Buckwheat gets HUGE Endorsement, 1.9-Million Member Service Employees International Union!


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SEIU Endorses Obama

Friday, February 15, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barack Obama won the support Friday of the 1.9-million
member Service Employees International Union, his second endorsement in as
many days from large labor organizations and a fresh sign of momentum in the
Democratic presidential race with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"There has never been a fight in Illinois or a fight in the nation where our
members have not asked Barack Obama for assistance and he has not done
everything he could to help us," Andy Stern, the union's president, told
reporters in announcing the decision.

Stern said that in the months since union leaders met with several
Democratic candidates last fall, "the excitement has been building and
building for Obama."

The politically active union represents workers in health care, building
services and other industries. It has donated more than $25 million to
candidates in the past two decades, most of it to Democrats.

For Obama, the endorsement offers a chance to increase support in the
primary states that are scheduled to vote in the next few weeks,
particularly Ohio and Texas on March 4 and Pennsylvania on April 22.

On Thursday, Obama collected the support of the United Food and Commercial
Workers, a politically active union with significant membership in the
upcoming Democratic battlegrounds. The 1.3-million member UFCW has 69,000
members in Ohio and another 26,000 in Texas. The food workers also have
19,000 members in Wisconsin, which holds a primary Tuesday.

The union is made up of supermarket workers and meatpackers, with 40 percent
of the membership under 30 years old. Obama has been doing especially well
among young voters.

The SEIU delayed a national endorsement for months after inviting Obama,
Clinton and other Democratic candidates to speak to its members in

In the interim, several state affiliates swung behind candidates, many of
them choosing former Sen. John Edwards.

Edwards dropped out of the race just before the Super Tuesday primaries and
caucuses on Feb. 5, leaving the field to Obama and Clinton.

Stern said in a telephone interview that siding against Clinton was not an
easy thing to do.

"It is hard because Senator Clinton is both a great senator and a good
friend to the SEIU," he told The Associated Press shortly after the

Stern said the union waited this long to endorse a candidate because there
was a lot of support for John Edwards and "we didn't want to look like we
were bouncing between candidates." The Obama endorsement came after careful
consideration, he said, and polling of the membership.

"Our members and leaders really feel that American needs profound change and
something that engages the next generation," Stern said, adding that Obama
fits the bill.

Last October, the union said it would hold off on an endorsement in the
primary because of divisions that had been apparent among SEIU supporters of
Edwards, Clinton and Obama.

"Given the importance of this election, we are encouraging members and
leaders to act on their passion for the candidates and get involved on a
statewide basis," Stern said at the time.