Buckwheat Gets Labor Union Endorsement, Hitlary Gets Poked in the Eye!


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Labor Union, Superdelegate Endorse Obama

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

PHILADELPHIA -- Sen. Barack Obama received endorsements Wednesday from a
labor union and a Democratic superdelegate, as he tried to regain the
presidential campaign momentum he enjoyed before Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton
won two large states last month.

The Illinois senator peeled off an affiliate of the American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Employees, which has endorsed Clinton. The
Philadelphia-based local of the National Union of Hospital and Health Care
Employees has about 16,000 members.

Its president, Henry Nicholas, announced the endorsement while introducing
Obama at a meeting of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO in Philadelphia.

Nicholas, who also is president of the 150,000-member national union and an
AFSCME international vice president, said he took the step "because justice
told me it was the right position to take."

Meanwhile Wednesday, Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal said he will back Obama.
As a superdelegate, Freudenthal is among the Democratic Party leaders who
will decide the nomination, because neither Obama nor Clinton can win it
solely with pledged delegates awarded through primaries and caucuses. Obama
handily won Wyoming's March 8 caucus.

Obama and Clinton campaigned Wednesday in Pennsylvania, whose presidential
primary is April 22. A new poll shows Obama eating slightly into her lead
there as he drew more support from men and young voters. The
12-percentage-point edge Clinton held in mid-March is now nine points,
according to the Quinnipiac University telephone poll, which ended March 31.

Clinton is well ahead of Obama among Pennsylvania's white voters, 59 percent
to 34 percent, while Obama gets nearly three of four black votes. She is
well ahead among women, while the two are even with men.

With both candidates wooing union members, displaced workers and anxious
families, they quarreled again over which of them would oppose or modify
trade deals such as the North America Free Trade Agreement. Some labor
leaders blame NAFTA for sending U.S. jobs overseas, a claim that many
economists dispute.

As many as 830,000 union voters are expected to have a strong say in how
more than 4.1 million Democrats, a record registration for Pennsylvania,
allocate the state's 158 delegates to the Democratic national convention.

Obama told the AFL-CIO gathering that he will oppose pacts that threaten
U.S. jobs. His campaign scheduled a call with reporters Wednesday to
underscore the role that Bill Clinton's presidency played in enacting NAFTA.

"What I refuse to accept is that we have to sign trade deals like the South
Korea Agreement that are bad for American workers," Obama said.

He and Clinton have spent weeks arguing over which of them did or did not
oppose NAFTA. The issue loomed large prior to March 4 primaries in Ohio and
Texas that Clinton won. Speaking to the same unions a day earlier, Clinton
said as first lady she had forcefully battled the agreement, which her
husband labored hard to win.

"I did speak out and oppose NAFTA," she said. "I raised a big yellow flag
and said, 'I don't think this will work.'"

The National Archives recently released most of Clinton's daily schedules as
first lady. They showed her attending at least five meetings in 1993 aimed
at helping win congressional approval of NAFTA.

The Obama campaign says the meetings show Clinton is misrepresenting her
record on NAFTA. It got some help Wednesday from Teamsters president James
P. Hoffa, who is backing Obama.

"No one who was around in the time of NAFTA remembers her doing that,"
Hoffa, speaking to The Associated Press by phone, said of Clinton's claim
that she argued against NAFTA in 1993. "Let's face it, she's tied to NAFTA
no matter what she says."

At an economic summit in Pittsburgh organized Wednesday by her presidential
campaign, the New York senator said she would eliminate tax breaks for
companies that move jobs to other countries and use the savings to persuade
companies to keep jobs in the U.S.

Clinton's plan would offer new tax benefits for research and job
development. It would also create "innovation and research clusters" across
the country and provide $500 million annually in investments to encourage
the creation of high-wage jobs in clean energy.

Clinton called it her "insourcing agenda."

"We hear so much about outsourcing," she said. "We all know what that is.
It's when we lose jobs to other countries. I want to put an end to it. We're
going to change the tax code, we're going to change the giveaways to the
special interests."

AFSCME endorsed Clinton in October, and president Gerald McEntee is
considered one of her biggest supporters. AFSCME does not prohibit its
locals from endorsing separately. Only two, Illinois AFSCME Council 31 _ in
Obama's home state _ and Oregon AFSCME Council 75, had endorsed Obama before

"It's unfortunate that the Hospital and Health Care Employees Union/District
1199C has decided to ignore AFSCME's endorsement of Hillary Clinton,
especially since there is such a clear difference between the candidates on
health care," McEntee said.

Endorsing separately from the international union means that the National
Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees can spend its money only in
places where it has offices, including Pennsylvania.

Obama responded Wednesday to Clinton's comparison of herself a day earlier
to Rocky Balboa, the underdog boxer from Philadelphia in the 1976 film. She
said "when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common.
I never quit. I never give up."

Obama told the union meeting: "We all love Rocky. But we've got to remember,
Rocky was a movie."