Buckwheat Sez Hitlary Running a Turd-Scented Negative Campaign


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Obama Hits Clinton for Negative Campaign

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama accused rival Hillary Clinton
on Saturday of shifting positions and waging a negative campaign as the two
candidates sped across Pennsylvania before next week's potentially
make-or-break primary election.

Obama, an Illinois senator who is the party's national front-runner but
behind in Pennsylvania, hopes an upset will hand him the Democratic
nomination and knock Clinton, a New York senator, out of the race to compete
against Republican John McCain in the November general election.

He said the former first lady had adopted an attitude of, "We're going to
throw whatever we want at Barack, whether it's true, whether it's false,
whether it's exaggerated, whether it's relevant, because that's, according
to Senator Clinton, what the Republicans will do."

"What's happened is that Senator Clinton has internalized a lot of the
strategies, the tactics that have made Washington such a miserable place
where all we do is bicker and all we do is fight," he told a rally in Paoli,
Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia.

His comments came after a contentious television debate on Wednesday that
focused largely on issues such as his controversial former pastor, his
recent relationship with a 1960s radical, his remarks about small-town
voters and his failure to wear a flag lapel pin.

Clinton has seen her sizable advantage over Obama in Pennsylvania dwindle to
a single-digit lead, but a Gallup daily tracking poll released on Saturday
gave her a slight edge among Democrats nationwide -- putting her ahead of
her rival in that ranking for the first time since mid-March.

Clinton, who said Obama could not stand the pressure of the nation's top job
after he complained about the questions in Wednesday's debate, alluded to
the same theme on Saturday.

"When you get into the general election and when you get into the White
House, the stresses and pressures of the general election and the job are
overwhelming," she told a rally in West Chester, another Philadelphia

Clinton campaign advisers sought to play down expectations of a big victory
once polls close at 8 p.m. (0000 GMT) on Tuesday. They highlighted Obama's
financial advantage and advertising blitz.

Feminism: A Jewish Adversary Movement Against Gentile Culture.
Here is a list of some of the Jewish founders and leaders of the
modern feminist revolution. Keep in mind that this list is by no means
complete-these women are simply the more well-known within the
feminist movement; thousands of lesser-known Jewish women lead local
and obscure feminist groups

-Gloria Steinem (1934- ); founder, Ms. Magazine.

-Bella Abzug (1920-1998); Civil rights and labor attorney elected to
Congress (House of Rep.) from New York City; served 1971-1977.

-Betty Friedan (1921- ); feminist leader and author of the book "The
Feminine Mystique" (1963).

-Shulamith Firestone (1945- ); Canadian feminist. Wrote "The Dialectic
of Sex" (1970).

-Andrea Dworkin (1946- ); radical; apparent lesbian. Author of the
book "Intercourse" (1987).

-Susan Brownmiller (1935- ); U.S. feminist. Wrote the book "Against
Our Will" (1975).

-Susan Faludi (1959- ); author of the book "Backlash" (1992).

-Naomi Wolf (1962- ); advisor to Al Gore in the 2000 U.S.
presidential election.

-Emma Goldman (1869-1940); early U.S. feminist.

-Ernestine Rose (1810-1892); b. in Poland; early feminist.

-Phyllis Chesler (1941- ); U.S. feminist; author of the book "Woman's
Inhumanity to Woman" (2002).

-Judy Chicago (Cohen) (1939- ); U.S. feminist. Author of the book "The
Dinner Party" (1996).

-Robin Morgan (1941- ); U.S. feminist. Former editor-in-chief, Ms.

-Letty Cottin Pogrebin (1939- ); U.S. feminist; co-founded Ms.

-Gerda Lerner (1920- ); b. in Austria.

-Annie Nathan Meyer (1867-1951); U.S. feminist.

-Maud Nathan (1862-1946); sister of Annie Nathan Meyer; U.S. feminist.

-Geri Palast (1950- ); chair, Committee on Women in the Global
Economy; U.S. feminist.

-Rose Schneiderman (1882-1972); b. in Poland.

-Anita Pollitzer (1894-1975); U.S. feminist; pal of artist Georgia

-Gene Boyer (no birthyear available); a founder of N.O.W.; president
of Jewish Feminists; U.S. feminist.

-Lucy Komisar (1942- ); author of the book "The New Feminism" (1971);
U.S. feminist.

-Karen Nussbaum (1950- ); (apparently Jewish); leader of 9to5-National
Association of Working Women.

-Eleanor Flexner (1908-1995); (apparently Jewish); U.S. feminist.

-Riane Eisler (1931- ); b. Vienna; author/feminist; (apparently
Jewish-fled Nazis). Author of the book "The Chalice and the Blade"

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

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