Buckwheat gets HUGE Endorsement from Teamsters Union! Hitlary gets Slapped Down Like a Cur Dog!


Patriot Games


Teamsters Union to Endorse Obama

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barack Obama is slated to pick up the endorsement of the
powerful Teamsters, the second major union endorsement for the Democratic
front-runner in a week, union officials told The Associated Press on

Obama will meet with Teamster President James P. Hoffa in Austin, Texas, on
Wednesday. The endorsement is expected to come soon thereafter, said the
officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the planned formal

The Teamsters represent 1.4 million members.

Union support will be key in the Democratic primaries in the next few weeks,
particularly in Ohio on March 4 and Pennsylvania on April 22. Ohio and
Pennsylvania have some of the nation's largest number of union workers, with
more than 15 percent of the workforce unionized in Pennsylvania and just
over 14 percent in Ohio.

The endorsement from the Teamsters is Obama's third from organized labor in
a week. The 1.9-million member Service Employees International Union
endorsed the Illinois senator last Friday, and the smaller United Food and
Commercial Workers endorsed him last Thursday.

Rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton by far has a larger number of unions in
her corner with 12 endorsements from unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO _
the nation's largest labor federation _ and the United Farm Workers from the
rival Change To Win labor federation.

But Obama also has two AFL-CIO unions in his corner in the Transport Workers
Union and the National Weather Service Employees Organization. And with a
Teamsters endorsement, he will have four Change To Win unions in his corner:
the Teamsters, SEIU, the United Food and Commercial Workers and UNITE HERE,
who gave the Illinois senator his first national endorsement from a union.
"HarryNadds" <hoofhearted07@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Feb 20, 3:28 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> http://www.newsmax.com/politics/obama_teamsters/2008/02/20/74122.html
>> Teamsters Union to Endorse Obama
>> Wednesday, February 20, 2008

>I gotta' ask again.Did the Teamsters Union members that are "backing "
>Kennedy's nigga doing it of they're own free will or under the threat
>of being knee capped??

I've never been in a Union so I don't know for sure how it all works....

I think what happens is you do what the Union Bosses say or your life begins
to suck, and then suck more, and then suck even more until you eventually do
what the Union Bosses say.

However, the kneecaps thing cuts right into the Union's pension and health
funds, which the Union Bosses skim from weekly, so I rather think it doesn't
get that bad.

I could be wrong...