Bucket of Weenies Show Cancelled


New member
"It was announced today that Chester Bennington, Amir Derakh, and Ryan Shuck will not Perform as previously said. Once again, their performance at the Taste The Music Festival in Arizona Nov 5th has been cancelled...Sorry for any disapointment..."

>_< damnit there goes the hopes of getting a bootleg :(



New member
Its *** saying shame on you. I told Hanhninator to not steal the last peice of cake. And yet he did, now *** is punishing him. Look what you did MarterrelPhortMinuerSunofagun! NO BOOTLEG o_O


New member
Uh....no one does *runs off crying*
lol no

say chester read all your threads about bootlegging ang ****....he might not want that so he cancelled it...idk...im psycho.
I really hope you're kidding. Chester has important stuff to do than to look at a Linkin Park fansite.

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