1981. It is widely used in diet
soft drinks and sold in packets for use in coffee, tea or on food.

The panel saw consumption of it increasing, but called it safe for
adults or children and even among the heaviest users.

"Controlled and thorough scientific studies confirm aspartame's
safety and find no credible link between consumption of aspartame
at levels found in the human diet and conditions related to the
nervous system and behavior, nor any other symptom or illness,"
the researchers said in a paper published in the journal
Critical Reviews in Toxicology.

"There is no credible evidence that aspartame is carcinogenic,"
they added.

Michael F. Jacobson, PhD, executive director of the consumer group
Center for Science in the Public Interest, said the study grossly
exaggerates the importance of studies doubting health risks while
rejecting studies identifying possible problems.

Jacobson said "clouds of doubt" linger about aspartame's safety
and said it would be wise to minimize consumption of it until the
research is definitive. "This review is totally unreliable and people
should simply ignore it," Jacobson said.

Since its approval, some people have argued that aspartame can
cause a variety of illnesses, and various Web sites such as
denounce the sweetener.


The researchers rejected the findings of a study published in June
by Italian scientists that showed aspartame might cause leukemia,
lymphoma and breast cancer in rats. University of Maryland food
and nutrition professor Bernadene Magnuson said that study was
undermined by "numerous methodological and interpretation errors."

The FDA said after that study was published that it saw no reason
to alter its view that aspartame is safe.

Magnuson said one possible area of concern was research
indicating some may get headaches after consuming aspartame.
Magnuson cited conflicting results in headache studies, but said that
"a small subset of the population" may have some sensitivity to
aspartame-induced headaches.

The panel reviewed more than 500 human and animal studies,
articles and reports performed in the past 25 years.

"Certainly it is one of the most studied compounds ever," panel
chairman Dr. William Waddell of the University of Louisville
told reporters, saying the panel's 98-page report should put to rest
safety concerns relating to aspartame.

The panel's work was funded by Japanese food and seasonings giant
Ajinomoto Co, a maker of aspartame. Magnuson said the company
had no control over who was on the panel or how their work was
done, and panel members did not know who was funding the work
until it was done.

"I have no qualms in terms of who funded the study," Magnuson
told reporters.

Aspartame is used in more than 6,000 food products worldwide.

Merisant Co is another leading aspartame company, with the brands
Equal, Canderel and NutraSweet.
$ 32

Aspartame: A Safety Evaluation Based on Current Use Levels,
Regulations, and Toxicological and Epidemiological Studies
List of Figures
List of Tables

Aspartame: A Safety Evaluation Based on Current Use Levels,
Regulations, and Toxicological and Epidemiological Studies

Authors: [ I give details from Google and PubMed searches. ]

Bernadene A. Magnuson a; [ Bernadene A. Magnuson
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science

Expertise Key Words:
Prevention of colon cancer by food components, including vitamins,
nutrients and non-nutrients, such as plant and spice compounds;
Safety assessment of foods, food ingredients and dietary supplements
using toxicology data and risk assessment principles.

Expertise Credentials:
Over 25 peer-reviewed publications and several patents in cancer
prevention research and food toxicology.
Past-chair, Toxicology and safety evaluation division of Institute of
Food Technology,
Councilor for Food safety subdivision of Society of Toxicology,
Editorial board of Journal of Food Protection
and ad hoc reviewer for numerous journals.
Experience in food toxicology and safety assessment for private
industry, food regulations and FDA compliance issues.
Frequent presentor of food safety issues at national and international
Faculty Webpage

Contact Information:
Work phone 301-405-4523
3209 Marie Mount Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Ph.D., Nutrition and Food Science, University of Manitoba
M. Sc, Toxicology, University of Saskatchewan
B.S.H.Ec, Food Science, University of Saskatchewan ]

George A. Burdock b;,



G.A. Burdock, I.G. Carabin and J.C. Griffiths (2007)
Breaking Down the Barriers to Functional Foods, Chapter XX. In:
Nutraceutical And Functional Food Regulation In The United States
and Around The World, a volume of the Food Science and
Technology Series.
D. Bagchi (ed). Elsevier, NY (accepted and in press).

