Buckwheat Dining Off Hitlary's Plate - SEIU Nevada Endorses Buckwheat!


Patriot Games


SEIU Nevada Endorses Obama

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama has won an endorsement from the Nevada
chapter of the Service Employees International Union, boosting his prospects
against rival Hillary Rodham Clinton in Nevada's upcoming Democratic

The influential union claims to represent 17,500 health care and county
workers in Nevada. Its executive board approved the decision in a conference
call late Tuesday night, shortly after the Illinois senator finished a close
second behind Clinton in the New Hampshire primary.

The announcement came as Obama was expecting to get another boost from labor
in Nevada. The 60,000 member Culinary Workers Union, Local 226 was scheduled
to announce its endorsement Wednesday.

SEIU President Vicky Hedderman said she believes Obama is a candidate "who
could take the campaign all the way through November."

Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus is the next major Democratic nomination contest.
Under union rules, the endorsement allows SEIU locals in other states to
lend resources and volunteers to its Nevada counterpart on behalf Obama.

"Nevada is a caucus state, and as Obama showed in Iowa, organization of
every precinct is key to winning," Jane McAlevey, SEIU Executive Director,
said in a statement. "SEIU Nevada members from Reno to Elko to Las Vegas are
ready to make a difference in this state for our candidate."

Obama has won the support of SEIU locals and state councils in five states,
including his home state.

The decision is a blow to the campaign of former North Carolina Sen. John
Edwards, who came in third in the New Hampshire.

Edwards has the backing of the 600,000-member SEIU California State Council.
He had hoped to put that manpower to work in neighboring Nevada.