Buckwheat & Hitlary Take Turns Giving Al 'Chicken Little' Gore a Handjob Daily


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White House Hopefuls Woo Gore

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Democratic White House hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama speak often
about green jobs, emissions cuts and renewable energy. But they have more
than global warming on their minds when they talk of environmental policy.

The long-term goal may be saving the planet, but the short-term one is
winning the backing of former Vice President Al Gore.

Gore, who won a Nobel prize for his work to combat rising temperatures, is
also a superdelegate, one of the influential Democratic Party leaders likely
to determine whether Obama, an Illinois senator, or Clinton, a New York
senator, wins the party's presidential nomination.

So the dueling candidates praise Gore during campaign stops, offer up the
prospect of roles for him in future administrations, and -- most of all --
they stay in touch.

"They both call. And I appreciate that fact," Gore said on the CBS
television program "60 Minutes" last week.

Obama, the Democratic front-runner, says he keeps in regular contact with
Gore and has pledged to make him a major player on global warming in an
Obama administration.

"I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a
central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem," Obama said.

Clinton told reporters she did not know whether Gore wanted to get back into
government but was sure the American people would welcome it.

"I am very dependent upon the work that Al Gore has done for so many years
on behalf of climate change," she said.

Gore's spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider, declined to comment on the Obama offer
and was complimentary about the presidential candidates, including
Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

"Former Vice President Gore thinks that both candidates are very strong.
Both of them have offered plans to address the climate crisis ... as has
Senator McCain," she said.

"It's a real turnaround to have candidates on both sides of the aisle
offering, you know, solutions and plans to the climate crisis."

Gore, who narrowly lost the 2000 election to George W. Bush, has dedicated
most of his professional life since then to fighting climate change.
Although he may not be eager to get back into the political fray, he has an
agenda: to put fighting global warming on the top of the next president's
to-do list.

That shouldn't be too hard. All three candidates have made climate proposals
that go far beyond Bush's policies, including a cap on industrial carbon
dioxide pollution and an emissions trading system similar to the European

"The most important role that Vice President Gore plays for all candidates
is to raise the bar very high on what needs to be done to solve this
critical problem," said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of
Conservation Voters.

Keeping the issue prominent on the campaign trail will give the next U.S.
president a mandate to put new policies into place, he said.

The candidates discuss the issue regularly at rallies and town hall
meetings, where lines about global warming often draw applause, especially
from Democratic audiences.

Environmentalists say a new president, armed with the right policies and a
cooperative Congress, could make Washington an influential leader in talks
to form an international climate treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which
goes through 2012 and which the United States has not ratified.

But for any new U.S. policies to succeed, American citizens will have to be
engaged, a problem Gore aimed to address with a newly launched $300 million
climate campaign.

Obama talks about the need for an attitude adjustment among Americans and
boasts of a trip he made to Detroit, where he admonished car makers to make
more fuel efficient vehicles.

Clinton says she would promote "green-collar" employment to replace lost
manufacturing jobs around the country.

McCain says even if global warming is not real, working to stop it will have
beneficial effects.

The talk has attracted the attention of environmentalists and policy makers
around the world who see a chance for a significant shift in U.S. climate
policy starting in 2009.

"Everybody in Europe is watching the election very closely," said Mahi
Sideridou of the environmental group Greenpeace in Brussels. "No matter
which party wins ... we're pretty sure that we're going to see a huge shift
in policy making in climate change."
Feminism is Jewish.

Gloria Steinem was a Jew. Bella Abzug was a Jew. Betty Friedan was
a Jew.

Friedan, as the writer of "The Feminen Mystique" and founder of
NOW, really
started the modern feminist movement.

"THE JEWISH 100: A Ranking Of the Most Influential Jews Of All Time"
By Michael Shaprio

# 56 Betty Friedan (b. 1921)

Born Betty Naomi Goldstein to Harry and Miriam (Horowitz) Goldstein in
Peoria, Illinois, educated at Smith College, married in 1947 to Carl
Friedan, the mother of three children, divorced in 1969, activist,
best-selling author, professor, a founder of the National Organization
for Women (NOW), the National Women's Political Caucus, and the First
Women's Bank, researcher, journalist, Democrat, clinical psychologist,
and grandmother, Betty Friedan was the most influential feminist of
the postwar era. Deemed by Marilyn French and others as an "initiator
of the 'second wave' of feminism, " Friedan's writings and lectures,
including the highly influential books THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE and THE
SECOND STAGE, synthesized women's views on what equality meant and how
to live and work... When the war against fascism ended two decades
later, four million women lost their jobs to returning GIs. Women were
again told that their place was in the home. The freedom to work to
build up and defend their nation was over. Men would earn the family's
bread. What the boys needed was a warm place to come home to every
night. Ironically, American soldiers had accepted some of the values
toward women (Kinder, Kuche, Kirche - children, kitchen, church) as
the Nazis they thought they had defeated...

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