Flavor and Extract Manufactures Association (FEMA)
1986-1992 Washington, D.C.
Director of Scientific Affairs
Dr. Burdock managed the FEMA scientific programs, coordinated
the research activities of the testing laboratories, and communicated
with external consultants and allied industry committees working
with FEMA.
As the primary scientific liaison, Dr. Burdock guided member
companies with the preparation of submissions to the FEMA Expert
Panel for GRAS review, alerted Expert Panel and Association
members to scientific developments in the food and flavor industry,
and identified changes in the regulatory policies as a result of these

He authored and edited comprehensive literature reviews on flavor
additives and other topics relevant to the Association's interests.

Ph.D. in Toxicology, School of Pharmacy,
University of Mississippi, 1980
Master of Combined Sciences, Physiology and Biochemistry,
University of Mississippi, 1973
Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of Mississippi, 1969

F. Kotsonis, and G.A. Burdock (2007) Chapter 30: Food Toxicology.
In: Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. 8th edition
C.D. Klaassen (Ed.) Pergamon Press, New York.
(accepted and in press)
Assessment of Aspartame
edited by: Christian Tschanz, Harriett Butchko, W.W. Stargel,
Frank Kotsonis 1996 308 pages $134.00 + shipping

Dr. Kotsonis was corporate vice president of World Wide
Regulatory Sciences (1995-2000) at the Monsanto Company,
senior vice president of Preclinical and Clinical Research at the
NutraSweet Company,
director of toxicology at G.D.Searle,
and adjunct professor of toxicology at the Philadelphia College of
Pharmacy and Science.
He retired after 23 years at Monsanto in May 2000.

Burdock Group, 888, 17th Street, NW, Suite 810,
Washington, DC 20006, USA.

G.A. Burdock, Handbook of Flavour Ingredients, CRC Press, 2002.

G. A. Burdock, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives,.
Vol. I, CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1997. ]

John Doull c; [ Dr. John Doull, MD, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics
Main Phone Number: (913) 588-7508
Mailing Address:
4027 Kansas Life Sciences Innovations Center
Mail Stop 1018
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160

Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons
(Editors, CD Klaassen, MO Amdur, J Doull).
Fifth Edition.McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York, USA, 1996.

Toxicol Rev. 2005; 24(1): 1-10.
The potential adverse health effects of dental amalgam.
Brownawell AM, Berent S, Brent RL, Bruckner JV, Doull J,
Gershwin EM, Hood RD, Matanoski GM,
Rubin R, Weiss B, Karol MH.
"This review has uncovered no convincing evidence pointing to any
adverse health effects that are attributable to dental amalgam
restorations besides hypersensitivity in some individuals.
PMID: 16042501"

Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2001; 41: 1-21.
Toxicology comes of age.
Doull J.
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas 66160, USA.

This paper contains recollections of some of the people and
events that influenced the development of toxicology as an
academic discipline. It also describes my experiences in
pharmacology at the University of Chicago and the University
of Kansas Medical Center and concludes with speculation
concerning the future of toxicology.
Moderation in all things/Ne quid nimis. --
Terence in Andria PMID: 11264448 ]

Robert M. Kroes d; [[deceased] No items in PubMed

1972 -- National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20014

Contact (for editorial): Bert Brunekreef, Ph.D.,
Institute for Risk Assessment Services, Universiteit Utretcht
P.O. Box 80178 3508 TD, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 30 253 9494 ]

Gary M. Marsh e;

A410 Crabtree Hall
130 DeSoto Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Telephone: 412-624-3032 Facsimile: 412-624-9969

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1973
M.S.(Hyg), University of Pittsburgh, 1974
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1977

"Mis-Specified and Non-Robust Mortality Risk Models for
Naspharyngeal Cancer
in the National Cancer Institute Formaldehyde Worker Cohort Study."
Marsh GM, Youk AO, Morfeld P.
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, In Press, 2006.

