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Obama Says Clinton Would Be a Step Back

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

DENVER -- Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday a Hillary Rodham
Clinton presidency would be a step back to the past, turning her husband's
image of a bridge to the future against her. The former first lady decried
the tenor of his comments in an interview with The Associated Press.

"I know it is tempting _ after another presidency by a man named George Bush
_ to simply turn back the clock, and to build a bridge back to the 20th
century," the Illinois senator said in Denver.

"... It's not enough to say you'll be ready from Day One _ you have to be
right from Day One," he added in unmistakable criticisms of Clinton, who
often claims she's better prepared to govern, and her husband, who pledged
during his own presidency to build a bridge to the 21st century.

Within hours, Hillary Clinton pushed back in an interview with the AP _ and
got in her own dig.

"That certainly sounds audacious, but not hopeful," said Clinton, in a play
on the title of Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope." "It's not hopeful and
it's not what we should be talking about in this campaign," said Clinton,
suggesting Obama was abandoning the core of his campaign.

"I would certainly, through you, hope we could get back to talking about the
issues, drawing the contrasts that are based in fact that have a connection
to the American people," Clinton said.

In his speech, Obama depicted Clinton as a calculating, poll-tested divisive
figure who will only inspire greater partisan divisions as she sides with
Republicans on issues such as trade, the role of lobbyists in politics and
national security. At the same time, he elevated McCain, fresh off victory
in Florida's crucial primary, as the likely Republican nominee.

In the AP interview, Clinton vowed to take the high road and warned that
voters in the mega-primaries next week expect that.

"I'm going to continue to talk to people about what we need to do in our
country to try to lift people up, to keep focused on the future to be very
specific about what I want to do as president because I want to be held
accountable," said Clinton.

Obama drew more than 10,000 people to his speech at the University of
Denver. They packed a hockey arena and crammed into two overflow rooms and
still were lined up outside to get in. Colorado is a caucus state, one of 22
to hold nominating contests Tuesday, and is one of a handful of states where
the Obama campaign is predicting victory. Clinton has the advantage in
several others, while several are still up for grabs.

"Democrats will win in November and build a majority in Congress not by
nominating a candidate who will unite the other party against us, but by
choosing one who can unite this country around a movement for change," Obama
said, speaking as rival John Edwards was pulling out of the race in New
Orleans, leaving a Clinton-Obama fight for the Democratic nomination.

"It is time for new leadership that understands the way to win a debate with
John McCain or any Republican who is nominated is not by nominating someone
who agreed with him on voting for the war in Iraq or who agreed with him in
voting to give George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran, who agrees with
him in embracing the Bush-Cheney policy of not talking to leaders we don't
like, who actually differed with him by arguing for exceptions for torture
before changing positions when the politics of the moment changed," Obama

"We need to offer the American people a clear contrast on national security,
and when I am the nominee of the Democratic Party, that is exactly what I
will do," he said.

The two rivals fought hard prior to the South Carolina primary, but the
tenor has eased a bit since then.

"I've been trying to keep this on a level where the contrasts and
comparisons are certainly fair, this is an election after all," said
Clinton. "I've been trying very hard to set the right tone, to be focused on
bringing the party together, bringing the country together but around
specific goals."

Clinton spent her day in Little Rock, before heading to Atlanta for speeches
to the Southern Baptist Convention and a major Democratic fundraiser. She
took a colorful diversion on the trip to Atlanta, heading down the aisle of
her campaign plane serving peach cobbler to reporters and staffers.

"It was fresh this morning," said Clinton. "I love anything peach."

Obama said he understands voters might feel some comfort at the idea of
returning to another President Clinton after eight years of Bush. But he
cautioned voters not to buy the argument that Clinton's experience is what
the country needs.

"It is about the past versus the future," he said. "And when I am the
nominee, the Republicans won't be able to make this election about the past.

"If you choose change, you will have a nominee who doesn't just tell people
what they want to hear," Obama told them. "Poll-tested positions, calculated
answers might be how Washington confronts challenges, but it's not how you
overcome those challenges; it's not how you inspire our nation to come
together behind a common purpose, and it's not what America needs right now.
You need a candidate who will tell you the truth."

Later Wednesday, Obama gave a 10-minute talk by live broadcast to a joint
meeting in Atlanta of four historically black Baptist denominations, where
Clinton was to appear in person later. These groups produced some of the
most prominent civil rights leaders, including the Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr.. whom Obama quoted.

"Pastors are pushing this movement forward," Obama said of his campaign,
"and I need each and every one of you in this fight."

He asked the audience to imagine what it would mean for the country to see
him with his hand on the Bible, taking the presidential oath of office.

"Our children will look at themselves differently and their possibilities
differently. They'll look at each other differently," he said.