Build Your Own Starting Gate!


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Well because taking th holeshot usually sets you up for a decent finish (MX), I decided to help out my team (CTR) and the local guys that ride my buddies track (about 50 riders, 50/50 split between bikes/quads) work on starts. We have a decent track, (track through my eyes: 450r if youre a 2smoker guy)
Anywho, enough on the why, more on the what.

I had a basic design, but no plans. I'm just winging it really. It is made of 2 10' gates that slip together and pivot on a hing welded to some flatstock and anchored to the ground.

the plan:

View attachment 463



Phantom Z

Nice, keep us in the loop on your progress!!

Coming from drag racing I can relate, the start plays a major role in the finish!!



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I just have my Wife stand in front of me with a "fold out" chair, drop it real fast and jump the f-ck out of the way!!


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I just have my Wife stand in front of me with a "fold out" chair, drop it real fast and jump the f-ck out of the way!!
Haha I'll have to get my GF to do that next time she's bothering me, haha.

This is what I ended up with.

image (4).jpg



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Thanks, I'll post some pics when we start using it. Hopefully this weekend

Total cost was 150$ my price.. but I got a good price on steel and didn't pay for gas or welding rods, so it would be a bit more. 20' is too much for 1-2 guys, but nice to have the extra length when there are 4-5 guys lined up.

I do have some concerns on it bending from somebody false starting, but I'm only dripping it from ~8" off the ground so it shouldn't jam too hard. I hope, lol .The hinges seem to work really well, I'll post back with an update after we use it for a few months.



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I'm only dropping it from 6-8" as mentioned above.. I'm hoping that short of a drop will prohibit false starts as much as possible.. if it happens it happens though..


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Well guys, I finished the gate. I went and tested it out for a little bit on the weekend. My brother was playing with his new phone and snapped some clips of the gate and me practicing some S turns..
Still not completely done, I want to stake it to the ground so it wont move back when people drive over it like in the second clip, but also i would like it to have some give if someone false starts so it would be pushed ahead.

I think I'm goiing to slot the flat steel so a pin can go in can stop it from going back, but still let the gate move forward.

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