"Reevaluation of Mortality Risk from Nasopharyngeal Cancer in the
Formaldehyde Cohort Study of the National Cancer Institute."
Marsh GM, Youk AO.
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 42: 275-283, 2005.

"Pharyngeal Cancer Mortality among Chemical Plant Workers
Exposed to Formaldehyde."
Marsh GM, Youk AO, Buchanich JM, Cassidy LD,
Lucas LJ, Esmen NA, Gathuru I.
Toxicology and Industrial Health, 18: 257-268, 2002
(actual publication date January 2004).

"Formaldehyde Exposure and Respiratory Tract Cancer Among
Chemical Plant Workers: An Updated Cohort Study
and New Nested Case-Control Study."
Marsh GM, Youk AO, Buchanich JM, Cassidy LD,
Lucas LJ, Esmen NA, Gathuru I.
Toxicology and Industrial Health18: 257-268, 2002
(actual publication date January 2004).

"Historical Cohort Study of U.S. Man-Made Vitreous Fiber
Production Workers.
III. Analysis of Exposure-Weighted Measures of Respirable
Fibers and Formaldehyde in the Nested Case-Control
Study of Respiratory System Cancer."
Youk AO, Marsh GM, Stone RA, Buchanich JM, Smith TJ.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 43: 767-778, 2001.

"Mortality Patterns among Chemical Workers in a Factory Where
Formaldehyde Was Used."
Marsh GM, Stone RA, Esmen NA, Henderson VH, Lee KY.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 53: 613-617, 1996.

"Mortality Among Chemical Plant Workers Exposed to
Formaldehyde and Other Substances."
Marsh GM, Stone RA, Esmen NA, Henderson VL.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 86: 384-385, 1994.

"Lung Cancer Mortality among Industrial Workers Exposed to
Formaldehyde: A
Poisson Regression Analysis of the National Cancer Institute Study."
Marsh GM, Stone RA, Henderson V.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 53: 681-691, 1992.

"A Reanalysis of the National Cancer Institute Study on Mortality
Among Industrial Workers Exposed to Formaldehyde."
Marsh GM, Stone RA, Henderson V.
Journal of Occupational Medicine 34: 42-44, 1992.

Gary M. Marsh, M.S., Ph.D.
Gary M. Marsh, Ph.D. is professor of biostatistics at the University
of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health.
He received his B.S. degree in mathematics (cum laude) in 1973
from the University of Pittsburgh and his M.S. (Hyg.)
and Ph.D. degrees in biostatistics in from the
University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health in 1974
and 1977, respectively.
Dr. Marsh has more than 150 publications in the areas of
biostatistics, occupational and environmental epidemiology,
quantitative risk
assessment, statistical computing and health services evaluation.
He is the senior author of the computer software package,
OCMAP (Occupational Cohort Mortality Analysis Program),
which is used as a standard analytic tool by more than
150 domestic and 40 foreign institutions
involved in occupational health research.
Dr. Marsh is also developer of the Mortality and Population Data
System (MPDS), a repository and retrieval system for
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and U.S. Census
Bureau data,
which is regularly accessed by scores of domestic occupational
and environmental health researchers.

Dr. Marsh directs occupational epidemiologic studies to investigate
the long -term health effects of exposure to such agents as man-made
mineral fibers, formaldehyde,
acrylamide, acrylonitrile, arsenic, chloroprene, petrochemicals,
aromatic amines, and pharmaceuticals.

In addition, he conducts environmental epidemiologic studies of
communities exposed to industrial pollutants or to hazardous
waste site materials and is involved in basic methodological
research related to
longitudinal data analysis and quantitative risk assessment.
He also directs programs of biostatistical support for the
health outcome research and quality improvement areas of large
health maintenance organizations, and for the occupational and
environmental health areas of corporations and trade organizations.
Dr. Marsh teaches graduate-level courses in applied biostatistics,
sampling theory and meta-analysis, and directs several masters and
doctoral level students.
Within the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public
Health, he established the Biostatistics Consulting Laboratory and
directs the National Center for Health Statistics data sharing

Michael W. Pariza f;
Professor, Department of Food Microbiology & Toxicology
Director, Food Research Institute
Wisconsin Distinguished Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1925 Willow Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1187
telephone: 608-263-6955 fax: 608-263-1114

Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Food

BS 1967, Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS 1969, Microbiology, Kansas State University
PhD 1973, Microbiology, Kansas State University
Postdoc, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research,
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dietary aspects of carcinogenesis.
Biological significance of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

Dhiman, T. R., L. D. Satter, M. W. Pariza, M. P. Galli,
K. Albright, and M. X. Tolosa.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of milk from cows offered
diets rich in linoleic and linolenic acid.
J. Dairy Sci. 83: 1016-1027 (2000).

Pariza, M. W., Y. Park, and M. E. Cook.
Conjugated linoleic acid and the control of cancer and obesity.
Toxicol. Sci. 52(Suppl.): 107-110 (1999). ]

Peter S. Spencer g;

[ /

Peter S. Spencer, Director,
Center for Research on
Occupational and Environmental Toxicology.
Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR 97201, USA.
Ph: 503-494-4273 Fax: 503-494-4278 E-mail:;
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L606
Portland, Oregon 97239-3098

Peter Spencer, PhD, FRCPath
Senior Scientist and Director, CROET
Principal Investigator, NIEHS-supported Superfund Basic
Research Center
Principal Investigator, NIEHS-supported (Neuro)toxicogenomics and
Child Health Research Center
Professor of Neurology, OHSU School of Medicine
and member of the interdepartmental Neuroscience faculty of OHSU
Adjunct Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Oregon State University
Honorary international appointments include Professor, Chinese
Academy of Preventive Medicine
(now China Center for Disease Control);
Honorary Professor, Sichuan University;
Honorary Professor, Guangxi Medical University;
Advisory Professor, Fudan University;
and Advisory Professor Jiangsu University, P.R. China

After earning his doctoral degree in Pathology
from the University of London, Faculty of Medicine,
Dr. Spencer joined the Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
New York, where he rose to the rank of
Tenured Professor of Neuroscience, Neurology and Pathology,
and Director, Institute of Neurotoxicology.
He joined Oregon Health Sciences University in 1988 to found
the Center for
Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology.

Dr. Spencer has authored more than 350 scientific papers and seven
books, including the standard text Experimental and Clinical
Neurotoxicology, the second edition which was published in 2000.
The entire first edition of the book is available online.

Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology
by Peter S. Spencer, Herbert H. Schaumburg, and Albert C. Ludolph
(Hardcover - Mar 2000) Buy new: CDN $ 227.50

Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology - 1980 - 929 pages
Disorders of Peripheral Nerves - 1992 - 348 pages
Recent Advances in Nervous System Toxicology - 1988 ]

William J. Waddell h;
[ William J. Waddell, M.D.
14300 Rose Wycombe Lane, Prospect, Ky 40059
Phone: 502-228-4220 FAX: 502-228-6779
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine,
University of Louisville, KY, USA.

Hum Exp Toxicol. 2006 Jul; 25(7): 413-36
Critique of dose response in carcinogenesis.
Waddell WJ.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine,
University of Louisville, KY, USA.;

"...It is pointed out that there is strong experimental evidence that
the mere presence of DNA adducts does not necessarily
lead to tumor production.
Hormesis probably applies to carcinogenesis and proof of this will
require abandoning the no threshold concept.
Experiments showing that cumulative dose is a better metric than daily
dose may require reevaluating almost all carcinogenicity studies.
PMID: 16898170"

Tamburro CH, Waddell WJ.
Cancers of the nasopharynx and oropharynx and formaldehyde
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1987 Sep; 79(3): 605. No abstract available.
PMID: 3476796 ]

Ron Walker i;
[ Dr. Ron Walker, professor, School of Biological Sciences,
University of Surrey, UK.;

Asian Food Information Centre

Professor Ron Walker is Emeritus Professor of Food Science,
School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK.
[retired before 2007]
A food toxicologist, with research interests in food additives and
contaminants, Professor Walker has served on the Food and
Agriculture Organization / World Health Organization Expert
Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) for 19 years
and since 1993 has acted as Chairman or Vice-chairman.
AFIC caught up with Professor Walker at the seminar on Risk
Assessment and Use of High-intensity Sweeteners,
Bangkok, Thailand on November 10, 1999.
The meeting was organised by
the International Life Sciences Institute, Thailand,
the Food and Drug Administration, Thailand,
and the Thai Ministry of Public Health.
"All sweeteners have undergone extensive research and
development and rigorous safety assessments and evaluation
before they are approved.
Once approved by regulatory bodies, they are deemed safe
for human consumption.
Acesulfame-K, aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, cyclamate and
alitame have all been reviewed and found safe by the
Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
and the World Health Organization." ]

Gary Murray Williams j

Professor, Pathology
Dept. of Pathology
Basic Sciences Building, New York Medical College
Valhalla, NY 10595

Professional Interests:

The research in Dr. Williams' laboratory focuses on mechanisms
of chemical carcinogenesis and procedures for identifying chemical
Investigations are being pursued on the pathogenesis of liver cancer
induced either by agents that attack DNA or that operate through
indirect or epigenetic mechanisms.
Aspects of particular interest are the shapes of dose-response
curves for these two types of agents, and the identification of
thresholds for cellular effects.
The laboratory has a major project on interaction between ultraviolet
irradiation and chemicals to produce photochemical mutagenicity and
In studying procedures for identifying chemical carcinogens, emphasis
has been placed on techniques for measuring interaction with DNA to
detect genotoxic agents.
Also under investigation are methods for inhibiting chemical-induced

Washington and Jefferson College,
Washington, Pa. B.A. 1963; Magna Cum Laude
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pa. M.D., 1967

1999 - present Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology,
Director of
Environmental Pathology and Toxicology,
Head, Program on Medicine, Food and Chemical Safety,
Professor of Clinical Public Health, School of Public Health,
New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York;

1992 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Longevity and Aging:
Environmental and Nutritional Influences on Aging and Cancer
Experimental Gerontology, Volume 27, Special Issue, 1992

1993 Editor-in-Chief, Antioxidants Chemical, Physiological,
Nutritional and Toxicological Aspects,
Princeton Scientific Publish. Co.

1994-present Area Editor for Carcinogenesis, Drug and Chemical

1997 Co-Editor, Reducing Dietary Fat: Putting Theory into
Journal of The American Dietetic Association,
Volume 97, Supplement 1,

2002 International Symposium on
Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis,
New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY

1993-2005 Member, Board of Trustees, International Life Sciences
Institute, Health and Environmental Sciences Institute.
Chair, Membership Development Committee, 2002-2003.

2005 International Life Sciences Institute, Health and Environmental
Sciences Institute, Emerging Issues Subcommittee on Biological
Significance of DNA Adducts.

2006 International Life Sciences Institute, Health and Environmental
Sciences Institute, Scientific Advisor. ]


a Burdock Group, Washington, DC, USA
b Burdock Group, Vero Beach, Florida, USA
c University of Kansas Medical School, Kansas City, Kansas, USA
d Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands
e University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
f University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
g Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA
h University of Louisville Medical School, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
i University of Surrey, Guilford, Great Britain
j New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, USA

DOI: 10.1080/10408440701516184
Publication Frequency: 10 issues per year
Published in: journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology,
Volume 37, Issue 8 September 2007 , pages 629-727 98 pages